private void UpdateGraphWithDed(Dictionary <string, object> termDictionary, GraphOfNodes graph) { bool nodefound = false; int count = 0; Subject cdlSub = GetSubjectForTerm(termDictionary); foreach (GraphNode node in graph.GraphNodes) { count++; if (node is TermNode) { TermNode termNode = node as TermNode; if (termNode.Subject.Equals(cdlSub)) { nodefound = true; Deductible ded = TermParser.GetDedForTerm(termDictionary, graph.Declarations); termNode.Deductibles.Add(ded); break; } } } if (!nodefound) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find Node in fixed graph, for JSON term with subject: (" + cdlSub.ToString() + ")"); } }
private void UpdateGraphWithCover(Dictionary <string, object> coverDictionary, GraphOfNodes graph) { bool nodefound = false; Type type = typeof(DedInteractionType); Subject sub = GetSubjectForCover(coverDictionary); foreach (GraphNode node in graph.GraphNodes) { if (node is CoverNode) { CoverNode coverNode = node as CoverNode; Cover cover = TermParser.GetCoverForTerm(coverDictionary); if (coverNode.Subject.Equals(sub) && coverNode.CoverName.Trim() == cover.CoverName.Trim()) { nodefound = true; coverNode.Cover = cover; break; } } } if (!nodefound) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find Node in fixed graph, for JSON cover with subject: (" + sub.ToString() + ")"); } }
private void UpdateGraphWithLim(Dictionary <string, object> termDictionary, Graph graph) { bool nodefound = false; Subject cdlSub = GetSubjectForTerm(termDictionary); foreach (GraphNode node in graph.GraphNodes) { if (node is TermNode) { TermNode termNode = node as TermNode; if (termNode.Subject.Equals(cdlSub)) { nodefound = true; Limit limit = TermParser.GetLimitForTerm(termDictionary, graph.Declarations); termNode.Limits.Add(limit); break; } } } if (!nodefound) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find Node in fixed graph, for JSON term with subject: (" + cdlSub.ToString() + ")"); } }
public override void Extract() { //Extract Covers object JSONCovers; jsonParseResult.TryGetValue("Covers", out JSONCovers); object[] Coverlist = JSONCovers as object[]; foreach (object Obj in Coverlist) { Dictionary <string, object> Dict = Obj as Dictionary <string, object>; Cover cover = TermParser.GetCoverForTerm(Dict); Subject subject = GetSubjectForCover(Dict); if (CoverComponent.ContainsKey(subject)) { CoverComponent[subject].Add(cover.CoverName, cover); } else { CoverComponent.Add(subject, new Dictionary <string, Cover>() { { cover.CoverName, cover } }); } } }
public override void Extract() { //Extract Deductibles object JSONDeductibles; jsonParseResult.TryGetValue("Deductibles", out JSONDeductibles); object[] Dedlist = JSONDeductibles as object[]; foreach (object Obj in Dedlist) { Dictionary <string, object> Dict = Obj as Dictionary <string, object>; Deductible ded = TermParser.GetDedForTerm(Dict, Declarations); foreach (PrimarySubject priSub in GetSubjectForTerm(Dict)) { if (DedComponent.ContainsKey(priSub)) { DedComponent[priSub].Add(ded); } else { DedComponent.Add(priSub, new DeductibleCollection(ded)); } } } //Extract Sublimits object JSONLimits; jsonParseResult.TryGetValue("Sublimits", out JSONLimits); object[] Limlist = JSONLimits as object[]; foreach (object Obj in Limlist) { Dictionary <string, object> Dict = Obj as Dictionary <string, object>; Limit ded = TermParser.GetLimitForTerm(Dict, Declarations); foreach (PrimarySubject priSub in GetSubjectForTerm(Dict)) { if (LimComponent.ContainsKey(priSub)) { LimComponent[priSub].Add(ded); } else { LimComponent.Add(priSub, new LimitCollection(ded)); } } } //Extract Covers object JSONCovers; jsonParseResult.TryGetValue("Covers", out JSONCovers); object[] Coverlist = JSONCovers as object[]; foreach (object Obj in Coverlist) { Dictionary <string, object> Dict = Obj as Dictionary <string, object>; Cover cover = TermParser.GetCoverForTerm(Dict); Subject subject = GetSubjectForCover(Dict); if (CoverComponent.ContainsKey(subject)) { CoverComponent[subject].Add(cover.CoverName, cover); } else { CoverComponent.Add(subject, new Dictionary <string, Cover>() { { cover.CoverName, cover } }); } } }