Пример #1
        private long copyFile(ConvertFile file, ref long nullsPos, ref long srcPos, long dstPos, Stream inStream, Stream target)
            FstFile ff   = file.FstFile;
            long    size = ff.Length;

            if (size == 0)
                return(0); //could be legit or junk

            size += size % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - (size % 4);
                inStream.Copy(target, size);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new HandledException(ex, "Copy file '{0}' failed at Data Position {1} ({2} bytes)", ff.Name, ff.DataOffset.ToString("X"), ff.Length.ToString());
            srcPos  += size;
            dstPos  += size;
            nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1CL;

Пример #2
        public static FileSystem Parse(Stream fstData, long fstOffset, long length, string id, bool isGc)
            MemorySection ms = MemorySection.Read(fstData, length);
            FstFile       ff = new FstFile(null)
                Name = "fst.bin", DataOffset = fstOffset, Offset = NStream.DataToOffset(fstOffset, !isGc), IsNonFstFile = true, Length = (int)fstData.Length

            return(Parse(ms, ff, id, isGc));
Пример #3
        internal void ParseFst(byte[] fst)
            if (_fileSystem == null && _fst == null)
                _fst = fst;
            if (this.FileSystem == null)
            _fileSystem = this.FileSystem; //force read of filesystem here

            List <Tuple <long, int, FstFile> > h3 = new List <Tuple <long, int, FstFile> >();
            List <FstFile> nonNull = _fileSystem.Files.Where(a => a.Length != 0).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < nonNull.Count; i++) //already ordered by offset
                FstFile fl = nonNull[i];
                FstFile fn = null;
                if (i + 1 < nonNull.Count)
                    fn = nonNull[i + 1];

                long end = fl.DataOffset + fl.Length;

                if (end % 0x7c00L == 0 || (int)(end % 0x7c00L) > 0x7c00 - 28)
                    if (fn == null)
                        h3.Add(new Tuple <long, int, FstFile>(fl.DataOffset, 28, fl));
                        int nullCount = 28;
                        if (end % 0x7c00L != 0)
                            nullCount = (0x7c00 - (int)(end % 0x7c00L));
                            end      += nullCount;
                            nullCount = 28 - nullCount;

                        long diff = (int)(fn.DataOffset - end);
                        if (diff >= 0x7c00)
                            h3.Add(new Tuple <long, int, FstFile>(end, nullCount + (nullCount % 2), fl)); //data offset
            _scrubManager.H3Nulls.AddRange(h3.Union(_fileSystem.Files.Where(a => a.Length == 0).Select(a => new Tuple <long, int, FstFile>(a.DataOffset, 28, a))));
Пример #4
        internal static FileSystem Parse(MemorySection ms, FstFile fst, string id, bool isGc)
            FstFolder fld = new FstFolder(null);

            long nFiles = ms.ReadUInt32B(0x8);

            if (12 * nFiles > ms.Size)

            if (fst != null)
            recurseFst(ms, fld, 12 * nFiles, 0, id, isGc);
            return(new FileSystem(fld));
Пример #5
        private long copyFile(ConvertFile file, ref long nullsPos, ref long srcPos, long dstPos, long imageSize, Stream inStream, Stream target)
            FstFile ff   = file.FstFile;
            long    size = ff.Length;

            if (size == 0)
                return(0); //could be legit or junk
            size += size % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - (size % 4);
            size  = Math.Min(size, imageSize - dstPos); //never overwrite file length (starfox e3 fix)
            inStream.Copy(target, size);
            srcPos  += size;
            dstPos  += size;
            nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1CL;

Пример #6
        private bool areaUsed(FstFile file, long offset, long size)
            bool b = (file.DataOffset > offset && file.DataOffset < offset + size); //starts within range

            if (b)
            b = (file.DataOffset + file.Length > offset && file.DataOffset + file.Length < offset + size); //ends within range
            if (b)
            b = (file.DataOffset <offset && file.DataOffset + file.Length> offset + size);
            if (b)
Пример #7
        private long writeFile(ref long nullsPos, Stream dest, long dstPos, ref bool firstFile, Stream srcStream, FstFile lastFile, FstFile file, List <JunkRedumpPatch> patches, NStream nstream, long junkStart, bool isJunkFile)
            //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(@"{0} : {1} : {2} : {3}/{4}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), (file.DataOffset + file.Length).ToString("X8"), /*(nextFile.DataOffset - lastEnd).ToString("X8"),*/ file.Length.ToString("X8"), file.Path, file.Name));

