public static void Write(Server server) { while (!server.Stopping) { string message = Console.ReadLine(); server.Write(">>> " + message, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { continue; } string[] messageSplit = message.Split(Separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (messageSplit.Length == 0) { continue; } bool callServer = true; server.commands.TryGetValue(messageSplit[0].ToLower().Trim(), out ICommand command); if (command != null) { command.OnCall(messageSplit.Skip(1).Take(messageSplit.Length - 1).ToArray()); callServer = command.PassToGame(); } if (callServer) { server.SendMessage(message); } } }
private void ProcessFile(Server server, string file) { string stream = string.Empty; string command = "open"; int attempts = 0; // Lock this object to wait for this event to finish before trying to read another file lock (this) { while (attempts < 100 && !server.Stopping) { try { if (!File.Exists(file)) { return; } // Lock the file to prevent it from being modified further, or read by another instance using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None)) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs)) { command = "read"; stream = sr.ReadToEnd(); } command = "delete"; File.Delete(file); } break; } catch { attempts++; if (attempts >= 100) { server.Write( "Message printer warning: Could not " + command + " " + file + ". Make sure that MultiAdmin.exe has all necessary read-write permissions."); server.Write("skipping"); } } } } if (server.Stopping) { return; } bool display = true; ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.Cyan; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stream.Trim())) { if (stream.Contains("LOGTYPE")) { string type = stream.Substring(stream.IndexOf("LOGTYPE")).Trim(); stream = stream.Substring(0, stream.IndexOf("LOGTYPE")).Trim(); switch (type) { case "LOGTYPE02": color = ConsoleColor.Green; break; case "LOGTYPE-8": color = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; break; case "LOGTYPE14": color = ConsoleColor.Magenta; break; default: color = ConsoleColor.Cyan; break; } } } // Smod2 loggers pretty printing Match match = SmodRegex.Match(stream); if (match.Success) { if (match.Groups.Count >= 2) { ConsoleColor levelColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; ConsoleColor tagColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; ConsoleColor msgColor = ConsoleColor.White; switch (match.Groups[1].Value.Trim()) { case "DEBUG": levelColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; break; case "INFO": levelColor = ConsoleColor.Green; break; case "WARN": levelColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; break; case "ERROR": levelColor = ConsoleColor.Red; msgColor = ConsoleColor.Red; break; default: color = ConsoleColor.Cyan; break; } lock (server) { Server.WritePart(string.Empty, DefaultBackground, ConsoleColor.Cyan, true, false); Server.WritePart("[" + match.Groups[1].Value + "] ", DefaultBackground, levelColor, false, false); Server.WritePart(match.Groups[2].Value + " ", DefaultBackground, tagColor, false, false); Server.WritePart(match.Groups[3].Value, DefaultBackground, msgColor, false, true); } server.Log("[" + match.Groups[1].Value + "] " + match.Groups[2].Value + " " + match.Groups[3].Value); // P.S. the format is [Info] [courtney.exampleplugin] Something interesting happened // That was just an example // This return should be here return; } } if (stream.Contains("Mod Log:")) { foreach (Feature f in server.features) { if (f is IEventAdminAction adminAction) { adminAction.OnAdminAction(stream.Replace("Mod Log:", string.Empty)); } } } if (stream.Contains("ServerMod - Version")) { server.hasServerMod = true; // This should work fine with older ServerMod versions too string[] streamSplit = stream.Replace("ServerMod - Version", string.Empty).Split('-'); server.serverModVersion = streamSplit[0].Trim(); server.serverModBuild = (streamSplit.Length > 1 ? streamSplit[1] : "A").Trim(); } if (stream.Contains("Round restarting")) { foreach (Feature f in server.features) { if (f is IEventRoundEnd roundEnd) { roundEnd.OnRoundEnd(); } } } if (stream.Contains("Waiting for players")) { if (!server.InitialRoundStarted) { server.InitialRoundStarted = true; foreach (Feature f in server.features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart roundStart) { roundStart.OnRoundStart(); } } } if (fixBuggedPlayers) { server.SendMessage("ROUNDRESTART"); fixBuggedPlayers = false; } } if (stream.Contains("New round has been started")) { foreach (Feature f in server.features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart roundStart) { roundStart.OnRoundStart(); } } } if (stream.Contains("Level loaded. Creating match...")) { foreach (Feature f in server.features) { if (f is IEventServerStart serverStart) { serverStart.OnServerStart(); } } } if (stream.Contains("Server full")) { foreach (Feature f in server.features) { if (f is IEventServerFull serverFull) { serverFull.OnServerFull(); } } } if (stream.Contains("Player connect")) { display = false; server.Log("Player connect event"); foreach (Feature f in server.features) { if (f is IEventPlayerConnect playerConnect) { string name = stream.Substring(stream.IndexOf(":")); playerConnect.OnPlayerConnect(name); } } } if (stream.Contains("Player disconnect")) { display = false; server.Log("Player disconnect event"); foreach (Feature f in server.features) { if (f is IEventPlayerDisconnect playerDisconnect) { string name = stream.Substring(stream.IndexOf(":")); playerDisconnect.OnPlayerDisconnect(name); } } } if (stream.Contains("Player has connected before load is complete")) { fixBuggedPlayers = true; } if (display) { server.Write(stream.Trim(), color); } }
