ReadInt64() приватный Метод

private ReadInt64 ( System.Int64 &result ) : bool
result System.Int64
Результат bool
		public void UnpackFromMessage( Unpacker unpacker )
			// Unpack fields are here:

			// temp variables
			long id;
			string name;

			// It should be packed as array because we use hand-made packing implementation above.
			if ( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader )
				throw new SerializationException( "Is not in array header." );

			// Check items count.
			if ( UnpackHelpers.GetItemsCount( unpacker ) != 2 )
				throw new SerializationException( $"Array length should be 2, but {UnpackHelpers.GetItemsCount( unpacker )}" );

			// Unpack fields here:
			if ( !unpacker.ReadInt64( out id ) )
				throw new SerializationException( "Property Id is not found." );

			this.Id = id;

			if ( !unpacker.ReadString( out name ) )
				throw new SerializationException( "Property Name is not found." );

			this.Name = name;

			// ...Instead, you can unpack from map as follows:
			//if ( !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
			//	throw SerializationExceptions.NewIsNotMapHeader();

			//// Check items count.
			//if ( UnpackHelpers.GetItemsCount( unpacker ) != 2 )
			//	throw SerializationExceptions.NewUnexpectedArrayLength( 2, UnpackHelpers.GetItemsCount( unpacker ) );

			//// Unpack fields here:
			//for ( int i = 0; i < 2 /* known count of fields */; i++ )
			//	// Unpack and verify key of entry in map.
			//	string key;
			//	if ( !unpacker.ReadString( out key ) )
			//	{
			//		// Missing key, incorrect.
			//		throw SerializationExceptions.NewUnexpectedEndOfStream();
			//	}

			//	switch ( key )
			//	{
			//		case "Id":
			//		{
			//			if ( !unpacker.ReadInt64( out id ) )
			//			{
			//				throw SerializationExceptions.NewMissingProperty( "Id" );
			//			}
			//          this.Id = id;
			//			break;
			//		}
			//		case "Name":
			//		{
			//			if ( !unpacker.ReadString( out name ) )
			//			{
			//				throw SerializationExceptions.NewMissingProperty( "Name" );
			//			}
			//          this.Name = name;
			//			break;
			//		}

			//		// Note: You should ignore unknown fields for forward compatibility.
			//	}