AddAssemblyResource() приватный Метод

private AddAssemblyResource ( string v ) : void
v string
Результат void
Пример #1
Файл: mxap.cs Проект: snorp/moon
		public static int Main (string [] args)
			MXap mxap = new MXap ();
			bool help = false;
			bool clean = false;
			List<string> resources = new List<string>();
			List<string> aresources = new List<string>();
			List<string> cresources = new List<string>();
			string resourceFile = null;
			string aresourceFile = null;
			string cresourceFile = null;

			mxap.Cd = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory ();

			var p = new OptionSet () {
				{ "h|?|help", v => help = v != null },
				{ "generate-html:", v => mxap.GenerateHtml = ParseBool (v, mxap.GenerateHtml) },
				{ "include-mdb:", v => mxap.IncludeMdb = ParseBool (v, mxap.IncludeMdb) },
				{ "application-name=", v => mxap.ApplicationName = v },
				{ "generate-manifest:", v => mxap.GenerateManifest = ParseBool (v, mxap.GenerateManifest) },
				{ "use-existing-manifest", v => mxap.GenerateManifest = v == null },
				{ "entry-point-type=", v => mxap.EntryPointType = v },
				{ "cs-sources=", v => mxap.CSSources = v },
				{ "res-sources=", v => resourceFile = v },
				{ "ares-sources=", v => aresourceFile = v },
				{ "cres-sources=", v => cresourceFile = v },
				{ "desktop:", v => mxap.Desktop = ParseBool (v, mxap.Desktop) },
				{ "builddirhack=", v => mxap.TopBuildDir = v },
				{ "r=|reference=", v => mxap.ExternalAssemblies.Add (v) },
				{ "pkg=", "Use assemblies listed in .pc files to build. They won't be included in the xap, so this is only useful for extra system libraries.", v => mxap.Packages.Add (v) },
				{ "l:|list-generated:", v => mxap.ListGenerated = ParseBool (v, mxap.ListGenerated) },
				{ "v:|verbose:", v => mxap.Verbose =  ParseBool (v, mxap.Verbose) },
				{ "res=|resource=", "-res=filename[,resource name]", v => resources.Add (v) },
				{ "ares=|assembly-resource=", "-ares=filename[,resource name]", v => aresources.Add (v) },
				{ "cres=|content-resource=", "-cres=filename[,resource name]", v => cresources.Add (v) },
				{ "d:|define:", "-d:name", v => mxap.Defines.Add (v) },
				{ "clean", "Removes generated files. Use with caution!", v => clean = v != null },
				{ "out=|output-dir=", v => mxap.OutputDir = v },
				{ "inplace:", "Don't use a temporary directory", v => mxap.InPlace = ParseBool (v, mxap.InPlace) },
				{ "runtime-version=|rv=", String.Format ("Select the Silverlight Runtime Version (2 = {0}, 3 = {1} 4 = {2}, or use the full version string)", RuntimeVersion2, RuntimeVersion3, RuntimeVersion4), v => mxap.SetRuntimeVersion (v) },
				{ "warnaserror", "Treats all warnings as errors", v => mxap.WarnAsErrorArg = v != null ? "-warnaserror+" : null }

			List<string> extra = null;
			try {
				extra = p.Parse(args);
			} catch (OptionException){
				Console.WriteLine ("Try `mxap --help' for more information.");
				return 1;

			if (help){
				ShowHelp (p);
				return 0;

			if (clean) {
				DoClean (mxap.ApplicationName);
				return 0;

			if (extra.Count > 0)
				mxap.Cd = Path.GetFullPath (extra [0]);

			if (mxap.TopBuildDir == null && mxap.ExternalAssemblies.Count > 0) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("--reference requires --builddirhack");
				return 1;

			if (mxap.OutputDir == null)
				mxap.OutputDir = mxap.Cd;
				mxap.OutputDir = Path.GetFullPath (mxap.OutputDir);

			Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (mxap.Cd);
			mxap.WorkingDir = mxap.Cd;
			if (mxap.Verbose)
				Console.WriteLine ("Using source directory " + mxap.WorkingDir);

			if (!mxap.InPlace) {
				mxap.TmpDir = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName ());

				if (mxap.Verbose)
					Console.WriteLine ("Using temporary directory " + mxap.TmpDir);

