/// <summary>
        /// Method for updating secondary motivation Aspect ( != attention/satisfaction/confidence)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ms"> Motivation state for storing the new values. </param>
        internal void updateSecondaryMotivationAspects(MotivationState ms)
            MotivationModel mm = ms.getMotivationModel();

            foreach (MotivationAspect ma in mm.motivationAspects.motivationAspectList)
                if (!primaryMotivationAspects.Contains(ma.name))
                    if (ms.getMotivation().ContainsKey(ma.name))
                            double sol = FormulaInterpreter.eval(ma.rule);
                            ms.updateMotivationAspect(ma.name, sol);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            loggingMAs("Warning: Update for secondary motivation aspects not done.", Severity.Warning);
                            loggingMAs("Exception caught: " + e.Message);
                        loggingMAs("Warning: Motivation aspect not found!", Severity.Warning);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for replacing motivation component variables with the current values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression"> String for which replacement should happen. </param>
        /// <returns> String without any motivation component variables. </returns>
        private static String replaceVariables(String expression)
            MotivationState ms = MotivationAssessmentAsset.Handler.getMotivationState();
            MotivationModel mm = ms.getMotivationModel();

            foreach (MotivationAspect ma in mm.motivationAspects.motivationAspectList)
                expression = expression.Replace(ma.name, ms.getMotivationAspectValue(ma.name).ToString());
            MotivationAssessmentAsset.Handler.loggingMAs("FormulaInterpreter: expression to evaluate without variables=" + expression);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for updating primary motivation Aspect (attention/satisfaction/confidence)
        /// </summary>
        ///<param name="ms"> Motivation state for storing the new values. </param>
        ///<param name="aspect"> String containing "attention","satisfaction" or "confidence". Describes which component gets updated. </param>
        ///<param name="direction"> Boolean - if true upgrade, else downgrade is done. </param>
        ///<param name="playerId"> Identification of the player. </param>
        internal void updatePrimaryMotivationAspect(MotivationState ms, String aspect, Boolean direction)
            MotivationModel  mm         = ms.getMotivationModel();
            MotivationAspect ma         = mm.motivationAspects.getMotivationAspectByName(aspect);
            String           expression = direction ? ma.up : ma.down;

                double sol = FormulaInterpreter.eval(expression);
                ms.updateMotivationAspect(aspect, sol);
            catch (Exception e)
                loggingMAs("Warning: Update for primary motivation aspects not done.", Severity.Warning);
                loggingMAs("Exception caught: " + e.Message);