Пример #1
 private ArgumentHandler ConstructArgumentHandler(MemberInfo info, Argument arg)
     ArgumentHandler ai;
       var memberType = GetMemberType(info);
       var min = 0;
       var max = 0;
       var margs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MultipleArguments), true) as MultipleArguments[];
       if (margs.Length == 1) {
     min = margs[0].Min;
     max = margs[0].Max;
       if (memberType.IsArray) {
     ai = new ArrayArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, min, max);
       else if (isIList(memberType)) {
     ai = new IListArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, min, max);
       else if (memberType == typeof(bool) || memberType == typeof(Boolean) || memberType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Boolean))) {
     var bargs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagArgument), true) as FlagArgument[];
     ai = new FlagArgumentHandler(this, info, arg.OnCollision, arg.Required, bargs.Length != 0 ? bargs[0].WhenSet : true);
       else if (info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CountedArgument), true).Length != 0) {
     ai = new CounterArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, arg.Required);
       else {
     ai = new PlainArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, arg.OnCollision, arg.Required);
       return ai;
Пример #2
        private ArgumentHandler ConstructArgumentHandler(MemberInfo info, Argument arg)
            ArgumentHandler ai;
            var             memberType = GetMemberType(info);
            var             min        = 0;
            var             max        = 0;
            var             margs      = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MultipleArguments), true) as MultipleArguments[];

            if (margs.Length == 1)
                min = margs[0].Min;
                max = margs[0].Max;
            if (memberType.IsArray)
                ai = new ArrayArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, min, max);
            else if (isIList(memberType))
                ai = new IListArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, min, max);
            else if (memberType == typeof(bool) || memberType == typeof(Boolean) || memberType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Boolean)))
                var bargs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagArgument), true) as FlagArgument[];
                ai = new FlagArgumentHandler(this, info, arg.OnCollision, arg.Required, bargs.Length != 0 ? bargs[0].WhenSet : true);
            else if (info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CountedArgument), true).Length != 0)
                ai = new CounterArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, arg.Required);
                ai = new PlainArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, arg.OnCollision, arg.Required);
        private void Initialize()
            Type me = GetType();

            opts = me.GetAttribute <GetOptOptionsAttribute>();
            foreach (var info in GetMemberInfos())
                var paramArgs = info.GetAttributes <ParametersAttribute>();
                if (paramArgs.Length == 1)
                    if (parameters != null || info.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field &&
                        info.MemberType != MemberTypes.Property)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate declaration for parameters");

                    Type type = GetMemberType(info);
                    if (type.IsArray)
                        handlers.Add(parameters = new ArrayArgumentHandler(
                                         this, info, type, paramArgs[0].Min, paramArgs[0].Max));

                    if (!IsIList(type))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Parameters must be an array type or a list implementation");

                    handlers.Add(parameters = new ListArgumentHandler(
                                     this, info, type, paramArgs[0].Min, paramArgs[0].Max));

                var args = info.GetAttributes <ArgumentAttribute>();
                if (args.Length < 1)

                if (opts == null || opts.AcceptPrefixType == ArgumentPrefixTypes.None)
                    throw new ArgumentException("You used Prefix=None, hence there are no arguments allowed!");

                var    arg  = args[0];
                string name = arg.Arg;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    name = info.Name;

                if (opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.Insensitive ||
                    opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.OnlyLower)
                    name = name.ToLower();

                if (longs.ContainsKey(name))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Duplicate argument {name}");

                var ai = ConstructArgumentHandler(info, arg);
                longs.Add(name, ai);

                ProcessShortArguments(info, ai);
                ProcessAliases(info, ai);
Пример #4
        private void Initialize()
            var me = GetType();
              opts = me.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GetOptOptions), true)[0] as GetOptOptions;
              var flags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
              foreach (MemberInfo[] infoArray in new MemberInfo[][] { me.GetFields(flags), me.GetProperties(flags) }) {
            foreach (MemberInfo info in infoArray) {
              var paramArgs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Parameters), true) as Parameters[];
              if (paramArgs.Length == 1) {
            if (parameters != null || (info.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field && info.MemberType != MemberTypes.Property)) {
              throw new ProgrammingError("Duplicate declaration for parameters");
            var type = GetMemberType(info);
            if (type.IsArray) {
              parameters = new ArrayArgumentHandler(this, info, type, paramArgs[0].Min, paramArgs[0].Max);
            else {
              if (isIList(type)) {
                parameters = new IListArgumentHandler(this, info, type, paramArgs[0].Min, paramArgs[0].Max);
              else {
                throw new ProgrammingError("parameters must be an array type or a list implementation");
              var args = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Argument), true) as Argument[];
              if (args.Length != 1) {
              if (opts.AcceptPrefixType == ArgumentPrefixTypes.None) {
            throw new ProgrammingError("You used Prefix=None, hence there are no arguments allowed!");
              var arg = args[0];
              var name = arg.Arg;
              if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) {
            name = info.Name;
              if (opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.Insensitive || opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.OnlyLower) {
            name = name.ToLower();
              if (longs.ContainsKey(name)) {
            throw new ProgrammingError(String.Format("Duplicate argument {0}", name));

              var ai = ConstructArgumentHandler(info, arg);
              longs.Add(name, ai);

