private void testRandom(Log log, CryptoRandom.METHOD method, int nBuckets) { PreTest.Init(); BucketCollection col = new BucketCollection(0, 1, nBuckets); CryptoRandom rand = new CryptoRandom(method, Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); int nTotal = 1000000; log.WriteLine("Testing (" + nBuckets.ToString() + ") " + method.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) { double df = rand.NextDouble(); col.Add(df); } string str = ""; List <double> rgdf = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < nBuckets; i++) { double dfPct = col[i].Count / (double)nTotal; str += dfPct.ToString("P"); str += ", "; rgdf.Add(dfPct); } str = str.TrimEnd(',', ' '); log.WriteLine(method.ToString() + " =>> " + str); double dfStdev = stdDev(rgdf, false); log.WriteLine(method.ToString() + " stdev = " + dfStdev.ToString()); }
public void TestDataItem() { PreTest.Init(); di = new; Log log = new Log("Test streaming database"); log.EnableTrace = true; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { bool bComplete = di.Add(i, i); log.CHECK(!bComplete, "Data item should not be complete."); } for (int i = 5; i < 9; i++) { bool bComplete = di.Add(i, i); log.CHECK(!bComplete, "Data item should not be complete."); } bool bComplete1 = di.Add(9, 9); log.CHECK(bComplete1, "The data should be complete."); double[] rgdf = di.GetData(); log.CHECK_EQ(rgdf.Length, 10, "The data length is incorrect."); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { log.CHECK_EQ(i, rgdf[i], "The data item at index #" + i.ToString() + " is incorrect."); } }
public void TestInitializationSimple() { PreTest.Init(); Log log = new Log("Test streaming database"); log.EnableTrace = true; IXStreamDatabase db = new MyCaffeStreamDatabase(log); string strSchema = "ConnectionCount=1;"; string strParam = "Connection=TestCon;Table=TestTbl;Field=TestField;"; strParam = Utility.Replace(strParam, ';', '|'); strParam = Utility.Replace(strParam, '=', '~'); strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryName=Test1;"; strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryParam=" + strParam + ";"; ((MyCaffeStreamDatabase)db).AddDirectQuery(new CustomQuery1()); string strSettings = "QueryCount=5;Start=" + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString() + ";TimeSpanInMs=60000;SegmentSize=1;MaxCount=10;"; db.Initialize(QUERY_TYPE.SYNCHRONIZED, strSchema + strSettings); db.Shutdown(); }
public void TestQueryGeneralText() { PreTest.Init(); Log log = new Log("Test streaming database with general Text data"); log.EnableTrace = true; IXStreamDatabase db = new MyCaffeStreamDatabase(log); try { string strSchema = "ConnectionCount=1;"; string strDataPath = getTestPath("\\MyCaffe\\test_data\\data\\char-rnn", true); string strParam = "FilePath=" + strDataPath + ";"; strParam = ParamPacker.Pack(strParam); strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryName=StdTextFileQuery;"; strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryParam=" + strParam + ";"; DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; string strSettings = ""; db.Initialize(QUERY_TYPE.GENERAL, strSchema + strSettings); int[] rgSize = db.QuerySize(); log.CHECK(rgSize != null, "The Query size should not be null."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize.Length, 3, "The query size should have 3 items."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[0], 1, "The query size item 1 should be 1 for the number of files."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[1], 1, "The query size item 0 should be 1."); //log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[2], 4572882, "The query size item 2 should be 4572882 for the maximum number of characters in each of the the files."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[2], 4740059, "The query size item 2 should be 4740059 for the maximum number of characters in each of the the files."); int nH = rgSize[1]; int nW = rgSize[2]; int nCount = nH * nW; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); SimpleDatum sd = db.Query(int.MaxValue); SimpleDatum sdEnd = db.Query(int.MaxValue); sw.Stop(); double dfMs = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; log.WriteLine("Total Time = " + dfMs.ToString() + " ms."); log.CHECK(sdEnd == null, "The last query should be null to show no more data exists."); //log.CHECK_EQ(sd.ItemCount, 4572882, "There should be more than one item in the data."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.ItemCount, 4740059, "There should be more than one item in the data."); log.CHECK(!sd.IsRealData, "The data should be byte data, not real."); } finally { db.Shutdown(); } }
public void TestColorMapping() { PreTest.Init(); Log log = new Log("Test ColorMapper"); log.EnableTrace = true; int nCount = 300; ColorMapper clrMap = new ColorMapper(0, 1, Color.Black, Color.Red); double dfVal = 0; double dfInc = 1.0 / (double)nCount; for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { Color clr = clrMap.GetColor(dfVal); double dfVal1 = clrMap.GetValue(clr); log.EXPECT_EQUAL <float>(dfVal1, dfVal, "The value at i = " + i.ToString() + " value = " + dfVal.ToString() + " does not equal value1 = " + dfVal1.ToString()); dfVal += dfInc; } dfVal = clrMap.GetValue(Color.FromArgb(0, 130, 124)); log.CHECK_NE(0, dfVal, "The value should not be zero."); dfVal = clrMap.GetValue(Color.FromArgb(255, 252, 0)); log.CHECK_NE(0, dfVal, "The value should not be zero."); log.WriteLine("DONE."); }
public void TestQueryGeneralWAV() { PreTest.Init(); Log log = new Log("Test streaming database with general WAV data"); log.EnableTrace = true; IXStreamDatabase db = new MyCaffeStreamDatabase(log); try { string strSchema = "ConnectionCount=1;"; string strDataPath = getTestPath("\\MyCaffe\\test_data\\data\\wav", true); string strParam = "FilePath=" + strDataPath + ";"; strParam = ParamPacker.Pack(strParam); strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryName=StdWAVFileQuery;"; strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryParam=" + strParam + ";"; DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; string strSettings = ""; db.Initialize(QUERY_TYPE.GENERAL, strSchema + strSettings); int[] rgSize = db.QuerySize(); log.CHECK(rgSize != null, "The Query size should not be null."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize.Length, 3, "The query size should have 3 items."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[0], 1, "The query size item 1 should be 1 for the number of files."); log.CHECK_GE(rgSize[1], 2, "The query size item 0 (the channel count) should be greater than or equal to 1."); log.CHECK_GE(rgSize[2], 1000, "The query size item 2 should be the number of samples in the query."); int nH = rgSize[1]; int nW = rgSize[2]; int nCount = nH * nW; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); SimpleDatum sd = db.Query(int.MaxValue); SimpleDatum sdEnd = db.Query(int.MaxValue); sw.Stop(); double dfMs = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; log.WriteLine("Total Time = " + dfMs.ToString() + " ms."); log.CHECK(sdEnd == null, "The last query should be null to show no more data exists."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.ItemCount, nCount, "There should be the same number in the data as the size[1] * size[2] returned by QuerySize."); log.CHECK(sd.IsRealData, "The data should be real data, not byte."); } finally { db.Shutdown(); } }
public void TestIndexQuery() { PreTest.Init(); Log log = new Log("Test Dataset Factory"); log.EnableTrace = true; string strDs = "MNIST"; DatasetFactory factory = new DatasetFactory(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); try { DatasetDescriptor ds = factory.LoadDataset(strDs); factory.Open(ds.TrainingSource.ID); sw.Start(); List <DbItem> rgItems = factory.LoadImageIndexes(false); sw.Stop(); log.CHECK_EQ(rgItems.Count, ds.TrainingSource.ImageCount, "The query count should match the image count!"); factory.Close(); log.WriteLine("Query time = " + sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString("N5") + " ms."); sw.Restart(); int nMin = int.MaxValue; int nMax = -int.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < rgItems.Count; i++) { nMin = Math.Min(rgItems[i].Label, nMin); nMax = Math.Max(rgItems[i].Label, nMax); } List <DbItem> rgBoosted = rgItems.Where(p => p.Boost > 0).ToList(); for (int nLabel = nMin; nLabel <= nMax; nLabel++) { List <DbItem> rgLabel = rgItems.Where(p => p.Label == nLabel).ToList(); } sw.Stop(); log.WriteLine("Query time (profile) = " + sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString("N5") + " ms."); } finally { factory.Dispose(); } }
