Пример #1
        //TODO 1.1 changed trueAnomaly to rad but MJ ext stil uses deg. Should change for consistency

        //Originally by Zool, revised by The_Duck
        //Converts a true anomaly into an eccentric anomaly.
        //For elliptical orbits this returns a value between 0 and 2pi
        //For hyperbolic orbits the returned value can be any number.
        //NOTE: For a hyperbolic orbit, if a true anomaly is requested that does not exist (a true anomaly
        //past the true anomaly of the asymptote) then an ArgumentException is thrown
        public static double GetEccentricAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly(this Orbit o, double trueAnomaly)
            double e = o.eccentricity;

            trueAnomaly = MuUtils.ClampDegrees360(trueAnomaly);
            trueAnomaly = trueAnomaly * (Math.PI / 180);

            if (e < 1) //elliptical orbits
                double cosE = (e + Math.Cos(trueAnomaly)) / (1 + e * Math.Cos(trueAnomaly));
                double sinE = Math.Sqrt(1 - (cosE * cosE));
                if (trueAnomaly > Math.PI)
                    sinE *= -1;

                return(MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(Math.Atan2(sinE, cosE)));
            else  //hyperbolic orbits
                double coshE = (e + Math.Cos(trueAnomaly)) / (1 + e * Math.Cos(trueAnomaly));
                if (coshE < 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("OrbitExtensions.GetEccentricAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly: True anomaly of " + trueAnomaly + " radians is not attained by orbit with eccentricity " + o.eccentricity);

                double E = MuUtils.Acosh(coshE);
                if (trueAnomaly > Math.PI)
                    E *= -1;

Пример #2
        //The mean anomaly of the orbit.
        //For elliptical orbits, the value return is always between 0 and 2pi
        //For hyperbolic orbits, the value can be any number.
        public static double MeanAnomalyAtUT(this Orbit o, double UT)
            double ret = o.meanAnomalyAtEpoch + o.MeanMotion() * (UT - o.epoch);

            if (o.eccentricity < 1)
                ret = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(ret);
Пример #3
        //The next time at which the orbiting object will reach the given mean anomaly.
        //For elliptical orbits, this will be a time between UT and UT + o.period
        //For hyperbolic orbits, this can be any time, including a time in the past, if
        //the given mean anomaly occurred in the past
        public static double UTAtMeanAnomaly(this Orbit o, double meanAnomaly, double UT)
            double currentMeanAnomaly = o.MeanAnomalyAtUT(UT);
            double meanDifference     = meanAnomaly - currentMeanAnomaly;

            if (o.eccentricity < 1)
                meanDifference = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(meanDifference);
            return(UT + meanDifference / o.MeanMotion());
Пример #4
        //The mean anomaly of the orbit.
        //For elliptical orbits, the value return is always between 0 and 2pi
        //For hyperbolic orbits, the value can be any number.
        public static double MeanAnomalyAtUT(this Orbit o, double UT)
            // We use ObtAtEpoch and not meanAnomalyAtEpoch because somehow meanAnomalyAtEpoch
            // can be wrong when using the RealSolarSystem mod. ObtAtEpoch is always correct.
            double ret = (o.ObTAtEpoch + (UT - o.epoch)) * o.MeanMotion();

            if (o.eccentricity < 1)
                ret = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(ret);
Пример #5
        //Originally by Zool, revised by The_Duck
        //Converts an eccentric anomaly into a mean anomaly.
        //For an elliptical orbit, the returned value is between 0 and 2pi
        //For a hyperbolic orbit, the returned value is any number
        public static double GetMeanAnomalyAtEccentricAnomaly(this Orbit o, double E)
            double e = o.eccentricity;

            if (e < 1) //elliptical orbits
                return(MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(E - (e * Math.Sin(E))));
            else //hyperbolic orbits
                return((e * Math.Sinh(E)) - E);
        public ManeuverParameters ComputeEjectionManeuver(Vector3d exit_velocity, Orbit initial_orbit, double UT_0)
            double GM  = initial_orbit.referenceBody.gravParameter;
            double C3  = exit_velocity.sqrMagnitude;
            double Mh  = initial_orbit.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence;
            double Rpe = initial_orbit.semiMajorAxis;

            double isma = 2 / Mh - C3 / GM; //inverted Semi-major Axis, will work for parabolic orbit
            double ecc  = 1.0 - Rpe * isma;

            //double vstart = Math.Sqrt(GM * (2 / Rpe - isma)); //{ total start boost}
            //double slat = Rpe * Rpe * vstart * vstart / GM;

            //the problem here should be R for circular orbit instead of Rpe
            double slat = 2 * Rpe - isma * Rpe * Rpe; //but we don't know start point (yet) in elliptic orbit

            double theta = Math.Acos((slat / Mh - 1) / ecc);

