static void logErrorMessage(ParsingException exception, SqlSelectStatement sqlStatement)
     if (exception is ParameterParsingException)
         ParameterParsingException paramException = sqlStatement.SqlStatementParsingException as ParameterParsingException;
         if (exception != null)
             using (StreamWriter streamWriter = errorFile.AppendText())
                 streamWriter.WriteLine(getLogErrorMessage(paramException.Message, paramException.ActualSql, paramException.ParameterSection));
         using (StreamWriter streamWriter = errorFile.AppendText())
             streamWriter.WriteLine(getLogErrorMessage(sqlStatement.SqlStatementParsingException.Message, exception.ActualSql, string.Empty));
        // ( attempts to set the parameter and values in an organized list of key value pairs )
        internal virtual void SetParameterKeyValuePairs()
            int paramStartIndex = 0;
            string sqlSection = string.Empty;
            string parameterSection = string.Empty;
            this.parameters = new List<SqlParamKeyValuePair>();
                // ( parameters are found after the first found semi colon (;) )
                paramStartIndex = Sql.IndexOf(";") + 1;
                parameterSection = Sql.Substring(paramStartIndex, Sql.Length - paramStartIndex).Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameterSection))
                    sqlSection = Sql.Substring(0, paramStartIndex + 1).Replace(";", string.Empty).Trim();
                    var parameters = parameterSection.SplitByWord(new string[] { "select scope_identity()" }, new string[] { "=", ",", ";" });
                    if (parameters.Length > 1)
                        // ( parse parameters )
                        for (int ix = 0; ix < parameters.Length; ix += 2)
                            string key = parameters[ix].Trim();
                            if ((ix + 1) < parameters.Length)
                                string dataType = string.Empty;
                                // ( get the value of the parameter )
                                string value = parameters[ix + 1].Split('[')[0].Replace(";", string.Empty).Trim();

                                // ( covers parameter values where string values contain pipes (|) )
                                if (value.Contains("|"))
                                    // ( continue looping until no comma found )
                                    while (ix + 1 < parameters.Length - 1)
                                        value = value + "," + parameters[ix + 1];

                                // ( signals that a parameter data type has been found )
                                if (parameters[ix + 1].Contains("["))
                                    dataType = parameters[ix + 1].Split(new string[] { "[", "]" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Split(new string[] { "Type:", "(" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Trim();

                                // ( signals that a parameter key has been found )
                                if (key.StartsWith("@"))
                                    Parameters.Add(new SqlParamKeyValuePair() { Key = key, Value = value, DataType = dataType });
                                    break; // ( were not interested in anything after this for this statement)
                                break; // ( were not interested in anything after this for this statement)
                        // ( abnormal parameter length )
                        SqlStatementParsingException = new ParameterParsingException("Exception parsing parameters.", sqlSection, parameterSection);
            catch (Exception exception)
                var sqlStatementParsingException = new ParameterParsingException("Unhandled exception parsing parameters", sqlSection, parameterSection, exception);
                SqlStatementParsingException = sqlStatementParsingException;
                throw sqlStatementParsingException;
        // ( validates the sql before constructing its parts )
        private bool IsValidateSql()
            var openbraceMatches = Regex.Matches(Sql, @"\(");
            var closebraceMatches = Regex.Matches(Sql, @"\)");
            if (openbraceMatches.Count > 0 && openbraceMatches.Count != closebraceMatches.Count)
                SqlStatementParsingException = new ParsingException("There was an error parsing this SQL statement. (Enclosing braces do not match).", Sql);
            var fromMatches = Regex.Matches(Sql, @"\bfrom\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            if (fromMatches.Count <= 0)
                SqlStatementParsingException = new ParsingException("The SQL select does not contain a 'From' clause.", Sql);


            return (SqlStatementParsingException == null);