private bool CheckDependOn(JoinedTable t1, JoinedTable t2) { foreach (ColumnRef column in t1.ForeignKeys) { ColumnRef columnRef = column; while (columnRef.Column is ForeignColumn) { columnRef = ((ForeignColumn)columnRef.Column).TargetColumn; } if (columnRef.Table != null && String.Equals(columnRef.Table.Name, t2.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private TableView GenerateTableView(Type objectType) { TableJoinAttribute[] atts = (TableJoinAttribute[])objectType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableJoinAttribute), true); Dictionary <string, JoinedTable> joinedTables = new Dictionary <string, JoinedTable>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (TableJoinAttribute tableJoin in atts) { JoinedTable joinedTable = new JoinedTable(GetTableDefinition(tableJoin.TargetType)); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tableJoin.AliasName)) { tableJoin.AliasName = joinedTable.Name; } else { joinedTable.Name = tableJoin.AliasName; } if (joinedTables.ContainsKey(joinedTable.Name)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Duplicate table alias name \"{0}\"", joinedTable.Name)); } joinedTables.Add(joinedTable.Name, joinedTable); } List <Column> columns = new List <Column>(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in objectType.GetProperties()) { ColumnDefinition column = GetColumnDefinition(property); if (column != null) { columns.Add(column); } } foreach (PropertyInfo property in objectType.GetProperties()) { ForeignColumn foreignColumn = GenerateForeignColumn(property); if (foreignColumn != null) { columns.Add(foreignColumn); } } foreach (Column column in columns) { if (column.ForeignType != null) { bool foreignTypeExists = false; foreach (JoinedTable joinedTable in joinedTables.Values) { if (joinedTable.TableDefinition.ObjectType == column.ForeignType && (joinedTable.Name == column.ForeignAlias || String.IsNullOrEmpty(column.ForeignAlias))) { foreignTypeExists = true; break; } } if (!foreignTypeExists) { TableDefinition foreignTable = GetTableDefinition(column.ForeignType); JoinedTable joinedTable = new JoinedTable(foreignTable); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(column.ForeignAlias)) { joinedTable.Name = column.ForeignAlias; } List <ColumnRef> foreignKeys = new List <ColumnRef>(); foreignKeys.Add(new ColumnRef(column)); joinedTable.ForeignKeys = foreignKeys.AsReadOnly(); joinedTables.Add(joinedTable.Name, joinedTable); } } } foreach (Column column in columns) { if (column is ForeignColumn) { ForeignColumn foreignColumn = column as ForeignColumn; ForeignColumnAttribute foreignColumnAttribute = Utility.GetAttribute <ForeignColumnAttribute>(column.Property); string primeProperty = String.IsNullOrEmpty(foreignColumnAttribute.Property) ? column.PropertyName : foreignColumnAttribute.Property; Type primeType = foreignColumnAttribute.Foreign as Type; if (primeType != null) { foreach (JoinedTable joinedTable in joinedTables.Values) { if (joinedTable.TableDefinition.ObjectType == primeType) { if (foreignColumn.TargetColumn != null) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Undeterminate table. More than one table of type {0} joined.", primeType.Name)); } if (joinedTable.GetColumn(primeProperty) == null) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Foreign property {0} not exist in type {1}.", primeProperty, primeType)); } foreignColumn.TargetColumn = joinedTable.GetColumn(primeProperty); } } if (foreignColumn.TargetColumn == null) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Foreign type {0} of property {1} not exist in joined tables.", primeType, column.PropertyName)); } } else { string foreignTable = (string)foreignColumnAttribute.Foreign; if (!joinedTables.ContainsKey(foreignTable)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Foreign table name {0} of property {1} not exist in joined tables.", foreignColumnAttribute.Foreign, column.PropertyName)); } if (joinedTables[foreignTable].GetColumn(primeProperty) == null) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Foreign property {0} not exist in type {1}.", primeProperty, joinedTables[foreignTable].TableDefinition.ObjectType)); } foreignColumn.TargetColumn = joinedTables[foreignTable].GetColumn(primeProperty); } } } TableView tableView = new TableView(GetTableDefinition(objectType), joinedTables.Values, columns) { Name = objectType.Name }; foreach (TableJoinAttribute tableJoin in atts) { if (tableJoin.Source == null) { List <ColumnRef> foreignKeys = new List <ColumnRef>(); foreach (string keyName in tableJoin.ForeignKeys.Split(',')) { foreignKeys.Add(new ColumnRef(tableView.GetColumn(keyName))); } joinedTables[tableJoin.AliasName].ForeignKeys = foreignKeys.AsReadOnly(); } else { JoinedTable sourceTable = null; if (tableJoin.Source is string) { string sourceName = (string)tableJoin.Source; if (!joinedTables.ContainsKey(sourceName)) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Source table \"{0}\" not exist in joined tables.", sourceName)); } sourceTable = joinedTables[sourceName]; } else { Type sourceType = (Type)tableJoin.Source; foreach (JoinedTable joinedTable in joinedTables.Values) { if (joinedTable.TableDefinition.ObjectType == sourceType) { if (sourceTable == null) { sourceTable = joinedTable; } else { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Undeterminate table. More than one table of type {0} joined.", sourceType)); } } } if (sourceTable == null) { throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Source table type {0} not exist in joined tables.", sourceType)); } } List <ColumnRef> foreignKeys = new List <ColumnRef>(); foreach (string keyName in tableJoin.ForeignKeys.Split(',')) { foreignKeys.Add(sourceTable.GetColumn(keyName)); } joinedTables[tableJoin.AliasName].ForeignKeys = foreignKeys.AsReadOnly(); } } return(tableView); }