Пример #1
 public void OnUpdateProgress(object sender, OutputEventArgs e)
     if (_dicTabPages.ContainsKey(e.strProName))
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates progress of the progress bar and status of a given target.
        /// Uses SafeBeginInvoke to test whether it is safe for the two threads
        /// (the Main Thread and the TargetUpload Thread) to communicate/pass information.
        /// Because of the nature of SafeBeginInvoke, it is not always safe to communicate
        /// between the two Threads.  Therefore, not all calls are successful to OnUpdateProgress().
        /// Because calls to OnUpdateProgress() are put into a queue, when the upload Processes and
        /// Threads are terminated the progress bar and status field continue to update for a small
        /// amount of time.  _lstStopList and _stopAll are used to flag that the upload process
        /// has been stopped, so any OnUpdateProgress() calls left in the queue with not effect the display/status
        /// of the List View screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Contains the target address, progress, and speed of an upload</param>
        public void updateProgress(OutputEventArgs e)
            this.targetList.SafeBeginInvoke(new Action(() =>                        //Tests whether is it safe to communicate
                if (targetList.Items.ContainsKey(e.strTarget) == true)              //Checks if ListView item exists for target IP
                    if ((_lstStopList.Contains(e.strTarget)) || (_stopAll == true)) //Checks if IP has been flagged to stop
                        if (_lstStopList.Contains(e.strTarget))
                            targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[3].Text = "Stopped"; //Sets target's status to 'Stopped'
                            targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[4].Text = "";
                            updateStatus("", "Stopped");                              //Sets all targets to 'Stopped'
                        int percentageDone = (int)e.percent;
                        int row            = targetList.Items[e.strTarget].Index;                       //Finds row of target
                        ProgressBar pb     = targetList.GetEmbeddedControl(e.strTarget) as ProgressBar; //Fetches progress bar

                        if (percentageDone <= 100)
                            pb.Value = percentageDone;

                        targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[2].Text = percentageDone.ToString() + "%";
                        targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[3].Text = "Running";
                        targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[4].Text = e.strSpeed;

                        if (percentageDone >= 100)
                            targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[3].Text = "Done";
                            targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[4].Text = "";
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates progress of the progress bar and status of a given target.
        /// Uses SafeBeginInvoke to test whether it is safe for the two threads
        /// (the Main Thread and the TargetUpload Thread) to communicate/pass information.
        /// Because of the nature of SafeBeginInvoke, it is not always safe to communicate 
        /// between the two Threads.  Therefore, not all calls are successful to OnUpdateProgress().
        /// Because calls to OnUpdateProgress() are put into a queue, when the upload Processes and 
        /// Threads are terminated the progress bar and status field continue to update for a small
        /// amount of time.  _lstStopList and _stopAll are used to flag that the upload process
        /// has been stopped, so any OnUpdateProgress() calls left in the queue with not effect the display/status
        /// of the List View screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Contains the target address, progress, and speed of an upload</param>
        public void updateProgress(OutputEventArgs e)
            this.targetList.SafeBeginInvoke(new Action(() =>                                //Tests whether is it safe to communicate
            if(targetList.Items.ContainsKey(e.strTarget) == true)                         //Checks if ListView item exists for target IP
              if((_lstStopList.Contains(e.strTarget)) || (_stopAll == true))    //Checks if IP has been flagged to stop
              targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[3].Text = "Stopped";       //Sets target's status to 'Stopped'
              targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[4].Text = "";
              updateStatus("", "Stopped");                                            //Sets all targets to 'Stopped'
            int percentageDone = (int)e.percent;
            int row = targetList.Items[e.strTarget].Index;                            //Finds row of target
            ProgressBar pb = targetList.GetEmbeddedControl(e.strTarget) as ProgressBar;  //Fetches progress bar

            if(percentageDone <= 100)
              pb.Value = percentageDone;

            targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[2].Text = percentageDone.ToString() + "%";
            targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[3].Text = "Running";
            targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[4].Text = e.strSpeed;

            if(percentageDone >= 100)
              targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[3].Text = "Done";
              targetList.Items[e.strTarget].SubItems[4].Text = "";