Пример #1
        private ArrayList GetBoxes(BinaryReader br, long endPosition, MpegBox parentBox)
            ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
            MpegBox   ma     = null;

            while (GetNextBox(out ma, endPosition, parentBox))
            // TODO: throw exception if we still have a null result
Пример #2
 internal MpegBox(MpegBox parentBox,
                  ArrayList childBoxes,
                  BoxType boxType,
                  long boxOffset,
                  uint boxSize)
     Parent   = parentBox;
     Children = childBoxes;
     Type     = boxType;
     Offset   = boxOffset;
     Size     = boxSize;
Пример #3
 internal MsvBox(MpegBox uuidBox)
     // TODO:  Implement a real exception handler for this
     if (MpegBox.BoxUuidType.MsvTag != uuidBox.UuidType)
         throw new MsvDecoderException("Box supplied is not of type MsvTag.");
     this.msvTagBox    = uuidBox;
     this.boxData      = uuidBox.Data;
     this.ms           = new MemoryStream(this.boxData);
     this.br           = new BinaryReader(ms);
     this.bw           = new BinaryWriter(ms);
     this.DataSegments = getDataSegments(ms, 0);
Пример #4
 private void getMsvTags(MpegBox mpegBox, ref ArrayList msvBoxes)
     if (mpegBox.UuidType == MpegBox.BoxUuidType.MsvTag)
     if (mpegBox.HasChildren())
         foreach (MpegBox ma in mpegBox.Children)
             getMsvTags(ma, ref msvBoxes);
Пример #5
        internal MpegFile(string inputFile)
            this.PathToInputFile = inputFile;
            // Existing file state
            this.PathToOutputFile = inputFile + ".out";
            if (File.Exists(this.PathToOutputFile))

            // Fetch all boxes till we get to EOF
            this.BoxTree = GetBoxes(br, 0, null);
            MpegBox temp = (MpegBox)this.BoxTree[this.BoxTree.Count - 1];

            if (temp.Type != MpegBox.BoxType.moov)
                temp.Parent = null;
Пример #6
        private bool getNextDataSegment(out MsvTagDataSegment dataSegment, long endPosition, MpegBox parentBox)
            // return empty object when we reach data endPosition.  If endPosition is set
            // to zero, return empty object if we reach end of data.
            if (this.br.BaseStream.Position == (0 == endPosition ? this.br.BaseStream.Length : endPosition))
                dataSegment = null;

            // create new segment and note its offset in the box data
            MsvTagDataSegment ds = new MsvTagDataSegment();

            ds.offset = this.br.BaseStream.Position;
            // offset in file is equal to the start of the containing box, plus eight bytes for
            // box's size and uuid markers, plus segment offset from start of box data
            ds.absoluteOffset = msvTagBox.AbsoluteOffset() + 8 + ds.offset;
            // now get the segment header info and data
            ds.size            = BU.ReverseToUInt16(this.br.ReadBytes(2)); // size
            ds.type            = BU.ReverseToUInt32(this.br.ReadBytes(4));
            ds.language        = BU.ReverseToUInt16(this.br.ReadBytes(2));
            ds.unknownProperty = BU.ReverseToUInt16(this.br.ReadBytes(2));
            if (0 < ds.size - 10)                                 // if there is any data left after the header, get data
                ds.segmentData = this.br.ReadBytes(ds.size - 10); // data
            // all done, verify br's pointer is where it should be

            // return finished segment
            dataSegment = ds;
Пример #7
        private bool GetNextBox(out MpegBox mpegBox, long endPosition, MpegBox parentBox)
            // return empty object when we reach data endPosition.  If endPosition is set
            // to zero, return empty object if we reach EOF.
            if (this.br.BaseStream.Position == (0 == endPosition ? this.br.BaseStream.Length : endPosition))
                mpegBox = null;

            // create new box, fill in the byte offset
            MpegBox ma = new MpegBox(parentBox, null, MpegBox.BoxType.Unknown, this.br.BaseStream.Position, 0);

