Пример #1
        /// END user configurable fields

        /// <summary>
        /// the entry point for smart contract execution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operation">string to determine execution operation performed</param>
        /// <param name="args">optional arguments, context specific depending on operation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static object Main(string operation, params object[] args)
            if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Application)
                // test if a nep5 method is being invoked
                foreach (string nepMethod in NEP5.GetNEP5Methods())
                    if (nepMethod == operation)
                        return(NEP5.HandleNEP5Operation(operation, args, ExecutionEngine.CallingScriptHash, ExecutionEngine.EntryScriptHash));

                // test if a kyc method is being invoked
                foreach (string kycMethod in KYC.GetKYCMethods())
                    if (kycMethod == operation)
                        return(KYC.HandleKYCOperation(operation, args));

                // test if a helper/misc method is being invoked
                foreach (string helperMethod in Helpers.GetHelperMethods())
                    if (helperMethod == operation)
                        return(Helpers.HandleHelperOperation(operation, args));

                if (operation == "admin" && Helpers.VerifyIsAdminAccount())
                    // allow access to administration methods
                    string adminOperation = (string)args[0];
                    foreach (string adminMethod in Administration.GetAdministrationMethods())
                        if (adminMethod == adminOperation)
                            return(Administration.HandleAdministrationOperation(adminOperation, args));
            else if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Verification)
                if (Helpers.VerifyIsAdminAccount())

                // test if this transaction is allowed
                object[] transactionData = Helpers.GetTransactionAndSaleData();

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// determine if user can participate in the token sale yet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CanUserParticipateInSale(object[] transactionData)
            Transaction tx = (Transaction)transactionData[0];

            byte[]     sender                    = (byte[])transactionData[1];
            byte[]     receiver                  = (byte[])transactionData[2];
            ulong      receivedNEO               = (ulong)transactionData[3];
            ulong      receivedGAS               = (ulong)transactionData[4];
            BigInteger whiteListGroupNumber      = (BigInteger)transactionData[5];
            BigInteger crowdsaleAvailableAmount  = (BigInteger)transactionData[6];
            BigInteger groupMaximumContribution  = (BigInteger)transactionData[7];
            BigInteger totalTokensPurchased      = (BigInteger)transactionData[8];
            BigInteger neoRemainingAfterPurchase = (BigInteger)transactionData[9];
            BigInteger gasRemainingAfterPurchase = (BigInteger)transactionData[10];
            BigInteger totalContributionBalance  = (BigInteger)transactionData[11];

            if (whiteListGroupNumber <= 0)
                Runtime.Notify("CanUserParticipate() sender is not whitelisted", sender);

            if (!KYC.GroupParticipationIsUnlocked((int)whiteListGroupNumber))
                Runtime.Notify("CanUserParticipate() sender cannot participate yet", sender);

            if (crowdsaleAvailableAmount <= 0)
                // total supply has been exhausted
                Runtime.Notify("CanUserParticipate() crowdsaleAvailableAmount is <= 0", crowdsaleAvailableAmount);

            if (totalContributionBalance > groupMaximumContribution)
                // don't allow this purchase exceed the group cap
                Runtime.Notify("CanUserParticipate() senders purchase will exceed maxContribution cap", sender, totalContributionBalance, groupMaximumContribution);
                refund(sender, receivedNEO, receivedGAS);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// retrieve information for the received transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>object[] {
        /// (Transaction)tx, (byte[])sender, (byte)receiver, ulong receivedNEO, ulong receivedGAS,
        /// (BigInteger)whiteListGroupNumber, (BigInteger)crowdsaleAvailableAmount, (BigInteger)groupMaximumContribution
        /// (BigInteger)totalTokensPurchased, (BigInteger)neoRemainingAfterPurchase, (BigInteger)gasRemainingAfterPurchase
        /// (BigInteger)totalContributionBalance
        /// }
        /// </returns>
        public static object[] GetEthTransactionAndSaleData(ulong receivedETH, string ethAddress, byte[] neoAddress)
            Transaction tx = (Transaction)ExecutionEngine.ScriptContainer;

            byte[] sender   = neoAddress;
            byte[] receiver = neoAddress;

            // only add funds to total received value if receiver is the recipient of the output
            Runtime.Notify("GetEthTransactionData() Received ETH Deposit type", receiver);

            BigInteger whiteListGroupNumber     = KYC.GetWhitelistGroupNumber(sender);
            BigInteger crowdsaleAvailableAmount = NEP5.CrowdsaleAvailableAmount();
            BigInteger groupMaximumContribution = KYC.GetGroupMaxContribution(whiteListGroupNumber) * NEP5.factor;

            BigInteger totalTokensPurchased = 0;

            //ETH minimum must be 0.1 eth
            if (ICOTemplate.ICOAllowsETH() && receivedETH >= ICOTemplate.EthMinimumContribution())
                //Get the amount of tokens in exchange for contributed ETH. receivedETH is with 18 decimals so divide by 1000000000000000000.
                BigInteger ethTokenValue = receivedETH * ICOTemplate.ICOEthToTokenExchangeRate() / 1000000000000000000;

                // there is enough NOS left for this purchase to complete
                totalTokensPurchased = ethTokenValue;

                // ensure amountAvailable now reflects number of tokens purchased with ETH

            BigInteger totalContributionBalance = BalanceOfSaleContribution(sender) + (totalTokensPurchased * NEP5.factor);

            return(new object[] {
                tx,                             // neo transaction object
                sender,                         // who initiated the transfer
                receiver,                       // who the assets were sent to
                ethAddress,                     // ETH address of contributor
                receivedETH,                    // how many neo were transferred
                whiteListGroupNumber,           // what whitelist group is the sender in
                crowdsaleAvailableAmount,       // how many tokens are left to be purchased
                groupMaximumContribution,       // how many tokens can members of this whitelist group purchase
                totalTokensPurchased,           // the total number of tokens purchased in this transaction
                totalContributionBalance        // the total amount of tokens sender has purchased during public sale
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// retrieve information for the received transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>object[] {
        /// (Transaction)tx, (byte[])sender, (byte)receiver, ulong receivedNEO, ulong receivedGAS,
        /// (BigInteger)whiteListGroupNumber, (BigInteger)crowdsaleAvailableAmount, (BigInteger)groupMaximumContribution
        /// (BigInteger)totalTokensPurchased, (BigInteger)neoRemainingAfterPurchase, (BigInteger)gasRemainingAfterPurchase
        /// (BigInteger)totalContributionBalance
        /// }
        /// </returns>
        public static object[] GetTransactionAndSaleData()
            Transaction tx = (Transaction)ExecutionEngine.ScriptContainer;

            TransactionOutput[] inputs    = tx.GetReferences();
            TransactionOutput   reference = inputs[0];

            TransactionOutput[] outputs = tx.GetOutputs();
            byte[] sender      = reference.ScriptHash;
            byte[] receiver    = ExecutionEngine.ExecutingScriptHash;
            ulong  receivedNEO = 0;
            ulong  receivedGAS = 0;

            foreach (var input in inputs)
                // ensure that the provided inputs are valid
                if (input.ScriptHash == receiver)
                    throw new System.Exception();

            foreach (TransactionOutput output in outputs)
                if (output.ScriptHash == receiver)
                    // only add funds to total received value if receiver is the recipient of the output
                    ulong receivedValue = (ulong)output.Value;
                    Runtime.Notify("GetTransactionData() Received Deposit type", receiver, reference.AssetId);
                    if (reference.AssetId == NEP5.NEO)
                        receivedNEO += receivedValue;
                    else if (reference.AssetId == NEP5.GAS)
                        receivedGAS += receivedValue;

            BigInteger whiteListGroupNumber     = KYC.GetWhitelistGroupNumber(sender);
            BigInteger crowdsaleAvailableAmount = NEP5.CrowdsaleAvailableAmount();
            BigInteger groupMaximumContribution = KYC.GetGroupMaxContribution(whiteListGroupNumber) * NEP5.factor;

            BigInteger totalTokensPurchased      = 0;
            BigInteger neoRemainingAfterPurchase = 0;
            BigInteger gasRemainingAfterPurchase = 0;
            BigInteger runningCrowdsaleAmount    = crowdsaleAvailableAmount;

            if (ICOTemplate.ICOAllowsNEO() && receivedNEO > 0)
                BigInteger neoTokenValue = receivedNEO * ICOTemplate.ICONeoToTokenExchangeRate();
                if (neoTokenValue > runningCrowdsaleAmount)
                    // the user is trying to purchase more tokens than are available
                    // figure out how much NOS can be purchased without exceeding the cap
                    neoRemainingAfterPurchase = (neoTokenValue - runningCrowdsaleAmount) / (ICOTemplate.ICONeoToTokenExchangeRate());
                    totalTokensPurchased      = runningCrowdsaleAmount;
                    // there is enough NOS left for this purchase to complete
                    totalTokensPurchased = neoTokenValue;
                // ensure amountAvailable now reflects number of tokens purchased with NEO
                runningCrowdsaleAmount -= totalTokensPurchased;

