private string wrapStartProductions(string startSymbol, Dictionary <string, List <ProductionInfo> > productionsDict)
            string new_start = grammar.RegisterNewSymbol("__start_" + startSymbol, grammar.GetTypeNameOfSymbol(startSymbol));

            var prod = new ProductionInfo(SymbolPosition.None,
                                          new[] { new RhsSymbol(SymbolPosition.None, null, startSymbol) },

            var param = FuncParameter.Create(startSymbol, grammar.TreeNodeName, dummy: false);

            // this code is really an identity call
            prod.ActionCode = CodeLambda.CreateProxy(new_start,
                                                     // parameters
                                                     new FuncParameter[] { param },
                                                     // its arguments
                                                     new [] { param.NameAsCode() });

            productionsDict.Add(new_start, new List <ProductionInfo> {

        private void substituteProductions(Dictionary <string, List <ProductionInfo> > productionsDict,
                                           ProductionInfo[] substitutes, // same LHS
                                           bool mixWithSource)
            // this function is part of optimization of given production rules

            // we could have case, that sub production is marked and the one where there is replacement as well
            // in such case which marking to choose? so we don't allow substitutes to have markings
            if (substitutes.Any(it => it.IsMarked))
                throw new ArgumentException();

            string sub_lhs = substitutes.Select(it => it.LhsSymbol).Distinct().Single(); // making sure LHS symbol is the same

            Console.WriteLine("Substituting " + sub_lhs);

            foreach (string lhs in productionsDict.Keys.ToArray())
                var replacements = new List <ProductionInfo>();

                foreach (ProductionInfo prod in productionsDict[lhs])
                    // nothing to replace
                    if (!prod.RhsSymbols.Any(it => it.SymbolName.Equals(sub_lhs)))
                        // -1 -- use original symbol, >=0 -- substitute (the value is the index of substitution)
                        IEnumerable <CycleCounter> counters = prod.RhsSymbols.ZipWithIndex()
                                                              .Select(it =>
                            bool hit = it.Item1.SymbolName.Equals(sub_lhs);
                            return(new CycleCounter(((!hit || mixWithSource) ? -1 : 0), (hit ? substitutes.Length : 0), it.Item2));

                        // we have initial run only in case if we mix substitutions with original production, otherwise it pure substitution
                        bool pass_first_as_source = mixWithSource;

                            if (pass_first_as_source)
                                pass_first_as_source = false;
                                if (!counters.All(it => it.Value == -1))
                                    throw new Exception("Oops, something wrong.");

                                // it is simply better to add original production instead of re-creating it from symbols
                                // after all, for every rhs symbol we would have -1 value, meaning "use original"

                            var p = new ProductionInfo(prod.Position,
                                                       .Select(it => it.Item1.Value == -1 ? new[] { it.Item2 } : substitutes[it.Item1.Value].RhsSymbols).Flatten(),

                            // if there was no action code, no point of building proxy for it
                            if (prod.ActionCode != null)
                                FuncCallCode func_call = (FuncCallCode)(prod.ActionCode.Body);

                                // do not rename those parameters which have counter == -1
                                IEnumerable <Tuple <FuncParameter, int>[]> parameters = null;

                                parameters = counters.SyncZip(prod.ActionCode.Parameters)
                                             .Select(cit => cit.Item1.Value == -1 ? new[] { Tuple.Create(cit.Item2, cit.Item1.Index) }
                                          : substitutes[cit.Item1.Value].ActionCode.Parameters.Select(x => Tuple.Create(x, cit.Item1.Index)).ToArray())

                                // only subsituted parameters are renamed
                                Dictionary <Tuple <FuncParameter, int>, FuncParameter> param_map
                                    = FuncParameter.BuildParamMapping(parameters.Flatten());

                                p.ActionCode = CodeLambda.CreateProxy(lhs + "_sub__",
                                                                      // parameters
                                                                      parameters.Flatten().Select(it => param_map[it]),


                                                                      // arguments
                                                                      .Select(cit => cit.Item1.Value == -1 ? param_map[cit.Item2.Single()].NameAsCode()
                                                : new FuncCallCode(functionsRegistry.Add(substitutes[cit.Item1.Value].ActionCode),
                                                                   cit.Item2.Select(x => param_map[x].NameAsCode())))
                        }while (counters.Iterate());
                productionsDict[lhs] = replacements;
        private ProductionInfo makeBuilderCall(string lhsSymbol,
                                               RecursiveEnum recursive,
                                               AltRule alt,
                                               IEnumerable <SymbolMarked> symbolsMarked,
                                               string treeNodeName)
            // add production with no code
            var prod_info = new ProductionInfo(alt.Position, lhsSymbol, recursive, symbolsMarked.Where(it => it.IsEnabled).Select(it => it.Symbol),