            // now get the size and type
            ma.Size = BU.ReverseToUInt32(this.br.ReadBytes(4));  // size
            // special size values aren't handled yet
            if (ma.Size < 2)
                throw new MsvDecoderException("Special MPEG box size values are not yet supported.");
            // type
                ma.Type = (MpegBox.BoxType)BU.ReverseToInt32(this.br.ReadBytes(4));
                ma.Type = MpegBox.BoxType.Unknown;

            // check the type to see if it has data or child boxes that we care about
            switch (ma.Type)
            case MpegBox.BoxType.moov:
                // now that we've picked up the moov box, leave br's pointer
                // at the start of the moov data and read in all its child boxes
                ma.Children = GetBoxes(br, ma.Offset + ma.Size, ma);

            case MpegBox.BoxType.trak:
                // read in all its child boxes
                ma.Children = GetBoxes(br, ma.Offset + ma.Size, ma);

            case MpegBox.BoxType.mdia:
                // read in all its child boxes
                ma.Children = GetBoxes(br, ma.Offset + ma.Size, ma);

            case MpegBox.BoxType.minf:
                // read in all its child boxes
                ma.Children = GetBoxes(br, ma.Offset + ma.Size, ma);

            case MpegBox.BoxType.stbl:
                // read in all its child boxes
                ma.Children = GetBoxes(br, ma.Offset + ma.Size, ma);

            case MpegBox.BoxType.uuid:      // may have data we want
                // note current br pointer location
                long dataStartPos = this.br.BaseStream.Position;
                // get the 16 byte UUID value from the start of data
                ma.UuidType = GetUuidType(this.br.ReadBytes(16));
                // return pointer to previous location
                this.br.BaseStream.Position = dataStartPos;
                // if this is a uuid we care about, copy its data into the box
                if (!(MpegBox.BoxUuidType.Unknown == ma.UuidType ||
                      MpegBox.BoxUuidType.None == ma.UuidType))
                    // TODO: throw exception if ma.Size is bigger than an Int32 can hold
                    // read data into ma, then leave br's pointer at the end of this data/box
                    ma.Data = br.ReadBytes((int)ma.Size - 8);      // box size, less size/tag bytes
                    // don't care about this uuid, move br's pointer to the end of this box
                    this.br.BaseStream.Seek(ma.Size - 8, SeekOrigin.Current);

            case MpegBox.BoxType.stco:      // contains list of mdat data chunk offsets
                // read data into ma, then leave br's pointer at the end of this data/box
                ma.Data = br.ReadBytes((int)ma.Size - 8);      // box size, less size/tag bytes

            default:      // unrecognized, don't read any data from this box
                // just move br's pointer to the end of this box
                this.br.BaseStream.Seek(ma.Size - 8, SeekOrigin.Current);

