public void TestIdentifyConstructor() { Identify ident = new Identify(new string [] { "id1", "id2" }); Assert.AreEqual("id1", ident.FirstId, "Identify constructor should add idents"); Assert.AreEqual(2, ident.Count(), "Should have 2 ids inserted"); }
public void TestAddIdentifier() { Identify ident = new Identify(new string [] {}); ident.AddIdentifier("ID1"); Assert.AreEqual("id1", ident.FirstId, "Should turn id to LowerCase before inserting"); }
public void TestCount() { Identify ident = new Identify(new string [] { "id1", "id2" }); Assert.AreEqual(2, ident.Count(), "Should have 2 ids inserted"); }
public void TestCaseSensitive() { Identify ident = new Identify(new string [] { "id1", "id2" }); Assert.AreEqual(true, ident.AreYou("ID1"), "Should find id is in list"); }
public void TestNotAreYou() { Identify ident = new Identify(new string [] { "id1", "id2" }); Assert.AreEqual(false, ident.AreYou("id5"), "Should find id is not in list"); }
public void TestFirstId() { Identify ident = new Identify(new string [] {}); Assert.AreEqual("", ident.FirstId, "Should have empty list"); }