internal override void OnEditBegun(DataGridItemEventArgs e)
            object item = e.Item;

            DataGridPageManagerBase pageManager = this.RootGroup.GetVirtualPageManager();

            if (!pageManager.IsItemDirty(item))
                // First time we enter edit on this item.
                DataGridItemPropertyCollection itemProperties = this.ItemProperties;
                int count = itemProperties.Count;

                string[] propertyNames = new string[count];
                object[] cachedValues  = new object[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    DataGridItemPropertyBase itemProperty = itemProperties[i];
                    propertyNames[i] = itemProperty.Name;
                    cachedValues[i]  = itemProperty.GetValue(item);

                // Cache the values of the never edited before row.  This will help the developer find the corresponding row
                // in the source when times comes to commit the changes to the data source.
                pageManager.SetCachedValuesForItem(item, propertyNames, cachedValues);
