Пример #1
 static void DeleteEncoder(VP8Encoder* enc)
     if (enc) {
Пример #2
 static void FinalizePSNR(VP8Encoder* enc)
     WebPAuxStats* stats = enc.pic_.stats;
       ulong size = enc.sse_count_;
       ulong* sse = enc.sse_;
       stats.PSNR[0] = (float)GetPSNR(sse[0], size);
       stats.PSNR[1] = (float)GetPSNR(sse[1], size / 4);
       stats.PSNR[2] = (float)GetPSNR(sse[2], size / 4);
       stats.PSNR[3] = (float)GetPSNR(sse[0] + sse[1] + sse[2], size * 3 / 2);
Пример #3
		void VP8IteratorInit(VP8Encoder* enc, VP8EncIterator* it) {
		  it.enc_ = enc;
		  it.y_stride_  = enc.pic_.y_stride;
		  it.uv_stride_ = enc.pic_.uv_stride;
		  // TODO(later): for multithreading, these should be owned by 'it'.
		  it.yuv_in_   = enc.yuv_in_;
		  it.yuv_out_  = enc.yuv_out_;
		  it.yuv_out2_ = enc.yuv_out2_;
		  it.yuv_p_    = enc.yuv_p_;
		  it.lf_stats_ = enc.lf_stats_;
		  it.percent0_ = enc.percent_;
Пример #4
 int WebPReportProgress(VP8Encoder* enc, int percent)
     if (percent != enc.percent_) {
     WebPPicture* pic = enc.pic_;
     enc.percent_ = percent;
     if (pic.progress_hook && !pic.progress_hook(percent, pic)) {
       // user abort requested
       WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_USER_ABORT);
       return 0;
       return 1;  // ok
Пример #5
 static void StoreStats(VP8Encoder* enc)
     WebPAuxStats* stats = enc.pic_.stats;
       if (stats) {
     int i, s;
     for (i = 0; i < NUM_MB_SEGMENTS; ++i) {
       stats.segment_level[i] = enc.dqm_[i].fstrength_;
       stats.segment_quant[i] = enc.dqm_[i].quant_;
       for (s = 0; s <= 2; ++s) {
         stats.residual_bytes[s][i] = enc.residual_bytes_[s][i];
     stats.coded_size = enc.coded_size_;
     for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
       stats.block_count[i] = enc.block_count_[i];
       WebPReportProgress(enc, 100);  // done!
Пример #6
 // VP8Encoder
 static void ResetSegmentHeader(VP8Encoder* enc)
     VP8SegmentHeader* hdr = &enc.segment_hdr_;
       hdr.num_segments_ = enc.config_.segments;
       hdr.update_map_  = (hdr.num_segments_ > 1);
       hdr.size_ = 0;
Пример #7
 static void ResetFilterHeader(VP8Encoder* enc)
     VP8FilterHeader* hdr = &enc.filter_hdr_;
       hdr.simple_ = 1;
       hdr.level_ = 0;
       hdr.sharpness_ = 0;
       hdr.i4x4_lf_delta_ = 0;
Пример #8
 static void ResetBoundaryPredictions(VP8Encoder* enc)
     // init boundary values once for all
       // Note: actually, initializing the preds_[] is only needed for intra4.
       int i;
       byte* top = enc.preds_ - enc.preds_w_;
       byte* left = enc.preds_ - 1;
       for (i = -1; i < 4 * enc.mb_w_; ++i) {
     top[i] = B_DC_PRED;
       for (i = 0; i < 4 * enc.mb_h_; ++i) {
     left[i * enc.preds_w_] = B_DC_PRED;
       enc.nz_[-1] = 0;   // constant
Пример #9
 // Map configured quality level to coding tools used.
 //   Quality   | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 +
 // dynamic prob| ~ | x | x | x | x | x |
 // rd-opt modes|   |   | x | x | x | x |
 // fast i4/i16 | x | x |   |   |   |   |
 // rd-opt i4/16|   |   | x | x | x | x |
 // Trellis     |   | x |   |   | x | x |
 // full-SNS    |   |   |   |   |   | x |
 static void MapConfigToTools(VP8Encoder* enc)
     int method = enc.config_.method;
       int limit = 100 - enc.config_.partition_limit;
       enc.method_ = method;
       enc.rd_opt_level_ = (method >= 6) ? 3
                      : (method >= 5) ? 2
                      : (method >= 3) ? 1
                      : 0;
       enc.max_i4_header_bits_ =
       256 * 16 * 16 *                 // upper bound: up to 16bit per 4x4 block
       (limit * limit) / (100 * 100);  // ... modulated with a quadratic curve.
Пример #10
 // Simplified k-Means, to assign Nb segments based on alpha-histogram
 static void AssignSegments(VP8Encoder* enc, int alphas[256])
Пример #11
		static int IsVP8XNeeded(VP8Encoder* enc) {
		  return !!enc.has_alpha_;  // Currently the only case when VP8X is needed.
									 // This could change in the future.