				Directory.CreateDirectory (mxap.TmpDir);
				RecursiveCopy (mxap.WorkingDir, "", mxap.TmpDir);

			if (resourceFile != null)
				foreach (string res in File.ReadAllLines (resourceFile))
					mxap.AddResource (res);

			if (aresourceFile != null)
				foreach (string res in File.ReadAllLines (aresourceFile))
					mxap.AddAssemblyResource (res);

			if (cresourceFile != null)
				foreach (string res in File.ReadAllLines (cresourceFile))
					mxap.AddContentResource (res);

			foreach (string res in resources) {
				mxap.AddResource (res);

			foreach (string res in aresources) {
				mxap.AddAssemblyResource (res);

			foreach (string res in cresources) {
				mxap.AddContentResource (res);

			if (!mxap.InPlace) {
				Directory.SetCurrentDirectory (mxap.TmpDir);
				mxap.WorkingDir = mxap.TmpDir;

			foreach (string pkg in mxap.Packages) {
				string ret;
				mxap.RunProcess ("pkg-config", "--libs " + pkg, out ret);
				if (ret != null) {
					string [] libs = ret.Trim (new Char [] {' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'}).Replace("-r:", "").Split (new Char [] { ' ', '\t'});
					mxap.PackageAssemblies.AddRange (libs);

			mxap.ReferenceAssemblies.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (mxap.WorkingDir, "*.dll"));
			mxap.XamlFiles.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (mxap.WorkingDir, "*.xaml"));
			mxap.ExternalPartManifests.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (mxap.WorkingDir, "*.extmap.xml"));

			if (mxap.CSSources == null) {
				mxap.CSharpFiles.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (mxap.WorkingDir, "*.cs"));
			} else {
				mxap.CSharpFiles.AddRange (File.ReadAllLines (mxap.CSSources));

			if (mxap.IncludeMdb)
				mxap.MdbFiles.AddRange (Directory.GetFiles (mxap.WorkingDir, "*.mdb"));

			if (mxap.XamlFiles.Count == 0 || mxap.CSharpFiles.Count == 0) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("No XAML files or C# files found");
				ShowHelp (p);
				return 1;

			// Make sure we didn't add the Application assembly into the referenced assemblies
			DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo (mxap.WorkingDir);

			if (mxap.ReferenceAssemblies.Contains (Path.Combine (mxap.WorkingDir, info.Name + ".dll")))
				mxap.ReferenceAssemblies.Remove (Path.Combine (mxap.WorkingDir, info.Name + ".dll"));

			if (!mxap.Run ())
				return 1;

			if (mxap.Verbose)
				Console.WriteLine ("Using Output directory " + mxap.OutputDir);

			if (!Directory.Exists (mxap.OutputDir)) {
				Console.WriteLine ("warning: output directory doesn't exist, defaulting to source directory " + mxap.Cd + " ...");
				mxap.OutputDir = mxap.Cd;

			if (!mxap.InPlace || mxap.Cd != mxap.OutputDir) {
				string app = mxap.ApplicationName;
				File.Copy (Path.Combine (mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".dll"), Path.Combine (mxap.OutputDir, app + ".dll"), true);
				File.Copy (Path.Combine (mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".dll.mdb"), Path.Combine (mxap.OutputDir, app + ".dll.mdb"), true);
				File.Copy (Path.Combine (mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".g.resources"), Path.Combine (mxap.OutputDir, app + ".g.resources"), true);
				File.Copy (Path.Combine (mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".html"), Path.Combine (mxap.OutputDir, app + ".html"), true);
				File.Copy (Path.Combine (mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".xap"), Path.Combine (mxap.OutputDir, app + ".xap"), true);
				File.Copy (Path.Combine (mxap.WorkingDir, "AppManifest.xaml"), Path.Combine (mxap.OutputDir, "AppManifest.xaml"), true);
				foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles (mxap.WorkingDir, "*.g.cs"))
					File.Copy (file, Path.Combine (mxap.OutputDir, Path.GetFileName (file)), true);

