protected void SetUp()
            cargoRepositoryMock = new Mock<ICargoRepository>();
            cargoRepository = cargoRepositoryMock.Object;
            voyageRepository = new VoyageRepositoryInMem();
            locationRepository = new LocationRepositoryInMem();
            factory = new HandlingEventFactory(cargoRepository, voyageRepository, locationRepository);

            trackingId = new TrackingId("ABC");
            var routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(SampleLocations.TOKYO,
                                                            SampleLocations.HELSINKI, DateTime.Now);
            cargo = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification);
Пример #2
        public void SetUp()
            routingService = new RoutingServiceImpl();

            applicationEvents = new SynchronousApplicationEventsStub();

            // In-memory implementations of the repositories
            handlingEventRepository = new HandlingEventRepositoryInMem();
            cargoRepository = new CargoRepositoryInMem();
            locationRepository = new LocationRepositoryInMem();
            voyageRepository = new VoyageRepositoryInMem();

            // Actual factories and application services, wired with stubbed or in-memory infrastructure
            handlingEventFactory = new HandlingEventFactory(cargoRepository, voyageRepository, locationRepository);

            cargoInspectionService = new CargoInspectionService(applicationEvents, cargoRepository,
            handlingEventService = new HandlingEventService(handlingEventRepository, applicationEvents,
            bookingService = new BookingService(cargoRepository, locationRepository, routingService);