             * //old way infinity hyperbolic:
             * //problems: it's not necessary hyperbolic (in case of low speed exit_velocity),
             * //and exit_velocity appears not infinite far from celestial body, but only sphereOfInfluence far
             * //i.e. Mh in previous statements(theta, isma) is not infinity!
             * double sma = -GM / C3;
             * double ecc = 1 - Rpe / sma;
             * double theta = Math.Acos(-1 / ecc);
            Vector3d intersect_1;
            Vector3d intersect_2;

            // intersect_1 is the optimal position on the orbit assuming the orbit is circular and the sphere of influence is infinite
            IntersectConePlane(exit_velocity, theta, initial_orbit.h, out intersect_1, out intersect_2);

            Vector3d eccvec = initial_orbit.GetEccVector();

            double true_anomaly = AngleAboutAxis(eccvec, intersect_1, initial_orbit.h);
            // GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly expects degrees and returns radians
            double mean_anomaly = initial_orbit.GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly(true_anomaly * UtilMath.Rad2Deg);

            double delta_mean_anomaly = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(mean_anomaly - initial_orbit.MeanAnomalyAtUT(UT_0));

            double UT = UT_0 + delta_mean_anomaly / initial_orbit.MeanMotion();

            Vector3d V_0 = initial_orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT);
            Vector3d pos = initial_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT);

            double final_vel = Math.Sqrt(C3 + 2 * GM / pos.magnitude);

            Vector3d x = pos.normalized;
            Vector3d z = Vector3d.Cross(x, exit_velocity).normalized;
            Vector3d y = Vector3d.Cross(z, x);

            theta = Math.PI / 2;
            double dtheta = 0.001;
            Orbit  sample = new Orbit();

            double theta_err = double.MaxValue;

            for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 50; ++iteration)
                Vector3d V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta) * x + Math.Sin(theta) * y);
                sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT);
                theta_err = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z);
                if (double.IsNaN(theta_err))
                if (Math.Abs(theta_err) <= 0.1 * UtilMath.Deg2Rad)
                    return(new ManeuverParameters((V_1 - V_0).xzy, UT));

                V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta + dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta + dtheta) * y);
                sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT);
                double theta_err_2 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z);

                V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta - dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta - dtheta) * y);
                sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT);
                double theta_err_3 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z);

                double derr = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(theta_err_2 - theta_err_3) / (2 * dtheta);

                theta = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(theta - theta_err / derr);

                // if theta > pi, replace with 2pi - theta, the function ejection_angle=f(theta) is symmetrc wrt theta=pi
                if (theta > Math.PI)
                    theta = 2 * Math.PI - theta;

Пример #7
        static ManeuverParameters ComputeEjectionManeuver(Vector3d exit_velocity, Orbit initial_orbit, double UT_0)
            double GM    = initial_orbit.referenceBody.gravParameter;
            double C3    = exit_velocity.sqrMagnitude;
            double sma   = -GM / C3;
            double Rpe   = initial_orbit.semiMajorAxis;
            double ecc   = 1 - Rpe / sma;
            double theta = Math.Acos(-1 / ecc);

            Vector3d intersect_1;
            Vector3d intersect_2;

            // intersect_1 is the optimal position on the orbit assuming the orbit is circular and the sphere of influence is infinite
            IntersectConePlane(exit_velocity, theta, initial_orbit.h, out intersect_1, out intersect_2);

            Vector3d eccvec = initial_orbit.GetEccVector();

            double true_anomaly = AngleAboutAxis(eccvec, intersect_1, initial_orbit.h);
            // GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly expects degrees and returns radians
            double mean_anomaly = initial_orbit.GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly(true_anomaly * 180 / Math.PI);

            double delta_mean_anomaly = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(mean_anomaly - initial_orbit.MeanAnomalyAtUT(UT_0));

            double UT = UT_0 + delta_mean_anomaly / initial_orbit.MeanMotion();

            Vector3d V_0 = initial_orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT);
            Vector3d pos = initial_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT);

            double final_vel = Math.Sqrt(C3 + 2 * GM / pos.magnitude);

            Vector3d x = pos.normalized;
            Vector3d z = Vector3d.Cross(x, exit_velocity).normalized;
            Vector3d y = Vector3d.Cross(z, x);

            theta = Math.PI / 2;
            double dtheta = 0.001;
            Orbit  sample = new Orbit();

            double theta_err = Double.MaxValue;

            for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 50; ++iteration)
                Vector3d V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta) * x + Math.Sin(theta) * y);
                sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT);
                theta_err = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z);
                if (double.IsNaN(theta_err))
                if (Math.Abs(theta_err) <= Math.PI / 1800)
                    return(new ManeuverParameters((V_1 - V_0).xzy, UT));

                V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta + dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta + dtheta) * y);
                sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT);
                double theta_err_2 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z);

                V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta - dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta - dtheta) * y);
                sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT);
                double theta_err_3 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z);

                double derr = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(theta_err_2 - theta_err_3) / (2 * dtheta);

                theta = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(theta - theta_err / derr);

                // if theta > pi, replace with 2pi - theta, the function ejection_angle=f(theta) is symmetrc wrt theta=pi
                if (theta > Math.PI)
                    theta = 2 * Math.PI - theta;
