Пример #1
      private void _onSuccess(GetSubscriberInfoResult o) {
         if (o == null) {
            Log.Warn("Empty reply recieved for GetDriverInfo.");

         var result = o.DriverInfo;
         Log.Trace("Add driver {0} to DB", result.DriverId);

         using (var dbConn = DatabaseManager.DbConn()) {
            var di = o.DriverInfo;
            if (di.DataSource == null) {
               Log.Warn("Driver datasource is NULL, cloning and setting 'Backend'");
               di = o.DriverInfo.Clone<DriverInfo>();
               di.DataSource = DataSources.Backend;

            var exDriver = dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DriverGetById { DriverId = di.DriverId });
            if (exDriver != null) {
               if ((exDriver.DataSource == DataSources.Backend) || (OscarServer.UseBackendMasterData)) {

                  // TK: we are using OpCo settings from SD (periodic)
                  di.Operator = exDriver.Operator;

                  dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DriverUpdate { i = di });
            } else {
               dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DriverAdd { i = di });

            if ((exDriver == null) ||
               ((exDriver.DataSource == DataSources.Backend) || (OscarServer.UseBackendMasterData))) {
               dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new ContactRemoveById { ContactId = o.DriverInfo.DriverId });
               foreach (var ct in o.DriverInfo.Contacts) {
                  if (ct.Value.IsEmpty() == true) {

                  var ci = new ContactInfo();
                  ci.ContactId = o.DriverInfo.DriverId;
                  ci.Type = ct.Type;
                  ci.Value = ct.Value;

                  dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new ContactAdd { i = ci });

               dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new SubscriptionDeleteByDriverId { DriverId = o.DriverInfo.DriverId });

               if (o.DriverVehicles != null) {
                  foreach (var vh in o.DriverVehicles) {
                     var dbvi = BackendHelpers.VehicleSave(dbConn, vh);

                     if (dbvi != null) {
                        var subi = new DbSubscriptionInfo();

                        subi.SubscriptionInfo.SubscriptionId = BplIdentity.Get(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                        subi.SubscriptionInfo.Operator = dbvi.VehicleInfo.Operator;
                        subi.SubscriptionInfo.Type = SubscriptionType.Get("EV");
                        subi.SubscriptionInfo.Status = SubscriptionStatus.Active;
                        subi.SubscriptionInfo.DriverId = o.DriverInfo.DriverId;
                        subi.SubscriptionInfo.DataSource = DataSources.Backend;
                        subi.VehicleKey = dbvi.VehicleKey;

                        dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new SubscriptionAdd { i = subi });

         if (_isReplyRequired) {
            Log.Trace("Reply to node with DriverInfo {0}", result);
Пример #2
      internal void Handle(PeriodicUpdateRequest request) {
         var resp = new PeriodicUpdateResponse();

         using (var dbConn = DatabaseManager.DbConn()) {
            var dataSource = DataSources.Vehicle;

            var opco = _detectOperator(request.OperatorName);
            var platformId = (request.PlatformVersion == null) ? BplIdentity.Empty : BplIdentity.Get(request.PlatformVersion.Revision.ToString("X08"));
            var deviceId = MasterDataHelpers.DeviceResolveId(dbConn, request.AutosSerialNumber, request.HardwareId);
            var codeName = "";

            if (platformId.IsEmpty || deviceId.IsEmpty) {
               DiagnosticsHelpers.ReportIntegrityError(dbConn, "PeriodicUpdateRequest", DumpRequest(), "No device information found (Device Id: '{0}') or no device type (Platform Id: '{1}'). Record skipped.", deviceId, platformId);

            var imageInstalls = dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new InstallGetByPlatformIdType { PlatformId = platformId, Type = Mpcr.Services.Oscar.Logistics.SoftwareUpdateType.Image });
            if (imageInstalls == null || imageInstalls.Count == 0) {
               Log.Warn("No installations found for platform {0}. Record skipped.", platformId.LocalId.ToString());

            var deviceType = DeviceType.Get(request.PlatformVersion.Revision);

            foreach (var cv in request.ClientVersions) {
               if (cv.Version == null || cv.UpdateType != SoftwareUpdateType.Image) {

               var vn = SwlVersion.FromVersion(cv.Version).ToInt32();

               var ii = dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new InstallGetByPlatformIdTypeVersionNumber(platformId, (Mpcr.Services.Oscar.Logistics.SoftwareUpdateType)cv.UpdateType, vn));
               if (ii == null) {

               codeName = ii.CodeName;

            if (codeName.IsEmpty()) {
               DiagnosticsHelpers.ReportIntegrityError(dbConn, "PeriodicUpdateRequest", DumpRequest(), "No code name found for device '{0}'. Record skipped.", deviceId);

