protected ExploreCell GetCurrentExploreCell() { Vec3 curr_pos = Navmesh.Navigator.CurrentPos; ExploreCell current_explore_cell = m_ExploreCells.Find(x => x.CellsContains2D(curr_pos)); if (current_explore_cell == null) { current_explore_cell = m_ExploreCells.Find(x => x.Contains2D(curr_pos)); } // find nearest explore cell if (current_explore_cell == null) { float min_dist = float.MaxValue; foreach (ExploreCell explore_cell in m_ExploreCells) { float dist = explore_cell.Position.DistanceSqr(curr_pos); if (dist < min_dist) { current_explore_cell = explore_cell; min_dist = dist; } } } return(current_explore_cell); }
protected HashSet <ExploreCell> GetUnexploredCells(ExploreCell origin_cell) { using (new ReadLock(DataLock)) { var agent_pos = m_Navigator.CurrentPos; // unexplored selector is collecting ALL unexplored cells matching constraints and filter criteria UnexploredSelector selector = new UnexploredSelector(ExploreConstraints, ExploreFilter, IgnoreSmall, agent_pos, m_Navmesh); Algorihms.Visit <ExploreCell>(origin_cell, MovementFlag.None, -1, null, selector); m_CellsToExploreCount = selector.all_cells_count; m_ExploredCellsCount = m_CellsToExploreCount - selector.unexplored_cells.Count; // first try all big cells unvisited by anyone (undelayed) HashSet <ExploreCell> unexplored_cells_subset = new HashSet <ExploreCell>(selector.unexplored_cells.Where(x => !x.Small && !x.Delayed)); if (unexplored_cells_subset.Count > 0) { return(unexplored_cells_subset); } // try all big cells unvisited by me unexplored_cells_subset = new HashSet <ExploreCell>(selector.unexplored_cells.Where(x => !x.Small)); if (unexplored_cells_subset.Count > 0) { return(unexplored_cells_subset); } // try all remaining cells return(selector.unexplored_cells); } }
internal virtual Vec3 GetDestinationCellPosition() { Vec3 hint_pos = HintPos; if (!hint_pos.IsEmpty) { // find nearest unexplored cell to the hint position float min_dist = float.MaxValue; ExploreCell nearest_explore_cell = null; foreach (ExploreCell explore_cell in m_ExploreCells) { if (explore_cell.Explored) { continue; } float dist = explore_cell.Position.DistanceSqr(hint_pos); if (dist < min_dist) { nearest_explore_cell = explore_cell; min_dist = dist; } } return(nearest_explore_cell != null ? nearest_explore_cell.Position : Vec3.Empty); } return(Vec3.Empty); }
protected HashSet <ExploreCell> GetUnexploredCells(ExploreCell origin_cell) { using (new ReadLock(DataLock)) { UnexploredSelector selector = new UnexploredSelector(); Algorihms.Visit <ExploreCell>(origin_cell, MovementFlag.None, -1, null, selector); m_CellsToExploreCount = selector.all_cells_count; m_ExploredCellsCount = m_CellsToExploreCount - selector.unexplored_cells.Count; // first try all big cells unvisited by anyone (undelayed) HashSet <ExploreCell> unexplored_cells_subset = new HashSet <ExploreCell>(selector.unexplored_cells.Where(x => !x.Small && !x.Delayed)); if (unexplored_cells_subset.Count > 0) { return(unexplored_cells_subset); } // try all big cells unvisited by me unexplored_cells_subset = new HashSet <ExploreCell>(selector.unexplored_cells.Where(x => !x.Small)); if (unexplored_cells_subset.Count > 0) { return(unexplored_cells_subset); } // try all remaining cells return(selector.unexplored_cells); } }
internal bool GetCellAt(Vec3 p, out ExploreCell result_cell) { using (new ReadLock(DataLock)) { result_cell = null; if (p.IsZero()) { return(false); } foreach (var explore_cell in m_ExploreCells) { if (explore_cell.Contains2D(p)) { var cells = explore_cell.GetCellsAt(p, test_2d: true, z_tolerance: 0); if (cells.Count() > 0) { result_cell = explore_cell; return(true); } } } return(false); } }
