Пример #1
        public double GetValueFromTrackBar(bool isInteger, int trackBarValue)
            double value;

            if (ConvenientDistribution == ConvenientDistributionEnum.Exponential)
                double v = (double)trackBarValue / 1000;
                v     = Math.Pow(v, ExponentialPower);
                value = Minimum + v * (Maximum - Minimum);
                if (isInteger)
                    value = trackBarValue;
                    value = (double)trackBarValue / 1000;

            value = MathEx.Clamp(value, Minimum, Maximum);
Пример #2
        //Vector2 GetScreenTextureBaseSize()
        //	double baseHeight = UIControlsWorld.ScaleByResolutionBaseHeight;
        //	return new Vector2( baseHeight * ParentContainer.AspectRatio, baseHeight );

        void UpdateValueByMouse()
            //!!!!может в стиль

            var rectangle = GetScreenRectangle() * new Vector2(ParentContainer.AspectRatio, 1);
            //var baseSize = GetScreenTextureBaseSize();
            //rectangle.LeftTop *= baseSize;
            //rectangle.RightBottom *= baseSize;

            double valueCoef;

            if (!Vertical)
                valueCoef  = MousePosition.X;
                valueCoef -= .5f;
                valueCoef *= rectangle.Size.X / (rectangle.Size.X - rectangle.Size.Y);
                valueCoef += .5f;
                valueCoef  = MousePosition.Y;
                valueCoef -= .5f;
                valueCoef *= rectangle.Size.Y / (rectangle.Size.Y - rectangle.Size.X);
                valueCoef += .5f;

            var valueRange = ValueRange.Value;
            var value      = valueRange[0] + valueCoef * (valueRange[1] - valueRange[0]);

            MathEx.Clamp(ref value, valueRange.Minimum, valueRange.Maximum);

            Value = value;
Пример #3
        public void SetMaskValue(Vector2I position, float value)
            //!!!!slowly. когда не проверять

            var mask = Mask.Value;

            if (mask != null)
                int size = GetSqrt(Mask.Value.Length);

                if (size > 0 && position.X >= 0 && position.X < size && position.Y >= 0 && position.Y < size)
                    float v = value * 255.0f + .5f;
                    var   i = (int)v;
                    mask[(size - 1 - position.Y) * size + position.X] = (byte)MathEx.Clamp(i, 0, 255);

                    //!!!!не всю обновлять
                    createdMaskImageNeedUpdate = true;

Пример #4
 public Color ToColor()
                (int)MathEx.Clamp(Alpha * 255, 0, 255),
                (int)MathEx.Clamp(Red * 255, 0, 255),
                (int)MathEx.Clamp(Green * 255, 0, 255),
                (int)MathEx.Clamp(Blue * 255, 0, 255)));
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs linear interpolation of <see cref="ColorByte"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value1">Source <see cref="ColorByte"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="value2">Destination <see cref="ColorByte"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="amount">Interpolation factor.</param>
 /// <returns>Interpolated <see cref="ColorByte"/>.</returns>
 public static ColorByte Lerp(ColorByte value1, ColorByte value2, double amount)
     amount = MathEx.Clamp(amount, 0, 1);
     return(new ColorByte(
                (int)MathEx.Lerp(value1.Red, value2.Red, amount),
                (int)MathEx.Lerp(value1.Green, value2.Green, amount),
                (int)MathEx.Lerp(value1.Blue, value2.Blue, amount),
                (int)MathEx.Lerp(value1.Alpha, value2.Alpha, amount)));
Пример #6
        static uint ToRGBA(ColorValue color)
            var alpha = (uint)MathEx.Clamp(color.Alpha * 255, 0, 255);
            var red   = (uint)MathEx.Clamp(color.Red * 255, 0, 255);
            var green = (uint)MathEx.Clamp(color.Green * 255, 0, 255);
            var blue  = (uint)MathEx.Clamp(color.Blue * 255, 0, 255);

            return(red << 24 | green << 16 | blue << 8 | alpha);
Пример #7
        public static float GetCameraDistanceMinSquared(Viewport.CameraSettingsClass cameraSettings, ref Bounds objectBounds)
            var nearestInBounds = cameraSettings.Position;