            var dei = new DeviceInfo();

            dei.DeviceId = deviceId;
            dei.Operator = opco;
            dei.Type = deviceType;
            dei.DeviceSN = request.AutosSerialNumber;
            dei.DialupPhone = PhoneStruct.ToPhone(request.AutOSClient.ModemNumber);
            dei.SimIMEI = request.AutOSClient.SimIMEI;
            dei.SimIMSI = request.AutOSClient.SimIMSI;
            dei.SecretCode = request.AutOSClient.SecretCode;
            dei.HardwareId = request.HardwareId;
            dei.DataSource = dataSource;

            var exDevice = dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceGetById { DeviceId = dei.DeviceId });
            if (exDevice != null) {
               if (dei.Operator == null) {
                  dei.Operator = exDevice.Operator;

               dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceUpdate { Device = dei });
            } else {
               dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceAdd { Device = dei });

            // Master Data update

            if (codeName.StartsWith("SP4")) {
               Log.Trace("Processing old master data update (SP4 path)");


               var dbbi = new DbBatteryInfo();
               if (request.Battery != null) {
                  dbbi.BatteryInfo = new BatteryInfo();

                  dbbi.BatteryInfo.BatteryId = (request.Battery.IsFactory) ? BplIdentity.Empty : request.Battery.Id;
                  dbbi.BatteryInfo.Operator = opco;
                  dbbi.BatteryInfo.Type = request.Battery.Type;
                  dbbi.BatteryInfo.BatterySN = request.Battery.SerialNumber;
                  dbbi.BatteryInfo.DataSource = dataSource;

                  dbbi = MasterDataHelpers.BatterySave(dbConn, deviceType, dbbi);
               } else {
                  // no battery in request - is normal, e.g. while battery is being switched, so nothing to log here
                  dbbi = null;

               var dbvi = new DbVehicleInfo();
               if (request.Vehicle != null) {
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo = new VehicleInfo();

                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.VehicleId = (request.Vehicle.IsFactory) ? BplIdentity.Empty : request.Vehicle.Id;
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.Operator = opco;
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.Type = request.Vehicle.Type;
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.VehicleSN = _decodeLegacyVehicleSN(request.Vehicle.SerialNumber);
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.VehicleVIN = request.Vehicle.VIN;
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.LicensePlate = request.Vehicle.LicensePlate;
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.ModelColor = request.Vehicle.Color;
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.ModelName = request.Vehicle.ModelName;
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.ModelYear = request.Vehicle.ModelYear;
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.DeviceId = dei.DeviceId;
                  dbvi.VehicleInfo.DataSource = dataSource;
                  dbvi.BatteryKey = (dbbi != null) ? dbbi.BatteryKey : null;

                  dbvi = MasterDataHelpers.VehicleSave(dbConn, deviceType, dbvi);
               } else {
                  Log.Warn("No vehicle in request");
                  dbvi = null;

               var dri = new DriverInfo();
               if (request.PrimaryDriver != null && request.PrimaryDriver.Type != DriverTypes.Factory) {
                  dri.DriverId = request.PrimaryDriver.Id;
                  dri.Operator = opco;
                  dri.Type = request.PrimaryDriver.Type;

                  if (request.PrimaryDriver.LocalizedName.IsEmpty) {
                     var dict = new Dictionary<Locale, string>();
                     dict[request.PrimaryDriver.PrimaryLocale] = "{0}, {1}".Substitute(request.PrimaryDriver.FirstName, request.PrimaryDriver.LastName);
                     dri.Name = MultiString.FromDictionary(dict);
                  } else {
                     dri.Name = request.PrimaryDriver.LocalizedName;

                  dri.Gender = request.PrimaryDriver.Gender;
                  dri.BirthDate = Date.Undefined;
                  dri.DriverSsn = "";
                  dri.DefaultLocale = request.PrimaryDriver.PrimaryLocale;
                  dri.DefaultVehicleId = (dbvi != null) ? dbvi.VehicleInfo.VehicleId : BplIdentity.Empty;
                  dri.DataSource = dataSource;

                  dri = MasterDataHelpers.DriverSave(dbConn, dri);

                  if ((dbvi != null) && (dri != null)) {
                     var subi = new DbSubscriptionInfo();

                     subi.SubscriptionInfo = new SubscriptionInfo();
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.SubscriptionId = BplIdentity.Get(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.Operator = opco;
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.Type = SubscriptionType.Get("EV");
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.Status = SubscriptionStatus.Active;
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.DriverId = dri.DriverId;
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.DataSource = dataSource;
                     subi.VehicleKey = dbvi.VehicleKey;

                     dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new SubscriptionAdd { i = subi });
               } else {
                  dri = null;


            // Logistics Data update

            if (!deviceId.IsEmpty) {

               dei = dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceGetById { DeviceId = deviceId });
               if (dei != null) {
                  var devPlatformId = dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceGetPlatformId { DeviceId = deviceId });

                  if (platformId != devPlatformId) {
                     if (!platformId.IsEmpty) {
                        dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceSetPlatformId { DeviceId = dei.DeviceId, PlatformId = platformId });
                     } else {
                        platformId = devPlatformId;

                  if (!platformId.IsEmpty) {
                     dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceInstallDeleteByDeviceId(deviceId));

                     foreach (var cv in request.ClientVersions) {
                        if (cv.Version == null) {
                           Log.Warn("Version NULL in type {0}", cv.UpdateType);

                        var vn = SwlVersion.FromVersion(cv.Version).ToInt32();

                        Log.Trace("Type {0} Version {1} ({2})", cv.UpdateType, vn, cv.Version);

                        var ii = dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new InstallGetByPlatformIdTypeVersionNumber(platformId, (Mpcr.Services.Oscar.Logistics.SoftwareUpdateType)cv.UpdateType, vn));
                        if (ii == null) {
                           Log.Warn("No installation PLID {0}, Type {1}, Version {2}", platformId, (Mpcr.Services.Oscar.Logistics.SoftwareUpdateType)cv.UpdateType, vn);

                        dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceInstallAdd(deviceId, (Mpcr.Services.Oscar.Logistics.SoftwareUpdateType)cv.UpdateType, ii.InstallId));


            var target = LogisticsHelpers.CampaignTargetCheckForUpdate(dbConn, deviceId);
            if (target != null) {
               PeriodicUpdate pu = new PeriodicUpdate();

               pu.UpdateType = (Mpcr.Messages.AutOS_SW.SoftwareUpdateType)target.CampaignType;
               pu.UpdateId = new Guid(target.TargetId.LocalId.ToString());


Пример #3
      internal void Handle(UpdateActivationInfo input) {
         // guarranteed delivery - must reply true, even in case of exception
         try {
            using (var dbConn = DatabaseManager.DbConn()) {

               var dei = (input.Device != null) ? input.Device.Clone() : null;
               if (dei == null) {
                  Log.Warn("No device information found or no device type. Record skipped.");

               dei.DeviceId = MasterDataHelpers.DeviceResolveId(dbConn, dei.DeviceId.LocalId.ToString(), dei.HardwareId);
               if (dei.DeviceId == null) {
                  Log.Warn("Can not resolve DeviceId. Record skipped.");

               var exDevice = dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceGetById { DeviceId = dei.DeviceId });
               if (exDevice != null) {
                  dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceUpdate { Device = dei });
               } else {
                  dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new DeviceAdd { Device = dei });

               if (dei.Type == null) {
                  Log.Warn("No device type. Record skipped.");



               var bi = (input.Battery != null) ? new DbBatteryInfo { BatteryInfo = input.Battery.Clone() } : null;
               if (bi != null) {
                  bi = MasterDataHelpers.BatterySave(dbConn, dei.Type, bi);

               var vi = (input.Vehicle != null) ? new DbVehicleInfo { VehicleInfo = input.Vehicle.Clone() } : null;
               if (vi != null) {
                  vi.VehicleInfo.DeviceId = (dei == null) ? BplIdentity.Empty : dei.DeviceId;
                  vi.BatteryKey = (bi == null) ? null : bi.BatteryKey;

                  vi = MasterDataHelpers.VehicleSave(dbConn, dei.Type, vi);

               foreach (var driver in input.Drivers.Clone()) {
                  var dri = MasterDataHelpers.DriverSave(dbConn, driver);

                  if ((vi != null) && (dri != null)) {
                     var subi = new DbSubscriptionInfo();

                     subi.SubscriptionInfo = new SubscriptionInfo();

                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.SubscriptionId = BplClass.CreateGuid<SubscriptionInfo>();
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.Operator = vi.VehicleInfo.Operator;
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.Type = SubscriptionType.Get("EV");
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.Status = SubscriptionStatus.Active;
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.DriverId = dri.DriverId;
                     subi.SubscriptionInfo.DataSource = vi.VehicleInfo.DataSource;
                     subi.VehicleKey = vi.VehicleKey;

                     dbConn.ExecuteBpl(new SubscriptionAdd { i = subi });

         } catch (Exception ex) {
            DiagnosticsHelpers.ReportIntegrityError(RequestType.CanonicName, DumpRequest(), "Exception: {0}", Log.FormatException(ex));