            // Circular dependency when doing synchrounous calls
            ((SynchronousApplicationEventsStub) applicationEvents).SetCargoInspectionService(cargoInspectionService);
Пример #3
        //        private static void LoadHandlingEventData()
        //        {
        //            const string handlingEventSql =
        //                "insert into HandlingEvent (completionTime, registrationTime, type, location_id, voyage_id, cargo_id) " +
        //                "values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
        //            var handlingEventArgs = new[]
        //                {
        //                    //XYZ (SESTO-FIHEL-DEHAM-CNHKG-JPTOK-AUMEL)
        //                    new object[] {Ts(0), Ts((0)), "RECEIVE", 1, null, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((4)), Ts((5)), "LOAD", 1, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((14)), Ts((14)), "UNLOAD", 5, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((15)), Ts((15)), "LOAD", 5, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((30)), Ts((30)), "UNLOAD", 6, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((33)), Ts((33)), "LOAD", 6, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((34)), Ts((34)), "UNLOAD", 3, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((60)), Ts((60)), "LOAD", 3, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((70)), Ts((71)), "UNLOAD", 4, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((75)), Ts((75)), "LOAD", 4, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((88)), Ts((88)), "UNLOAD", 2, 1, 1},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((100)), Ts((102)), "CLAIM", 2, null, 1},
        //                    //ZYX (AUMEL - USCHI - DEHAM -)
        //                    new object[] {Ts((200)), Ts((201)), "RECEIVE", 2, null, 3},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((202)), Ts((202)), "LOAD", 2, 2, 3},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((208)), Ts((208)), "UNLOAD", 7, 2, 3},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((212)), Ts((212)), "LOAD", 7, 2, 3},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((230)), Ts((230)), "UNLOAD", 6, 2, 3},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((235)), Ts((235)), "LOAD", 6, 2, 3},
        //                    //ABC
        //                    new object[] {Ts((20)), Ts((21)), "CLAIM", 2, null, 2},
        //                    //CBA
        //                    new object[] {Ts((0)), Ts((1)), "RECEIVE", 2, null, 4},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((10)), Ts((11)), "LOAD", 2, 2, 4},
        //                    new object[] {Ts((20)), Ts((21)), "UNLOAD", 7, 2, 4},
        //                    //FGH
        //                    new object[] {Ts(100), Ts(160), "RECEIVE", 3, null, 5},
        //                    new object[] {Ts(150), Ts(110), "LOAD", 3, 3, 5},
        //                    //JKL
        //                    new object[] {Ts(200), Ts(220), "RECEIVE", 6, null, 6},
        //                    new object[] {Ts(300), Ts(330), "LOAD", 6, 3, 6},
        //                    new object[] {Ts(400), Ts(440), "UNLOAD", 5, 3, 6} // Unexpected event
        //                };
        //            ExecuteUpdate(session, handlingEventSql, handlingEventArgs);
        //        }
        //        private static void LoadCarrierMovementData()
        //        {
        //            const string voyageSql = "insert into Voyage (id, voyage_number) values (?, ?)";
        //            var voyageArgs = new[]
        //                {
        //                    new object[] {1, "0101"},
        //                    new object[] {2, "0202"},
        //                    new object[] {3, "0303"}
        //                };
        //            ExecuteUpdate(session, voyageSql, voyageArgs);
        //            const string carrierMovementSql =
        //                "insert into CarrierMovement (id, voyage_id, departure_location_id, arrival_location_id, departure_time, arrival_time, cm_index) " +
        //                "values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
        //            var carrierMovementArgs = new[]
        //                {
        //                    // SESTO - FIHEL - DEHAM - CNHKG - JPTOK - AUMEL (voyage 0101)
        //                    new object[] {1, 1, 1, 5, Ts(1), Ts(2), 0},
        //                    new object[] {2, 1, 5, 6, Ts(1), Ts(2), 1},
        //                    new object[] {3, 1, 6, 3, Ts(1), Ts(2), 2},
        //                    new object[] {4, 1, 3, 4, Ts(1), Ts(2), 3},
        //                    new object[] {5, 1, 4, 2, Ts(1), Ts(2), 4},
        //                    // AUMEL - USCHI - DEHAM - SESTO - FIHEL (voyage 0202)
        //                    new object[] {7, 2, 2, 7, Ts(1), Ts(2), 0},
        //                    new object[] {8, 2, 7, 6, Ts(1), Ts(2), 1},
        //                    new object[] {9, 2, 6, 1, Ts(1), Ts(2), 2},
        //                    new object[] {6, 2, 1, 5, Ts(1), Ts(2), 3},
        //                    // CNHKG - AUMEL - FIHEL - DEHAM - SESTO - USCHI - JPTKO (voyage 0303)
        //                    new object[] {10, 3, 3, 2, Ts(1), Ts(2), 0},
        //                    new object[] {11, 3, 2, 5, Ts(1), Ts(2), 1},
        //                    new object[] {12, 3, 6, 1, Ts(1), Ts(2), 2},
        //                    new object[] {13, 3, 1, 7, Ts(1), Ts(2), 3},
        //                    new object[] {14, 3, 7, 4, Ts(1), Ts(2), 4}
        //                };
        //            ExecuteUpdate(session, carrierMovementSql, carrierMovementArgs);
        //        }
        //        private static void LoadCargoData(ISession session)
        //        {
        //            const string cargoSql =
        //                "insert into Cargo (id, tracking_id, origin_id, spec_origin_id, spec_destination_id, spec_arrival_deadline, transport_status, current_voyage_id, last_known_location_id, is_misdirected, routing_status, calculated_at, unloaded_at_dest) " +
        //                "values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
        //            var cargoArgs = new[]
        //                {
        //                    new object[]
        //                        {
        //                            1, "XYZ", 1, 1, 2, Ts(10), "IN_PORT", null, 1, false, "ROUTED", Ts(100),
        //                            false
        //                        },
        //                    new object[]
        //                        {
        //                            2, "ABC", 1, 1, 5, Ts(20), "IN_PORT", null, 1, false, "ROUTED", Ts(100),
        //                            false
        //                        },
        //                    new object[]
        //                        {
        //                            3, "ZYX", 2, 2, 1, Ts(30), "IN_PORT", null, 1, false, "NOT_ROUTED", Ts(100),
        //                            false
        //                        },
        //                    new object[]
        //                        {
        //                            4, "CBA", 5, 5, 1, Ts(40), "IN_PORT", null, 1, false, "MISROUTED", Ts(100),
        //                            false
        //                        },
        //                    new object[]
        //                        {
        //                            5, "FGH", 1, 3, 5, Ts(50), "IN_PORT", null, 1, false, "ROUTED", Ts(100),
        //                            false
        //                        }, // Cargo origin differs from spec origin
        //                    new object[]
        //                        {
        //                            6, "JKL", 6, 6, 4, Ts(60), "IN_PORT", null, 1, true, "ROUTED", Ts(100),
        //                            false
        //                        }
        //                };
        //            ExecuteUpdate(session, cargoSql, cargoArgs);
        //        }
        //        private static void LoadLocationData()
        //        {
        //            var locationArgs = new List<Location>
        //                {
        //                    new Location( new UnLocode("SESTO"), "Stockholm") {Id = 1},
        //                    new Location( new UnLocode("AUMEL"), "Melbourne") {Id = 2},
        //                    new Location( new UnLocode("CNHKG"), "Hongkong") {Id = 3},
        //                    new Location( new UnLocode("JPTOK"), "Tokyo") {Id = 4},
        //                    new Location( new UnLocode("FIHEL"), "Helsinki") {Id = 5},
        //                    new Location( new UnLocode("DEHAM"), "Hamburg") {Id = 6},
        //                    new Location( new UnLocode("USCHI"), "Chicago") {Id = 7},
        //                };
        //            ExecuteUpdate(session, locationSql, locationArgs);
        //        }
        //        private static void LoadItineraryData(ISession session)
        //        {
        //            const string legSql =
        //                "insert into Leg (id, cargo_id, voyage_id, load_location_id, unload_location_id, load_time, unload_time, leg_index) " +
        //                "values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
        //            var legArgs = new[]
        //                {
        //                    // Cargo 5: Hongkong - Melbourne - Stockholm - Helsinki
        //                    new object[] {1, 5, 1, 3, 2, Ts(1), Ts(2), 0},
        //                    new object[] {2, 5, 1, 2, 1, Ts(3), Ts(4), 1},
        //                    new object[] {3, 5, 1, 1, 5, Ts(4), Ts(5), 2},
        //                    // Cargo 6: Hamburg - Stockholm - Chicago - Tokyo
        //                    new object[] {4, 6, 2, 6, 1, Ts(1), Ts(2), 0},
        //                    new object[] {5, 6, 2, 1, 7, Ts(3), Ts(4), 1},
        //                    new object[] {6, 6, 2, 7, 4, Ts(5), Ts(6), 2}
        //                };
        //            ExecuteUpdate(session, legSql, legArgs);
        //        }
        public static void LoadMongoData(HandlingEventFactory handlingEventFactory,
            IHandlingEventRepository handlingEventRepository)
            Console.WriteLine("*** Loading data ***");