            MathEx.Clamp(ref nearestInBounds.X, objectBounds.Minimum.X, objectBounds.Maximum.X);
            MathEx.Clamp(ref nearestInBounds.Y, objectBounds.Minimum.Y, objectBounds.Maximum.Y);
            MathEx.Clamp(ref nearestInBounds.Z, objectBounds.Minimum.Z, objectBounds.Maximum.Z);

            return((float)(cameraSettings.Position - nearestInBounds).LengthSquared());
Пример #8
        int GetCellIndex(double x)
            if (sizeX == 0)
            var a     = (x - bounds.Minimum.X) / sizeX;
            var index = (int)(a * cells.Length);

            return(MathEx.Clamp(index, 0, cells.Length - 1));
Пример #9
        public void Write(QuaternionF source, int bitsPerElement)
            float x = source.X;
            float y = source.Y;
            float z = source.Z;
            float w = source.W;

            MathEx.Clamp(ref x, -1, 1);
            MathEx.Clamp(ref y, -1, 1);
            MathEx.Clamp(ref z, -1, 1);
            MathEx.Clamp(ref w, -1, 1);
            WriteRangedSingle(x, -1, 1, bitsPerElement);
            WriteRangedSingle(y, -1, 1, bitsPerElement);
            WriteRangedSingle(z, -1, 1, bitsPerElement);
            WriteRangedSingle(w, -1, 1, bitsPerElement);
Пример #10
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Constructs an RGBA color from scalars representing red, green and blue values. Alpha value will be opaque.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="r">Red component value from 0 to 255.</param>
        ///// <param name="g">Green component value from 0 to 255.</param>
        ///// <param name="b">Blue component value from 0 to 255.</param>
        //public ColorPacked( int r, int g, int b )
        //	_packedValue = 0xFF000000; // A = 255

        //	if( ( ( r | g | b ) & 0xFFFFFF00 ) != 0 )
        //	{
        //		var clampedR = (uint)MathHelper.Clamp( r, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue );
        //		var clampedG = (uint)MathHelper.Clamp( g, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue );
        //		var clampedB = (uint)MathHelper.Clamp( b, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue );

        //		_packedValue |= ( clampedB << 16 ) | ( clampedG << 8 ) | ( clampedR );
        //	}
        //	else
        //	{
        //		_packedValue |= ( (uint)b << 16 ) | ( (uint)g << 8 ) | ( (uint)r );
        //	}

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an RGBA color from scalars representing red, green, blue and alpha values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="red">Red component value from 0 to 255.</param>
        /// <param name="green">Green component value from 0 to 255.</param>
        /// <param name="blue">Blue component value from 0 to 255.</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">Alpha component value from 0 to 255.</param>
        public ColorByte(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha = 255)
            if (((red | green | blue | alpha) & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0)
                var clampedR = (uint)MathEx.Clamp(red, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue);
                var clampedG = (uint)MathEx.Clamp(green, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue);
                var clampedB = (uint)MathEx.Clamp(blue, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue);
                var clampedA = (uint)MathEx.Clamp(alpha, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue);

                _packedValue = (clampedA << 24) | (clampedB << 16) | (clampedG << 8) | (clampedR);
                _packedValue = ((uint)alpha << 24) | ((uint)blue << 16) | ((uint)green << 8) | ((uint)red);
Пример #11
        private void UpdateAnimationTime()
            if (this.PlayAnimation.Value == null)
            if (this.PlayAnimationName != this.PlayAnimation.Value.Name)
            double engineTime = EngineApp.EngineTime;
            double num        = engineTime - this.currentEngineTime;

            this.currentEngineTime     = engineTime;
            this.currentAnimationTime += num * (double)this.Speed;
            if (this.PlayAnimation.Value is Component_SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation)
                double trackStartTime = (double)skeletonAnimation.TrackStartTime;
                double length         = (double)skeletonAnimation.Length;
                if (length > 0.0)
                    if ((bool)this.AutoRewind)
                        while (this.currentAnimationTime > trackStartTime + length)
                            this.currentAnimationTime -= length;
                        while (this.currentAnimationTime < trackStartTime)
                            this.currentAnimationTime += length;
                        MathEx.Clamp(ref this.currentAnimationTime, trackStartTime, trackStartTime + length);
                    this.currentAnimationTime = trackStartTime;
                this.currentAnimationTime = 0.0;
Пример #12
        void Simulate(float delta)
            if (Changing)
                var oldValue = Value.Value;

                //calculate new value
                var newValue = oldValue;
                var step     = ChangeSpeed * delta;
                if (ChangingForward)
                    newValue += step;
                    newValue -= step;
                newValue = MathEx.Clamp(newValue, ValueRange.Value.Minimum, ValueRange.Value.Maximum);