public void TestRandom2() { PreTest.Init(); Log log = new Log("Test CryptoRandom - 2 items"); log.EnableTrace = true; int nCount = 2; testRandom(log, CryptoRandom.METHOD.SYSTEM, nCount); testRandom(log, CryptoRandom.METHOD.CRYPTO, nCount); testRandomIdx(log, CryptoRandom.METHOD.UNIFORM_EXACT, nCount); }
public Test(string strName, int nDeviceID = TestBase.DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID, EngineParameter.Engine engine = EngineParameter.Engine.DEFAULT, bool bHalf = false) { PreTest.Init(); m_dt = (typeof(T) == typeof(double)) ? DataType.DOUBLE : DataType.FLOAT; m_cuda = GetCuda(nDeviceID); m_bHalf = bHalf; string str = name; if (str.Length > 0) { str += " -> "; } m_log = GetLog(str + strName + " - type " + (typeof(T)).ToString()); m_engine = engine; }
public void TestQuerySimpleTrippleStressTiming() { PreTest.Init(); Log log = new Log("Test streaming database"); log.EnableTrace = true; IXStreamDatabase db = new MyCaffeStreamDatabase(log); try { string strSchema = "ConnectionCount=3;"; string strParam = "Connection=TestCon;Table=TestTbl;Field=TestField;"; strParam = ParamPacker.Pack(strParam); strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryName=Test1;"; strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryParam=" + strParam + ";"; strSchema += "Connection1_CustomQueryName=Test2;"; strSchema += "Connection1_CustomQueryParam=" + strParam + ";"; strSchema += "Connection2_CustomQueryName=Test3;"; strSchema += "Connection2_CustomQueryParam=" + strParam + ";"; ((MyCaffeStreamDatabase)db).AddDirectQuery(new CustomQuery1()); ((MyCaffeStreamDatabase)db).AddDirectQuery(new CustomQuery2()); ((MyCaffeStreamDatabase)db).AddDirectQuery(new CustomQuery3()); DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; string strSettings = "QueryCount=5;Start=" + dt.ToShortDateString() + ";TimeSpanInMs=60000;SegmentSize=1;MaxCount=10;"; db.Initialize(QUERY_TYPE.SYNCHRONIZED, strSchema + strSettings); int[] rgSize = db.QuerySize(); log.CHECK(rgSize != null, "The Query size should not be null."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize.Length, 3, "The query size should have 3 items."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[0], 1, "The query size item 0 should be 1."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[1], 6, "The query size item 1 should be 3 for three fields (q1:sync,data; q2:data)."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[2], 5, "The query size item 2 should be 5 for the number of items queried."); int nDataIdx = 0; int nH = rgSize[1]; int nW = rgSize[2]; int nCount = nH * nW; List <SimpleDatum> rgSd = new List <SimpleDatum>(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); int nIter = 10000; sw.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < nIter; i++) { rgSd.Add(db.Query(int.MaxValue)); } sw.Stop(); double dfMs = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds; double dfMsPerQuery = dfMs / nIter; log.WriteLine("Total Time = " + dfMs.ToString() + " ms, Ave time per query = " + dfMsPerQuery.ToString() + " ms."); for (int i = 0; i < rgSd.Count; i++) { SimpleDatum sd = rgSd[i]; log.CHECK(sd != null, "The SD returned should not be null."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.ItemCount, nCount, "There should be " + rgSize[1].ToString() + "x" + rgSize[2].ToString() + " items in the data."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.Channels, rgSize[0], "The channels are not as expected."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.Height, rgSize[1], "The height is not as expected."