Пример #1
        public void GenerateTestVectorsTest()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("data/bip158_vectors.json");

            foreach (var test in tests.Skip(1))
                var i = 0;
                var testBlockHeight         = test[i++];
                var testBlockHash           = uint256.Parse((string)test[i++]);
                var testBlock               = Block.Parse((string)test[i++]);
                var testPreviousBasicHeader = uint256.Parse((string)test[i++]);
                var testPreviousExtHeader   = uint256.Parse((string)test[i++]);
                var testBasicFilter         = (string)test[i++];
                var testExtFilter           = (string)test[i++];
                var testBasicHeader         = (string)test[i++];
                var testExtHeader           = (string)test[i++];
                var message = (string)test[i++];

                var basicFilter = GolombRiceFilterBuilder.BuildBasicFilter(testBlock);
                Assert.Equal(testBasicFilter, basicFilter.ToString());
                Assert.Equal(testBasicHeader, basicFilter.GetHeader(testPreviousBasicHeader).ToString());

                var extFilter = GolombRiceFilterBuilder.BuildExtendedFilter(testBlock);
                Assert.Equal(testExtFilter, extFilter.ToString());
                Assert.Equal(testExtHeader, extFilter.GetHeader(testPreviousExtHeader).ToString());

                var deserializedBasicFilter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse(testBasicFilter);
                Assert.Equal(testBasicFilter, deserializedBasicFilter.ToString());

                var deserializedExtFilter = GolombRiceFilter.Parse(testExtFilter);
                Assert.Equal(testExtFilter, deserializedExtFilter.ToString());
Пример #2
        public void base58_DecodeBase58()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("Data\\base58_encode_decode.json");

            byte[] result = null;
            foreach (var test in tests)
                var strTest = test.ToString();
                if (test.Count < 2)                // Allow for extra stuff (useful for comments)
                    Assert.False(true, "Bad test: " + strTest);
                var expected     = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(test.GetValue <string>(0));
                var base58string = test.GetValue <string>(1);
                result = Encoders.Base58.DecodeData(base58string);
                AssertEx.CollectionEquals(result, expected);

            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => Encoders.Base58.DecodeData("invalid"));

            // check that DecodeBase58 skips whitespace, but still fails with unexpected non-whitespace at the end.
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => Encoders.Base58.DecodeData(" \t\n\v\f\r skip \r\f\v\n\t a"));
            result = Encoders.Base58.DecodeData(" \t\n\v\f\r skip \r\f\v\n\t ");
            var expected2 = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData("971a55");

            AssertEx.CollectionEquals(result, expected2);
Пример #3
        public void tx_valid()
            // Read tests from test/data/tx_valid.json
            // Format is an array of arrays
            // Inner arrays are either [ "comment" ]
            // or [[[prevout hash, prevout index, prevout scriptPubKey], [input 2], ...],"], serializedTransaction, enforceP2SH
            // ... where all scripts are stringified scripts.
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("data/tx_valid.json");

            foreach (var test in tests)
                string strTest = test.ToString();
                //Skip comments
                if (!(test[0] is JArray))
                JArray inputs = (JArray)test[0];
                if (test.Count != 3 || !(test[1] is string) || !(test[2] is string))
                    Assert.False(true, "Bad test: " + strTest);

                Dictionary <OutPoint, Script> mapprevOutScriptPubKeys = new Dictionary <OutPoint, Script>();
                foreach (var vinput in inputs)
                    mapprevOutScriptPubKeys[new OutPoint(new uint256(vinput[0].ToString()), int.Parse(vinput[1].ToString()))] = script_tests.ParseScript(vinput[2].ToString());

