Пример #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NControl.Controls.TabStripControl"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		public TabStripControl ()
			_mainLayout = new RelativeLayout ();
			Content = _mainLayout;

			// Create tab control
			_buttonStack = new StackLayoutEx {
				Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
				Padding = 0,
				Spacing = 0,
				HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
				VerticalOptions= LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,

			_indicator = new TabBarIndicator {
				VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.End,
				HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
				BackgroundColor = (Color)TabIndicatorColorProperty.DefaultValue,
				HeightRequest = 6,
				WidthRequest = 0,

			_tabControl = new NControlView{
				BackgroundColor = TabBackColor,
				Content = new Grid{
					Padding = 0,
					ColumnSpacing = 0,
					Children = {

			_mainLayout.Children.Add (_tabControl, () => new Rectangle (
				0, 0, _mainLayout.Width, TabHeight)

			// Create content control
			_contentView = new Grid {
				ColumnSpacing = 0,
				RowSpacing = 0,
				Padding = 0,
				BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent,

			_mainLayout.Children.Add (_contentView, () => new Rectangle (
				0, TabHeight, _mainLayout.Width, _mainLayout.Height-TabHeight)

			_children.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) => {


				foreach(var tabChild in Children)
					var tabItemControl = new TabBarButton(tabChild.Title);
					if(FontFamily != null)
						tabItemControl.FontFamily = FontFamily;

					tabItemControl.FontSize = FontSize;
					tabItemControl.SelectedColor = TabIndicatorColor;						

					Activate(Children.First(), false);

			// Border
			var border = new NControlView {
				DrawingFunction = (canvas, rect) => {

					canvas.DrawPath (new NGraphics.PathOp[]{
						new NGraphics.MoveTo(0, 0),
						new NGraphics.LineTo(rect.Width, 0)
					}, NGraphics.Pens.Gray, null);

			_mainLayout.Children.Add (border, () => new Rectangle(
				0, TabHeight, _mainLayout.Width, 1));

			// Shadow
			_shadow = new NControlView {				
				DrawingFunction = (canvas, rect)=> {

					canvas.DrawRectangle(rect, null, new NGraphics.LinearGradientBrush(
						new NGraphics.Point(0.5, 0.0), new NGraphics.Point(0.5, 1.0),
						Color.Black.MultiplyAlpha(0.3).ToNColor(), NGraphics.Colors.Clear, 

			_mainLayout.Children.Add (_shadow, () => new Rectangle(
				0, TabHeight, _mainLayout.Width, 6));

			_shadow.IsVisible = false;

			SizeChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NControl.Controls.TabStripControl"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public TabStripControl()
            _mainLayout = new RelativeLayout();
            Content     = _mainLayout;

            // Create tab control
            _buttonStack = new StackLayoutEx {
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                Padding           = 0,
                Spacing           = 0,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,

            _indicator = new TabBarIndicator {
                VerticalOptions   = LayoutOptions.End,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start,
                BackgroundColor   = (Color)TabIndicatorColorProperty.DefaultValue,
                HeightRequest     = 6,
                WidthRequest      = 0,

            _tabControl = new NControlView {
                BackgroundColor = TabBackColor,
                Content         = new Grid {
                    Padding       = 0,
                    ColumnSpacing = 0,
                    RowSpacing    = 0,
                    Children      =

            _mainLayout.Children.Add(_tabControl, () => new Rectangle(
                                         0, 0, _mainLayout.Width, TabHeight)

            // Create content control
            _contentView = new Grid {
                ColumnSpacing   = 0,
                RowSpacing      = 0,
                Padding         = 0,
                BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent,

            _mainLayout.Children.Add(_contentView, () => new Rectangle(
                                         0, TabHeight, _mainLayout.Width, _mainLayout.Height - TabHeight)

            _children.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) => {

                foreach (var tabChild in Children)
                    var tabItemControl = new TabBarButton(tabChild.Title);
                    if (FontFamily != null)
                        tabItemControl.FontFamily = FontFamily;

                    tabItemControl.FontSize      = FontSize;
                    tabItemControl.SelectedColor = TabIndicatorColor;

                if (Children.Any())
                    Activate(Children.First(), false);

            // Border
            var border = new NControlView {
                DrawingFunction = (canvas, rect) => {
                    canvas.DrawPath(new NGraphics.PathOp[] {
                        new NGraphics.MoveTo(0, 0),
                        new NGraphics.LineTo(rect.Width, 0)
                    }, NGraphics.Pens.Gray, null);

            _mainLayout.Children.Add(border, () => new Rectangle(
                                         0, TabHeight, _mainLayout.Width, 1));

            // Shadow
            _shadow = new NControlView {
                DrawingFunction = (canvas, rect) => {
                    canvas.DrawRectangle(rect, null, new NGraphics.LinearGradientBrush(
                                             new NGraphics.Point(0.5, 0.0), new NGraphics.Point(0.5, 1.0),
                                             Color.Black.MultiplyAlpha(0.3).ToNColor(), NGraphics.Colors.Clear,

            _mainLayout.Children.Add(_shadow, () => new Rectangle(
                                         0, TabHeight, _mainLayout.Width, 6));

            _shadow.IsVisible = false;

            SizeChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {