void AddElement (IList<Element> list, XElement e, Pen inheritPen, Brush inheritBrush) { // // Style // Element r = null; Style eStyle = new Style(); ApplyStyle (e.Attributes ().ToDictionary (k => k.Name.LocalName, v => v.Value), eStyle); var style = ReadString (e.Attribute ("style")); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (style)) { ApplyStyle (style, eStyle); } if (!eStyle.hasPen) eStyle.pen = inheritPen; if (!eStyle.hasBrush) eStyle.brush = inheritBrush; //var id = ReadString (e.Attribute ("id")); // // Elements // switch (e.Name.LocalName) { case "text": { var x = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("x")); var y = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("y")); var font = new Font (); var fontFamily = ReadTextFontFamily(e); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fontFamily)) font.Family = fontFamily; var fontSize = ReadTextFontSize(e); if (fontSize >= 0) font.Size = fontSize; TextAlignment textAlignment = ReadTextAlignment(e); var txt = new Text (new Rect (new Point (x, y), new Size (double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue)), font, textAlignment, eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); ReadTextSpans (txt, e); r = txt; } break; case "rect": { var x = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("x")); var y = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("y")); var width = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("width")); var height = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("height")); var rx = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("rx")); var ry = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("ry")); if (ry == 0) { ry = rx; } r = new Rectangle (new Rect (new Point (x, y), new Size (width, height)), new Size (rx, ry), eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); } break; case "ellipse": { var cx = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("cx")); var cy = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("cy")); var rx = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("rx")); var ry = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("ry")); r = new Ellipse (new Point (cx - rx, cy - ry), new Size (2 * rx, 2 * ry), eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); } break; case "circle": { var cx = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("cx")); var cy = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("cy")); var rr = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("r")); r = new Ellipse (new Point (cx - rr, cy - rr), new Size (2 * rr, 2 * rr), eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); } break; case "path": { var dA = e.Attribute ("d"); if (dA != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (dA.Value)) { var p = new Path (eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); ReadPath (p, dA.Value); r = p; } } break; case "polygon": { var pA = e.Attribute ("points"); if (pA != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (pA.Value)) { var path = new Path (eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); ReadPoints (path, pA.Value, true); r = path; } } break; case "polyline": { var pA = e.Attribute ("points"); if (pA != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (pA.Value)) { var path = new Path (eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); ReadPoints (path, pA.Value, false); r = path; } } break; case "g": { var g = new Group (); var groupId = e.Attribute("id"); if (groupId != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupId.Value)) g.Id = groupId.Value; AddElements (g.Children, e.Elements (), eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); r = g; } break; case "use": { var href = ReadString (e.Attributes ().FirstOrDefault (x => x.Name.LocalName == "href")); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (href)) { XElement useE; if (defs.TryGetValue (href.Trim ().Replace ("#", ""), out useE)) { var useList = new List<Element> (); AddElement (useList, useE, eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); r = useList.FirstOrDefault (); } } } break; case "title": Graphic.Title = ReadString (e); break; case "desc": case "description": Graphic.Description = ReadString (e); break; case "defs": // Already read in earlier pass break; case "namedview": case "metadata": case "image": // Ignore break; case "line": { var x1 = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("x1") ); var x2 = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("x2") ); var y1 = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("y1") ); var y2 = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("y2") ); var p = new Path (eStyle.pen, null); p.MoveTo (x1, y1); p.LineTo (x2, y2); r = p; } break; case "foreignObject": { var x = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("x") ); var y = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("y") ); var width = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("width") ); var height = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("height") ); r = new ForeignObject(new Point(x, y), new Size(width, height)); } break; case "pgf": { var id = e.Attribute("id"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Ignoring pgf element" + (id != null ? ": '" + id.Value + "'" : "")); } break; case "switch": { // Evaluate requiredFeatures, requiredExtensions and systemLanguage foreach (var ee in e.Elements()) { var requiredFeatures = ee.Attribute("requiredFeatures"); var requiredExtensions = ee.Attribute("requiredExtensions"); var systemLanguage = ee.Attribute("systemLanguage"); // currently no support for any of these restrictions if (requiredFeatures == null && requiredExtensions == null && systemLanguage == null) AddElement (list, ee, eStyle.pen, eStyle.brush); } } break; // color definition that can be referred to by other elements case "linearGradient": break; default: throw new NotSupportedException ("SVG element \"" + e.Name.LocalName + "\" is not supported"); } if (r != null) { eStyle.Apply(r); r.Transform = ReadTransform (ReadString (e.Attribute ("transform"))); var ida = e.Attribute("id"); if (ida != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (ida.Value)) { r.Id = ida.Value.Trim (); } list.Add (r); } }