            //file found
            long gap = writeDestGap(nullsPos, dest, dstPos, file.DataOffset - dstPos, firstFile, patches, junkStart, nstream);

            firstFile = false;

            bool missing = false;

            if (file.Length == 0)
                //    missing = true;
            else if (isJunkFile)
                missing = true;
                MemorySection ms = MemorySection.Read(srcStream, 8);

                long    size = ms.ReadUInt32B(0);
                GapType gt   = (GapType)(size & 0b11);
                size &= 0xFFFFFFFC;

                //set nullsPos value if zerobyte file without junk
                if (gt == GapType.JunkFile)
                    nullsPos = Math.Min(nullsPos - (dstPos + gap), 0); //reset the nulls
                    long nulls       = (size & 0xFC) >> 2;
                    long junkFileLen = ms.ReadUInt32B(4);
                    if (junkFileLen != file.Length)
                        throw new HandledException(string.Format("NKit Junk file restoration length mismatch {0}: {1}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), file.Name));

                    ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(dest, nulls);
                    nstream.JunkStream.Position = (dstPos + gap) + nulls;
                    nstream.JunkStream.Copy(dest, junkFileLen - nulls);
                    _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Generated file content with Junk {0}: {1}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), file.Name));
                    throw new HandledException(string.Format("NKit Junk file restoration bytes invalid {0}: {1}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), file.Name));
                byte[] f = new byte[Math.Min(0x30, file.Length)];
                srcStream.Read(f, 0, f.Length);                                     //then read while junk is created

                if (lastFile.DataOffset == file.DataOffset && lastFile.Length == 0) //null file overlapped this file so set nullsPos to have a gap (XGIII) needs fst sorting by offset then size
                    nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1CL;                                      //will already be aligned

                int nulls = (int)(nullsPos - (dstPos + gap));
                nstream.JunkStream.Position = file.DataOffset; //async junk gen
                int countNulls = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < f.Length && f[i] == 0; i++)

                if (f.Length > nulls && countNulls < f.Length) //don't test all nulls
                    missing = nstream.JunkStream.Compare(f, 0, f.Length, Math.Max(0, nulls)) == f.Length;

                if (missing)
                    _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("File content is Junk {0}: {1}", file.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), file.Name));

                dest.Write(f, 0, f.Length);
                srcStream.Copy(dest, file.Length - f.Length); //copy file

            if (!missing) //reset the gap when no junk
                nullsPos = dstPos + gap + file.Length + 0x1c;
                if (nullsPos % 4 != 0)
                    nullsPos += 4 - (nullsPos % 4);

            return(gap + file.Length);
Пример #8
        public void Read(Context ctx, NStream inStream, Stream outStream, Coordinator pc)
            string resultMsg = "";

            if (!Settings.ConfigFileFound)
                _log?.Log("!! No config file found - This is required to restore and validate images");

            NCrc          crc        = new NCrc();
            Settings      settings   = ctx.Settings;
            List <string> addedFiles = new List <string>();

            DatData      data = ctx.Dats;
            RecoveryData rec  = ctx.Recovery;

            List <JunkRedumpPatch> patches = rec.JunkPatches;
            MemorySection          hdr     = null;

                long junkStart = settings.JunkStartOffsets.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id8 == inStream.Id8)?.Offset ?? 0;

                string forceJunkId = settings.JunkIdSubstitutions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id8 == inStream.Id8)?.JunkId;
                if (forceJunkId != null)
                    _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Using ID {0} for junk not image ID {1}", forceJunkId, inStream.Id));
                    //result.ImageInfo.JunkId = forceJunkId;
                if (junkStart != 0)
                    _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Junk forced to start at 0x{0}", junkStart.ToString("X8")));

                hdr = inStream.DiscHeader;

                FstFileItem goodFst = rec.GcBinFiles.Where(a => a is FstFileItem).Cast <FstFileItem>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id8 == inStream.Id8 && !(inStream.Id8 == "GNHE5d0000" && a.Length == 116));

                if (goodFst != null)
                    _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Recovery:   {0}", goodFst.Filename));

                if (goodFst == null && rec.GcNewBinFiles != null)
                    goodFst = rec.GcNewBinFiles.Where(a => a is FstFileItem).Cast <FstFileItem>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id8 == inStream.Id8);

                if (goodFst != null)

                ApploaderFileItem goodAldr = goodFst == null ? null : (ApploaderFileItem)rec.GcBinFiles.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Crc == goodFst.AppLoadCrc);
                if (goodAldr == null && rec.GcNewBinFiles != null)
                    goodAldr = goodFst == null ? null : (ApploaderFileItem)rec.GcNewBinFiles.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Crc == goodFst.AppLoadCrc);

                //is it an action replay (custom hacks)
                if ((hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420) == 0 && inStream.Id8 == "GNHE5d0000") || inStream.Id8 == "DTLX010000" || inStream.Id8 == "102E010007")
                    if (inStream.Id8 == "102E010007")
                        resultMsg = "Aging Disc detected - Skipping recover";
                        resultMsg = "Datel Action Replay detected - Skipping recover";