                //update value
                Value = newValue;

                //play tick sound
                    bool play = false;

                    if (SoundTickFrequency > 0)
                        for (var tickTime = ValueRange.Value.Minimum; tickTime <= ValueRange.Value.Maximum; tickTime += SoundTickFrequency)
                            var before = oldValue < tickTime;
                            var after  = newValue < tickTime;
                            if (before != after)
                                play = true;

                    if (play)
Пример #13
            public unsafe void SetPixel(Vector2I position, Vector4F value)
                if (position.X < 0 || position.X >= size.X || position.Y < 0 || position.Y >= size.Y)

                    fixed(byte *pData = data)
                        switch (format)
                        case PixelFormat.Float32RGBA:
                            var p = (Vector4F *)pData + position.Y * size.X + position.X;
                            p->X = value.X;
                            p->Y = value.Y;
                            p->Z = value.Z;
                            p->W = value.W;

                        case PixelFormat.Float32RGB:
                            var p = (Vector3F *)pData + position.Y * size.X + position.X;
                            p->X = value.X;
                            p->Y = value.Y;
                            p->Z = value.Z;

                        case PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8:
                            var p = pData + (position.Y * size.X + position.X) * 4;
                            p[3] = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((int)(value.W * 255.0), 0, 255);
                            p[2] = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((int)(value.X * 255.0), 0, 255);
                            p[1] = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((int)(value.Y * 255.0), 0, 255);
                            p[0] = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((int)(value.Z * 255.0), 0, 255);

                            throw new Exception($"ImageUtility: SetPixel: Format \"{format}\" is not supported.");
                            //Log.Fatal( "ImageUtility: SetPixel: Format is not supported." );
        void UpdateAnimationTime()
            double t = EngineApp.EngineTime;

            if (currentEngineTime != t)
                double increment = t - currentEngineTime;
                currentEngineTime     = t;
                currentAnimationTime += increment * Speed;

                var animation = PlayAnimation.Value as Component_Animation;
                if (animation != null)
                    double animationStartTime = 0;
                    double animationLength    = animation.Length;
                    if (animationLength > 0)
                        if (AutoRewind)
                            while (currentAnimationTime > animationStartTime + animationLength)
                                currentAnimationTime -= animationLength;
                            while (currentAnimationTime < animationStartTime)
                                currentAnimationTime += animationLength;
                            MathEx.Clamp(ref currentAnimationTime, animationStartTime, animationStartTime + animationLength);
                        currentAnimationTime = 0;
                    currentAnimationTime = 0;
Пример #15
        public float GetMaskValue(Vector2I position)          //public byte GetMaskValue( Vector2I position )
            //!!!!slowly. когда не проверять

            var mask = Mask.Value;

            if (mask != null)
                int size = GetSqrt(Mask.Value.Length);
                if (size > 0)
                    var   position2 = new Vector2I(MathEx.Clamp(position.X, 0, size - 1), MathEx.Clamp(position.Y, 0, size - 1));
                    float v         = mask[(size - 1 - position2.Y) * size + position2.X];
                    return(v * (1.0f / 255.0f));

Пример #16
 public int GetTrackBarValue(bool isInteger, double value)
     if (ConvenientDistribution == ConvenientDistributionEnum.Exponential)
         double v = MathEx.Saturate((value - Minimum) / (Maximum - Minimum));
         v = Math.Pow(v, 1.0 / ExponentialPower);
         return(MathEx.Clamp((int)(v * 1000), 0, 1000));
         GetTrackBarMinMax(isInteger, out int min, out int max);
         if (isInteger)
             return(MathEx.Clamp((int)(value), min, max));
             return(MathEx.Clamp((int)(value * 1000), min, max));
Пример #17
        //Vector2 GetScreenTextureBaseSize()
        //	double baseHeight = UIControlsWorld.ScaleByResolutionBaseHeight;
        //	return new Vector2( baseHeight * ParentContainer.AspectRatio, baseHeight );

        void UpdateValueByCursor(Vector2?cursorScreenPosition = null)
            var     style     = GetStyle();
            var     valuesRay = style.GetSliderValuesRayInScreenCoords(this);
            Vector2 mouse     = cursorScreenPosition != null ? cursorScreenPosition.Value : ConvertLocalToScreen(MousePosition);

            double valueCoef = 0;

            if (Vertical)
                if (valuesRay.Direction.Y != 0)
                    valueCoef = (mouse.Y - valuesRay.Origin.Y) / valuesRay.Direction.Y;
                if (valuesRay.Direction.X != 0)
                    valueCoef = (mouse.X - valuesRay.Origin.X) / valuesRay.Direction.X;

            var valueRange = ValueRange.Value;
            var value      = valueRange[0] + valueCoef * (valueRange[1] - valueRange[0]);

            var step = Step.Value;

            if (step != 0)
                value += step / 2;
                value /= step;
                value  = (int)value;
                value *= step;