            var db = Utils.ShippingDb;
            var locations = GetLocationCollection();
            var mongoInsertOptions = new MongoInsertOptions() { Flags = InsertFlags.ContinueOnError };
                locations.InsertBatch(SampleLocations.GetAll(), mongoInsertOptions);

            catch (WriteConcernException ex)
            var voyages = db.GetCollection<Location>("voyages");

                voyages.InsertBatch(SampleVoyages.GetAll(), mongoInsertOptions);
            catch (WriteConcernException ex)

            var cargo = db.GetCollection<Cargo>("cargo");

            var routeSpecification = new RouteSpecification(SampleLocations.HONGKONG,
            var trackingId = new TrackingId("ABC123");
            var abc123exists = new CargoRepositoryMongo(db).Find(trackingId) != null;
            var handlingEvents = db.GetCollection<HandlingEvent>("handlingEvents");
            if (!abc123exists)
                var abc123 = new Cargo(trackingId, routeSpecification);
                var itinerary = new Itinerary(
                    new List<Leg>
                            new Leg(SampleVoyages.HONGKONG_TO_NEW_YORK, SampleLocations.HONGKONG,
                                    DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-02"), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-05")),
                            new Leg(SampleVoyages.NEW_YORK_TO_DALLAS, SampleLocations.NEWYORK, SampleLocations.DALLAS,
                                    DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-06"), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-08")),
                            new Leg(SampleVoyages.DALLAS_TO_HELSINKI, SampleLocations.DALLAS, SampleLocations.HELSINKI,
                                    DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-09"), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-12"))


                HandlingEvent event1 = handlingEventFactory.CreateHandlingEvent(
                    new DateTime(), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-01"), trackingId, null, SampleLocations.HONGKONG.UnLocode,


                HandlingEvent event2 = handlingEventFactory.CreateHandlingEvent(
                    new DateTime(), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-02"), trackingId,
                    SampleVoyages.HONGKONG_TO_NEW_YORK.voyageNumber, SampleLocations.HONGKONG.UnLocode,

                HandlingEvent event3 = handlingEventFactory.CreateHandlingEvent(
                    new DateTime(), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-05"), trackingId,
                    SampleVoyages.HONGKONG_TO_NEW_YORK.voyageNumber, SampleLocations.NEWYORK.UnLocode,

                HandlingHistory handlingHistory = handlingEventRepository.LookupHandlingHistoryOfCargo(trackingId);


            var trackingId1 = new TrackingId("JKL567");
            var jkl567exists = new CargoRepositoryMongo(db).Find(trackingId) != null;
            if (!jkl567exists)

                var routeSpecification1 = new RouteSpecification(SampleLocations.HANGZOU,
                var jkl567 = new Cargo(trackingId1, routeSpecification1);

                var itinerary1 = new Itinerary(new List<Leg>
                        new Leg(SampleVoyages.HONGKONG_TO_NEW_YORK,
                                SampleLocations.HANGZOU, SampleLocations.NEWYORK,
                        new Leg(SampleVoyages.NEW_YORK_TO_DALLAS,
                                SampleLocations.NEWYORK, SampleLocations.DALLAS,
                        new Leg(SampleVoyages.DALLAS_TO_HELSINKI,
                                SampleLocations.DALLAS, SampleLocations.STOCKHOLM,

                HandlingEvent event21 = handlingEventFactory.CreateHandlingEvent(
                    new DateTime(), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-01"), trackingId1, null, SampleLocations.HANGZOU.UnLocode,


                HandlingEvent event22 = handlingEventFactory.CreateHandlingEvent(
                    new DateTime(), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-03"), trackingId1,
                    SampleVoyages.HONGKONG_TO_NEW_YORK.voyageNumber, SampleLocations.HANGZOU.UnLocode,

                HandlingEvent event23 = handlingEventFactory.CreateHandlingEvent(
                    new DateTime(), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-05"), trackingId1,
                    SampleVoyages.HONGKONG_TO_NEW_YORK.voyageNumber, SampleLocations.NEWYORK.UnLocode,

                HandlingEvent event24 = handlingEventFactory.CreateHandlingEvent(
                    new DateTime(), DateUtil.ToDate("2009-03-06"), trackingId1,
                    SampleVoyages.HONGKONG_TO_NEW_YORK.voyageNumber, SampleLocations.NEWYORK.UnLocode,

                HandlingHistory handlingHistory1 = handlingEventRepository.LookupHandlingHistoryOfCargo(trackingId1);