protected virtual void OnDeserialize(HashSet <Cell> all_cells, BinaryReader r) { using (new WriteLock(DataLock)) using (new WriteLock(InputLock)) { m_ExploreCells.Clear(); m_Enabled = r.ReadBoolean(); int explore_cells_count = r.ReadInt32(); // pre-allocate explore cells for (int i = 0; i < explore_cells_count; ++i) { ExploreCell explore_cell = new ExploreCell(); explore_cell.GlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); } foreach (ExploreCell explore_cell in m_ExploreCells) { explore_cell.Deserialize(m_ExploreCells, all_cells, r); } ExploreCell.LastExploreCellGlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_HintPos = new Vec3(r); } }
public static void Render(Nav.ExploreCell cell, float radius, PointF trans, PaintEventArgs e, bool draw_connections, bool draw_id) { DrawRectangle(e.Graphics, Pens.Magenta, trans, cell.Min, cell.Max); //DrawString(e.Graphics, Brushes.Black, trans, cell.Position, Math.Round(cell.CellsArea()).ToString(), 14); if (cell.Explored) { //DrawLine(e.Graphics, explored_pen, trans, cell.Min, cell.Max); //DrawLine(e.Graphics, explored_pen, trans, new Vec3(cell.Min.X, cell.Max.Y), new Vec3(cell.Max.X, cell.Min.Y)); FillRectangle(e.Graphics, explored_brush, trans, cell.Min, cell.Max); } else { //DrawCircle(e.Graphics, Pens.Red, trans, cell.Position, radius); //DrawString(e.Graphics, Brushes.Black, trans, cell.Position, cell.UserData.ToString(), 10); if (draw_connections) { foreach (Nav.Cell.Neighbour neighbour in cell.Neighbours) { ExploreCell neighbour_cell = (ExploreCell)neighbour.cell; DrawLine(e.Graphics, EXPLORE_CELL_CONNECTION_PEN, trans, cell.Center, neighbour.border_point); } } } if (draw_id) { DrawString(e.Graphics, Brushes.Black, trans, cell.Position, cell.GlobalId.ToString() + " (" + cell.Id.ToString() + ")", 10); } }
internal virtual void Deserialize(List <Cell> all_cells, BinaryReader r) { using (new WriteLock(DataLock)) using (new WriteLock(InputLock)) { m_ExploreCells.Clear(); m_ExploreCellsDistancer.Clear(); m_Enabled = r.ReadBoolean(); int explore_cells_count = r.ReadInt32(); // pre-allocate explore cells for (int i = 0; i < explore_cells_count; ++i) { ExploreCell explore_cell = new ExploreCell(); explore_cell.GlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); } m_ExploreCells.Sort(new Cell.CompareByGlobalId()); foreach (ExploreCell explore_cell in m_ExploreCells) { explore_cell.Deserialize(m_ExploreCells, all_cells, r); } ExploreCell.LastExploreCellGlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_ExploreCellsDistancer.Deserialize(r); m_HintPos = new Vec3(r); } }
protected virtual void OnCellExplored(ExploreCell cell) { if (cell == null) { return; } cell.Explored = true; // this is safe as explore cells cannot be added/removed now m_Navmesh.Log("[Nav] Explored cell " + cell.GlobalId + " [progress: " + GetExploredPercent() + "%]!"); }
private void Add(ExploreCell explore_cell) { using (new WriteLock(DataLock)) { foreach (ExploreCell e_cell in m_ExploreCells) { e_cell.AddNeighbour(explore_cell); } m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); } }