                        using (CryptoStream target = new CryptoStream(outStream, crc, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                            target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, (int)hdr.Size);
                            pc.ReaderCheckPoint1PreWrite(forceJunkId, 0); //size that we will output from this read
                            inStream.Copy(target, pc.OutputSize - hdr.Size);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new HandledException(ex, resultMsg);
                    //# READ DISC START

                    //########### Header (boot.bin)  0 (read by base stream already)
                    long srcPos = hdr.Size;

                    _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Header Read: {0} - {1}", friendly(inStream.Id), friendly(inStream.Title)));

                    //########### Header Info (bi2.bin)  0x440
                    MemorySection bi2bin = MemorySection.Read(inStream, 0x2000);
                    srcPos += bi2bin.Size;

                    //########### APPLOADER (appldr.bin)  0x2440 - Action Reply can have 0 as the main.dol
                    MemorySection appldr = MemorySection.Read(inStream, Math.Min(hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420) == 0 ? uint.MaxValue : hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420), hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424)) - srcPos);
                    srcPos += appldr.Size;

                    //########### APP (main.dol)
                    MemorySection maindol;
                    if (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420) < hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424))
                        maindol = MemorySection.Read(inStream, hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) - srcPos);
                        maindol = new MemorySection(new byte[0]);

                    srcPos += maindol.Size;

                    //########### FST (fst.bin)
                    MemorySection srcFst = MemorySection.Read(inStream, hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428));
                    srcPos += hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428);

                    //# CORRECT ISSUES

                    List <FstFile> srcFiles = FileSystem.Parse(srcFst, null, inStream.Id, true)?.Files?.OrderBy(a => a.Offset)?.ThenBy(a => a.Length)?.ToList();
                    if (srcFiles == null)
                        throw new HandledException(string.Format("FST Corrupt or misaligned, could not be parsed at position 0x{0}", hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424).ToString("X8")));

                    uint crcTmp = Crc.Compute(appldr.Data, 0, Math.Min((int)appldr.Size, 0x20 + (int)(appldr.ReadUInt32B(0x14) + appldr.ReadUInt32B(0x18))));
                    //adjust appldr
                    if (goodAldr != null && crcTmp != goodAldr.Crc)
                        _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Replacing appldr.bin crc {0} with Recovery appldr.bin {1}", crcTmp.ToString("X8"), goodAldr.Crc.ToString("X8")));
                        appldr = new MemorySection(File.ReadAllBytes(goodAldr.Filename));

                    //adjust main.dol
                    if (goodFst != null)
                        if (goodFst.MainDolOffset != hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420))
                            //main.dol is before fst in image and after in goodfst
                            if (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420) < hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) && goodFst.MainDolOffset > goodFst.FstOffset)
                                _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Skipping main.dol at 0x{0} using 0x{1}", hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420).ToString("X8"), goodFst.MainDolOffset.ToString("X8")));
                                maindol = new MemorySection(new byte[0]);
                                _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Moving main.dol address 0x{0} to 0x{1}", hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420).ToString("X8"), goodFst.MainDolOffset.ToString("X8")));

                            hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x420, (uint)goodFst.MainDolOffset);

                        if (goodFst.Region != (Region)bi2bin.ReadUInt32B(0x18))
                            _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Region Changed to {0} from {1}", goodFst.Region.ToString(), ((Region)bi2bin.ReadUInt32B(0x18)).ToString()));
                            bi2bin.WriteUInt32B(0x18, (uint)goodFst.Region);
                        if (goodFst.MaxFst != hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x42C))
                            _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Max Fst Size changed to {0} from {1}", goodFst.MaxFst.ToString("X8"), hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x42C).ToString("X8")));
                            hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x42C, (uint)goodFst.MaxFst);
                        string newTitle = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(goodFst.Title);
                        if (newTitle != hdr.ReadString(0x20, 0x60 - 0x20))
                            _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Title changed to '{0}' from '{1}'", newTitle.TrimEnd('\0'), hdr.ReadString(0x20, 0x60 - 0x20).TrimEnd('\0')));
                            hdr.Write(0x20, goodFst.Title);

