Пример #1
 public DeductibleCollection(DeductibleCollection dedCol)
     dedList = new List <Deductible>();
     foreach (Deductible ded in dedCol.dedList)
         Deductible newDed = new Deductible(ded.DedIsFranchise, ded.DedInterType, ded.Value, ded.DedIsPerRisk, ded.DedType);
Пример #2
 public TermNode(PrimarySubject _subject) : base(_subject)
     if (_subject.IsDerived)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Terms Nodes cannot have a derivied subject!");
     CurrentAllocationState = new AllocationStateCollection(_subject.Schedule.ActNumOfBldgs);
     Deductibles            = new DeductibleCollection();
     Limits = new LimitCollection();
Пример #3
        public TermNode(PrimarySubject _subject, TermNode tNode) : base(_subject)
            CurrentAllocationState = new AllocationStateCollection2(_subject.Schedule.ActNumOfBldgs);

            //Deductibles = tNode.Deductibles;
            //Limits = tNode.Limits;
            //should do shallow copy, not copy whole object
            Deductibles = new DeductibleCollection(tNode.Deductibles);
            Limits      = new LimitCollection(tNode.Limits);
Пример #4
 public bool GetDeductiblesForSubject(PrimarySubject sub, out DeductibleCollection deductibles)
     if (DedComponent.TryGetValue(sub, out deductibles))
Пример #5
        public DeductibleCollection SortByExecOrder(DeductibleCollection preSorted)
            //set the Ded Collection order as the execution follows
            DeductibleCollection postSorted = new DeductibleCollection();

            int numOfDed = preSorted.dedList.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfDed; i++)
                if (preSorted.dedList[i].DedInterType == DedInteractionType.SingleLargest)

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfDed; i++)
                if (preSorted.dedList[i].DedInterType == DedInteractionType.MIN || preSorted.dedList[i].DedInterType == DedInteractionType.Absorbing)

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfDed; i++)
                if (preSorted.dedList[i].DedInterType == DedInteractionType.MAX)

            if (preSorted.dedList.Count != postSorted.dedList.Count)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not all Deductibles are places in sorted order");

Пример #6
 public void AddOtherCollection(DeductibleCollection otherDedCollection)
Пример #7
        public void TermFunction(InteractionObject[] IntObject)
            int NumBldgs = CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.NumBldgs;

            int intObjCount = IntObject.Count();
            DeductibleCollection sortedDeductibles = CurrNode.Deductibles.SortByExecOrder(CurrNode.Deductibles);

            for (int i = 0; i < NumBldgs; i++)
                if (intObjCount > 0)
                    CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].X = IntObject[i].ExcessFromChildren;
                    CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D = IntObject[i].DedFromChildren;
                    CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].X = 0;
                    CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D = 0;

            //Do Ground-up sub-Limit first
            foreach (Limit limObj in CurrNode.Limits)
                if (limObj.LimitIsNetOfDed == false)
                    double limitTot = 0;
                    if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.Numeric)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount;
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentCovered)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount / 100 * CurrNode.GetTIV();
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentAffected)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount / 100 * CurrNode.GetAffectedTIV();
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentLoss)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount / 100 * CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.GetTotalSum.S;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Lim TermValueType is not Known");

                    double limit = limitTot;
                    for (int i = 0; i < NumBldgs; i++)
                        if (AggType == Aggregation.PerBuilding)
                            limit = limitTot * multiArr[i];

                        CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].X = Math.Max(CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].X, Math.Max(0.0, CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].S - limit));
                }  //end: each Group-up Sub-Limits

            //then do all Deductibles one by one, all deductibles are already in the right exec order
            foreach (Deductible dedObj in sortedDeductibles)
                double dedTot = 0;
                if (dedObj.DedType == TermValueType.Numeric)
                    dedTot = dedObj.Amount;
                else if (dedObj.DedType == TermValueType.PercentCovered)
                    dedTot = dedObj.Amount * CurrNode.GetTIV();
                else if (dedObj.DedType == TermValueType.PercentAffected)
                    dedTot = dedObj.Amount * CurrNode.GetAffectedTIV();
                else if (dedObj.DedType == TermValueType.PercentLoss)
                    dedTot = dedObj.Amount * CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.GetTotalSum.S;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Ded TermValueType is not Known");

                double ded = dedTot;
                for (int i = 0; i < NumBldgs; i++)
                    if (AggType == Aggregation.PerBuilding)
                        ded = dedTot * multiArr[i];

                    if (dedObj.DedIsFranchise)
                        ded = (CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].S > ded) ? 0.0 : CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].S;
                        ded = Math.Min(CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].S, ded);

                    if (dedObj.DedInterType == DedInteractionType.SingleLargest)
                        CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D = IntObject[i].LargestDedFromChildren;
                    else if (dedObj.DedInterType == DedInteractionType.MAX)
                        CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D = Math.Min(CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D, ded);
                    else if (dedObj.DedInterType == DedInteractionType.MIN)
                        CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D = Math.Max(CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D, ded);
                    else if (dedObj.DedInterType == DedInteractionType.Absorbing)
                        CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D = Math.Max(CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D, ded - CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].X);
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction Type is not Known");

            } //end: all deds

            for (int i = 0; i < NumBldgs; i++)

