Пример #1
        //This method checks to see if password and username input from each textbox matches password and username data stored in the LecturerLogin table of the application database.
        public void LoginLecturer()
            ModelRegisterLogin lect = new ModelRegisterLogin();

            //Generic collections List <T> is used to hold all the lecturer login details for processing. The list is instantiated using a method that retrieves all the login details from the application database, LecturerLogin.
            List <ModelRegisterLogin> list = cl.GetAllFromLecturerLogin(connectionString);

            //A lambda expression combined with a try catch is used to determines if the users username input taken from the login texbox matchs any username objects of the Model Class ModelRegisterLogin - this Model Class holds properties for both the lecturer and student user types.
                lect = list.Find((ModelRegisterLogin x) => x.LECT_USERNAME == Int32.Parse(tbUsernameLog.Text));
                //The lambda expression above checks if any dataabase username data matches the user input from the username texbox.
                if (lect.LECT_USERNAME.ToString().Equals(tbUsernameLog.Text) && lect.LECT_PASSWORD.ToString().Equals(tbPasswordLog.Password))
                    MessageBox.Show("Login Successful !\nWelcome LECTURER " + lect.LECT_USERNAME.ToString());
                    MainMenuLecturer mml = new MainMenuLecturer(Int32.Parse(tbUsernameLog.Text));
                {   //if a username is found but the password doesnt match then this message will be displayed to the user
                    MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username or password\nPlease recheck your credentials and try again", "Error");
                    tbUsernameLog.Text     = "";
                    tbPasswordLog.Password = "";
            catch (System.Exception)
            {   //If no username match is found the application will throw an error which indicates that no such data with in the database matches that of the user data.
                //If this is so then the application displays the following message.
                MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username or password\nPlease recheck your credentials and try again", "Error");
                tbUsernameLog.Text     = "";
                tbPasswordLog.Password = "";
        //This button click event returns the user to the lecturer dashboard
        private void BtMainMenu_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MainMenuLecturer mml = new MainMenuLecturer(currentUser);

        public void LoginLecturer()
            ModelRegisterLogin lect = new ModelRegisterLogin();

            List <ModelRegisterLogin> list = cl.GetAllFromLecturerLogin(connectionString);

                lect = list.Find((ModelRegisterLogin x) => x.LECT_USERNAME == tbUsernameLog.Text);

                if (lect.LECT_USERNAME.ToString().Equals(tbUsernameLog.Text) && lect.LECT_PASSWORD.ToString().Equals(tbPasswordLog.Password))
                    MessageBox.Show("Login Successful !,\n Welcome LECTURER " + lect.LECT_USERNAME.ToString());

                    MainMenuLecturer mml = new MainMenuLecturer();
                    MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username or password\nPlease recheck your credentials and try again", "Error");
                    tbUsernameLog.Text     = "";
                    tbPasswordLog.Password = "";
            catch (System.Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username or password\nPlease recheck your credentials and try again", "Error");
                tbUsernameLog.Text     = "";
                tbPasswordLog.Password = "";
        //this method uses a List <T> of the type MultipleChoice to load data into the Test table through a ModelTest object
        public void SubmitTestToDb()
            int i = 1;

            foreach (var mTest in CurrentTestQuestions)
                var testName       = mTest.Name;
                var questionNumber = i;
                var question       = mTest.Question;
                var optionA        = mTest.OptionA;
                var optionB        = mTest.OptionB;
                var optionC        = mTest.OptionC;
                var optionD        = mTest.OptionD;
                var correctAnswer  = mTest.CorrectAnswer;

                var newTest = new ModelTest
                    Test_Name      = testName,
                    QuestionNumber = questionNumber,
                    Test_Question  = question,
                    Option_A       = optionA,
                    Option_B       = optionB,
                    Option_C       = optionC,
                    Option_D       = optionD,
                    Correct_Answer = correctAnswer

                mt.InsertNewTest(newTest, connectionString);

            List <ModelRegisterLogin> students = rl.GetAllFromStudentLogin(connectionString);

            foreach (var student in students)
                var username = student.STUD_USERNAME;
                var fName    = student.STUD_FNAME;
                var lName    = student.STUD_LNAME;
                var tName    = lbShowTestName.Content.ToString();

                var tEntry = new ModelStudentResult
                    STUD_USERNAME = username,
                    STUD_FNAME    = fName,
                    STUD_LNAME    = lName,
                    TEST_NAME     = tName,
                    TEST_RESULT   = "Test not done"

                tr.InsertTestToBeTaken(tEntry, connectionString);

            MessageBox.Show("Test " + lbShowTestName.Content + " was submitted successfully\nStudents may now take it!", "Test Saved Successfully");
            MainMenuLecturer mml = new MainMenuLecturer(currentUser);