            if (ICOTemplate.ICOAllowsGAS() && receivedGAS > 0)
                BigInteger gasTokenValue = receivedGAS * ICOTemplate.ICOGasToTokenExchangeRate();
                if (gasTokenValue > runningCrowdsaleAmount)
                    // the user is trying to purchase more tokens than are available
                    // figure out how much NOS can be purchased without exceeding the cap
                    gasRemainingAfterPurchase = (gasTokenValue - runningCrowdsaleAmount) / (ICOTemplate.ICOGasToTokenExchangeRate());
                    totalTokensPurchased      = totalTokensPurchased + runningCrowdsaleAmount;
                    totalTokensPurchased = totalTokensPurchased + gasTokenValue;

            BigInteger totalContributionBalance = BalanceOfSaleContribution(sender) + totalTokensPurchased;

            return(new object[] {
                tx,                             // neo transaction object
                sender,                         // who initiated the transfer
                receiver,                       // who the assets were sent to
                receivedNEO,                    // how many neo were transferred
                receivedGAS,                    // how many gas were transferred
                whiteListGroupNumber,           // what whitelist group is the sender in
                crowdsaleAvailableAmount,       // how many tokens are left to be purchased
                groupMaximumContribution,       // how many tokens can members of this whitelist group purchase
                totalTokensPurchased,           // the total number of tokens purchased in this transaction
                neoRemainingAfterPurchase,      // how much neo is left after purchase of tokens
                gasRemainingAfterPurchase,      // how much gas is left after purchase of tokens
                totalContributionBalance        // the total amount of tokens sender has purchased during public sale
        /// END user configurable fields

        /// <summary>
        /// the entry point for smart contract execution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operation">string to determine execution operation performed</param>
        /// <param name="args">optional arguments, context specific depending on operation</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static object Main(string operation, params object[] args)
            if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Application)
                //Only allow InitSmartContract if contract not initialized and not calling whitelist/KYC operations
                if(!Helpers.ContractInitialised() && ((operation != "admin" && (string) args[0] != "InitSmartContract") && operation != "AddAddress" && operation != "RevokeAddress" && operation != "GetGroupNumber" && operation != "crowdsale_status"))
                    Runtime.Log("Smart Contract not Initialised");
                    return false;

                if (operation == "admin" && Helpers.VerifyIsAdminAccount())
                    // allow access to administration methods
                    string adminOperation = (string)args[0];
                    foreach (string adminMethod in Administration.GetAdministrationMethods())
                        if (adminMethod == adminOperation)
                            return Administration.HandleAdministrationOperation(adminOperation, args);
                    return false;

                // test if a nep5 method is being invoked
                foreach (string nepMethod in NEP5.GetNEP5Methods())
                    if (nepMethod == operation)
                        return NEP5.HandleNEP5Operation(operation, args, ExecutionEngine.CallingScriptHash, ExecutionEngine.EntryScriptHash);

                // test if a kyc method is being invoked
                foreach (string kycMethod in KYC.GetKYCMethods())
                    if (kycMethod == operation)
                        return KYC.HandleKYCOperation(operation, args);

                // test if a helper/misc method is being invoked
                foreach (string helperMethod in Helpers.GetHelperMethods())
                    if (helperMethod == operation)
                        return Helpers.HandleHelperOperation(operation, args);

                //If MintTokensEth operation
                if(operation == "MintTokensEth")
                    // Method can only be called by the ETH contributions listener account
                    if (Helpers.VerifyWitness(ICOTemplate.EthContributionListenerKey) && Helpers.RequireArgumentLength(args,3))
                        return EthSale.MintTokensEth((string)args[0], (byte[])args[1], (ulong)args[2]);

            else if (Runtime.Trigger == TriggerType.Verification)
                if (Helpers.VerifyIsAdminAccount())
                    return true;

                // test if this transaction is allowed
                object[] transactionData = Helpers.GetTransactionAndSaleData();
                return TokenSale.CanUserParticipateInSale(transactionData);

            return false;