protected virtual void OnDeserialize(HashSet <Cell> all_cells, Dictionary <int, Cell> id_to_cell, BinaryReader r) { m_ExploreCells.Clear(); m_Enabled = r.ReadBoolean(); int explore_cells_count = r.ReadInt32(); // pre-allocate explore cells for (int i = 0; i < explore_cells_count; ++i) { ExploreCell explore_cell = new ExploreCell(); explore_cell.GlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); } foreach (ExploreCell explore_cell in m_ExploreCells) { explore_cell.Deserialize(m_ExploreCells, all_cells, id_to_cell, r); } foreach (ExploreCell explore_cell in m_ExploreCells) { OnExploreCellAdded(explore_cell); } var dest_cell_global_id = r.ReadInt32(); if (dest_cell_global_id >= 0) { m_DestCell = m_ExploreCells.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GlobalId == dest_cell_global_id); } ExploreCell.LastExploreCellGlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_ExploredCellsCount = r.ReadInt32(); m_CellsToExploreCount = r.ReadInt32(); var explore_constraints_count = r.ReadInt32(); var exConstraints = explore_constraints_count > 0 ? new List <AABB>() : null; if (exConstraints != null) { for (int i = 0; i < explore_constraints_count; ++i) { exConstraints.Add(new AABB(r)); } } m_ExploreConstraints = exConstraints; m_HintPos = new Vec3(r); }
public static void Render(Nav.Navmesh navmesh, Nav.ExploreCell cell, List <Nav.ExploreCell> all_cells, PointF trans, PaintEventArgs e, bool draw_id) { foreach (ExploreCell other_cell in all_cells) { if (cell.Id == other_cell.Id) { continue; } DrawLine(e.Graphics, Pens.Gray, trans, cell.Position, other_cell.Position); //DrawString(e.Graphics, Brushes.Black, trans, (cell.Position + other_cell.Position) * 0.5f, Math.Round(navmesh.Explorator.ExploreDistance(cell, other_cell)).ToString(), 8); } }
private void Add(ExploreCell explore_cell) { using (m_Navmesh.AcquireReadDataLock()) using (new WriteLock(DataLock)) { foreach (ExploreCell e_cell in m_ExploreCells) { e_cell.AddNeighbour(explore_cell); } m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); } }
private void Add(ExploreCell explore_cell) { using (m_Navmesh.AcquireReadDataLock()) using (new WriteLock(DataLock)) { foreach (ExploreCell e_cell in m_ExploreCells) { e_cell.AddNeighbour(explore_cell); } m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_ForceRefreshExploredPercent, 1); } }
private void Add(ExploreCell explore_cell) { using (new WriteLock(DataLock)) { foreach (ExploreCell e_cell in m_ExploreCells) { if (e_cell.AddNeighbour(explore_cell)) { m_ExploreCellsDistancer.Connect(e_cell.GlobalId, explore_cell.GlobalId, e_cell.Position.Distance2D(explore_cell.Position)); } } m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); } }
public void OnDestinationReached(destination dest) { if (dest.type != DestType.Explore) { return; } ExploreCell dest_cell = dest.user_data as ExploreCell; if (dest_cell != null) { OnCellExplored(dest_cell); } SelectNewDestinationCell(); }
public void OnDestinationReached(DestType type, Vec3 dest) { if (type != DestType.Explore) { return; } ExploreCell dest_cell = m_ExploreCells.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Position.Equals(dest)); if (dest_cell != null) { OnCellExplored(dest_cell); } m_DestCell = GetDestinationCell(); m_Navigator.SetDestination(GetDestinationCellPosition(), DestType.Explore, ExploreDestPrecision); }
public void OnDestinationReached(DestType type, Vec3 dest) { if (type != DestType.Explore) { return; } ExploreCell dest_cell = m_ExploreCells.Find(x => x.Position.Equals(dest)); if (dest_cell != null) { OnCellExplored(dest_cell); } Vec3 next_dest = GetDestinationCellPosition(); Navmesh.Navigator.SetDestination(next_dest, DestType.Explore); }