              ProcessShortArguments(info, ai);
              ProcessAliases(info, ai);
Пример #5
        private void Initialize()
            Type me = GetType();
            opts = me.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GetOptOptions), true)[0] as GetOptOptions;
            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
            foreach (MemberInfo[] infoArray in new MemberInfo[][] { me.GetFields(flags), me.GetProperties(flags) })
                foreach (MemberInfo info in infoArray)
                    Parameters[] paramArgs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Parameters), true) as Parameters[];
                    if (paramArgs.Length == 1)
                        if (parameters != null || (info.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field && info.MemberType != MemberTypes.Property))
                            throw new ProgrammingError("Duplicate declaration for parameters");
                        Type type = getMemberType(info);
                        if (type.IsArray)
                            parameters = new ArrayArgumentHandler(this, info, type, paramArgs[0].Min, paramArgs[0].Max);
                        else if (isIList(type))
                            parameters = new IListArgumentHandler(this, info, type, paramArgs[0].Min, paramArgs[0].Max);
                            throw new ProgrammingError("parameters must be an array type or a IList implementation");
                    Argument[] args = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Argument), true) as Argument[];
                    if (args.Length != 1)
                    if (opts.AcceptPrefixType == ArgumentPrefixType.None)
                        throw new ProgrammingError("You used Prefix=None, hence there are no arguments allowed!");
                    Argument arg = args[0];
                    string name = arg.GetArg();
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                        name = info.Name;
                    if (opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.Insensitive || opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.OnlyLower)
                        name = name.ToLower();
                    if (longs.ContainsKey(name))
                        throw new ProgrammingError(String.Format("Duplicate argument {0}", name));

                    ArgumentHandler ai;
                    Type memberType = getMemberType(info);
                    uint min = 0, max = 0;
                    MultipleArguments[] margs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MultipleArguments), true) as MultipleArguments[];
                    if (margs.Length == 1)
                        min = margs[0].Min;
                        max = margs[0].Max;
                    if (memberType.IsArray)
                        ai = new ArrayArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, min, max);
                    else if (isIList(memberType))
                        ai = new IListArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, min, max);
                        if (memberType == typeof(bool) || memberType == typeof(Boolean) || memberType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Boolean)))
                            FlagArgument[] bargs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagArgument), true) as FlagArgument[];
                            ai = new FlagArgumentHandler(this, info, arg.OnCollision, arg.Required, bargs.Length != 0 ? bargs[0].GetWhenSet() : true);
                        else if (info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Counted), true).Length != 0)
                            ai = new CounterArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, arg.Required);
                            ai = new PlainArgumentHandler(this, info, memberType, arg.OnCollision, arg.Required);

                    longs.Add(name, ai);

                    foreach (ArgumentAlias alias in info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ArgumentAlias), true))
                        string an = alias.GetAlias();
                        if (opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.Insensitive || opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.OnlyLower)
                            an = an.ToLower();
                        if (longs.ContainsKey(an))
                            throw new ProgrammingError(String.Format("Duplicate alias argument {0}", an));
                        longs.Add(an, ai);
                    foreach (ShortArgument sa in info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ShortArgument), true))
                        char an = sa.GetArg();
                        if (shorts.ContainsKey(an))
                            throw new ProgrammingError(String.Format("Duplicate short argument {0}", an));
                        shorts.Add(an, ai);
                    foreach (ShortArgumentAlias sa in info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ShortArgumentAlias), true))
                        char an = sa.GetAlias();
                        if (shorts.ContainsKey(an))
                            throw new ProgrammingError(String.Format("Duplicate short argument {0}", an));
                        shorts.Add(an, ai);
Пример #6
        private void Initialize()
            var me = GetType();

            opts = me.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GetOptOptions), true)[0] as GetOptOptions;
            var flags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;

            foreach (MemberInfo[] infoArray in new MemberInfo[][] { me.GetFields(flags), me.GetProperties(flags) })
                foreach (MemberInfo info in infoArray)
                    var paramArgs = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Parameters), true) as Parameters[];
                    if (paramArgs.Length == 1)
                        if (parameters != null || (info.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field && info.MemberType != MemberTypes.Property))
                            throw new ProgrammingError("Duplicate declaration for parameters");
                        var type = GetMemberType(info);
                        if (type.IsArray)
                            parameters = new ArrayArgumentHandler(this, info, type, paramArgs[0].Min, paramArgs[0].Max);
                            if (isIList(type))
                                parameters = new IListArgumentHandler(this, info, type, paramArgs[0].Min, paramArgs[0].Max);
                                throw new ProgrammingError("parameters must be an array type or a list implementation");
                    var args = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Argument), true) as Argument[];
                    if (args.Length != 1)
                    if (opts.AcceptPrefixType == ArgumentPrefixTypes.None)
                        throw new ProgrammingError("You used Prefix=None, hence there are no arguments allowed!");
                    var arg  = args[0];
                    var name = arg.Arg;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                        name = info.Name;
                    if (opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.Insensitive || opts.CaseType == ArgumentCaseType.OnlyLower)
                        name = name.ToLower();
                    if (longs.ContainsKey(name))
                        throw new ProgrammingError(String.Format("Duplicate argument {0}", name));

                    var ai = ConstructArgumentHandler(info, arg);
                    longs.Add(name, ai);

                    ProcessShortArguments(info, ai);
                    ProcessAliases(info, ai);