            MathEx.Clamp(ref value, valueRange.Minimum, valueRange.Maximum);

            Value = value;
Пример #18

        //public class ItemMouseEventArgs : EventArgs
        //	int itemIndex;
        //	object item;

        //	public ItemMouseEventArgs( int itemIndex, object item )
        //	{
        //		this.itemIndex = itemIndex;
        //		this.item = item;
        //	}

        //	public int ItemIndex
        //	{
        //		get { return itemIndex; }
        //	}

        //	public object Item
        //	{
        //		get { return item; }
        //	}


        //public delegate void ItemMouseEventHandler( object sender, ItemMouseEventArgs e );
        //public event ItemMouseEventHandler ItemMouseDoubleClick;

        ///// <summary>
        ///// The index of selected item from the item list.
        ///// </summary>
        //[DefaultValue( -1 )]
        //[Category( "List Box" )]
        //public int SelectedIndex
        //	get { return selectedIndex; }
        //	set
        //	{
        //		if( value < -1 || value >= items.Count )
        //			throw new Exception( "EComboBox: SelectedIndex: Set invalid value" );

        //		if( selectedIndex != value )
        //		{
        //			if( selectedIndex != -1 && itemButtons.Count > selectedIndex )
        //				itemButtons[ selectedIndex ].Highlighted = false;

        //			selectedIndex = value;
        //			OnSelectedIndexChange();

        //			if( selectedIndex != -1 && itemButtons.Count > selectedIndex )
        //			{
        //				bool active = true;
        //				if( hideSelectionWhenDisabled && !EnabledInHierarchy )
        //					active = false;
        //				if( active )
        //					itemButtons[ selectedIndex ].Highlighted = true;
        //			}
        //		}

        //		//change scroll bar position
        //		if( scrollBar != null && itemButton != null && selectedIndex != -1 )
        //		{
        //			double itemScreenSizeY = GetItemScreenSizeY();

        //			double screenSizeY = GetScreenSize().Y - GetOffsetByTypeFromLocal( ScaleType.Screen,
        //				GetLocalOffsetByValue( clipRectangleBorders ) ).Y * 2;

        //			double itemsScreenSizeY = itemScreenSizeY * (double)items.Count;
        //			double scrollScreenSizeY = itemsScreenSizeY - screenSizeY;

        //			if( scrollScreenSizeY > 0 )
        //			{
        //				double currentScrollScreenPosY = scrollBar.Value * scrollScreenSizeY;

        //				double itemScrollScreenPosY = itemScreenSizeY * (double)selectedIndex;
        //				Range itemScrollScreenRangeY = new Range( itemScrollScreenPosY,
        //					itemScrollScreenPosY + itemScreenSizeY );

        //				if( itemScrollScreenRangeY.Minimum < currentScrollScreenPosY )
        //				{
        //					currentScrollScreenPosY = itemScrollScreenRangeY.Minimum;
        //				}
        //				else
        //				{
        //					if( itemScrollScreenRangeY.Maximum > currentScrollScreenPosY + screenSizeY )
        //					{
        //						currentScrollScreenPosY = itemScrollScreenRangeY.Maximum
        //							+ itemScreenSizeY - screenSizeY;
        //					}
        //				}

        //				scrollBar.Value = currentScrollScreenPosY / scrollScreenSizeY;
        //			}
        //		}
        //	}

        //void ItemButton_MouseDoubleClick( object sender, EMouseButtons button )
        //	if( !EnabledInHierarchy )
        //		return;

        //	UIButton b = (UIButton)sender;
        //	if( b.UserData == null )
        //		return;

        //	int index = (int)b.UserData;
        //	if( index >= items.Count )
        //		return;
        //	OnItemMouseDoubleClick( index );