private void UpdateExploration() { Vec3 current_pos = m_Navigator.CurrentPos; if (current_pos.IsZero()) { return; } if (!IsDataAvailable) { m_Navmesh.Log("[Nav] Exploration data unavailable!"); return; } if (IsExplored()) { m_Navmesh.Log("[Nav] Exploration finished!"); m_Navigator.ClearDestination(DestType.Explore); return; } using (new ReadLock(DataLock, true)) { if (m_Navigator.GetDestinationType() < DestType.Explore) { m_DestCell = GetDestinationCell(); m_Navigator.SetDestination(GetDestinationCellPosition(), DestType.Explore, ExploreDestPrecision); //m_Navmesh.Log("[Nav] Explore dest changed."); } { // mark cells as explored when passing by close enough ExploreCell current_explore_cell = m_ExploreCells.FirstOrDefault(x => !x.Explored && x.Position.Distance2D(current_pos) < ExploreDestPrecision); if (current_explore_cell != null) { OnCellExplored(current_explore_cell); } } OnUpdateExploration(); } }
private void SelectNewDestinationCell(ExploreCell curr_explore_cell) { //using (new Profiler("SelectNewDestinationCell [%t]")) { var prev_dest_cell = m_DestCell; m_DestCell = GetDestinationCell(curr_explore_cell); //Trace.WriteLine($"dest explore cell id {m_DestCell?.GlobalId ?? -1} pos {GetDestinationCellPosition()}"); //using (new Profiler("set explore cell pos as dest [%t]")) if (Enabled) { m_Navigator.SetDestination(new destination(GetDestinationCellPosition(), DestType.Explore, ExploreDestPrecision, user_data: m_DestCell, stop: false)); } // force reevaluation so connectivity check is performed on selected cell (it is cheaper than checking connectivity for all unexplored cells) m_ValidateDestCell = m_DestCell != prev_dest_cell; } }
public void OnDestinationReached(destination dest) { if (dest.type != DestType.Explore) { return; } ExploreCell dest_cell = dest.user_data as ExploreCell; //Trace.WriteLine($"marking explore cell id {dest_cell?.GlobalId ?? -1} as explored"); if (dest_cell != null) { Trace.WriteLine($"Explore cell GID {m_DestCell.GlobalId} considered explored because it was reached."); OnCellExplored(dest_cell); } SelectNewDestinationCell(dest_cell); }
private void UpdateExploration() { Vec3 current_pos = Navmesh.Navigator.CurrentPos; if (!Enabled || current_pos.IsEmpty) { return; } if (!IsDataAvailable) { Navmesh.Log("[Nav] Exploration data unavailable!"); return; } if (IsExplored()) { Navmesh.Log("[Nav] Exploration finished!"); Navmesh.Navigator.SetDestination(Vec3.Empty, DestType.None); return; } using (new ReadLock(DataLock, true)) { if (Navmesh.Navigator.GetDestinationType() < DestType.Explore) { Vec3 dest = GetDestinationCellPosition(); Navmesh.Navigator.SetDestination(dest, DestType.Explore); Navmesh.Log("[Nav] Explore dest changed."); } { // mark cells as explored when passing by close enough ExploreCell current_explore_cell = m_ExploreCells.Find(x => !x.Explored && x.Position.Distance2D(current_pos) < Navmesh.Navigator.ExploreCellPrecision); if (current_explore_cell != null) { OnCellExplored(current_explore_cell); } } } }