                Transaction     tx    = new Transaction((string)test[1]);
                ValidationState state = Network.Main.CreateValidationState();
                Assert.True(state.CheckTransaction(tx), strTest);

                for (int i = 0; i < tx.Inputs.Count; i++)
                    if (!mapprevOutScriptPubKeys.ContainsKey(tx.Inputs[i].PrevOut))
                        Assert.False(true, "Bad test: " + strTest);

                    var valid = Script.VerifyScript(
                        , 0);
                    Assert.True(valid, strTest + " failed");
Пример #4
        public void sighash_from_data()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("Data/sighash.json");

            foreach (var test in tests)
                var strTest = test.ToString();
                if (test.Count < 1)                // Allow for extra stuff (useful for comments)
                    Assert.True(false, "Bad test: " + strTest);
                if (test.Count == 1)
                    continue;                     // comment
                string      raw_tx, raw_script, sigHashHex;
                int         nIn, nHashType;
                Transaction tx         = new Transaction();
                Script      scriptCode = new Script();

                // deserialize test data
                raw_tx     = (string)test[0];
                raw_script = (string)test[1];
                nIn        = (int)(long)test[2];
                nHashType  = (int)(long)test[3];
                sigHashHex = (string)test[4];


                ValidationState state = Network.Main.CreateValidationState();
                Assert.True(state.CheckTransaction(tx), strTest);

                var raw = ParseHex(raw_script);
                scriptCode = new Script(raw);

                var sh = scriptCode.SignatureHash(tx, nIn, (SigHash)nHashType);
                Assert.True(sh.ToString() == sigHashHex, strTest);
Пример #5
        public void script_invalid()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("data/script_invalid.json");

            foreach (var test in tests)
                var comment      = test.Count == 3 ? (string)test[2] : "no comment";
                var scriptSig    = ParseScript((string)test[0]);
                var scriptPubKey = ParseScript((string)test[1]);

                Assert.Equal(scriptSig.ToString(), new Script(scriptSig.ToString()).ToString());
                Assert.Equal(scriptPubKey.ToString(), new Script(scriptPubKey.ToString()).ToString());

                var transaction = new Transaction();
                Assert.True(!Script.VerifyScript(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, transaction, 0, flags, SigHash.None), "Test : " + test.Index + " " + comment);
        public void CanDecodeAndEncodeRawTransaction()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("data/tx_raw.json");

            foreach (var test in tests)
                var format   = (RawFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(RawFormat), (string)test[0], true);
                var network  = ((string)test[1]) == "Main" ? Network.Main : Network.TestNet;
                var testData = ((JObject)test[2]).ToString();

                Transaction raw = Transaction.Parse(testData, format, network);

                AssertJsonEquals(raw.ToString(format, network), testData);

                var raw3 = Transaction.Parse(raw.ToString(format, network), format);
                Assert.Equal(raw.ToString(format, network), raw3.ToString(format, network));
Пример #7
        public void base58_keys_invalid()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("data/base58_keys_invalid.json");             // Negative testcases

            foreach (var test in tests)
                string strTest = tests.ToString();
                if (test.Count < 1)                // Allow for extra stuff (useful for comments)
                    Assert.False(true, "Bad test: " + strTest);
                string exp_base58string = (string)test[0];

                // must be invalid as public and as private key
                Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => Network.Main.CreateBitcoinAddress(exp_base58string));
                Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => Network.Main.CreateBitcoinSecret(exp_base58string));
Пример #8
        public void base58_EncodeBase58()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("Data\\base58_encode_decode.json");

            foreach (var test in tests)
                var strTest = test.ToString();
                if (test.Count < 2)                // Allow for extra stuff (useful for comments)
                    Assert.False(true, "Bad test: " + strTest);
                var sourcedata   = Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(test.GetValue <string>(0));
                var base58string = test.GetValue <string>(1);
                    Encoders.Base58.EncodeData(sourcedata) == base58string,
Пример #9
        //Compare between new old implementation of signature in reference bitcoin. But NBitcoin is like the old one, so we don't care about this test
        //public void sighash_test()

        //	int nRandomTests = 50000;