        //protected void OnItemMouseDoubleClick( int itemIndex )
        //	if( ItemMouseDoubleClick != null )
        //		ItemMouseDoubleClick( this, new ItemMouseEventArgs( itemIndex, items[ itemIndex ] ) );

        protected override bool OnMouseWheel(int delta)
            var cursorInsideArea = CursorIsInArea();

            if (VisibleInHierarchy && cursorInsideArea /*new Rectangle( 0, 0, 1, 1 ).Contains( MousePosition )*/ && EnabledInHierarchy)
                var scrollBar = GetScrollBar();
                if (scrollBar != null && scrollBar.EnabledInHierarchy && scrollBar.VisibleInHierarchy)
                    var v = scrollBar.Value.Value;
                    v -= (double)delta / 700.0f / 10;
                    //v -= (double)delta / 700.0f;
                    MathEx.Clamp(ref v, scrollBar.ValueRange.Value.Minimum, scrollBar.ValueRange.Value.Maximum);
                    scrollBar.Value = v;


Пример #19
        public HSVColor(double hue, double saturation, double value)
            MathEx.Clamp(ref hue, 0, 360);
            MathEx.Clamp(ref saturation, 0, 1);
            MathEx.Clamp(ref value, 0, 1);
            //if( hue < 0 || hue > 360 )
            //	throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "hue", "must be in the range [0, 360]" );
            //if( saturation < 0 || saturation > 100 )
            //	throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "saturation", "must be in the range [0, 100]" );
            //if( value < 0 || value > 100 )
            //	throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "value", "must be in the range [0, 100]" );

            //if( hue < 0 || hue > 360 )
            //	throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "hue", "must be in the range [0, 360]" );
            //if( saturation < 0 || saturation > 100 )
            //	throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "saturation", "must be in the range [0, 100]" );
            //if( value < 0 || value > 100 )
            //	throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "value", "must be in the range [0, 100]" );

            this.hue        = hue;
            this.saturation = saturation;
            this.value      = value;
Пример #20
        protected virtual void OnRenderList(UIList control, CanvasRenderer renderer)
            var rect = control.GetScreenRectangle();

            renderer.AddQuad(rect, new ColorValue(0, 0, 0));
            //renderer.AddQuad( rect, new ColorValue( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 ) );

            var rect2 = rect;

            rect2.Expand(-control.GetScreenOffsetByValue(new UIMeasureValueVector2(UIMeasure.Units, 2, 2)));

            var color = new ColorValue(0.75, 0.75, 0.75);

            renderer.AddQuad(new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect2.Left, rect.Bottom), color);
            renderer.AddQuad(new Rectangle(rect2.Left, rect.Top, rect2.Right, rect2.Top), color);
            renderer.AddQuad(new Rectangle(rect2.Right, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom), color);
            renderer.AddQuad(new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect2.Bottom, rect2.Right, rect.Bottom), color);

            var font = control.Font.Value;

            if (font == null)
                font = renderer.DefaultFont;
            var fontSize         = control.GetFontSizeScreen();
            var itemSize         = GetListItemSizeScreen(control, renderer);
            var totalItemsHeight = itemSize * control.Items.Count;
            var scrollBar        = control.GetScrollBar();

            //update scroll bar properties
            if (scrollBar != null)
                double screenSizeY       = rect2.Size.Y;
                double scrollScreenSizeY = totalItemsHeight - screenSizeY;

                scrollBar.Visible = control.AlwaysShowScrollBar || totalItemsHeight > screenSizeY;
                if (scrollBar.Visible)
                    scrollBar.ValueRange = new Range(0, scrollScreenSizeY);

                //ensure visible
                if (listEnsureVisible != -1)
                    if ((float)listEnsureVisible * itemSize > screenSizeY / 2)
                        var factor = (float)listEnsureVisible / (float)(control.Items.Count - 1);
                        var v      = scrollScreenSizeY * factor;
                        scrollBar.Value = MathEx.Clamp(v, 0, scrollBar.ValueRange.Value.Maximum);
                        scrollBar.Value = 0;

                    listEnsureVisible = -1;

                //if( scrollBar.Visible )
                //	if( scrollScreenSizeY > 0 )
                //	{
                //		double currentScrollScreenPosY = scrollBar.Value * scrollScreenSizeY;

                //		double itemScrollScreenPosY = itemSize * (double)control.SelectedIndex;
                //		Range itemScrollScreenRangeY = new Range( itemScrollScreenPosY, itemScrollScreenPosY + itemSize );

