public ActionResult Add() { var goal = new Goal(); ViewBag.ActionName = "Add"; ViewBag.Title = "Add a Goal"; return View("EditGoal", goal); }
public void Delete(Goal goal) { using (DbCommand cmd = _db.GetSqlStringCommand(GoalQueries.DeleteGoal)) { _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GoalID", DbType.Int32, goal.Id); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@UpdatedBy", DbType.Int32, goal.UpdatedBy); _db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } }
public Goal Add(Goal goal) { using (DbCommand cmd = _db.GetSqlStringCommand(GoalQueries.AddGoal)) { _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Name", DbType.String, goal.Name); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@SystemName", DbType.String, goal.SystemName); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Value", DbType.Double, goal.Value); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GACode", DbType.String, goal.GACode); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@CustomJS", DbType.String, goal.CustomJS); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@CreatedBy", DbType.String, goal.CreatedBy); using (IDataReader reader = _db.ExecuteReader(cmd)) { while (reader.Read()) { return ReaderToGoal(reader); } } } return goal; }
public ActionResult Update(Goal goal) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { goal.UpdatedBy = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name; goal = goalRepository.Update(goal); return Redirect("/Goals/"); } else { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "There is a problem with one of your response."; } } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "An Error Occurred while attempting to save that goal."; } ViewBag.ActionName = "Update"; ViewBag.Title = "Edit Goal"; return View("EditGoal", goal); }
protected Goal ReaderToGoal(IDataReader reader) { var goal = new Goal(); if (reader["Id"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.Id = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Id"]); } if (reader["Name"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.Name = reader["Name"].ToString(); } if (reader["SystemName"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.SystemName = reader["SystemName"].ToString(); } if (reader["Value"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.Value = Convert.ToDouble(reader["Value"]); } if (reader["GACode"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.GACode = reader["GACode"].ToString(); } if (reader["CustomJS"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.CustomJS = reader["CustomJS"].ToString(); } if (reader["CreatedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.CreatedBy = reader["CreatedBy"].ToString(); } if (reader["UpdatedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.UpdatedBy = reader["UpdatedBy"].ToString(); } if (reader["Created"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.Created = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["Created"]); } if (reader["Updated"] != DBNull.Value) { goal.Updated = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["Updated"]); } return goal; }
public Goal Update(Goal goal) { using (DbCommand cmd = _db.GetSqlStringCommand(GoalQueries.UpdateGoal)) { _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Name", DbType.String, goal.Name); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@Value", DbType.Double, goal.Value); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GACode", DbType.String, goal.GACode); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@CustomJS", DbType.String, goal.CustomJS); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@UpdatedBy", DbType.String, goal.UpdatedBy); _db.AddInParameter(cmd, "@GoalID", DbType.Int32, goal.Id); _db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); } return goal; }