public static void Read(Server server) { while (!server.IsStopping()) { string[] strArray = null; String dir = "SCPSL_Data" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Dedicated" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + server.GetSessionId(); try { if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { strArray = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "sl*.mapi", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderBy(f => f).ToArray<String>(); } } catch { if (!server.IsStopping()) { server.Write("Message printer warning: 'SCPSL_Data/Dedicated' directory not found.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } if (strArray == null) continue; foreach (string path in strArray) { string gameMessage = ""; string fileCommand = "open"; int attempts = 0; Boolean read = false; while (attempts < (server.runOptimized ? 10 : 100) && !read && !server.IsStopping()) { try { StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path); gameMessage = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); fileCommand = "close"; streamReader.Close(); fileCommand = "delete"; File.Delete(path); read = true; } catch { attempts++; if (attempts >= (server.runOptimized ? 10 : 100)) { server.Write("Message printer warning: Could not " + fileCommand + " file " + path + ". Make sure that MultiAdmin.exe has all necessary read-write permissions.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); server.Write("skipping"); } } Thread.Sleep(server.runOptimized ? 150 : 300); } if (server.IsStopping()) break; Boolean display = true; ConsoleColor colour = ConsoleColor.Cyan; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameMessage.Trim())) { if (gameMessage.Contains("LOGTYPE")) { String type = gameMessage.Substring(gameMessage.IndexOf("LOGTYPE")).Trim(); gameMessage = gameMessage.Substring(0, gameMessage.IndexOf("LOGTYPE")).Trim(); switch(type) { case "LOGTYPE02": colour = ConsoleColor.Green; break; case "LOGTYPE-8": colour = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; break; case "LOGTYPE14": colour = ConsoleColor.Magenta; break; default: colour = ConsoleColor.Cyan; break; } } } // Smod2 loggers pretty printing var match = smodRegex.Match(gameMessage); if (match.Success) { if (match.Groups.Count >= 2) { ConsoleColor levelColour = ConsoleColor.Cyan; ConsoleColor tagColour = ConsoleColor.Yellow; ConsoleColor msgColour = ConsoleColor.White; switch (match.Groups[1].Value.Trim()) { case "[DEBUG]": levelColour = ConsoleColor.Gray; break; case "[INFO]": levelColour = ConsoleColor.Green; break; case "[WARN]": levelColour = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; break; case "[ERROR]": levelColour = ConsoleColor.Red; msgColour = ConsoleColor.Red; break; default: colour = ConsoleColor.Cyan; break; } server.WritePart("", ConsoleColor.Cyan, 0, true, false); server.WritePart("[" + match.Groups[1].Value + "] ", levelColour, 0, false, false); server.WritePart(match.Groups[2].Value + " ", tagColour, 0, false, false); server.WritePart(match.Groups[3].Value, msgColour, 0, false, true); display = false; } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Mod Log:")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventAdminAction) { ((IEventAdminAction)f).OnAdminAction(gameMessage.Replace("Mod log:", "")); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("ServerMod")) { server.HasServerMod = true; server.ServerModVersion = gameMessage.Replace("ServerMod - Version", "").Trim(); } if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 7, 2)) { if (gameMessage.Contains("Round restarting")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundEnd) { ((IEventRoundEnd)f).OnRoundEnd(); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Waiting for players")) { if (!server.InitialRoundStarted) { server.InitialRoundStarted = true; foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart) { ((IEventRoundStart)f).OnRoundStart(); } } } if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 5, 0) && server.fixBuggedPlayers) { server.SendMessage("ROUNDRESTART"); server.fixBuggedPlayers = false; } } } else { if (gameMessage.Contains("Waiting for players")) { if (!server.InitialRoundStarted) { server.InitialRoundStarted = true; foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart) { ((IEventRoundStart)f).OnRoundStart(); } } } else { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundEnd) { ((IEventRoundEnd)f).OnRoundEnd(); } } } if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 5, 0) && server.fixBuggedPlayers) { server.SendMessage("ROUNDRESTART"); server.fixBuggedPlayers = false; } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("New round has been started")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart) { ((IEventRoundStart)f).OnRoundStart(); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Level loaded. Creating match...")