                //		if( itemScrollScreenRangeY.Minimum < currentScrollScreenPosY )
                //		{
                //			currentScrollScreenPosY = itemScrollScreenRangeY.Minimum;
                //		}
                //		else
                //		{
                //			if( itemScrollScreenRangeY.Maximum > currentScrollScreenPosY + screenSizeY )
                //				currentScrollScreenPosY = itemScrollScreenRangeY.Maximum + itemSize - screenSizeY;
                //		}

                //		scrollBar.Value = currentScrollScreenPosY / scrollScreenSizeY;
                //	}
                //	else
                //		scrollBar.Value = 0;
                //	scrollBar.Value = 0;

            if (control.Items.Count != 0)

                var positionY = rect2.Top;
                if (scrollBar != null && scrollBar.VisibleInHierarchy && scrollBar.EnabledInHierarchy)
                    positionY -= scrollBar.Value;

                for (int n = 0; n < control.Items.Count; n++)
                    var item          = control.Items[n];
                    var itemRectangle = new Rectangle(rect2.Left, positionY, rect2.Right, positionY + itemSize);
                    if (scrollBar != null && scrollBar.EnabledInHierarchy && scrollBar.VisibleInHierarchy)
                        itemRectangle.Right -= scrollBar.GetScreenSize().X;

                    if (itemRectangle.Intersects(rect2))

                        if (n == control.SelectedIndex)
                            var color2 = control.ReadOnlyInHierarchy ? new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) : new ColorValue(0, 0, 0.8);
                            renderer.AddQuad(itemRectangle, color2);

                        var positionX = rect2.Left + control.GetScreenOffsetByValue(new UIMeasureValueVector2(UIMeasure.Units, 2, 0)).X;
                        renderer.AddText(font, fontSize, item, new Vector2(positionX, itemRectangle.GetCenter().Y), EHorizontalAlignment.Left, EVerticalAlignment.Center, new ColorValue(1, 1, 1));


                    positionY += itemSize;

Пример #21
        public static bool Convert2DToDDS(string virtualFileName, string outputRealFileName, DDSImage.FormatEnum outputFormat, bool normalMap, bool generateMipmaps, out Vector2I sourceFileSize, out PixelFormat sourceFileFormat, out string error)
            sourceFileSize   = Vector2I.Zero;
            sourceFileFormat = PixelFormat.Unknown;

            if (!ImageUtility.LoadFromVirtualFile(virtualFileName, out var data, out var size, out var depth, out var format, out var numFaces, out var numMipmaps, out error))

            sourceFileSize   = size;
            sourceFileFormat = format;

            byte[] rgba = new byte[size.X * size.Y * 4];

            if (format != PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8)
                for (int y = 0; y < size.Y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < size.X; x++)
                        byte r;
                        byte g;
                        byte b;
                        byte a = 255;
                        int  offset;

                        switch (format)
                        case PixelFormat.R8G8B8:
                            offset = (y * size.X + x) * 3;
                            r      = data[offset + 2];
                            g      = data[offset + 1];
                            b      = data[offset + 0];

                        case PixelFormat.X8R8G8B8:
                            offset = (y * size.X + x) * 4;
                            r      = data[offset + 2];
                            g      = data[offset + 1];
                            b      = data[offset + 0];

                        case PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8:
                            offset = (y * size.X + x) * 4;
                            a      = data[offset + 3];
                            r      = data[offset + 2];
                            g      = data[offset + 1];
                            b      = data[offset + 0];

                        case PixelFormat.L8:
                            offset = (y * size.X + x);
                            r      = g = b = data[offset];

                        case PixelFormat.ShortRGB:
                                fixed(byte *pData = data)
                                    ushort *pData2 = (ushort *)pData;

                                    offset = (y * size.X + x) * 3;
                                    r      = (byte)((float)pData2[offset + 0] / ushort.MaxValue * 255.0f);
                                    g      = (byte)((float)pData2[offset + 1] / ushort.MaxValue * 255.0f);
                                    b      = (byte)((float)pData2[offset + 2] / ushort.MaxValue * 255.0f);

                        case PixelFormat.ShortRGBA:
                                fixed(byte *pData = data)
                                    ushort *pData2 = (ushort *)pData;

                                    offset = (y * size.X + x) * 4;
                                    r      = (byte)((float)pData2[offset + 0] / ushort.MaxValue * 255.0f);
                                    g      = (byte)((float)pData2[offset + 1] / ushort.MaxValue * 255.0f);
                                    b      = (byte)((float)pData2[offset + 2] / ushort.MaxValue * 255.0f);
                                    a      = (byte)((float)pData2[offset + 3] / ushort.MaxValue * 255.0f);