protected ExploreCell GetCurrentExploreCell() { Vec3 curr_pos = m_Navigator.CurrentPos; ExploreCell current_explore_cell = m_ExploreCells.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CellsContains2D(curr_pos)); if (current_explore_cell == null) { // try explore cells containing current position first var potential_explore_cells = m_ExploreCells.Where(x => x.Contains2D(curr_pos)); if (potential_explore_cells == null) { potential_explore_cells = m_ExploreCells; // find nearest explore cell } if (potential_explore_cells != null) { if (potential_explore_cells.Count() == 1) { current_explore_cell = potential_explore_cells.First(); } else { float min_dist = float.MaxValue; foreach (var explore_cell in potential_explore_cells) { float dist = explore_cell.Cells.Select(x => x.Distance(curr_pos)).Min(); if (dist < min_dist) { current_explore_cell = explore_cell; min_dist = dist; } } } } } return(current_explore_cell); }
public bool AddNeighbour(ExploreCell explore_cell) { if (!Overlaps2D(explore_cell, true)) return false; foreach (Cell cell in Cells) { foreach (Cell other_cell in explore_cell.Cells) { if (cell.Equals(other_cell) || cell.Neighbours.Exists(x => x.cell.Equals(other_cell))) { Neighbours.Add(new Neighbour(explore_cell, null, MovementFlag.None)); explore_cell.Neighbours.Add(new Neighbour(this, null, MovementFlag.None)); return true; } } } return false; }
protected virtual void OnDeserialize(HashSet <Cell> all_cells, Dictionary <int, Cell> id_to_cell, BinaryReader r) { using (new WriteLock(DataLock)) using (new WriteLock(InputLock)) { m_ExploreCells.Clear(); m_Enabled = r.ReadBoolean(); int explore_cells_count = r.ReadInt32(); // pre-allocate explore cells for (int i = 0; i < explore_cells_count; ++i) { ExploreCell explore_cell = new ExploreCell(); explore_cell.GlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); } foreach (ExploreCell explore_cell in m_ExploreCells) { explore_cell.Deserialize(m_ExploreCells, all_cells, id_to_cell, r); } var dest_cell_global_id = r.ReadInt32(); if (dest_cell_global_id >= 0) { m_DestCell = m_ExploreCells.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GlobalId == dest_cell_global_id); } ExploreCell.LastExploreCellGlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_ExploredCellsCount = r.ReadInt32(); m_CellsToExploreCount = r.ReadInt32(); m_HintPos = new Vec3(r); } }
public bool AddNeighbour(ExploreCell explore_cell) { if (!Overlaps2D(explore_cell, true)) { return(false); } foreach (Cell cell in Cells) { foreach (Cell other_cell in explore_cell.Cells) { if (cell.Equals(other_cell) || cell.Neighbours.Exists(x => x.cell.Equals(other_cell))) { Neighbours.Add(new Neighbour(explore_cell, Vec3.ZERO, MovementFlag.None)); explore_cell.Neighbours.Add(new Neighbour(this, Vec3.ZERO, MovementFlag.None)); return(true); } } } return(false); }
protected List <int> GetUnexploredCellsId(ExploreCell origin_cell) { using (new ReadLock(DataLock)) { List <ExploreCell> unexplored_cells = m_ExploreCells.FindAll(x => !x.Explored); List <ExploreCell> big_unexplored_cells = unexplored_cells.FindAll(x => !x.Small); List <int> unexplored_cells_id = null; // explore small cells only when all other cells were explored if (big_unexplored_cells.Count == 0) { unexplored_cells_id = unexplored_cells.Select(x => x.GlobalId).ToList(); } else { unexplored_cells_id = big_unexplored_cells.Select(x => x.GlobalId).ToList(); } List <int> potential_cells_id = m_ExploreCellsDistancer.GetConnectedTo(origin_cell.GlobalId); return(potential_cells_id.Intersect(unexplored_cells_id).ToList()); // consider only unexplored } }
public virtual bool IsExplored() { using (new ReadLock(DataLock)) { if (!IsDataAvailable) { return(false); } ExploreCell current_explore_cell = GetCurrentExploreCell(); if (current_explore_cell == null) { return(true); } if (!current_explore_cell.Explored) { return(false); } return(GetUnexploredCells(current_explore_cell).Count == 0); } }