        //	for(int i = 0 ; i < nRandomTests ; i++)
        //	{
        //		int nHashType = rand.Next();
        //		Transaction txTo = RandomTransaction((nHashType & 0x1f) == SigHash.Single);
        //		Script scriptCode = RandomScript();
        //		int nIn = rand.Next() % txTo.VIn.Length;

        //		var sho = SignatureHashOld(scriptCode, txTo, nIn, nHashType);
        //		var sh = scriptCode.SignatureHash(txTo, nIn, (SigHash)nHashType);

        //		Assert.True(sh == sho);
        //	}

        // Goal: check that SignatureHash generates correct hash
        //[Trait("Core", "Core")]
        public void sighash_from_data()
            // test diabled for now as it requires specific test data

            var tests = TestCase.read_json(TestDataLocations.DataFolder(@"sighash.json"));

            foreach (var test in tests)
                var strTest = test.ToString();
                if (test.Count < 1)                // Allow for extra stuff (useful for comments)
                    Assert.True(false, "Bad test: " + strTest);
                if (test.Count == 1)
                    continue;                     // comment
                string      raw_tx, raw_script, sigHashHex;
                int         nIn, nHashType;
                Transaction tx         = new Transaction();
                Script      scriptCode = new Script();

                // deserialize test data
                raw_tx     = (string)test[0];
                raw_script = (string)test[1];
                nIn        = (int)(long)test[2];
                nHashType  = (int)(long)test[3];
                sigHashHex = (string)test[4];


                var raw = ParseHex(raw_script);
                scriptCode = new Script(raw);

                var sh = Script.SignatureHash(scriptCode, tx, nIn, (SigHash)nHashType);
                Assert.True(sh.ToString() == sigHashHex, strTest);
Пример #10
        public void script_valid()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("data/script_valid.json");

            foreach (var test in tests)
                if (test.Count == 1)
                var comment      = test.Count == 4 ? (string)test[3] : "no comment";
                var flag         = ParseFlag((string)test[2]);
                var scriptSig    = ParseScript((string)test[0]);
                var scriptPubKey = ParseScript((string)test[1]);

                Assert.Equal(scriptSig.ToString(), new Script(scriptSig.ToString()).ToString());
                Assert.Equal(scriptPubKey.ToString(), new Script(scriptPubKey.ToString()).ToString());

                AssertVerifyScript(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, flag, test.Index, comment, true);
Пример #11
        public void sighash_from_data()
            TestCase[] tests = TestCase.read_json(TestDataLocations.GetFileFromDataFolder("sighash.json"));

            foreach (TestCase test in tests)
                string strTest = test.ToString();
                if (test.Count < 1) // Allow for extra stuff (useful for comments)
                    Assert.True(false, "Bad test: " + strTest);
                if (test.Count == 1)
                    continue; // comment
                string raw_tx, raw_script, sigHashHex;
                int    nIn, nHashType;
                var    tx         = new Transaction();
                var    scriptCode = new Script();

                // deserialize test data
                raw_tx     = (string)test[0];
                raw_script = (string)test[1];
                nIn        = (int)(long)test[2];
                nHashType  = (int)(long)test[3];
                sigHashHex = (string)test[4];

                tx.ReadWrite(ParseHex(raw_tx), this.networkMain.Consensus.ConsensusFactory);

                byte[] raw = ParseHex(raw_script);
                scriptCode = new Script(raw);

                uint256 sh = Script.SignatureHash(KnownNetworks.Main, scriptCode, tx, nIn, (SigHash)nHashType);
                Assert.True(sh.ToString() == sigHashHex, strTest);
Пример #12
        public void CanParseTransaction()
            var tests = TestCase.read_json("data/can_parse_transaction.json");

            foreach (var test in tests.Select(t => t.GetDynamic(0)))
                string      raw = test.Raw;
                Transaction tx  = new Transaction(raw);
                Assert.Equal((int)test.JSON.vin_sz, tx.Inputs.Count);
                Assert.Equal((int)test.JSON.vout_sz, tx.Outputs.Count);
                Assert.Equal((uint)test.JSON.lock_time, tx.LockTime);

