Пример #1
        protected void AppendPropertyCondition(
            String propertyName,
            object propertyValue,
            System.Type persistentClass,
            String alias,
            IDictionary aliasClasses,
            ISessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
            SqlStringBuilder builder)
            if (builder.Count > 1)
                builder.Add(" and ");

            ICriterion crit;

            if (propertyValue != null)
                bool isString = propertyValue is String;
                crit = (_isLikeEnabled && isString) ?
                       (ICriterion) new LikeExpression(propertyName, propertyValue, _isIgnoreCaseEnabled) :
                       (ICriterion) new EqExpression(propertyName, propertyValue, _isIgnoreCaseEnabled && isString);
                crit = new NullExpression(propertyName);
            builder.Add(crit.ToSqlString(sessionFactory, persistentClass, alias, aliasClasses));
Пример #2
		protected void AppendPropertyCondition(
			String propertyName,
			object propertyValue,
			System.Type persistentClass,
			String alias,
			IDictionary aliasClasses,
			ISessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
			SqlStringBuilder builder)
			if( builder.Count > 1 )
				builder.Add( " and " );

			ICriterion crit;
			if( propertyValue != null )
				bool isString = propertyValue is String;
				crit = ( _isLikeEnabled && isString ) ?
					(ICriterion)new LikeExpression( propertyName, propertyValue, _isIgnoreCaseEnabled ) :
					(ICriterion)new EqExpression( propertyName, propertyValue, _isIgnoreCaseEnabled && isString );

				crit = new NullExpression( propertyName );
			builder.Add( crit.ToSqlString( sessionFactory, persistentClass, alias, aliasClasses ) );
Пример #3
		protected void AppendPropertyCondition(
			String propertyName,
			object propertyValue,
			ICriteria criteria,
			ICriteriaQuery cq,
			IDictionary enabledFilters,
			SqlStringBuilder builder)
			if (builder.Count > 1)
				builder.Add(" and ");

			ICriterion crit;
			if (propertyValue != null)
				bool isString = propertyValue is String;
				crit = (_isLikeEnabled && isString) ?
				       (ICriterion) new LikeExpression(propertyName, propertyValue, _isIgnoreCaseEnabled) :
				       new EqExpression(propertyName, propertyValue, _isIgnoreCaseEnabled && isString);
				crit = new NullExpression(propertyName);
			builder.Add(crit.ToSqlString(criteria, cq, enabledFilters));