public static void FindExplorePath2Opt(ExploreCell start_cell, List <ExploreCell> explore_cells, CellsDistancer distances, ref List <Vec3> path) { path.Clear(); if (start_cell == null) { return; } List <int> cells_id_in_start_cell_network = distances.GetConnectedTo(start_cell.GlobalId); List <ExploreCell> best_tour = explore_cells.FindAll(c => cells_id_in_start_cell_network.Contains(c.GlobalId)); best_tour.RemoveAll(c => c.Explored || c.Neighbours.Count == 0); if (start_cell.Explored) { best_tour.Insert(0, start_cell); } if (best_tour.Count == 1) { path.Add(best_tour[0].Position); return; } float best_dist = GetTravelDistance(best_tour, distances); if (best_tour.Count < 90) { // based on while (true) { bool better_found = false; for (int i = 1; i < best_tour.Count - 1; ++i) { for (int k = i + 1; k < best_tour.Count; ++k) { float new_dist = Swap2OptDistance(best_tour, distances, i, k); if (new_dist < best_dist) { Swap2Opt(ref best_tour, i, k); best_dist = new_dist; better_found = true; break; } } if (better_found) { break; } } if (!better_found) { break; } } } else // greedy { // based on while (true) { float min_change = 0; int min_i = -1; int min_j = -1; for (int i = 0; i < best_tour.Count - 2; ++i) { for (int j = i + 2; j < best_tour.Count - 1; ++j) { int city_a = best_tour[i].GlobalId; int city_b = best_tour[i + 1].GlobalId; int city_c = best_tour[j].GlobalId; int city_d = best_tour[j + 1].GlobalId; float change = (distances.GetDistance(city_a, city_c) + distances.GetDistance(city_b, city_d)) - (distances.GetDistance(city_a, city_b) + distances.GetDistance(city_c, city_d)); if (change < min_change) { min_change = change; min_i = i + 1; min_j = j; } } } if (min_change >= 0) { break; } // apply min_i/min_j move ExploreCell t = best_tour[min_i]; best_tour[min_i] = best_tour[min_j]; best_tour[min_j] = t; } } //Navmesh.Log("[FindExplorePath 2-Opt] Final solution distance: " + GetTravelDistance(tour, distances)); foreach (ExploreCell cell in best_tour) { path.Add(cell.Position); } if (start_cell.Explored) { path.RemoveAt(0); } }
public static void FindExplorePath(ExploreCell start_cell, List <ExploreCell> explore_cells, CellsDistancer distances, ref List <Vec3> path) { //based on path.Clear(); if (start_cell == null) { return; } List <int> cells_id_in_start_cell_network = distances.GetConnectedTo(start_cell.GlobalId); List <ExploreCell> best_solution = explore_cells.FindAll(c => cells_id_in_start_cell_network.Contains(c.Id)); best_solution.RemoveAll(c => (c.Explored || c.Neighbours.Count == 0) && c.GlobalId != start_cell.GlobalId); best_solution.Remove(start_cell); best_solution.Insert(0, start_cell); if (best_solution.Count == 1) { path.Add(best_solution[0].Position); return; } float best_energy = GetTravelDistance(best_solution, distances); List <ExploreCell> current_solution = best_solution; float current_energy = best_energy; Random rng = new Random(); double temp = 10000; double alpha = 0.999; double epsilon = 0.0001; int temp_iterations = 2; // Loop until system has cooled while (temp > epsilon) { for (int iter = 0; iter < temp_iterations; ++iter) { // Create new neighbour tour List <ExploreCell> new_solution = new List <ExploreCell>(current_solution); // Get a random positions in the tour int tour_pos_1 = rng.Next(1, new_solution.Count); int tour_pos_2 = rng.Next(1, new_solution.Count); // Swap them ExploreCell t = new_solution[tour_pos_1]; new_solution[tour_pos_1] = new_solution[tour_pos_2]; new_solution[tour_pos_2] = t; // Get energy of solutions float new_energy = GetTravelDistance(new_solution, distances); // Decide if we should accept the neighbour if (AcceptanceProbability(current_energy, new_energy, temp) >= rng.NextDouble()) { current_solution = new_solution; current_energy = new_energy; } // Keep track of the best solution found if (current_energy < best_energy) { best_solution = current_solution; best_energy = current_energy; } } // Cool system temp *= alpha; } //Navmesh.Log("[FindExplorePath] Final solution distance: " + best_energy); foreach (ExploreCell cell in best_solution) { path.Add(cell.Position); } if (start_cell.Explored) { path.RemoveAt(0); } }
internal virtual void Deserialize(List<Cell> all_cells, BinaryReader r) { using (new WriteLock(DataLock)) using (new WriteLock(InputLock)) { m_ExploreCells.Clear(); m_ExploreCellsDistancer.Clear(); m_Enabled = r.ReadBoolean(); int explore_cells_count = r.ReadInt32(); // pre-allocate explore cells for (int i = 0; i < explore_cells_count; ++i) { ExploreCell explore_cell = new ExploreCell(); explore_cell.GlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); } m_ExploreCells.Sort(new Cell.CompareByGlobalId()); foreach (ExploreCell explore_cell in m_ExploreCells) explore_cell.Deserialize(m_ExploreCells, all_cells, r); ExploreCell.LastExploreCellGlobalId = r.ReadInt32(); m_ExploreCellsDistancer.Deserialize(r); m_HintPos = new Vec3(r); } }
private int GenerateExploreCells(AABB cell_aabb) { // should not happen //if (m_ExploreCells.Exists(x => x.AABB.Equals(cell_aabb))) // return; MovementFlag movement_flags = Navmesh.Navigator.MovementFlags; //using (new Profiler("[Nav] Nav data generated [{t}]")) using (Navmesh.AquireReadDataLock()) { List<Cell> cells = new List<Cell>(); // find all cells inside cell_aabb foreach (GridCell grid_cell in Navmesh.m_GridCells) { if (!cell_aabb.Overlaps2D(grid_cell.AABB)) continue; cells.AddRange(grid_cell.Cells.FindAll(x => !x.Replacement && x.HasFlags(movement_flags) && cell_aabb.Overlaps2D(x.AABB))); } // add all replaced cells overlapped by explore cell //cells.AddRange(Navmesh.GetReplacedCells().FindAll(x => x.HasFlags(movement_flags) && cell_aabb.Overlaps2D(x.AABB))); //create ExploreCell for each interconnected group of cells List<Cell> cells_copy = new List<Cell>(cells); int last_explore_cells_count = m_ExploreCells.Count; while (cells_copy.Count > 0) { List<Cell> visited = new List<Cell>(); Algorihms.Visit(cells_copy[0], ref visited, movement_flags, true, 1, -1, cells_copy); List<AABB> intersections = new List<AABB>(); AABB intersections_aabb = new AABB(); foreach (Cell c in visited) { AABB intersection = cell_aabb.Intersect(c.AABB); intersections.Add(intersection); intersections_aabb.Extend(intersection); } Vec3 nearest_intersection_center = Vec3.Empty; float nearest_intersection_dist = float.MaxValue; foreach (AABB inter_aabb in intersections) { float dist = inter_aabb.Center.Distance2D(intersections_aabb.Center); if (dist < nearest_intersection_dist) { nearest_intersection_center = inter_aabb.Center; nearest_intersection_dist = dist; } } ExploreCell ex_cell = new ExploreCell(cell_aabb, visited, nearest_intersection_center, m_LastExploreCellId++); Add(ex_cell); ex_cell.Small = (ex_cell.CellsArea() < MAX_AREA_TO_MARK_AS_SMALL); cells_copy.RemoveAll(x => visited.Contains(x)); } return m_ExploreCells.Count - last_explore_cells_count; } }
