/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="condition"></param>
        public override void AddCondition(SqlString condition)
            //TODO: this seems hackish
            if (
                afterFrom.ToSqlString().ToString().IndexOf(condition.Trim().ToString()) < 0 &&
                afterWhere.ToSqlString().ToString().IndexOf(condition.Trim().ToString()) < 0)
                if (!condition.StartsWith(" and "))
                    afterWhere.Add(" and ");

Пример #2
        public override bool AddCondition(SqlString condition)
            //TODO: this seems hackish
            if (
                afterFrom.ToString().IndexOf(condition.Trim().ToString()) < 0 &&
                afterWhere.ToString().IndexOf(condition.Trim().ToString()) < 0)
                if (!condition.StartsWithCaseInsensitive(" and "))
                    afterWhere.Add(" and ");

                return true;

            return false;
Пример #3
 public JoinSequence AddCondition(SqlString condition)
     if (condition.Trim().Length != 0)
         if (!condition.StartsWithCaseInsensitive(" and "))
             conditions.Add(" and ");
     return this;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the SqlString for the OUTER JOINs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// All of the Sql needs to be included in the SELECT.  No OUTER JOINS will automatically be
        /// added.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="outerJoinsAfterFrom">The outerJoinsAfterFrom to set</param>
        /// <param name="outerJoinsAfterWhere">The outerJoinsAfterWhere to set</param>
        /// <returns>The SqlSelectBuilder</returns>
        public SqlSelectBuilder SetOuterJoins(SqlString outerJoinsAfterFrom, SqlString outerJoinsAfterWhere)
            this.outerJoinsAfterFrom = outerJoinsAfterFrom;

            SqlString tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere = outerJoinsAfterWhere.Trim();

            if (tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere.StartsWithCaseInsensitive("and"))
                tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere = tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere.Substring(4);

            this.outerJoinsAfterWhere = tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fragment"></param>
        public void AddSelectFragmentString(SqlString fragment)
            if (fragment.SqlParts.Length > 0 && fragment.StartsWith(","))
                fragment = fragment.Substring(1);

            fragment = fragment.Trim();

            if (fragment.SqlParts.Length > 0)
                if (selectBuilder.Count > 0)

        public override bool AddCondition(SqlString condition)
            //TODO: this seems hackish
            var trimCondition = condition.Trim().ToString();

            if (trimCondition.Length > 0 &&
                afterFrom.ToString().IndexOf(trimCondition, StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0 &&
                afterWhere.ToString().IndexOf(trimCondition, StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0)
                if (!condition.StartsWithCaseInsensitive(" and "))
                    afterWhere.Add(" and ");


		public void TrimBeginStringEndParam()
			Parameter p1 = Parameter.Placeholder;

			SqlString sql = new SqlString(new object[] { "   extra space   ", p1 });
			sql = sql.Trim();

			Assert.AreEqual("extra space   ?", sql.ToString());
		public void TrimBeginParamEndString()
			Parameter p1 = Parameter.Placeholder;

			SqlString sql = new SqlString(new object[] { p1, "   extra space   " });
			sql = sql.Trim();

			Assert.AreEqual("?   extra space", sql.ToString());
		public void TrimAllString()
			SqlString sql = new SqlString(new string[] { "   extra space", " in the middle", " at the end     " });
			sql = sql.Trim();

			Assert.AreEqual("extra space in the middle at the end", sql.ToString());
Пример #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the SqlString for the OUTER JOINs.  
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// All of the Sql needs to be included in the SELECT.  No OUTER JOINS will automatically be
		/// added.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="outerJoinsAfterFrom">The outerJoinsAfterFrom to set</param>
		/// <param name="outerJoinsAfterWhere">The outerJoinsAfterWhere to set</param>
		/// <returns>The SqlSelectBuilder</returns>
		public SqlSelectBuilder SetOuterJoins(SqlString outerJoinsAfterFrom, SqlString outerJoinsAfterWhere)
			this.outerJoinsAfterFrom = outerJoinsAfterFrom;

			SqlString tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere = outerJoinsAfterWhere.Trim();
			if (tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere.StartsWithCaseInsensitive("and"))
				tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere = tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere.Substring(4);

			this.outerJoinsAfterWhere = tmpOuterJoinsAfterWhere;
			return this;
Пример #11
		/// <summary>
		/// Obtain an <c>IDbCommand</c> with all parameters pre-bound. Bind positional parameters,
		/// named parameters, and limit parameters.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Creates an IDbCommand object and populates it with the values necessary to execute it against the 
		/// database to Load an Entity.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="sqlString">The SqlString to convert into a prepared IDbCommand.</param>
		/// <param name="parameters">The <see cref="QueryParameters"/> to use for the IDbCommand.</param>
		/// <param name="scroll">TODO: find out where this is used...</param>
		/// <param name="session">The SessionImpl this Command is being prepared in.</param>
		/// <returns>An IDbCommand that is ready to be executed.</returns>
		protected virtual IDbCommand PrepareQueryCommand(
			SqlString sqlString,
			QueryParameters parameters,
			bool scroll,
			ISessionImplementor session )
			Dialect.Dialect dialect = session.Factory.Dialect;

