public static bool SaveValuation(Valuation model) { using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString)) { var result = db.InsertOrReplace(model); return((result > 0)? true: false); } }
private Valuation BuscaEstabelecimento(string cnpj) { // var client = new RestClient(""); // var request = new RestRequest("/v1/cnpj/{cnpj}", Method.GET); // request.AddUrlSegment("cnpj", cnpj); // var response = client.Execute<ReceitaWs>(request); var estabelecimento = new Valuation() { Time = DateTime.Now, Price = 5.6M }; return(estabelecimento); }
static DbManager() { var databaseDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; databaseDir = Path.Combine(databaseDir, "App_Data"); var databasePath = Path.Combine(databaseDir, "example.db"); if (!Directory.Exists(databaseDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(databaseDir); } if (!File.Exists(databasePath)) { var fs = File.Create(databasePath); fs.Close(); using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath)) { db.CreateTable <Stock>(); db.CreateTable <Valuation>(); var euro = new Stock() { Symbol = "�" }; db.Insert(euro); // Insert the object in the database var valuation = new Valuation() { Price = 15, Time = DateTime.Now, }; db.Insert(valuation); // Insert the object in the database // Objects created, let's stablish the relationship euro.Valuations = new List <Valuation> { valuation }; db.UpdateWithChildren(euro); // Update the changes into the database if (valuation.Stock == euro) { Console.WriteLine("Inverse relationship already set, yay!"); } } } ConnectionString = databasePath;//string.Format(@"Filename={0}", databasePath); }