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.Width, rgSize[2], "The width is not as expected."); for (int j = 0; j < nW; j++) { DateTime dt1 = Utility.ConvertTimeFromMinutes(sd.GetDataAtD(j)); log.CHECK(dt1 == dt, "The time sync is incorrect."); dt += TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); double df1 = sd.GetDataAtD((nW * 1) + j); int nVal1 = (int)df1; log.CHECK_EQ(nVal1, nDataIdx, "The data value is incorrect."); double df2 = sd.GetDataAtD((nW * 2) + j); int nVal2 = (int)df2; log.CHECK_EQ(nVal2, nDataIdx, "The data value is incorrect."); double df3 = sd.GetDataAtD((nW * 3) + j); int nVal3 = (int)df3; log.CHECK_EQ(nVal3, nDataIdx, "The data value is incorrect."); double df4 = sd.GetDataAtD((nW * 4) + j); int nVal4 = (int)df4; log.CHECK_EQ(nVal4, nDataIdx, "The data value is incorrect."); double df5 = sd.GetDataAtD((nW * 5) + j); int nVal5 = (int)df5; log.CHECK_EQ(nVal5, nDataIdx, "The data value is incorrect."); nDataIdx++; } } } finally { db.Shutdown(); } }
public void TestQuerySimple() { PreTest.Init(); Log log = new Log("Test streaming database"); log.EnableTrace = true; IXStreamDatabase db = new MyCaffeStreamDatabase(log); try { string strSchema = "ConnectionCount=1;"; string strParam = "Connection=TestCon;Table=TestTbl;Field=TestField;"; strParam = ParamPacker.Pack(strParam); strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryName=Test1;"; strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryParam=" + strParam + ";"; ((MyCaffeStreamDatabase)db).AddDirectQuery(new CustomQuery1()); DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; string strSettings = "QueryCount=5;Start=" + DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString() + ";TimeSpanInMs=60000;SegmentSize=1;MaxCount=10;"; db.Initialize(QUERY_TYPE.SYNCHRONIZED, strSchema + strSettings); int[] rgSize = db.QuerySize(); log.CHECK(rgSize != null, "The Query size should not be null."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize.Length, 3, "The query size should have 2 items."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[0], 1, "The query size item 0 should be 1."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[1], 2, "The query size item 1 should be 2 for two fields."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[2], 5, "The query size item 2 should be 5 for the number of items queried."); SimpleDatum sd; int nDataIdx = 0; int nH = rgSize[1]; int nW = rgSize[2]; int nCount = nH * nW; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sd = db.Query(int.MaxValue); log.CHECK(sd != null, "The SD returned should not be null."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.ItemCount, nCount, "There should be " + rgSize[1].ToString() + "x" + rgSize[2].ToString() + " items in the data."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.Channels, rgSize[0], "The channels are not as expected."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.Height, rgSize[1], "The height is not as expected."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.Width, rgSize[2], "The width is not as expected."); for (int j = 0; j < nW; j++) { DateTime dt1 = Utility.ConvertTimeFromMinutes(sd.GetDataAtD(j)); log.CHECK(dt1 == dt, "The time sync is incorrect."); dt += TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); double df = sd.GetDataAtD(nW + j); int nVal = (int)df; log.CHECK_EQ(nVal, nDataIdx, "The data value is incorrect."); nDataIdx++; } } } finally { db.Shutdown(); } }
public void TestQuerySimpleDualDifferentEndAndReset() { PreTest.Init(); Log log = new Log("Test streaming database"); log.EnableTrace = true; IXStreamDatabase db = new MyCaffeStreamDatabase(log); try { string strSchema = "ConnectionCount=2;"; string strParam1 = "Connection=TestCon;Table=TestTbl;Field=TestField;EndIdx=10;"; string strParam2 = "Connection=TestCon;Table=TestTbl;Field=TestField;EndIdx=15;"; strParam1 = ParamPacker.Pack(strParam1); strParam2 = ParamPacker.Pack(strParam2); strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryName=Test1;"; strSchema += "Connection0_CustomQueryParam=" + strParam1 + ";"; strSchema += "Connection1_CustomQueryName=Test2;"; strSchema += "Connection1_CustomQueryParam=" + strParam2 + ";"; ((MyCaffeStreamDatabase)db).AddDirectQuery(new CustomQuery1()); ((MyCaffeStreamDatabase)db).AddDirectQuery(new CustomQuery2()); DateTime dt = DateTime.Today; string strSettings = "QueryCount=5;Start=" + dt.ToShortDateString() + ";TimeSpanInMs=60000;SegmentSize=1;MaxCount=10;"; db.Initialize(QUERY_TYPE.SYNCHRONIZED, strSchema + strSettings); int[] rgSize = db.QuerySize(); log.CHECK(rgSize != null, "The Query size should not be null."