            // all done, verify br's pointer is where it should be

            // return finished box
            mpegBox = ma;
Пример #8
        private void SetTagData(ArrayList mpegBoxes, MsvBox.SegmentType type, byte[] bytes,
                                int lengthDelta, bool haveProcessedMdat)
            foreach (MpegBox mb in mpegBoxes)
                if (MpegBox.BoxType.mdat == mb.Type)
                    haveProcessedMdat = true;
                else if (MpegBox.BoxType.moov == mb.Type || MpegBox.BoxType.trak == mb.Type ||
                         MpegBox.BoxType.mdia == mb.Type || MpegBox.BoxType.minf == mb.Type ||
                         MpegBox.BoxType.stbl == mb.Type)
                    SetTagData(mb.Children, type, bytes, lengthDelta, haveProcessedMdat);
                else if (MpegBox.BoxType.stco == mb.Type)
                    // if we've not yet encountered the mdat box, then it must come after the moov box
                    // and so we'll need to adjust all the chunk offsets to match their new locations
                    // if we are resizing the tag's length
                    if (!haveProcessedMdat && lengthDelta != 0)
                        // go to the start of the actual stco data
                        long dataStartPosition = mb.AbsoluteOffset() + 8;
                        this.br.BaseStream.Seek(dataStartPosition, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        if (0x00 != br.ReadByte())
                            throw new MsvEncoderException("Detected chunk offset box version is not supported.");
                        if (!BU.AreByteArraysEqual(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, br.ReadBytes(3)))
                            throw new MsvEncoderException("Detected chunk offset box flags are not supported.");
                        UInt32 chunkCount      = BU.ReverseToUInt32(this.br.ReadBytes(4));
                        UInt32 tempChunkOffset = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < chunkCount; i++)
                            // get next chunk offset
                            tempChunkOffset = BU.ReverseToUInt32(this.br.ReadBytes(4));
                            // back pointer up, then rewrite chunk offset to reflect lengthDelta
                            this.br.BaseStream.Seek(-4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                            this.bw.Write(BU.ReverseToBytes((UInt32)(tempChunkOffset + lengthDelta)));
                else if (MpegBox.BoxUuidType.MsvTag == mb.UuidType)
                    MsvBox pb = new MsvBox(mb);
                    foreach (MsvTagDataSegment ds in pb.DataSegments)
                        if ((uint)type == ds.type)
                            // go to the start of the actual data within ds
                            // this assumes that the structure preceding the data is always
                            // consistent between all segments having write support
                            long dataStartPosition = ds.absoluteOffset + 10;
                            this.br.BaseStream.Seek(dataStartPosition, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            // verify that we know what data we're about to overwrite
                            byte[] compare = this.br.ReadBytes(ds.SegmentData.Length);
                            if (!BU.AreByteArraysEqual(compare, ds.SegmentData))
                                throw new MsvEncoderException(
                                          "The filestream position was invalid while writing tag data.");

                            if (bytes.Length != ds.SegmentData.Length)
                                // we have to grow or shrink the file and adjust its size markers
                                long moveByteCount    = this.bw.BaseStream.Length - this.bw.BaseStream.Position;
                                int  moveBlockSize    = 131072;                               // move in 128kb blocks
                                int  partialBlockSize = (int)(moveByteCount % moveBlockSize); // remaining partial block
                                // verify that the supplied lengthDelta value is correct
                                // the length delta is a negative number when shrinking a tag
                                if (lengthDelta != bytes.Length - ds.SegmentData.Length)
                                    throw new MsvEncoderException(
                                              "lengthDelta supplied did not match old tag length found.");
                                byte[] buffer;       // buffer for moving blocks

                                if (lengthDelta > 0) // new tag is too big, so grow the file
                                    // grow the file the needed number of bytes before moving data out
                                    this.br.BaseStream.SetLength(this.bw.BaseStream.Length + lengthDelta);

                                    // need to shift subsequent data further down the file
                                    if (moveByteCount >= moveBlockSize)
                                        // we have at least one full block to move
                                        for (int i = 0; i < moveByteCount / moveBlockSize; i++)
                                            // move pointer to beginning of next block to be moved
                                            // blocks are moved in reverse, from EOF backward
                                            this.br.BaseStream.Seek((moveBlockSize * (i + 1) + lengthDelta) * -1,
                                            // read in a block
                                            buffer = br.ReadBytes(moveBlockSize);
                                            // move pointer backwards to start of the block, minus the grow size
                                            this.br.BaseStream.Seek((moveBlockSize - lengthDelta) * -1,
                                            buffer = null;
                                    // move any remaining partial block
                                    if (0 != partialBlockSize)
                                        // move pointer to start of partial block
                                        this.br.BaseStream.Seek(dataStartPosition + ds.segmentData.Length,
                                        // read in the partial block
                                        buffer = br.ReadBytes(partialBlockSize);
                                        // move pointer backwards to start of partial block, minus the grow size
                                        this.br.BaseStream.Seek((partialBlockSize - lengthDelta) * -1,
                                        buffer = null;
                                else if (lengthDelta < 0)  // new tag is too small, so shrink the file
                                    // need to shift subsequent data further up the file
                                    // move pointer to beginning of first block
                                    this.br.BaseStream.Seek(dataStartPosition + ds.segmentData.Length,

