Пример #1
        public override string SpecialRoll(ulong userId, string input)
            input = Regex.Replace(input, "adv" + IgnoreMath, "2d20d1");
            input = Regex.Replace(input, "dis" + IgnoreMath, "2d20k1");
            DnDPlayerCharacter player = GetPlayer(userId);

            if (player != null)
                foreach (DnDAbilityScores ability in Utilities.GetEnumValues <DnDAbilityScores>())
                    // first 3 letters... str, dex, con, int, wis, cha
                    string name = ability.ToString().Substring(0, 3).ToLowerInvariant() + IgnoreMath;
                    // only an ability score -> roll d20 + mod
                    input = Regex.Replace(input, "^" + name + "$", "1d20" + GetModString(player, ability));
                    // somewhere in a string -> assume it can be replaced with the mod
                    input = Regex.Replace(input, name, "(" + player.BasicInfo.GetAbilityMod(ability) + ")");
                foreach (DnDCharacterSkills skill in Utilities.GetEnumValues <DnDCharacterSkills>())
                    // first 4 letters... athl, acro, slei, stea, arca, hist, inve, natu, reli, anim, insi, medi, perc, surv, dece, inti, perf, pers
                    string name = skill.ToString().Substring(0, 4).ToLowerInvariant() + IgnoreMath;
                    // only a skill -> roll d20 + mod
                    input = Regex.Replace(input, "^" + name + "$", "1d20" + GetModString(player, skill));
                    // somewhere in a string -> assume it can be replaced with the mod
                    input = Regex.Replace(input, name, "(" + player.GetSkillMod(skill) + ")");
Пример #2
        private static string GetModString(DnDPlayerCharacter player, DnDCharacterSkills skill)
            int mod = player.GetSkillMod(skill);

            return((mod < 0 ? " - " : " + ") + Math.Abs(mod));