Пример #1
        internal void ReleaseWait(short waitId)//, int replyStream)
            ReplyBucket bucket = null;

            replyLock.Read(() =>
                if (!replies.ContainsKey(waitId))
                    //LoggingWrapper.Write("Got reply for message " + messageId.ToString() + ", but no reply bucket exists for that id! Adding bucket and reply.", "Socket Client");
                    if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        Log.DebugFormat("ReleaseWait() Got reply for message {0}, but no reply bucket exists for that id! Adding bucket and reply."
                                        , waitId);
                    if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        Log.DebugFormat("ReleaseWait() Got reply for message {0}"
                                        , waitId);
                    bucket = replies[waitId];

            if (bucket != null)
Пример #2
        internal short SetWaitHandle(int waitTimeout)
            //this uses GetNextMessageId to generate new ids, but also reuses ids as much as possible. This VASTLY reduces the number of replybuckets needed.
            ResourcePoolItem <short> idItem = idPool.GetItem();
            short       waitId = idItem.Item;
            ReplyBucket bucket = null;

            if (!replies.ContainsKey(waitId)) //we haven't used this waitId yet
                replyLock.Write(() =>
                    if (!replies.ContainsKey(waitId))
                        if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                            Log.DebugFormat("SetWaitHandle() Creates new ReplyBucket.");
                        replies.Add(waitId, new ReplyBucket());

            replyLock.Read(() => { bucket = replies[waitId]; });

            bucket.SetValues(waitTimeout, ReplyEvent, idItem);

Пример #3
        internal void WaitForReply(short waitId)
            ReplyBucket replyBucket = null;

            replyLock.Read(() =>
                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Log.DebugFormat("WaitForReply() Gets reply for waitId {0}", waitId);
                replyBucket = replies[waitId];
            //don't want to hold the lock while we wait, so just get the reference then wait