                                    if (moveByteCount >= moveBlockSize)
                                        // we have at least one full block to move
                                        for (int i = 0; i < moveByteCount / moveBlockSize; i++)
                                            // read in a block
                                            buffer = br.ReadBytes(moveBlockSize);
                                            // move pointer backwards to start of the block, plus the shrink size
                                            // remember that lengthDelta is a negative number for shrink operations
                                            this.br.BaseStream.Seek((moveBlockSize - lengthDelta) * -1,
                                            buffer = null;
                                            // block is moved, so advance pointer to the beginning of the
                                            // next block
                                            this.br.BaseStream.Seek(lengthDelta * -1,
                                    // move any remaining partial block
                                    if (0 != partialBlockSize)
                                        // pointer should already be at start of partial block
                                        // read in the partial block
                                        buffer = br.ReadBytes(partialBlockSize);
                                        // move pointer backwards to start of the block, plus the shrink size
                                        // remember that lengthDelta is a negative number for shrink operations
                                        this.br.BaseStream.Seek((partialBlockSize - lengthDelta) * -1,
                                        buffer = null;
                                    // shrink the file the needed number of bytes after moving data in
                                    this.br.BaseStream.SetLength(this.bw.BaseStream.Length + lengthDelta);

                                // now fix up all the size markers
                                UInt32 temp32 = 0;
                                UInt16 temp16 = 0;
                                // this tag's size marker
                                this.br.BaseStream.Seek(ds.absoluteOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                temp16 = BU.ReverseToUInt16(this.br.ReadBytes(2)); // tag size
                                this.br.BaseStream.Seek(-2, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                                if (temp16 != ds.size)
                                    throw new MsvEncoderException(
                                              "The filestream position was invalid while writing tag size.");
                                this.bw.Write(BU.ReverseToBytes((UInt16)(temp16 + lengthDelta)));
                                // the rest of the size markers we must first read and then change
                                // incase for some reason we're changing them multiple times

                                // both of this MSV box's external and internal size markers
                                this.br.BaseStream.Seek(mb.AbsoluteOffset(), System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                temp32 = BU.ReverseToUInt32(this.br.ReadBytes(4)); // UUID box size
                                this.br.BaseStream.Seek(-4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                                this.bw.Write(BU.ReverseToBytes((UInt32)(temp32 + lengthDelta)));
                                this.br.BaseStream.Seek(20, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                                temp32 = BU.ReverseToUInt32(this.br.ReadBytes(4)); // MSV internalSize
                                this.br.BaseStream.Seek(-4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                                this.bw.Write(BU.ReverseToBytes((UInt32)(temp32 + lengthDelta)));

                                // size markers of this box's parent and all the parent's parents
                                MpegBox tempBox = mb.Parent;
                                while (tempBox != null)
                                    temp32 = BU.ReverseToUInt32(this.br.ReadBytes(4)); // tempBox size
                                    this.br.BaseStream.Seek(-4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current);
                                    this.bw.Write(BU.ReverseToBytes((UInt32)(temp32 + lengthDelta)));

                                    tempBox = tempBox.Parent;

                            // set reader back to start of tag data we wish to overwrite
                            this.br.BaseStream.Seek(dataStartPosition, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            // now write the new data over the old data
                            this.bw.BaseStream.Seek(dataStartPosition, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            // verify it worked
                            byte[] verify = this.br.ReadBytes(bytes.Length);
                            if (!BU.AreByteArraysEqual(verify, bytes))
                                throw new MsvEncoderException("The data write failed verification.");
                            // make sure all the data changes get flushed to disk