                    MemorySection  fst      = srcFst;
                    List <FstFile> fstFiles = srcFiles;
                    crcTmp = Crc.Compute(srcFst.Data);
                    if (goodFst != null && crcTmp != goodFst.Crc)
                        _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Replacing fst.bin crc {0} with Recovery fst {1}", crcTmp.ToString("X8"), goodFst.Crc.ToString("X8")));
                        fst      = new MemorySection(goodFst.FstData);
                        fstFiles = FileSystem.Parse(fst, null, inStream.Id, true).Files.OrderBy(a => a.Offset).ThenBy(a => a.Length).ToList();
                    //adjust fst.bin
                    if (goodFst != null && (goodFst.FstOffset != hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) || goodFst.FstData.Length != hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428)))
                        _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Moving / Resizing fst.bin address 0x{0} (Length {1}) to 0x{2} (Length {3})", hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424).ToString("X8"), hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428).ToString(), goodFst.FstOffset.ToString("X8"), goodFst.FstData.Length.ToString()));
                        hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x424, (uint)goodFst.FstOffset);
                        hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x428, (uint)goodFst.FstData.Length);

                    int c;
                    int failCount     = 0;
                    int filesMoved    = 0;
                    int nkitJunkFiles = 0;
                    foreach (FstFile f in srcFiles)
                        FstFile[] fnd = fstFiles.Where(a => a.Name == f.Name && a.Path == f.Path).ToArray();
                        if (fnd.Length == 0)
                            _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("FST Error: No File Found - {0}/{1} (Length {2})", f.Path, f.Name, f.Length.ToString()));
                        else if (inStream.IsNkit && (c = fnd.Count(a => a.Length != 0 && f.Length == 0)) == 1)
                        else if ((c = fnd.Count(a => a.Length == f.Length)) != 1)
                            _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("FST Error: File Size bad - {0}/{1} (Length {2}){3}", f.Path, f.Name, f.Length.ToString(), c <= 1 ? "" : string.Format(" {0} files found", c.ToString())));
                        else if (f.DataOffset != fnd[0].DataOffset)

                        if (failCount >= 10)
                    if (failCount != 0)
                        if (failCount >= 10)
                            throw new HandledException(string.Format("{0} or more FST errors found", failCount.ToString()));
                    if (filesMoved != 0)
                        _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("{0} file{1} of {2} will be repositioned when rebuilding this image", filesMoved.ToString(), filesMoved == 1 ? "" : "s", fstFiles.Count.ToString()));

                    if (nkitJunkFiles != 0)
                        _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("{0} file{1} of {2} will be generated from junk when rebuilding this image", nkitJunkFiles.ToString(), nkitJunkFiles == 1 ? "" : "s", fstFiles.Count.ToString()));

                    if (goodFst != null)
                        //is the data output so far correct
                        if (!bruteForceValidHeader(ctx, goodFst, hdr, bi2bin, appldr, maindol, fst, pc))
                            throw new HandledException(string.Format("Post FST Crc Failed 0x{0}", goodFst.PostFstCrc.ToString("X8")));

                    //# WRITE DISC START
                    CryptoStream target = new CryptoStream(outStream, crc, CryptoStreamMode.Write);

                    target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, (int)hdr.Size);
                    pc.ReaderCheckPoint1PreWrite(forceJunkId, 0); //size that we will output from this read

                    long dstPos = hdr.Data.Length;

                    target.Write(bi2bin.Data, 0, (int)bi2bin.Size);
                    dstPos += bi2bin.Size;

                    target.Write(appldr.Data, 0, (int)appldr.Size);
                    dstPos += appldr.Size;
                    ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, Math.Min(hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420), hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424)) - dstPos);
                    dstPos += Math.Min(hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420), hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424)) - dstPos;

                    target.Write(maindol.Data, 0, (int)maindol.Size);
                    dstPos += maindol.Size;

                    if (goodFst != null)
                        long padding = goodFst.FstOffset - dstPos;
                        ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, padding);
                        dstPos += padding;

                    target.Write(fst.Data, 0, fst.Data.Length);
                    dstPos += fst.Size;

                    bool firstFile = true;

                    Dictionary <FstFile, byte[]> cache = new Dictionary <FstFile, byte[]>();

                    //# WRITE THE FILESYSTEM

                    int     fidx     = -1;
                    FstFile lastFile = new FstFile(null)
                        DataOffset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Offset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Length = fst.Size
                    FstFile nextFile  = fstFiles[++fidx];
                    FstFile cacheFile = null;

                    long nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1c;
                    if (nullsPos % 4 != 0)
                        nullsPos += 4 - (nullsPos % 4);

                    //########### FILES
                    foreach (FstFile f in srcFiles)                                                                                                                                                             //read the files and write them out as goodFiles (possible order difference)
                        while ((cacheFile = cache.Keys.FirstOrDefault(a => (a.Length == nextFile.Length || (inStream.IsNkit && a.Length == 0)) && a.Name == nextFile.Name && a.Path == nextFile.Path)) != null) //write cache
                            bool isJunk = inStream.IsNkit && cacheFile.Length == 0 && cacheFile.Name == nextFile.Name && cacheFile.Path == nextFile.Path;
                            using (MemoryStream cacheStream = new MemoryStream(cache[cacheFile]))
                                dstPos += writeFile(ref nullsPos, target, dstPos, ref firstFile, cacheStream, lastFile, nextFile, patches, inStream, junkStart, isJunk);