                        case PixelFormat.Float32RGB:
                                fixed(byte *pData = data)
                                    float *pData2 = (float *)pData;

                                    offset = (y * size.X + x) * 3;
                                    r      = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((float)pData2[offset + 0] * 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f);
                                    g      = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((float)pData2[offset + 1] * 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f);
                                    b      = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((float)pData2[offset + 2] * 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f);

                        case PixelFormat.Float32RGBA:
                                fixed(byte *pData = data)
                                    float *pData2 = (float *)pData;

                                    offset = (y * size.X + x) * 4;
                                    r      = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((float)pData2[offset + 0] * 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f);
                                    g      = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((float)pData2[offset + 1] * 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f);
                                    b      = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((float)pData2[offset + 2] * 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f);
                                    a      = (byte)MathEx.Clamp((float)pData2[offset + 3] * 255.0f, 0.0f, 255.0f);

                            error = $"Conversion from \'{format}\' format is not supported.";

                        //copy to rgba array
                        offset           = (y * size.X + x) * 4;
                        rgba[offset + 0] = r;
                        rgba[offset + 1] = g;
                        rgba[offset + 2] = b;
                        rgba[offset + 3] = a;

            var image = GenerateDDS(rgba, size, outputFormat, normalMap, generateMipmaps, out error);

            if (image == null)

            if (!WriteToFile(outputRealFileName, image, out error))

            error = "";

            //MapFormats mapFormat = textureData.normalMap ? NormalMapFormat : BaseMapFormat;

            //DDSImage.FormatTypes ddsFormat = DDSImage.FormatTypes.DXT1;
            //switch( mapFormat )
            //case MapFormats.DDS_DXT1:
            //	ddsFormat = DDSImage.FormatTypes.DXT1;
            //	break;
            //case MapFormats.DDS_DXT5:
            //	ddsFormat = DDSImage.FormatTypes.DXT5;
            //	break;
            //case MapFormats.DDS_3DC:
            //	ddsFormat = DDSImage.FormatTypes._3DC;
            //	break;
            //case MapFormats.DDS_ARGB:
            //	ddsFormat = DDSImage.FormatTypes.A8R8G8B8;
            //	break;

            //DDSImage ddsImage = DDSImageManager.Instance.Generate( rgba, size, ddsFormat, true );

            //bool oldExists = File.Exists( outputRealFullPath );
            //using( FileStream stream = new FileStream( outputRealFullPath, FileMode.Create ) )
            //	DDSImageManager.WriteFile( stream, ddsImage );
            //createdFiles.Add( new CreatedFileItem( outputRealFullPath, oldExists ) );

            //error = null;
            //return true;
Пример #22
        private void ParentMeshInSpace_GetRenderSceneDataAddToFrameData(Component_MeshInSpace sender, ViewportRenderingContext context, GetRenderSceneDataMode mode, ref Component_RenderingPipeline.RenderSceneData.MeshItem item)
            if (!CalculateOnCPU)
                Component_Skeleton skeleton = ReplaceSkeleton;
                if (skeleton == null)
                    skeleton = ParentMeshInSpace?.Mesh.Value?.Skeleton;

                if (skeleton != null)
                    var animation = PlayAnimation.Value;
                    if (animation != null)

                        //settings.animationStates = new AnimationStateItem[ 1 ];
                        //settings.animationStates[ 0 ] = new AnimationStateItem( animation, currentLocalTime, 1 );

                        var skeletonAnimation = animation as Component_SkeletonAnimation;
                        var track             = skeletonAnimation?.Track.Value;

                        if (track != null || CalculateBoneTransforms != null)
                            Update(skeleton, track, currentAnimationTime);

                            if (transformMatrixRelativeToSkin != null && transformMatrixRelativeToSkin.Length != 0)
                                item.AnimationData = new Component_RenderingPipeline.RenderSceneData.MeshItem.AnimationDataClass();

                                bool dualQuaternion = false;                                // GetSkinningMode( skeleton ) == Component_Skeleton.SkinningModeEnum.DualQuaternion;
                                if (dualQuaternion)
                                    item.AnimationData.Mode = 2;
                                    item.AnimationData.Mode = 1;

                                //create dynamic texture
                                var size         = new Vector2I(4, MathEx.NextPowerOfTwo(transformMatrixRelativeToSkin.Length));
                                var bonesTexture = context.DynamicTexture_Alloc(ViewportRenderingContext.DynamicTextureType.DynamicTexture, Component_Image.TypeEnum._2D, size, PixelFormat.Float32RGBA, 0, false);