                for (int i = 0; i < tx.Inputs.Count; i++)
                    var actualVIn   = tx.Inputs[i];
                    var expectedVIn = test.JSON.@in[i];
                    Assert.Equal(new uint256((string)expectedVIn.prev_out.hash), actualVIn.PrevOut.Hash);
                    Assert.Equal((uint)expectedVIn.prev_out.n, actualVIn.PrevOut.N);
                    if (expectedVIn.sequence != null)
                        Assert.Equal((uint)expectedVIn.sequence, actualVIn.Sequence);
                    Assert.Equal((string)expectedVIn.scriptSig, actualVIn.ScriptSig.ToString());
                    //Can parse the string
                    Assert.Equal((string)expectedVIn.scriptSig, (string)expectedVIn.scriptSig.ToString());

                for (int i = 0; i < tx.Outputs.Count; i++)
                    var actualVOut   = tx.Outputs[i];
                    var expectedVOut = test.JSON.@out[i];
                    Assert.Equal((string)expectedVOut.scriptPubKey, actualVOut.ScriptPubKey.ToString());
                    Assert.Equal(Money.Parse((string)expectedVOut.value), actualVOut.Value);
                var hash         = (string)test.JSON.hash;
                var expectedHash = new uint256(Encoders.Hex.DecodeData(hash), false);
                Assert.Equal(expectedHash, tx.GetHash());
Пример #13
        public void base58_keys_valid_parse()
            TestCase[] tests = TestCase.read_json(TestDataLocations.GetFileFromDataFolder("base58_keys_valid.json"));
            Network    network;

            foreach (TestCase test in tests)
                string strTest = test.ToString();
                if (test.Count < 3) // Allow for extra stuff (useful for comments)
                    Assert.True(false, "Bad test " + strTest);

                string exp_base58string = (string)test[0];
                byte[] exp_payload      = TestUtils.ParseHex((string)test[1]);
                //const Object &metadata = test[2].get_obj();
                bool isPrivkey = (bool)test.GetDynamic(2).isPrivkey;
                bool isTestnet = (bool)test.GetDynamic(2).isTestnet;
                if (isTestnet)
                    network = KnownNetworks.TestNet;
                    network = KnownNetworks.Main;

                if (isPrivkey)
                    bool isCompressed = (bool)test.GetDynamic(2).isCompressed;

                    // Must be valid private key
                    // Note: CBitcoinSecret::SetString tests isValid, whereas CBitcoinAddress does not!
                    BitcoinSecret secret = network.CreateBitcoinSecret(exp_base58string);
                    //If not valid exception would throw

                    Key privkey = secret.PrivateKey;
                    Assert.True(privkey.IsCompressed == isCompressed, "compressed mismatch:" + strTest);
                    Assert.True(Utils.ArrayEqual(privkey.ToBytes(), exp_payload), "key mismatch:" + strTest);

                    // Private key must be invalid public key
                    Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => network.CreateBitcoinAddress(exp_base58string));
                    string exp_addrType = (string)test.GetDynamic(2).addrType; // "script" or "pubkey"
                                                                               // Must be valid public key
                    BitcoinAddress addr = network.CreateBitcoinAddress(exp_base58string);
                    Assert.True((addr is BitcoinScriptAddress) == (exp_addrType == "script"), "isScript mismatch" + strTest);

                    if (exp_addrType == "script")
                        Assert.True(addr.GetType() == typeof(BitcoinScriptAddress));
                    if (exp_addrType == "pubkey")
                        Assert.True(addr.GetType() == typeof(BitcoinPubKeyAddress));