                            lastFile = nextFile;
                            nextFile = fidx + 1 < fstFiles.Count ? fstFiles[++fidx] : null;

                        if (f.DataOffset - srcPos > 0) //skip src junk
                            inStream.Copy(ByteStream.Zeros, f.DataOffset - srcPos);
                            srcPos += f.DataOffset - srcPos;
                        if (nextFile != null && (f.Length != nextFile.Length || f.Name != nextFile.Name || f.Path != nextFile.Path)) //cache file (nkit junk files are cached)
                            bool isNkitJunk = inStream.IsNkit && f.Length == 0 && nextFile.Length != 0 && f.Name == nextFile.Name && f.Path == nextFile.Path;

                            byte[] cacheItem = new byte[isNkitJunk ? 8 : f.Length];
                            inStream.Read(cacheItem, 0, cacheItem.Length); //read the nkit junk data - details (real length and null counts)
                            cache.Add(f, cacheItem);
                            srcPos += cacheItem.Length;
                        else //copy file
                            dstPos  += writeFile(ref nullsPos, target, dstPos, ref firstFile, inStream, lastFile, nextFile, patches, inStream, junkStart, false);
                            lastFile = nextFile;
                            nextFile = fidx + 1 < fstFiles.Count ? fstFiles[++fidx] : null;
                            srcPos  += f.Length;

                    while (nextFile != null && fidx < fstFiles.Count && (cacheFile = cache.Keys.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Length == nextFile.Length && a.Name == nextFile.Name && a.Path == nextFile.Path)) != null)
                        using (MemoryStream cacheStream = new MemoryStream(cache[cacheFile]))
                            dstPos += writeFile(ref nullsPos, target, dstPos, ref firstFile, cacheStream, lastFile, nextFile, patches, inStream, junkStart, false);

                        lastFile = nextFile;
                        nextFile = fidx + 1 < fstFiles.Count ? fstFiles[++fidx] : null;

                    writeDestGap(nullsPos, target, dstPos, pc.OutputSize - dstPos, true, patches, junkStart, inStream);


                resultMsg = "MatchFail";
                uint finalCrc = crc.FullCrc(true);
                if (ctx.Dats.RedumpData.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Crc == finalCrc) != null)
                    resultMsg = "Match Redump";

                if (ctx.Dats.CustomData.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Crc == finalCrc) != null)
                    resultMsg = "Match Custom";

                pc.ReaderCheckPoint2Complete(crc, false, finalCrc, finalCrc, VerifyIsWrite, hdr.Data, resultMsg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw pc.SetReaderException(ex, "RestoreReaderGc.Read - Read and repair"); //don't let the writer lock
Пример #9
 public void SeekToFile(FstFile file)
     _seek = file.Offset - (file.Offset % GroupSize); //offset within partition of group, set to group boundary
Пример #10
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Format("{0} : {1} : {2}", FstFile.ToString(), GapLength.ToString("X8"), Alignment.ToString()));
Пример #11
 internal static FileSystem Parse(MemorySection ms, FstFile fst, string id)
     return(Parse(ms, fst, id, false));
Пример #12
        internal static long CopyFile(ref long nullsPos, ConvertFile conFile, FstFile prevFile, Stream dest, ref long srcPos, long dstPos, Stream srcStream, JunkStream junkNStream, long imageSize, out bool missing)
            //long pos = dest.Position;
            missing = false;
            FstFile file = conFile.FstFile;

            long size = file.Length + (file.Length % 4 == 0 ? 0 : (4 - (file.Length % 4)));

            if (srcPos + size > imageSize)
                size = file.Length; //some rare GC demos end at the end of a non aligned file. This fixes it - v1.2 bugfix

            long written = size;

            byte[] f = new byte[Math.Min(0x30, size)];
            srcStream.Read(f, 0, f.Length);                                                         //then read while junk is created

            if (prevFile != null && prevFile.DataOffset == file.DataOffset && prevFile.Length == 0) //null file overlapped this file so set nullsPos to have a gap (XGIII) needs fst sorting by offset then size
                nullsPos = srcPos + 0x1CL;                                                          //will already be aligned

            int nulls      = (int)(nullsPos - srcPos);
            int countNulls = 0;

            if (f.Length > nulls)
                junkNStream.Position = file.DataOffset; //async junk gen
                for (int i = 0; i < f.Length && f[i] == 0; i++)