void ReadTextSpans (Text txt, XElement e) { foreach (XNode c in e.Nodes ()) { if (c.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) { txt.Spans.Add (new TextSpan (((XText)c).Value)); } else if (c.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { var ce = (XElement)c; if (ce.Name.LocalName == "tspan") { var tspan = new TextSpan (ce.Value); var x = ReadOptionalNumber (ce.Attribute ("x")); var y = ReadOptionalNumber (ce.Attribute ("y")); if (x.HasValue && y.HasValue) { tspan.Position = new Point (x.Value, y.Value); } var font = txt.Font; var ffamily = ReadTextFontFamily (ce); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (ffamily)) { font = font.WithFamily (ffamily); } var fweight = ReadTextFontWeight (ce); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (fweight)) { font = font.WithWeight (fweight); } var fstyle = ReadTextFontStyle (ce); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (fstyle)) { font = font.WithStyle (fstyle); } var fsize = ReadTextFontSize (ce); if (fsize > 0) { font = font.WithSize (fsize); } if (font != txt.Font) { tspan.Font = font; } txt.Spans.Add (tspan); } } } txt.Trim (); }
void AddElement(IList<IDrawable> list, XElement e, Pen inheritPen, Brush inheritBrush) { // // Style // Element r = null; Pen pen = null; Brush brush = null; bool hasPen, hasBrush; ApplyStyle (e.Attributes ().ToDictionary (k => k.Name.LocalName, v => v.Value), ref pen, out hasPen, ref brush, out hasBrush); var style = ReadString (e.Attribute ("style")); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (style)) { ApplyStyle (style, ref pen, out hasPen, ref brush, out hasBrush); } pen = hasPen ? pen : inheritPen; brush = hasBrush ? brush : inheritBrush; //var id = ReadString (e.Attribute ("id")); // // Elements // switch (e.Name.LocalName) { case "text": { var x = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("x")); var y = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("y")); var text = e.Value.Trim (); var fontFamilyAttribute = e.Attribute("font-family"); var font = new Font (); //if (fontFamilyAttribute != null) // font.Family = fontFamilyAttribute.Value.Trim('\''); var fontSizeAttribute = e.Attribute("font-size"); if (fontSizeAttribute != null) font.Size = ReadNumber(fontSizeAttribute.Value); r = new Text (text, new Rect (new Point (x, y), new Size (double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue)), font, TextAlignment.Left, pen, brush); } break; case "rect": { var x = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("x")); var y = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("y")); var width = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("width")); var height = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("height")); r = new Rectangle (new Point (x, y), new Size (width, height), pen, brush); } break; case "ellipse": { var cx = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("cx")); var cy = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("cy")); var rx = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("rx")); var ry = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("ry")); r = new Ellipse (new Point (cx - rx, cy - ry), new Size (2 * rx, 2 * ry), pen, brush); } break; case "circle": { var cx = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("cx")); var cy = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("cy")); var rr = ReadNumber (e.Attribute ("r")); r = new Ellipse (new Point (cx - rr, cy - rr), new Size (2 * rr, 2 * rr), pen, brush); } break; case "path": { var dA = e.Attribute ("d"); if (dA != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (dA.Value)) { var p = new Path (pen, brush); ReadPath (p, dA.Value); r = p; } } break; case "polygon": { var pA = e.Attribute ("points"); if (pA != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (pA.Value)) { var path = new Path (pen, brush); ReadPolygon (path, pA.Value); r = path; } } break; case "g": { var g = new Group (); AddElements (g.Children, e.Elements (), pen, brush); r = g; } break; case "use": { var href = ReadString (e.Attributes ().FirstOrDefault (x => x.Name.LocalName == "href")); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (href)) { XElement useE; if (defs.TryGetValue (href.Trim ().Replace ("#", ""), out useE)) { var useList = new List<IDrawable> (); AddElement (useList, useE, pen, brush); r = useList.OfType<Element> ().FirstOrDefault (); } } } break; case "title": Graphic.Title = ReadString (e); break; case "desc": case "description": Graphic.Description = ReadString (e); break; case "defs": // Already read in earlier pass break; case "namedview": case "metadata": case "image": // Ignore break; case "line": { var x1 = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("x1") ); var x2 = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("x2") ); var y1 = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("y1") ); var y2 = ReadNumber ( e.Attribute("y2") ); r = new Line(new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x2, y2), pen); } break; // color definition that can be referred to by other elements case "linearGradient": break; default: throw new NotSupportedException ("SVG element \"" + e.Name.LocalName + "\" is not supported"); } if (r != null) { r.Transform = ReadTransform (ReadString (e.Attribute ("transform"))); list.Add (r); } }
public void EndVisit (Text e) { w.WriteLine ("</text>"); }
public void Visit (Text text) { WriteStartElement ("text", text); w.Write (" x=\"{0}\" y=\"{1}\"", text.Frame.X, text.Frame.Y); if (text.Frame.Width != double.MaxValue || text.Frame.Height != double.MaxValue) { w.Write (" width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\"", text.Frame.Width, text.Frame.Height); } if (text.Font != null) { w.Write (" font-family=\"{0}\" font-size=\"{1}\"", text.Font.Name, text.Font.Size); } w.Write (">"); w.Write (Escape (text.String)); }
public virtual void EndVisit (Text text) { EndVisitElement (text); }