			RowSelection selection = parameters.RowSelection;
			bool useLimit = UseLimit( selection, dialect );
			bool hasFirstRow = GetFirstRow( selection ) > 0;
			bool useOffset = hasFirstRow && useLimit && dialect.SupportsLimitOffset;
			//TODO: In .Net all resultsets are scrollable (we receive an IDataReader), so this is not needed
			bool scrollable = session.Factory.IsScrollableResultSetsEnabled &&
				( scroll || ( hasFirstRow && !useOffset ) );

			if( useLimit )
				sqlString = dialect.GetLimitString( sqlString.Trim(),
				                                    useOffset ? GetFirstRow( selection ) : 0,
				                                    GetMaxOrLimit( dialect, selection ) );

			IDbCommand command = session.Batcher.PrepareQueryCommand( sqlString, scrollable );

				// Added in NH - not in H2.1
				if( selection != null && selection.Timeout != RowSelection.NoValue )
					command.CommandTimeout = selection.Timeout;

				int colIndex = 0;

				if( useLimit && dialect.BindLimitParametersFirst )
					colIndex += BindLimitParameters( command, colIndex, selection, session );

				colIndex += BindPositionalParameters( command, parameters, colIndex, session );
				colIndex += BindNamedParameters( command, parameters.NamedParameters, colIndex, session );

				if( useLimit && !dialect.BindLimitParametersFirst )
					colIndex += BindLimitParameters( command, colIndex, selection, session );

				if( !useLimit )
					SetMaxRows( command, selection );
				if( selection != null )
					if( selection.Timeout != RowSelection.NoValue )
						command.CommandTimeout = selection.Timeout;
					// H2.1 handles FetchSize here - not ported

			catch( HibernateException )
				session.Batcher.CloseQueryCommand( command, null );
			catch( Exception sqle )
				ADOExceptionReporter.LogExceptions( sqle );
				session.Batcher.CloseQueryCommand( command, null );

			return command;
Пример #12
		public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString sql, int offset, int limit, int? offsetParameterIndex, int? limitParameterIndex)
			sql = sql.Trim();
			bool hasOffset = offset > 0;
			bool isForUpdate = false;
			if (sql.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(" for update"))
				sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 11);
				isForUpdate = true;

			var pagingSelect = new SqlStringBuilder(sql.Parts.Count + 10);
			if (hasOffset)
				pagingSelect.Add("select * from ( select row_.*, rownum rownum_ from ( ");
				pagingSelect.Add("select * from ( ");
			if (hasOffset)
				pagingSelect.Add(" ) row_ where rownum <=").AddParameter(limitParameterIndex.Value).Add(") where rownum_ >").AddParameter(offsetParameterIndex.Value);
				pagingSelect.Add(" ) where rownum <=").AddParameter(limitParameterIndex.Value);

			if (isForUpdate)
				pagingSelect.Add(" for update");

			return pagingSelect.ToSqlString();
		public void TrimAllParam() 
			Parameter p1 = new Parameter( "p1" );
			Parameter p2 = new Parameter( "p2" );
			SqlString sql = new SqlString( new object[] { p1, p2 } );
			sql = sql.Trim();

			Assert.AreEqual( ":p1:p2", sql.ToString() );
		public void TrimBeginStringEndParam() 
			Parameter p1 = new Parameter( "p1" );
			SqlString sql = new SqlString( new object[] { "   extra space   ", p1 } );
			sql = sql.Trim();

			Assert.AreEqual( "extra space   :p1", sql.ToString() );
		public void TrimBeginParamEndString() 
			Parameter p1 = new Parameter( "p1" );
			SqlString sql = new SqlString( new object[] {p1, "   extra space   "} );
			sql = sql.Trim();

			Assert.AreEqual( ":p1   extra space", sql.ToString() );
Пример #16
		public void TrimAllParam()
			Parameter p1 = Parameter.Placeholder;
			Parameter p2 = Parameter.Placeholder;

			SqlString sql = new SqlString(new object[] { p1, p2 });
			sql = sql.Trim();

			Assert.AreEqual("??", sql.ToString());
		private static SqlString RemoveSortOrderDirection(SqlString sortExpression)
			SqlString trimmedExpression = sortExpression.Trim();
			if (trimmedExpression.EndsWithCaseInsensitive("asc"))
				return trimmedExpression.Substring(0, trimmedExpression.Length - 3).Trim();
			if (trimmedExpression.EndsWithCaseInsensitive("desc"))
				return trimmedExpression.Substring(0, trimmedExpression.Length - 4).Trim();
			return trimmedExpression.Trim();
Пример #18
		public override SqlString GetLimitString(SqlString sql, SqlString offset, SqlString limit)
			sql = sql.Trim();
			bool isForUpdate = false;
			if (sql.EndsWithCaseInsensitive(" for update"))
				sql = sql.Substring(0, sql.Length - 11);
				isForUpdate = true;

			string selectColumns = ExtractColumnOrAliasNames(sql);

			var pagingSelect = new SqlStringBuilder(sql.Parts.Count + 10);
			if (offset != null)
				pagingSelect.Add("select " + selectColumns + " from ( select row_.*, rownum rownum_ from ( ");
				pagingSelect.Add("select " + selectColumns + " from ( ");
			if (offset != null && limit != null)
				pagingSelect.Add(" ) row_ where rownum <=").Add(limit).Add(") where rownum_ >").Add(offset);
			else if (limit != null)
				pagingSelect.Add(" ) where rownum <=").Add(limit);
				// offset is specified, but limit is not.
				pagingSelect.Add(" ) row_ ) where rownum_ >").Add(offset);

			if (isForUpdate)
				pagingSelect.Add(" for update");

			return pagingSelect.ToSqlString();
Пример #19
		public void AddWhereFragment(
				JoinFragment joinFragment,
				SqlString whereFragment,
				QueryNode query,
				FromElement fromElement,
				HqlSqlWalker hqlSqlWalker)
			if (whereFragment == null)

			if (!fromElement.UseWhereFragment && !joinFragment.HasThetaJoins)

			whereFragment = whereFragment.Trim();
			if (StringHelper.IsEmpty(whereFragment.ToString()))

			// Forcefully remove leading ands from where fragments; the grammar will
			// handle adding them
			if (whereFragment.StartsWithCaseInsensitive("and"))
				whereFragment = whereFragment.Substring(4);

			log.Debug("Using unprocessed WHERE-fragment [" + whereFragment +"]");

			SqlFragment fragment = (SqlFragment) Create(HqlSqlWalker.SQL_TOKEN, whereFragment.ToString());

			fragment.FromElement = fromElement;

			if (fromElement.IndexCollectionSelectorParamSpec != null)
				fromElement.IndexCollectionSelectorParamSpec = null;

			if (hqlSqlWalker.IsFilter())
				//if (whereFragment.IndexOfCaseInsensitive("?") >= 0)
                if (whereFragment.ToString().IndexOf("?") >= 0)
					IType collectionFilterKeyType = hqlSqlWalker.SessionFactoryHelper
					CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification paramSpec = new CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification(


			log.Debug("Using processed WHERE-fragment [" + fragment.Text + "]");

			// Filter conditions need to be inserted before the HQL where condition and the
			// theta join node.  This is because org.hibernate.loader.Loader binds the filter parameters first,
			// then it binds all the HQL query parameters, see org.hibernate.loader.Loader.processFilterParameters().
			if (fragment.FromElement.IsFilter || fragment.HasFilterCondition)
				if (_filters == null)
					// Find or create the WHERE clause
					IASTNode where = (IASTNode) query.WhereClause;
					// Create a new FILTERS node as a parent of all filters
					_filters = Create(HqlSqlWalker.FILTERS, "{filter conditions}");
					// Put the FILTERS node before the HQL condition and theta joins
					where.InsertChild(0, _filters);

				// add the current fragment to the FILTERS node
				if (_thetaJoins == null)
					// Find or create the WHERE clause
					IASTNode where = (IASTNode) query.WhereClause;

					// Create a new THETA_JOINS node as a parent of all filters
					_thetaJoins = Create(HqlSqlWalker.THETA_JOINS, "{theta joins}");

					// Put the THETA_JOINS node before the HQL condition, after the filters.
					if (_filters == null)
						where.InsertChild(0, _thetaJoins);

				// add the current fragment to the THETA_JOINS node
Пример #20
		private static SqlString ProcessFromFragment(SqlString frag, JoinSequence join) 
			SqlString fromFragment = frag.Trim();
			// The FROM fragment will probably begin with ', '.  Remove this if it is present.
			if ( fromFragment.StartsWithCaseInsensitive( ", " ) ) {
				fromFragment = fromFragment.Substring( 2 );
			return fromFragment;
Пример #21
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fragment"></param>
		public void AddSelectFragmentString(SqlString fragment)
			if (fragment.StartsWithCaseInsensitive(","))
				fragment = fragment.Substring(1);

			fragment = fragment.Trim();

			if (fragment.Length > 0)
				if (selectBuilder.Count > 0)

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="condition"></param>
		public override void AddCondition( SqlString condition )
			//TODO: this seems hackish
				afterFrom.ToSqlString().ToString().IndexOf( condition.Trim().ToString() ) < 0 &&
					afterWhere.ToSqlString().ToString().IndexOf( condition.Trim().ToString() ) < 0 )
				if( !condition.StartsWith( " and " ) )
					afterWhere.Add( " and " );

				afterWhere.Add( condition );