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventServerStart) { ((IEventServerStart)f).OnServerStart(); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Server full")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventServerFull) { ((IEventServerFull)f).OnServerFull(); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Player connect")) { display = false; server.Log("Player connect event"); foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventPlayerConnect) { String name = gameMessage.Substring(gameMessage.IndexOf(":")); ((IEventPlayerConnect)f).OnPlayerConnect(name); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Player disconnect")) { display = false; server.Log("Player disconnect event"); foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventPlayerDisconnect) { String name = gameMessage.Substring(gameMessage.IndexOf(":")); ((IEventPlayerDisconnect)f).OnPlayerDisconnect(name); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Player has connected before load is complete")) { if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 5, 0)) { server.fixBuggedPlayers = true; } } if (display) server.Write(gameMessage.Trim(), colour); } Thread.Sleep(server.runOptimized ? 5 : 10); } }
private static void ProcessFile(Server server, string file) { string stream = string.Empty; string command = "open"; int attempts = 0; bool read = false; while (attempts < (server.runOptimized ? 10 : 100) && !read && !server.IsStopping()) { try { if (!File.Exists(file)) { // The file definitely existed at the moment Change event was raised by OS // If the file is not here after 15 ms that means that // (a) either it was already processed // (b) it was deleted by some other application return; } StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file); stream = sr.ReadToEnd(); command = "close"; sr.Close(); command = "delete"; File.Delete(file); read = true; } catch { attempts++; if (attempts >= (server.runOptimized ? 10 : 100)) { server.Write("Message printer warning: Could not " + command + " " + file + ". Make sure that MultiAdmin.exe has all necessary read-write permissions.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); server.Write("skipping"); } } } if (server.IsStopping()) { return; } bool display = true; ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.Cyan; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stream.Trim())) { if (stream.Contains("LOGTYPE")) { string type = stream.Substring(stream.IndexOf("LOGTYPE")).Trim(); stream = stream.Substring(0, stream.IndexOf("LOGTYPE")).Trim(); switch (type) { case "LOGTYPE02": color = ConsoleColor.Green; break; case "LOGTYPE-8": color = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; break; case "LOGTYPE14": color = ConsoleColor.Magenta; break; default: color = ConsoleColor.Cyan; break; } } } string[] streamSplit; // Smod2 loggers pretty printing var match = SMOD_REGEX.Match(stream); if (match.Success) { if (match.Groups.Count >= 2) { ConsoleColor levelColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; ConsoleColor tagColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; ConsoleColor msgColor = ConsoleColor.White; switch (match.Groups[1].Value.Trim()) { case "DEBUG": levelColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; break; case "INFO": levelColor = ConsoleColor.Green; break; case "WARN": levelColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; break; case "ERROR": levelColor = ConsoleColor.Red; msgColor = ConsoleColor.Red; break; default: color = ConsoleColor.Cyan; break; } lock (server) { server.WritePart(string.Empty, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, ConsoleColor.Cyan, true, false); server.WritePart("[" + match.Groups[1].Value + "] ", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, levelColor, false, false); server.WritePart(match.Groups[2].Value + " ", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, tagColor, false, false); server.WritePart(match.Groups[3].Value, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, msgColor, false, true); } server.Log("[" + match.Groups[1].Value + "] " + match.Groups[2].Value + " " + match.Groups[3].Value); // P.S. the format is [Info] [courtney.exampleplugin] Something interesting happened // That was just an example display = false; // Limiting output speed for Smod messages Thread.Sleep(server.printSpeed); // This return should be here return; } } if (stream.Contains("Mod Log:")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventAdminAction) { ((IEventAdminAction)f).OnAdminAction(stream.Replace("Mod log:", string.Empty)); } } } if (stream.Contains("ServerMod - Version")) { server.HasServerMod = true; // This should work fine with older ServerMod versions too streamSplit = stream.Replace("ServerMod - Version", string.Empty).Split('-'); server.ServerModVersion = streamSplit[0].Trim(); server.ServerModBuild = (streamSplit.Length > 1 ? streamSplit[1] : "A").Trim(); } if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 7, 2)) { if (stream.Contains("Round restarting")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundEnd) { ((IEventRoundEnd)f).OnRoundEnd(); } } } if (stream.Contains("Waiting for players")) { if (!server.InitialRoundStarted) { server.InitialRoundStarted = true; foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart) { ((IEventRoundStart)f).OnRoundStart(); } } } if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 5, 0) && server.fixBuggedPlayers) { server.SendMessage("ROUNDRESTART"); server.fixBuggedPlayers = false; } } } else { if (stream.Contains("Waiting for players")) { if (!server.InitialRoundStarted) { server.InitialRoundStarted = true; foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart) { ((IEventRoundStart)f).OnRoundStart(); } } } else { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundEnd) { ((IEventRoundEnd)f).OnRoundEnd(); } } } if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 5, 0) && server.fixBuggedPlayers) { server.SendMessage("ROUNDRESTART"); server.fixBuggedPlayers = false; } } } if (stream.Contains("New round has been started")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart) { ((IEventRoundStart)f).OnRoundStart(); } } } if (stream.Contains("Level loaded. Creating match...")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventServerStart) { ((IEventServerStart)f).OnServerStart(); } } } if (stream.Contains("Server full")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventServerFull) { ((IEventServerFull)f).OnServerFull(); } } } if (stream.Contains("Player connect")) { display = false; server.Log("Player connect event"); foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventPlayerConnect) { string name = stream.Substring(stream.IndexOf(":")); ((IEventPlayerConnect)f).OnPlayerConnect(name); } } } if (stream.Contains("Player disconnect")) { display = false; server.Log("Player disconnect event"); foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventPlayerDisconnect) { string name = stream.Substring(stream.IndexOf(":")); ((IEventPlayerDisconnect)f).OnPlayerDisconnect(name); } } } if (stream.Contains("Player has connected before load is complete")) { if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 5, 0)) { server.fixBuggedPlayers = true; } } if (display) { server.Write(stream.Trim(), color); // Limiting output speed for generic message Thread.Sleep(server.printSpeed); } }
public static void Read(Server server) { while (!server.IsStopping()) { string[] strArray = null; String dir = "SCPSL_Data" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Dedicated" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + server.GetSessionId(); try { if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { strArray = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "sl*.mapi", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderBy(f => f).ToArray <String>(); } } catch { if (!server.IsStopping()) { server.Write("Message printer warning: 'SCPSL_Data/Dedicated' directory not found.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } if (strArray == null) { continue; } foreach (string path in strArray) { string gameMessage = ""; string fileCommand = "open"; int attempts = 0; Boolean read = false; while (attempts < (server.runOptimized ? 10 : 100) && !read && !server.IsStopping()) { try { StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path); gameMessage = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); fileCommand = "close"; streamReader.Close(); fileCommand = "delete"; File.Delete(path); read = true; } catch { attempts++; if (attempts >= (server.runOptimized ? 10 : 100)) { server.Write("Message printer warning: Could not " + fileCommand + " file " + path + ". Make sure that MultiAdmin.exe has all necessary read-write permissions.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); server.Write("skipping"); } } Thread.Sleep(server.printSpeed); } if (server.IsStopping()) { break; } Boolean display = true; ConsoleColor colour = ConsoleColor.Cyan; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameMessage.Trim())) { if (gameMessage.Contains("LOGTYPE")) { String type = gameMessage.Substring(gameMessage.IndexOf("LOGTYPE")).Trim(); gameMessage = gameMessage.Substring(0, gameMessage.IndexOf("LOGTYPE")).Trim(); switch (type) { case "LOGTYPE02": colour = ConsoleColor.Green; break; case "LOGTYPE-8": colour = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; break; case "LOGTYPE14": colour = ConsoleColor.Magenta; break; default: colour = ConsoleColor.Cyan; break; } } } // Smod3 Color tags String[] parts = gameMessage.Split("@#".ToCharArray()); if (parts.Length > 1) { ConsoleColor fg = DEFAULT_FOREGROUND; ConsoleColor bg = DEFAULT_BACKGROUND; // date server.WritePart("", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, ConsoleColor.Cyan, 0, true, false); foreach (String part in parts) { String modifiedPart = part; if (modifiedPart.Length >= 3 && modifiedPart.Contains(";")) { String colorTag = modifiedPart.Substring(3, modifiedPart.IndexOf(";") - 3); if (modifiedPart.Substring(0, 3).Equals("fg=")) { fg = MapConsoleColor(colorTag, DEFAULT_FOREGROUND); } if (part.Substring(0, 3).Equals("bg=")) { bg = MapConsoleColor(colorTag, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND); } if (modifiedPart.Length == part.IndexOf(";")) { modifiedPart = ""; } else { modifiedPart = modifiedPart.Substring(part.IndexOf(";") + 1); } } server.WritePart(modifiedPart, bg, fg, 0, false, false); } // end server.WritePart("", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, ConsoleColor.Cyan, 0, false, true); display = false; } // Smod2 loggers pretty printing var match = SMOD_REGEX.Match(gameMessage); if (match.Success) { if (match.Groups.Count >= 2) { ConsoleColor levelColour = ConsoleColor.Cyan; ConsoleColor tagColour = ConsoleColor.Yellow; ConsoleColor msgColour = ConsoleColor.White; switch (match.Groups[1].Value.Trim()) { case "[DEBUG]": levelColour = ConsoleColor.Gray; break; case "[INFO]": levelColour = ConsoleColor.Green; break; case "[WARN]": levelColour = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; break; case "[ERROR]": levelColour = ConsoleColor.Red; msgColour = ConsoleColor.Red; break; default: colour = ConsoleColor.Cyan; break; } server.WritePart("", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, ConsoleColor.Cyan, 0, true, false); server.WritePart("[" + match.Groups[1].Value + "] ", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, levelColour, 0, false, false); server.WritePart(match.Groups[2].Value + " ", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, tagColour, 0, false, false); // OLD: server.WritePart(match.Groups[3].Value, msgColour, 0, false, true); // The regex.Match was trimming out the new lines and that is why no new lines were created. // To be sure this will not happen again: server.WritePart(gameMessage.Split(new char[] { ']' }, 3)[2], DEFAULT_BACKGROUND, msgColour, 0, false, true); // This way, it outputs the whole message. // P.S. the format is [Info] [courtney.exampleplugin] Something intresting happened // That was just an example display = false; } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Mod Log:")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventAdminAction) { ((IEventAdminAction)f).OnAdminAction(gameMessage.Replace("Mod log:", "")); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("ServerMod - Version")) { server.HasServerMod = true; // This should work fine with older ServerMod versions too string[] splitVer = gameMessage.Replace("ServerMod - Version", "").Split('-'); server.ServerModVersion = splitVer[0].Trim(); server.ServerModBuild = (splitVer.Length > 1 ? splitVer[1] : "A").Trim(); } if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 7, 2)) { if (gameMessage.Contains("Round restarting")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundEnd) { ((IEventRoundEnd)f).OnRoundEnd(); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Waiting for players")) { if (!server.InitialRoundStarted) { server.InitialRoundStarted = true; foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart) { ((IEventRoundStart)f).OnRoundStart(); } } } if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 5, 0) && server.fixBuggedPlayers) { server.SendMessage("ROUNDRESTART"); server.fixBuggedPlayers = false; } } } else { if (gameMessage.Contains("Waiting for players")) { if (!server.InitialRoundStarted) { server.InitialRoundStarted = true; foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart) { ((IEventRoundStart)f).OnRoundStart(); } } } else { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundEnd) { ((IEventRoundEnd)f).OnRoundEnd(); } } } if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 5, 0) && server.fixBuggedPlayers) { server.SendMessage("ROUNDRESTART"); server.fixBuggedPlayers = false; } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("New round has been started")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventRoundStart) { ((IEventRoundStart)f).OnRoundStart(); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Level loaded. Creating match...")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventServerStart) { ((IEventServerStart)f).OnServerStart(); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Server full")) { foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventServerFull) { ((IEventServerFull)f).OnServerFull(); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Player connect")) { display = false; server.Log("Player connect event"); foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventPlayerConnect) { String name = gameMessage.Substring(gameMessage.IndexOf(":")); ((IEventPlayerConnect)f).OnPlayerConnect(name); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Player disconnect")) { display = false; server.Log("Player disconnect event"); foreach (Feature f in server.Features) { if (f is IEventPlayerDisconnect) { String name = gameMessage.Substring(gameMessage.IndexOf(":")); ((IEventPlayerDisconnect)f).OnPlayerDisconnect(name); } } } if (gameMessage.Contains("Player has connected before load is complete")) { if (server.ServerModCheck(1, 5, 0)) { server.fixBuggedPlayers = true; } } if (display) { server.Write(gameMessage.Trim(), colour); } } Thread.Sleep(server.runOptimized ? 5 : 10); } }