                if (countNulls < f.Length) //don't test all nulls
                    missing = junkNStream.Compare(f, 0, f.Length, Math.Max(0, countNulls)) == f.Length;

            if (missing) //start of file is junk
                //check the remainder of the file
                MemorySection junkFile = MemorySection.Read(srcStream, size - f.Length);
                missing = junkNStream.Compare(junkFile.Data, 0, (int)junkFile.Size, 0) == junkFile.Size;

                if (missing)
                    written = 0;
                    conFile.Gap.SetJunkFile((uint)conFile.FstFile.Length, countNulls);
                else //not 100% junk, write the file out
                    dest.Write(f, 0, f.Length);
                    dest.Write(junkFile.Data, 0, (int)junkFile.Size);
                junkFile = null;
                dest.Write(f, 0, f.Length);
                srcStream.Copy(dest, size - f.Length); //copy file

            if (!missing) //reset the gap when no junk
                nullsPos = srcPos + size + 0x1c;
                if (nullsPos % 4 != 0)
                    nullsPos += 4 - (nullsPos % 4);

            srcPos += size;
Пример #13
        internal static List <ConvertFile> GetConvertFstFiles(Stream inStream, long size, MemorySection hdr, MemorySection fst, bool isGc, long fstFileAlignment, out string error)
            string[] align = new string[] { ".tgc" }; //, ".dol", ".thp", ".adp", ".poo", ".pcm", ".pcm16", ".son", ".act", ".bin", ".gpl", ".tpl", ".bmp", ".sam", ".sdi", ".tcs", ".txt", ".skn", ".stp", ".anm" };
            error = null;
            List <ConvertFile> conFiles = new List <ConvertFile>();

                List <FstFile> srcFiles = FileSystem.Parse(fst, null, hdr.ReadString(0, 4), isGc)?.Files?.OrderBy(a => a.Offset)?.ThenBy(a => a.Length)?.ToList();

                //get list of files and gaps
                long    end;
                long    gap;
                long    fstLen = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) * (isGc ? 1L : 4L);
                FstFile ff     = new FstFile(null)
                    Name = "fst.bin", DataOffset = fstLen, Offset = fstLen, Length = (int)fst.Size, IsNonFstFile = true
                for (int i = 0; i < srcFiles.Count; i++)
                    ff   = i == 0 ? ff : srcFiles[i - 1];
                    end  = ff.DataOffset + ff.Length;
                    end += end % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - (end % 4);

                    gap = srcFiles[i].DataOffset - end;

                    if (gap < 0)
                        error = string.Format("The gap between '{0}' and '{1}' is {2} - Converting as bad image", ff.Name, srcFiles[i].Name, gap.ToString());
                    conFiles.Add(new ConvertFile(gap, isGc)
                        FstFile = ff
                ff   = srcFiles.Last();
                end  = ff.DataOffset + ff.Length;
                end += end % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - (end % 4);
                gap  = size - end;
                if (gap >= -3 && gap < 0)
                    gap = 0; //some hacked gc images converted from tgc end on the file end (star fox e3)

                if (gap < 0)
                    error = string.Format("The gap between '{0}' and the end of the image is {1} - Converting as bad image/partition", ff.Name, gap.ToString());

                conFiles.Add(new ConvertFile(gap, isGc)
                    FstFile = ff

                //set alignment
                foreach (ConvertFile cf in conFiles)
                    ff = cf.FstFile;
                    if (fstFileAlignment == 0)
                        cf.Alignment = 0; //preserve alignment
                    else if (fstFileAlignment == -1 && ff.DataOffset % 0x8000 == 0 && (ff.Length % 0x8000 == 0 || align.Contains(Path.GetExtension(ff.Name).ToLower())))
                        cf.Alignment = 0x8000;                                               //default behaviour
                    else if (fstFileAlignment != 0 && ff.DataOffset % fstFileAlignment == 0) //src matches alignment
                        cf.Alignment = fstFileAlignment;                                     //align to largest multiple
                        cf.Alignment = -1; //-1 = do not align this file
                error = "Fst parsing error - Converting as bad image";
Пример #14
        public void Read(Context ctx, NStream inStream, Stream outStream, Coordinator pc)
                DatData       data       = ctx.Dats;
                List <string> addedFiles = new List <string>();
                DateTime      dt         = DateTime.Now;
                MemorySection hdr        = inStream.DiscHeader;

                string idVer = hdr.ReadString(0x200, 8);
                if (idVer != "NKIT v01")
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} not supported by this version", idVer));
                bool   isNkit    = idVer.StartsWith("NKIT");
                uint   nkitCrc   = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x208);
                uint   imageSize = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x210);
                string junkId    = hdr.ReadString(0x214, 4);
                if (junkId != "\0\0\0\0")
                hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x200, 0);
                hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x204, 0);
                hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x208, 0);
                hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x20C, 0);
                hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x210, 0);
                hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x214, 0);
                hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x218, 0);

