public static List<Album> DoFindAlbums(string artistId, string artistName) { string uri = string.Format("{0}?type=xml&inc=sa-Official+release-events", artistId); XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(uri); XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator(); XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable); string ns = ""; nsmgr.AddNamespace("mb", ns); XPathNodeIterator ni = nav.Select("//mb:release", nsmgr); List<Album> albums = new List<Album>(); while (ni.MoveNext()) { XPathNavigator current = ni.Current; Album album = new Album(); album.Artist = artistName; album.Id = current.GetAttribute("id", string.Empty); current.MoveToChild("title", ns); album.Title = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(current.InnerXml); current.MoveToParent(); if (current.MoveToChild("asin", ns)) album.Asin = current.InnerXml; current.MoveToParent(); if (current.MoveToChild("release-event-list", ns)) { current.MoveToChild("event", ns); string s = current.GetAttribute("date", string.Empty); // month and day may be missing album.Date = GetDate(s); } current.MoveToChild("title", ns); albums.Add(album); } return albums; }
public void ShowInfo(Album theAlbum) { album = theAlbum; ShowDetails(); ShowCoverArt(); ShowTracks(); textBoxLyrics.Text = string.Empty; }
public static void DoGetAlbumDetails(Album album) { if (AreCredentialsMissing) { if (errorMessageShown) return; errorMessageShown = true; // so we don't show the message again MessageBox.Show("To retrieve album details, Music Explorer requires access to the Amazon Associates Web Service. " + "This service is free, but requires you to register for an associates account. " + "See for details. Once you have an account, enter " + "your Account Number and Access Key ID in the Options->Amazon Credentials dialog box.", "Not all album details available"); return; } ItemLookup search = new ItemLookup(); search.AssociateTag = Properties.Settings.Default.AmazonAwsAccountNumber; search.AWSAccessKeyId = Properties.Settings.Default.AmazonAwsAccessKeyId; ItemLookupRequest request = new ItemLookupRequest(); request.ItemId = new string[] { album.Asin }; request.IdType = ItemLookupRequestIdType.ASIN; request.ResponseGroup = new string[] { "Images", "ItemAttributes", "BrowseNodes" }; search.Request = new ItemLookupRequest[] { request }; ItemLookupResponse response = amazonWebService.ItemLookup(search); AmazonAws.Items items = response.Items[0]; if (items.Item == null) return; if (items.Item.Length == 0) return; AmazonAws.Item item = items.Item[0]; if (item == null) return; if (item.MediumImage == null) album.ImageUrl = null; else album.ImageUrl = item.MediumImage.URL; if (item.ItemAttributes != null) album.Label = item.ItemAttributes.Label; if (item.ItemAttributes.NumberOfDiscs != null) album.Discs = int.Parse(item.ItemAttributes.NumberOfDiscs); album.Genre = GetGenre(item); }
public static void GetAlbumDetails(Album album) { try { DoGetAlbumDetails(album); } catch (WebException wex) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("A communication error occurred ({0}). The Amazon server might be down.", wex.Status), "Couldn't retrieve album details"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("An error occurred ({0}). The error may have been caused by bad data from the Amazon server.", ex.Message), "Couldn't retrieve album details"); } }