private void Add(ExploreCell explore_cell) { using (new WriteLock(DataLock)) { foreach (ExploreCell e_cell in m_ExploreCells) { if (e_cell.AddNeighbour(explore_cell)) m_ExploreCellsDistancer.Connect(e_cell.GlobalId, explore_cell.GlobalId, e_cell.Position.Distance2D(explore_cell.Position)); } m_ExploreCells.Add(explore_cell); } }
protected List<int> GetUnexploredCellsId(ExploreCell origin_cell) { using (new ReadLock(DataLock)) { List<ExploreCell> unexplored_cells = m_ExploreCells.FindAll(x => !x.Explored); List<ExploreCell> big_unexplored_cells = unexplored_cells.FindAll(x => !x.Small); List<int> unexplored_cells_id = null; // explore small cells only when all other cells were explored if (big_unexplored_cells.Count == 0) unexplored_cells_id = unexplored_cells.Select(x => x.GlobalId).ToList(); else unexplored_cells_id = big_unexplored_cells.Select(x => x.GlobalId).ToList(); List<int> potential_cells_id = m_ExploreCellsDistancer.GetConnectedTo(origin_cell.GlobalId); return potential_cells_id.Intersect(unexplored_cells_id).ToList(); // consider only unexplored } }
protected virtual void OnCellExplored(ExploreCell cell) { cell.Explored = true; // this is safe as explore cells cannot be added/removed now Navmesh.Log("[Nav] Explored cell " + cell.GlobalId + " [progress: " + GetExploredPercent() + "%]!"); }
// assume Navmesh data lock is aquired private int GenerateExploreCells(AABB cell_aabb) { // should not happen //if (m_ExploreCells.Exists(x => x.AABB.Equals(cell_aabb))) // return; MovementFlag movement_flags = m_Navigator.MovementFlags; //using (new Profiler("[Nav] Nav data generated [%t]")) //using (m_Navmesh.AquireReadDataLock()) { List <Cell> cells = new List <Cell>(); // i'm interested in unique list HashSet <int> tmp_overlapping_grid_cells = new HashSet <int>(); // find all cells inside cell_aabb using (m_Navmesh.AcquireReadDataLock()) { foreach (GridCell grid_cell in m_Navmesh.m_GridCells.Where(x => x.AABB.Overlaps2D(cell_aabb))) { tmp_overlapping_grid_cells.Add(grid_cell.Id); cells.AddRange(grid_cell.GetCells(x => x.HasFlags(movement_flags) && cell_aabb.Overlaps2D(x.AABB), false)); } } // for traversing purposes list will be faster List <int> overlapping_grid_cells = tmp_overlapping_grid_cells.ToList(); //create ExploreCell for each interconnected group of cells HashSet <Cell> cells_copy = new HashSet <Cell>(cells); int last_explore_cells_count = m_ExploreCells.Count; while (cells_copy.Count > 0) { HashSet <Cell> visited = new HashSet <Cell>(); using (m_Navmesh.AcquireReadDataLock()) Algorihms.Visit(cells_copy.First(), ref visited, movement_flags, true, 1, -1, cells_copy); List <AABB> intersections = new List <AABB>(); AABB intersections_aabb = new AABB(); AABB intersection = default(AABB); foreach (Cell c in visited) { if (cell_aabb.Intersect(c.AABB, ref intersection)) { intersections.Add(intersection); intersections_aabb = intersections_aabb.Extend(intersection); } } ExploreCell ex_cell = new ExploreCell(cell_aabb, visited.ToList(), overlapping_grid_cells, m_LastExploreCellId++); Add(ex_cell); ex_cell.Small = (ex_cell.CellsArea < MaxAreaToMarkAsSmall) || (ex_cell.CellsAABB.Dimensions.Max() < MaxDimensionToMarkAsSmall); cells_copy.RemoveWhere(x => visited.Contains(x)); } return(m_ExploreCells.Count - last_explore_cells_count); } }
public float ExploreDistance(ExploreCell cell_1, ExploreCell cell_2) { using (new ReadLock(DataLock)) return m_ExploreCellsDistancer.GetDistance(cell_1.GlobalId, cell_2.GlobalId); }