/// <summary>
        /// Executes the command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmdParams"></param>
        public void Execute(StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommandParams cmdParams)
            // Retrieve the specified job search
            var search = _serviceFactory.GetService <JobSearchByIdQuery>().WithJobSearchId(cmdParams.JobSearchId).Execute();

            if (search == null)
                throw new MJLEntityNotFoundException(typeof(JobSearch), cmdParams.JobSearchId);

            // If the job search has no current milestone, do nothing
            if (search.CurrentMilestoneId == null)

            // Determine if the current milestone has been completed
            var progress = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(search);

            if (progress.TotalProgress == 1)
                search.CurrentMilestone = search.CurrentMilestone.NextMilestone;
                if (search.CurrentMilestone == null)
                    search.MilestonesCompleted = true;

                _serviceFactory.GetService <IUnitOfWork>().Commit();
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the command
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmdParams"></param>
        public void Execute(StartNextJobSearchMilestoneCommandParams cmdParams)
            // Retrieve the specified job search
            var search = _serviceFactory.GetService<JobSearchByIdQuery>().WithJobSearchId(cmdParams.JobSearchId).Execute();
            if (search == null)
                throw new MJLEntityNotFoundException(typeof(JobSearch), cmdParams.JobSearchId);

            // If the job search has no current milestone, do nothing
            if (search.CurrentMilestoneId == null)

            // Determine if the current milestone has been completed
            var progress = new JobSearchMilestoneProgress(search);
            if (progress.TotalProgress == 1)
                search.CurrentMilestone = search.CurrentMilestone.NextMilestone;
                if (search.CurrentMilestone == null)
                    search.MilestonesCompleted = true;
