Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Toes the string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indent">The indent.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public String ToString(String indent)
            String nl = Environment.NewLine;

            StringBuilder children = new StringBuilder();

            if (ChildRecords.Count > 0)
                children.Append("  children: " + nl);

                int count = 0;
                for (IEnumerator iterator = ChildRecords.GetEnumerator(); iterator.MoveNext();)
                    String newIndent = indent + "   ";

                    EscherRecord record = (EscherRecord)iterator.Current;
                    children.Append(newIndent + "Child " + count + ":" + nl);

                    if (record is EscherContainerRecord)
                        EscherContainerRecord ecr = (EscherContainerRecord)record;

                (indent + this.GetType().Name + " (" + RecordName + "):" + nl +
                 indent + "  isContainer: " + IsContainerRecord + nl +
                 indent + "  options: 0x" + HexDump.ToHex(Options) + nl +
                 indent + "  recordId: 0x" + HexDump.ToHex(RecordId) + nl +
                 indent + "  numchildren: " + ChildRecords.Count + nl +
                 indent + children.ToString());
Пример #2
        public void TestToString()
            EscherContainerRecord r = new EscherContainerRecord();
            String nl = Environment.NewLine;
            Assert.AreEqual("EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
                    "  isContainer: True" + nl +
                    "  version: 0x000F" + nl +
                    "  instance: 0x0000" + nl +
                    "  recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
                    "  numchildren: 0" + nl
                    , r.ToString());

            EscherOptRecord r2 = new EscherOptRecord();
            // don't try to shoot in foot, please -- vlsergey
            // r2.setOptions((short) 0x9876);

            String expected;
            expected = "EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
                       "  isContainer: True" + nl +
                       "  version: 0x000F" + nl +
                       "  instance: 0x0000" + nl +
                       "  recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
                       "  numchildren: 1" + nl +
                       "  children: " + nl +
                       "    Child 0:" + nl +
                       "    EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
                       "      isContainer: False" + nl +
                       "      version: 0x0003" + nl +
                       "      instance: 0x0000" + nl +
                       "      recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
                       "      numchildren: 0" + nl +
                       "      properties:" + nl +
                       "    " + nl;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, r.ToString());

            expected = "EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
                       "  isContainer: True" + nl +
                       "  version: 0x000F" + nl +
                       "  instance: 0x0000" + nl +
                       "  recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
                       "  numchildren: 2" + nl +
                       "  children: " + nl +
                       "    Child 0:" + nl +
                       "    EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
                       "      isContainer: False" + nl +
                       "      version: 0x0003" + nl +
                       "      instance: 0x0000" + nl +
                       "      recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
                       "      numchildren: 0" + nl +
                       "      properties:" + nl +
                       "    " + nl +
                       "    Child 1:" + nl +
                       "    EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
                       "      isContainer: False" + nl +
                       "      version: 0x0003" + nl +
                       "      instance: 0x0000" + nl +
                       "      recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
                       "      numchildren: 0" + nl +
                       "      properties:" + nl +
                       "    " + nl;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, r.ToString());
Пример #3
        public void TestToString()
            EscherContainerRecord r = new EscherContainerRecord();
            String nl = Environment.NewLine;
            Assert.AreEqual("EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
                    "  isContainer: True" + nl +
                    "  options: 0x000F" + nl +
                    "  recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
                    "  numchildren: 0" + nl
                    , r.ToString());

            EscherOptRecord r2 = new EscherOptRecord();
            r2.Options = unchecked((short)0x9876) ;

            String expected;
            expected = "EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
                       "  isContainer: True" + nl +
                       "  options: 0x000F" + nl +
                       "  recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
                       "  numchildren: 1" + nl +
                       "  children: " + nl +
                       "   Child 0:" + nl +
                       "EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
                       "  isContainer: False" + nl +
                       "  options: 0x0003" + nl +
                       "  recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
                       "  numchildren: 0" + nl +
                       "  properties:" + nl;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, r.ToString());

            expected = "EscherContainerRecord (SpContainer):" + nl +
                       "  isContainer: True" + nl +
                       "  options: 0x000F" + nl +
                       "  recordId: 0xF004" + nl +
                       "  numchildren: 2" + nl +
                       "  children: " + nl +
                       "   Child 0:" + nl +
                       "EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
                       "  isContainer: False" + nl +
                       "  options: 0x0003" + nl +
                       "  recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
                       "  numchildren: 0" + nl +
                       "  properties:" + nl +
                       "   Child 1:" + nl +
                       "EscherOptRecord:" + nl +
                       "  isContainer: False" + nl +
                       "  options: 0x0003" + nl +
                       "  recordId: 0xF00B" + nl +
                       "  numchildren: 0" + nl +
                       "  properties:" + nl;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, r.ToString());