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize.Length, 3, "The query size should have 3 items."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[0], 1, "The query size item 0 should be 1."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[1], 3, "The query size item 1 should be 3 for three fields (q1:sync,data; q2:data)."); log.CHECK_EQ(rgSize[2], 5, "The query size item 2 should be 5 for the number of items queried."); SimpleDatum sd; int nDataIdx = 0; int nH = rgSize[1]; int nW = rgSize[2]; int nCount = nH * nW; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { sd = db.Query(int.MaxValue); if (i == 0 || i == 1 || i == 3 || i == 4) { log.CHECK(sd != null, "The SD returned should not be null."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.ItemCount, nCount, "There should be " + rgSize[1].ToString() + "x" + rgSize[2].ToString() + " items in the data."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.Channels, rgSize[0], "The channels are not as expected."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.Height, rgSize[1], "The height is not as expected."); log.CHECK_EQ(sd.Width, rgSize[2], "The width is not as expected."); for (int j = 0; j < nW; j++) { DateTime dt1 = Utility.ConvertTimeFromMinutes(sd.GetDataAtD(j)); log.CHECK(dt1 == dt, "The time sync is incorrect."); dt += TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); double df1 = sd.GetDataAtD((nW * 1) + j); int nVal1 = (int)df1; log.CHECK_EQ(nVal1, nDataIdx, "The data value is incorrect."); double df2 = sd.GetDataAtD((nW * 2) + j); int nVal2 = (int)df2; log.CHECK_EQ(nVal2, nDataIdx, "The data value is incorrect."); nDataIdx++; } } else { log.CHECK(sd == null, "Since we are past the end, the sd should be null."); dt = DateTime.Today; nDataIdx = 0; db.Reset(0); } } } finally { db.Shutdown(); } }
private void testRandomIdx(Log log, CryptoRandom.METHOD method, int nBuckets) { PreTest.Init(); BucketCollection col = new BucketCollection(0.0, 1.0, nBuckets); CryptoRandom rand = new CryptoRandom(method, Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode()); int nTotal = 100000; log.WriteLine("Testing (" + nBuckets.ToString() + ") " + method.ToString()); List <int> rgIdx1 = new List <int>(); List <List <int> > rgrgPermutations = new List <List <int> >(); for (int i = 0; i < nTotal / nBuckets; i++) { List <int> rgPermutation = new List <int>(); for (int j = 0; j < nBuckets; j++) { int nIdx = rand.Next(nBuckets); double dfPct = (double)nIdx / (double)nBuckets; rgPermutation.Add(nIdx); col.Add(dfPct); } rgrgPermutations.Add(rgPermutation); } string str = ""; List <double> rgdf = new List <double>(); for (int i = 0; i < nBuckets; i++) { double dfPct = col[i].Count / (double)nTotal; str += dfPct.ToString("P"); str += ", "; rgdf.Add(dfPct); } str = str.TrimEnd(',', ' '); log.WriteLine(method.ToString() + " =>> " + str); double dfStdev = stdDev(rgdf, false); log.WriteLine(method.ToString() + " stdev = " + dfStdev.ToString()); // Verify permuation uniqueness int nDuplicateCount = 0; int nPermutationCount = rgrgPermutations.Count; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); int nProgressIdx = 0; while (rgrgPermutations.Count > 1) { List <int> rgPermutation1 = rgrgPermutations[0]; rgrgPermutations.RemoveAt(0); List <int> rgRemove = new List <int>(); for (int j = 0; j < rgrgPermutations.Count; j++) { if (compareLists(rgPermutation1, rgrgPermutations[j])) { nDuplicateCount++; rgRemove.Add(j); } } for (int j = rgRemove.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { rgrgPermutations.RemoveAt(rgRemove[j]); } if (sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > 2000) { log.Progress = (double)nProgressIdx / (double)nPermutationCount; log.WriteLine("Permutation checking at " + log.Progress.ToString("P") + "..."); sw.Restart(); } nProgressIdx++; } log.WriteLine("Out of " + nPermutationCount.ToString("N0") + " permutations, " + nDuplicateCount.ToString("N0") + " duplicates were found (" + ((double)nDuplicateCount / nPermutationCount).ToString("P") + ")."); }