            CodeBody code_body = null;

            if (alt.Code != null)
                code_body = (alt.Code as CodeMix).BuildBody(symbolsMarked.Where(sym => sym.Symbol.ObjName != null)
                                                            .Select(sym => sym.Symbol.GetCodeArgumentNames().Select(it => Tuple.Create(it, sym.IsEnabled))).Flatten())

                string identity_function_on = null;
                // are we just passing one of the parameters?
                if (code_body.IsIdentity)
                    identity_function_on = code_body.IdentityIdentifier;

                foreach (string var_name in code_body.GetVariables())
                    SymbolMarked sym = symbolsMarked
                                       .Where(sm => sm.Symbol.GetCodeArgumentNames().Contains(var_name))
                                       // there could be duplicates so we "prefer" enabled element
                                       .OrderBy(it => it.IsEnabled ? 0 : 1)

                    if (sym != null)
                        sym.IsParamUsed = true;

                var anon_args = new Dictionary <SymbolMarked, string>();
                foreach (Tuple <SymbolMarked, int> sym_pair in symbolsMarked.ZipWithIndex())
                    if (sym_pair.Item1.Symbol.ObjName == null)
                        anon_args.Add(sym_pair.Item1, code_body.RegisterNewIdentifier("_" + sym_pair.Item2));

                IEnumerable <SymbolMarked> arg_symbols = symbolsMarked.Where(it => it.IsEnabled || it.IsParamUsed).ToList();

                // build external function to run the user code
                string func_ref = registerLambda(lhsSymbol,
                                                 arg_symbols.Select(sym => sym.Symbol.GetCodeArgumentTypes(grammar)).Flatten(),
                                                 arg_symbols.Select(sym => sym.Symbol.GetCodeArgumentNames()
                                                                    .Select(it => Tuple.Create(it, anon_args.GetOrNull(sym)))).Flatten(),

                // build a lambda with call to a just built function
                // note that our lambda can have fewer arguments than the actual fuction
                // in such case we pass "nulls" for disabled arguments

                // we add nulls to params in order to keep track which arguments comes from which parameters
                IEnumerable <FuncParameter> lambda_params = arg_symbols.Where(it => it.IsEnabled)
                                                            .Select(it => FuncParameter.Create(it.Symbol.ObjName, anon_args.GetOrNull(it), grammar.GetTypeNameOfSymbol(it.Symbol))).ToArray();

                // if the code indicates that this is identity function, then just find out which parameter is passed along
                if (identity_function_on != null)
                    // we can fail for two reasons here:
                    // (1) ok -- single variable we found in the code body is not a parameter, but global variable
                    // (2) BAD -- we have case of unpacking the data, and that case so far we cannot handle
                    // ad.2) consider such rule as
                    // x -> (a b)+ { b };
                    // "a" and "b" will be handled as tuple of lists
                    // so in entry function we will get a tuple, and then we will call actuall user action code
                    // some "__function_13__(a,b)" which returns the "b"
                    // so we could compute index for inner parameter (for "b" it is 1)
                    // but we cannot compute index for outer function, because there is no index for "b" at all
                    // there is only one parameter -- tuple -- holding "a" (in Item1) and "b" (in Item2) at the same time
                    // so if anything we would have to introduce some combo index:
                    // outer index --> optional unpacking index --> inner index
                    // too much trouble for now
                    Option <int> index = lambda_params.Select(it => it.Name)
                                         .ZipWithIndex().Where(it => it.Item1 == identity_function_on).Select(it => it.Item2).OptSingle();
                    if (index.HasValue)
                        prod_info.IdentityOuterFunctionParamIndex = index.Value;

                prod_info.ActionCode = CodeLambda.CreateProxy(
                    // lambda arguments

                    arg_symbols.Select(arg => arg.Symbol.CombinedSymbols == null
                                       // regular symbols
                        ? new[] { new CodeBody().AddIdentifier(arg.IsEnabled ? (arg.Symbol.ObjName ?? anon_args[arg]) : CodeWords.Null) }
                                       // compound symbols, we have to use embedded atomic symbols instead now
                        : arg.Symbol.UnpackTuple(arg.IsEnabled)

                prod_info.CodeComment = alt.Code.Comment;