                    Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => network.CreateBitcoinSecret(exp_base58string));
Пример #14
        public void base58_keys_valid_gen()
            TestCase[] tests = TestCase.read_json(TestDataLocations.GetFileFromDataFolder("base58_keys_valid.json"));
            tests = tests.Concat(TestCase.read_json(TestDataLocations.GetFileFromDataFolder("base58_keys_valid2.json"))).ToArray();
            Network network = null;

            foreach (TestCase test in tests)
                string strTest = test.ToString();
                if (test.Count < 3) // Allow for extra stuff (useful for comments)
                    Assert.False(true, "Bad test: " + strTest);
                string  exp_base58string = (string)test[0];
                byte[]  exp_payload      = TestUtils.ParseHex((string)test[1]);
                dynamic metadata         = test.GetDynamic(2);
                bool    isPrivkey        = (bool)metadata.isPrivkey;
                bool    isTestnet        = (bool)metadata.isTestnet;

                if (isTestnet)
                    network = KnownNetworks.TestNet;
                    network = KnownNetworks.Main;
                if (isPrivkey)
                    bool          isCompressed = metadata.isCompressed;
                    var           key          = new Key(exp_payload, fCompressedIn: isCompressed);
                    BitcoinSecret secret       = network.CreateBitcoinSecret(key);
                    Assert.True(secret.ToString() == exp_base58string, "result mismatch: " + strTest);
                    string        exp_addrType = (string)metadata.addrType;
                    TxDestination dest;
                    if (exp_addrType == "pubkey")
                        dest = new KeyId(new uint160(exp_payload));
                    else if (exp_addrType == "script")
                        dest = new ScriptId(new uint160(exp_payload));
                    else if (exp_addrType == "p2wpkh")
                        dest = new WitKeyId(new uint160(exp_payload));
                    else if (exp_addrType == "p2wsh")
                        dest = new WitScriptId(exp_payload);
                    else if (exp_addrType == "none")
                        Assert.True(false, "Bad addrtype: " + strTest);
                        BitcoinAddress addrOut = dest.GetAddress(network);
                        Assert.True(addrOut.ToString() == exp_base58string, "mismatch: " + strTest);
                        Assert.True(addrOut.ScriptPubKey == dest.ScriptPubKey);
                        Assert.True(dest.ScriptPubKey.GetDestination(KnownNetworks.Main) == dest);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        Assert.True(dest.GetType() == typeof(TxDestination));
Пример #15
        public void base58_keys_valid_gen()
            var     tests   = TestCase.read_json("data/base58_keys_valid.json");
            Network network = null;

            foreach (var test in tests)
                string strTest = test.ToString();
                if (test.Count < 3)                // Allow for extra stuff (useful for comments)
                    Assert.False(true, "Bad test: " + strTest);
                string  exp_base58string = (string)test[0];
                byte[]  exp_payload      = TestUtils.ParseHex((string)test[1]);
                dynamic metadata         = test.GetDynamic(2);
                bool    isPrivkey        = (bool)metadata.isPrivkey;
                bool    isTestnet        = (bool)metadata.isTestnet;

                if (isTestnet)
                    network = Network.TestNet;
                    network = Network.Main;
                if (isPrivkey)
                    bool          isCompressed = metadata.isCompressed;
                    Key           key          = new Key(exp_payload, fCompressedIn: isCompressed);
                    BitcoinSecret secret       = network.CreateBitcoinSecret(key);
                    Assert.True(secret.ToString() == exp_base58string, "result mismatch: " + strTest);
                    string        exp_addrType = (string)metadata.addrType;
                    TxDestination dest;
                    if (exp_addrType == "pubkey")
                        dest = new KeyId(new uint160(exp_payload));
                    else if (exp_addrType == "script")
                        dest = new ScriptId(new uint160(exp_payload));
                    else if (exp_addrType == "none")
                        dest = new TxDestination(0);
                        Assert.True(false, "Bad addrtype: " + strTest);
                        BitcoinAddress addrOut = network.CreateBitcoinAddress(dest);
                        Assert.True(addrOut.ToString() == exp_base58string, "mismatch: " + strTest);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        Assert.True(dest.GetType() == typeof(TxDestination));

            // Visiting a CNoDestination must fail
            TxDestination nodest = new TxDestination();

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => network.CreateBitcoinAddress(nodest));