                MemorySection fst;
                long          mainDolAddr = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420);

                NCrc crc = new NCrc();

                NStream target = new NStream(new CryptoStream(outStream, crc, CryptoStreamMode.Write));

                //# READ DISC START

                MemorySection hdrToFst = MemorySection.Read(inStream, hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) - hdr.Size);

                fst = MemorySection.Read(inStream, hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) + (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) % 4)));
                long srcPos = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) + fst.Size;

                //# WRITE DISC START

                target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, (int)hdr.Size);
                pc.ReaderCheckPoint1PreWrite(junkId, hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x208)); //size that we will output from this read
                target.Write(hdrToFst.Data, 0, (int)hdrToFst.Size);           //padded when read
                crc.Snapshot("bi2.bin, appldr.bin, main.dol");
                target.Write(fst.Data, 0, fst.Data.Length);

                hdrToFst = null; //let this be collected if needed

                long dstPos   = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) + fst.Size;
                long nullsPos = dstPos + 0x1c;

                string             error;
                List <ConvertFile> conFiles = NkitFormat.GetConvertFstFiles(inStream, inStream.Length, hdr, fst, true, -1, out error); //result.ImageInfo.IsoSize

                if (conFiles == null)
                    if (error != null)
                    ConvertFile cf = new ConvertFile(inStream.Length - srcPos, true) //result.ImageInfo.IsoSize
                        FstFile = new FstFile(null)
                            DataOffset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Offset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Length = (int)fst.Size
                    dstPos += writeGap(cf, ref nullsPos, ref srcPos, dstPos, inStream, target, true);
                    //########### FILES
                    bool firstFile = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < conFiles.Count; i++) //read the files and write them out as goodFiles (possible order difference
                        ConvertFile f  = conFiles[i];
                        FstFile     ff = f.FstFile;

                        if (!firstFile) //fst already written
                            //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(@"{0}>{1} : {2}>{3} : {4} : {5}/{6}", ff.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), dstPos.ToString("X8"), (ff.DataOffset + ff.Length).ToString("X8"), (dstPos + ff.Length).ToString("X8"), ff.Length.ToString("X8"), ff.Path, ff.Name));

                            if (srcPos < ff.DataOffset)
                                inStream.Copy(ByteStream.Zeros, ff.DataOffset - srcPos); //skip any 32k align padding etc
                                srcPos += ff.DataOffset - srcPos;

                            //write file
                            if (ff.DataOffset == mainDolAddr)
                                hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x420, (uint)dstPos);
                            fst.WriteUInt32B(ff.OffsetInFstFile, (uint)dstPos);
                            dstPos += copyFile(f, ref nullsPos, ref srcPos, dstPos, imageSize, inStream, target);

                        if (dstPos < imageSize)
                            dstPos += writeGap(f, ref nullsPos, ref srcPos, dstPos, inStream, target, i == 0 || i == conFiles.Count - 1);
                            if (!firstFile)
                                fst.WriteUInt32B(ff.OffsetInFstFile + 4, (uint)ff.Length);

                        firstFile = false;

                crc.Crcs[0].PatchCrc  = Crc.Compute(hdr.Data);
                crc.Crcs[0].PatchData = hdr.Data;
                crc.Crcs[2].PatchCrc  = Crc.Compute(fst.Data);
                crc.Crcs[2].PatchData = fst.Data;

                if (imageSize != dstPos)
                    throw pc.SetReaderException(new HandledException("Nkit image read output {0} bytes not the expected {1}!", dstPos.ToString(), imageSize.ToString()));

                pc.ReaderCheckPoint2Complete(crc, false, nkitCrc, crc.FullCrc(true), this.VerifyIsWrite, hdr.Data, nkitCrc == crc.FullCrc(true) ? "NKit Valid" : "NKit Invalid");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw pc.SetReaderException(ex, "NkitReaderGc.Read - Read and convert"); //don't let the writer lock
Пример #15
        private long partitionStreamWrite(LongRef outSize, Stream inStream, Stream target, long size, DatData settingsData, NkitPartitionPatchInfo patchInfo, WiiHashStore hashes, Coordinator pc)
            DatData data = settingsData;

            List <string> addedFiles = new List <string>();