                                //try get array from texture to minimize memory allocations
                                var surfaces = bonesTexture.Result.GetData();
                                if (surfaces == null)
                                    surfaces = new GpuTexture.SurfaceData[] { new GpuTexture.SurfaceData(0, 0, new byte[size.X * size.Y * 16]) }
                                var data = surfaces[0].data;

                                //copy data to the texture
                                    fixed(byte *pData2 = data)
                                        Matrix4F *pData = (Matrix4F *)pData2;

                                        for (int n = 0; n < transformMatrixRelativeToSkin.Length; n++)
                                            pData[n] = transformMatrixRelativeToSkin[n];
                                bonesTexture.Result.SetData(new GpuTexture.SurfaceData[] { new GpuTexture.SurfaceData(0, 0, data) });

                                item.AnimationData.BonesTexture = bonesTexture;

        void RenderSkeleton(Viewport viewport)
            // ParentMeshInSpace.Transform is automaticaly applyed to ParentMeshInSpace.Mesh, skeleton must be transformed manually
            var transformMatrix = ParentMeshInSpace?.Transform.Value?.ToMatrix4() ?? Matrix4.Identity;

            var skeletonArrows = GetCurrentAnimatedSkeletonArrows();

            if (skeletonArrows != null)
                var color = new ColorValue(0, 0.5, 1, 0.7);                   //ToDo : Вынести в другое место.
                viewport.Simple3DRenderer.SetColor(color, color * ProjectSettings.Get.HiddenByOtherObjectsColorMultiplier);

                foreach (var arrow in skeletonArrows)
                    viewport.Simple3DRenderer.AddArrow(transformMatrix * arrow.Start, transformMatrix * arrow.End);

        bool CheckNeedModifiableMesh()
            if (CalculateOnCPU)
                if (ReplaceSkeleton.ReferenceSpecified)
                var mesh = ParentMeshInSpace?.Mesh.Value;
                if (mesh != null && mesh.Skeleton.ReferenceSpecified)

                if (PlayAnimation.ReferenceSpecified)


        void UpdateModifiableMesh(ViewportRenderingContext context)
            var originalMesh   = ParentMeshInSpace.Mesh.Value;
            var modifiableMesh = ParentMeshInSpace.ModifiableMesh;

            Component_Skeleton skeleton = ReplaceSkeleton;

            if (skeleton == null)
                skeleton = originalMesh.Skeleton;
            if (skeleton != null)

                var animation = PlayAnimation.Value;
                if (animation != null)

                    //settings.animationStates = new AnimationStateItem[ 1 ];
                    //settings.animationStates[ 0 ] = new AnimationStateItem( animation, currentLocalTime, 1 );

                    var skeletonAnimation = animation as Component_SkeletonAnimation;
                    var track             = skeletonAnimation?.Track.Value;

                    if (track != null || CalculateBoneTransforms != null)
                        Update(skeleton, track, currentAnimationTime);
                        CalculateCPU(skeleton, originalMesh, modifiableMesh);

                if (needResetToOriginalMesh)
                    needResetToOriginalMesh = false;
                    if (CalculateOnCPU)
                        ResetToOriginalMesh(originalMesh, modifiableMesh);


        void ResetTime(bool needResetToOriginalMesh)
            if (needResetToOriginalMesh)
                this.needResetToOriginalMesh = true;
            currentEngineTime    = EngineApp.EngineTime;
            currentAnimationTime = (PlayAnimation.Value as Component_SkeletonAnimation)?.TrackStartTime ?? 0;

        void UpdateAnimationTime()
            double t         = EngineApp.EngineTime;
            double increment = t - currentEngineTime;

            currentEngineTime     = t;
            currentAnimationTime += increment * Speed;

            var animation = PlayAnimation.Value as Component_SkeletonAnimation;

            if (animation != null)
                double animationStartTime = animation.TrackStartTime;
                double animationLength    = animation.Length;
                if (animationLength > 0)
                    if (AutoRewind)
                        while (currentAnimationTime > animationStartTime + animationLength)
                            currentAnimationTime -= animationLength;
                        while (currentAnimationTime < animationStartTime)
                            currentAnimationTime += animationLength;
                        MathEx.Clamp(ref currentAnimationTime, animationStartTime, animationStartTime + animationLength);
                    currentAnimationTime = animationStartTime;
                currentAnimationTime = 0;