            //then do all NetOfDed Sub-Limit
            foreach (Limit limObj in CurrNode.Limits)
                if (limObj.LimitIsNetOfDed)
                    double limitTot = 0;
                    if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.Numeric)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount;
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentCovered)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount * CurrNode.GetTIV();
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentAffected)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount * CurrNode.GetAffectedTIV();
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentLoss)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount * CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.GetTotalSum.S;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Lim TermValueType is not Known");

                    double limit = limitTot;
                    //Parallel.For(0, NumBldgs, i =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < NumBldgs; i++)
                        if (AggType == Aggregation.PerBuilding)
                            limit = limitTot * multiArr[i];

                        CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].X = Math.Max(CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].X, CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].S - CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D - limit);

            } //end: NetOfDed sub-limit
Пример #8
        public void TermFunction(LossStateCollection2 LossFromBelow)
            int NumBldgs = CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.NumBldgs;

            //int intObjCount = IntObject.Count();
            double[] excessFromBelow = LossFromBelow.Excess;
            double[] dedFromBelow    = LossFromBelow.Deductible;
            double[] lossFromBelow   = LossFromBelow.SubjectLoss;
            double[] recovFromBelow  = LossFromBelow.Recoverable;

            double[] nodeexcess = CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.Excess;
            double[] nodeded    = CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.Deductible;
            double[] nodeloss   = CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.SubjectLoss;
            double[] noderecov  = CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.Recoverable;

            //if (LossFromBelow.NumBldgs != CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.NumBldgs)
            //    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Number of buildings from below must equal number of buildings in current trem node...when performing interaction!");

            DeductibleCollection sortedDeductibles = CurrNode.Deductibles.SortByExecOrder(CurrNode.Deductibles);

            if (LossFromBelow.NumBldgs == CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.NumBldgs)
                //CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].X = IntObject[i].ExcessFromChildren;
                //CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D = IntObject[i].DedFromChildren;

                Array.Copy(excessFromBelow, nodeexcess, NumBldgs);
                Array.Copy(dedFromBelow, nodeded, NumBldgs);
                //CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].X = 0;
                //CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.collection[i].D = 0;

                Array.Clear(CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.Excess, 0, NumBldgs);
                Array.Clear(CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.Deductible, 0, NumBldgs);

            //Do Ground-up sub-Limit first
            foreach (Limit limObj in CurrNode.Limits)
                if (limObj.LimitIsNetOfDed == false)
                    double limitTot = 0;
                    if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.Numeric)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount;
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentCovered)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount / 100 * CurrNode.GetTIV();
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentAffected)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount / 100 * CurrNode.GetAffectedTIV();
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentLoss)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount / 100 * CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.GetTotalSum.S;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Lim TermValueType is not Known");

                    double limit = limitTot;
                    for (int i = 0; i < NumBldgs; i++)
                        if (AggType == Aggregation.PerBuilding)
                            limit = limitTot * multiArr[i];

                        nodeexcess[i] = Math.Max(nodeexcess[i], Math.Max(0.0, nodeloss[i] - limit));

                }  //end: each Group-up Sub-Limits

            //then do all Deductibles one by one, all deductibles are already in the right exec order
            foreach (Deductible dedObj in sortedDeductibles)
                double dedTot = 0;
                if (dedObj.DedType == TermValueType.Numeric)
                    dedTot = dedObj.Amount;
                else if (dedObj.DedType == TermValueType.PercentCovered)
                    dedTot = dedObj.Amount * CurrNode.GetTIV();
                else if (dedObj.DedType == TermValueType.PercentAffected)
                    dedTot = dedObj.Amount * CurrNode.GetAffectedTIV();
                else if (dedObj.DedType == TermValueType.PercentLoss)
                    dedTot = dedObj.Amount * CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.GetTotalSum.S;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Ded TermValueType is not Known");

                double ded = dedTot;
                for (int i = 0; i < NumBldgs; i++)
                    if (AggType == Aggregation.PerBuilding)
                        ded = dedTot * multiArr[i];

                    if (dedObj.DedIsFranchise)
                        ded = (nodeloss[i] > ded) ? 0.0 : nodeloss[i];
                        ded = Math.Min(nodeloss[i], ded);

                    if (dedObj.DedInterType == DedInteractionType.SingleLargest)
                        nodeded[i] = LossFromBelow.GetLargestDed();
                    else if (dedObj.DedInterType == DedInteractionType.MAX)
                        nodeded[i] = Math.Min(nodeded[i], ded);
                    else if (dedObj.DedInterType == DedInteractionType.MIN)
                        nodeded[i] = Math.Max(nodeded[i], ded);
                    else if (dedObj.DedInterType == DedInteractionType.Absorbing)
                        nodeded[i] = Math.Max(nodeded[i], ded - nodeexcess[i]);
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction Type is not Known");

            } //end: all deds

            //for (int i = 0; i < NumBldgs; i++)
            //    CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.AdjustD();


            //then do all NetOfDed Sub-Limit
            foreach (Limit limObj in CurrNode.Limits)
                if (limObj.LimitIsNetOfDed)
                    double limitTot = 0;
                    if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.Numeric)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount;
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentCovered)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount * CurrNode.GetTIV();
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentAffected)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount * CurrNode.GetAffectedTIV();
                    else if (limObj.LimType == TermValueType.PercentLoss)
                        limitTot = limObj.Amount * CurrNode.CurrentLossStateCollection.GetTotalSum.S;
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Lim TermValueType is not Known");

                    double limit = limitTot;
                    for (int i = 0; i < NumBldgs; i++)
                        if (AggType == Aggregation.PerBuilding)
                            limit = limitTot * multiArr[i];

                        nodeexcess[i] = Math.Max(nodeexcess[i], nodeloss[i] - nodeded[i] - limit);


            } //end: NetOfDed sub-limit