            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

            MemorySection hdr       = MemorySection.Read(inStream, 0x440);
            long          srcPos    = hdr.Size;
            long          outPos    = 0;
            long          imageSize = 0;

                if (hdr.ReadString(0, 4) == "\0\0\0\0")
                    long    nullsPos   = 0;
                    long    fileLength = -1;
                    LongRef gapLength  = new LongRef()
                        Value = -1
                    target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, (int)hdr.Size);
                    MemorySection sz = MemorySection.Read(inStream, 4);
                    srcPos       += 4;
                    outPos       += hdr.Size;
                    imageSize     = sz.ReadUInt32B(0) * 4L;
                    outSize.Value = NStream.HashedLenToData(imageSize);
                    JunkStream junk = new JunkStream(hdr.Read(0, 4), hdr.Read8(6), outSize.Value); //SET LENGTH FROM HEADER
                    outPos += writeGap(ref fileLength, gapLength, ref nullsPos, ref srcPos, outPos, inStream, target, junk, true, patchInfo.ScrubManager);
                    string idVer = hdr.ReadString(0x200, 8);
                    if (idVer != "NKIT v01")
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} not supported by this version", idVer));
                    bool isNkit = idVer.StartsWith("NKIT");
                    imageSize     = NStream.HashedLenToData((hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x210) * 4L));
                    outSize.Value = imageSize;
                    string junkId = hdr.ReadString(0x214, 4);

                    JunkStream junk = new JunkStream(hdr.Read(0, 4), hdr.Read8(6), imageSize); //SET LENGTH FROM HEADER

                    MemorySection fst;
                    long          mainDolAddr = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420);

                    //# READ DISC START

                    MemorySection hdrToFst = MemorySection.Read(inStream, (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) * 4L) - hdr.Size);
                    srcPos += hdrToFst.Size;

                    fst = MemorySection.Read(inStream, hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) * 4L);
                    long postFstPos = (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) * 4L) + fst.Size;
                    srcPos += fst.Size;

                    hashes.WriteFlagsData(imageSize, inStream);
                    srcPos += hashes.FlagsLength;

                    patchInfo.PartitionDataHeader = hdr;
                    patchInfo.Fst = fst;

                    //# WRITE DISC START

                    target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, (int)hdr.Size);
                    target.Write(hdrToFst.Data, 0, (int)hdrToFst.Size); //padded when read
                    target.Write(fst.Data, 0, fst.Data.Length);

                    hdrToFst = null; //let this be collected if needed

                    outPos = (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) * 4L) + fst.Size;
                    long               nullsPos = outPos + 0x1c;
                    string             error;
                    List <ConvertFile> conFiles = NkitFormat.GetConvertFstFiles(inStream, size, hdr, fst, false, -1, out error);

                    if (conFiles == null)
                        if (error != null)
                        ConvertFile cf = new ConvertFile(imageSize - srcPos, true) //result.ImageInfo.IsoSize
                            FstFile = new FstFile(null)
                                DataOffset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Offset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Length = (int)fst.Size
                        outPos += writeGap(cf, ref nullsPos, ref srcPos, outPos, inStream, target, junk, true, patchInfo.ScrubManager);
                        conFiles[0].GapLength -= hashes.FlagsLength; //fix for a few customs (no gap between the fst and the first file on the source image, but the hash mask makes it look like there is)
                        //########### FILES
                        bool firstFile = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < conFiles.Count; i++) //read the files and write them out as goodFiles (possible order difference
                            ConvertFile f  = conFiles[i];
                            FstFile     ff = f.FstFile;

                            if (!firstFile) //fst already written
                                //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(@"{0}>{1} : {2}>{3} : {4} : {5}/{6}", ff.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), outPos.ToString("X8"), (ff.DataOffset + ff.Length).ToString("X8"), (outPos + ff.Length).ToString("X8"), ff.Length.ToString("X8"), ff.Path, ff.Name));

                                if (srcPos < ff.DataOffset)                                  //skip any padding (not written for wii currently)
                                    inStream.Copy(ByteStream.Zeros, ff.DataOffset - srcPos); //skip any 32k align padding etc
                                    srcPos += ff.DataOffset - srcPos;

                                //write file
                                if (ff.DataOffset == mainDolAddr)
                                    hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x420, (uint)(outPos / 4L));
                                fst.WriteUInt32B(ff.OffsetInFstFile, (uint)(outPos / 4L));
                                outPos += copyFile(f, ref nullsPos, ref srcPos, outPos, inStream, target);

                            if (outPos < imageSize)
                                long gapLen = writeGap(f, ref nullsPos, ref srcPos, outPos, inStream, target, junk, i == 0 || i == conFiles.Count - 1, patchInfo.ScrubManager);
                                outPos += gapLen;
                                if (!firstFile)
                                    fst.WriteUInt32B(ff.OffsetInFstFile + 4, (uint)(ff.Length));

                            firstFile = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw pc.SetReaderException(ex, "NkitReaderWii.Read - partitionRead");