				if (!mxap.InPlace)
					Directory.Delete (mxap.TmpDir, true);
			return 0;
Пример #2
        public static int Main(string [] args)
            MXap          mxap          = new MXap();
            bool          help          = false;
            bool          clean         = false;
            List <string> resources     = new List <string>();
            List <string> aresources    = new List <string>();
            List <string> cresources    = new List <string>();
            string        resourceFile  = null;
            string        aresourceFile = null;
            string        cresourceFile = null;

            mxap.Cd = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            var p = new OptionSet()
                { "h|?|help", v => help = v != null },
                { "generate-html:", v => mxap.GenerateHtml = ParseBool(v, mxap.GenerateHtml) },
                { "include-mdb:", v => mxap.IncludeMdb = ParseBool(v, mxap.IncludeMdb) },
                { "application-name=", v => mxap.ApplicationName = v },
                { "generate-manifest:", v => mxap.GenerateManifest = ParseBool(v, mxap.GenerateManifest) },
                { "use-existing-manifest", v => mxap.GenerateManifest = v == null },
                { "entry-point-type=", v => mxap.EntryPointType = v },
                { "cs-sources=", v => mxap.CSSources = v },
                { "res-sources=", v => resourceFile = v },
                { "ares-sources=", v => aresourceFile = v },
                { "cres-sources=", v => cresourceFile = v },
                { "desktop:", v => mxap.Desktop = ParseBool(v, mxap.Desktop) },
                { "builddirhack=", v => mxap.TopBuildDir = v },
                { "r=|reference=", v => mxap.ExternalAssemblies.Add(v) },
                { "pkg=", "Use assemblies listed in .pc files to build. They won't be included in the xap, so this is only useful for extra system libraries.", v => mxap.Packages.Add(v) },
                { "l:|list-generated:", v => mxap.ListGenerated = ParseBool(v, mxap.ListGenerated) },
                { "v:|verbose:", v => mxap.Verbose = ParseBool(v, mxap.Verbose) },
                { "res=|resource=", "-res=filename[,resource name]", v => resources.Add(v) },
                { "ares=|assembly-resource=", "-ares=filename[,resource name]", v => aresources.Add(v) },
                { "cres=|content-resource=", "-cres=filename[,resource name]", v => cresources.Add(v) },
                { "d:|define:", "-d:name", v => mxap.Defines.Add(v) },
                { "clean", "Removes generated files. Use with caution!", v => clean = v != null },
                { "out=|output-dir=", v => mxap.OutputDir = v },
                { "inplace:", "Don't use a temporary directory", v => mxap.InPlace = ParseBool(v, mxap.InPlace) },
                { "runtime-version=|rv=", String.Format("Select the Silverlight Runtime Version (2 = {0}, 3 = {1} 4 = {2}, or use the full version string)", RuntimeVersion2, RuntimeVersion3, RuntimeVersion4), v => mxap.SetRuntimeVersion(v) },
                { "prefix=", "Prefix to use to set libpath", v => mxap.Prefix = v },
                { "warnaserror", "Treats all warnings as errors", v => mxap.WarnAsErrorArg = v != null ? "-warnaserror+" : null }

            List <string> extra = null;

            try {
                extra = p.Parse(args);
            } catch (OptionException) {
                Console.WriteLine("Try `mxap --help' for more information.");

            if (help)

            if (clean)

            if (extra.Count > 0)
                mxap.Cd = Path.GetFullPath(extra [0]);

            if (mxap.OutputDir == null)
                mxap.OutputDir = mxap.Cd;
                mxap.OutputDir = Path.GetFullPath(mxap.OutputDir);

            mxap.WorkingDir = mxap.Cd;
            if (mxap.Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("Using source directory " + mxap.WorkingDir);

            if (!mxap.InPlace)
                mxap.TmpDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());

                if (mxap.Verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("Using temporary directory " + mxap.TmpDir);

                RecursiveCopy(mxap.WorkingDir, "", mxap.TmpDir);

            if (resourceFile != null)
                foreach (string res in File.ReadAllLines(resourceFile))

            if (aresourceFile != null)
                foreach (string res in File.ReadAllLines(aresourceFile))

            if (cresourceFile != null)
                foreach (string res in File.ReadAllLines(cresourceFile))

            foreach (string res in resources)

            foreach (string res in aresources)

            foreach (string res in cresources)

            if (!mxap.InPlace)
                mxap.WorkingDir = mxap.TmpDir;

            foreach (string pkg in mxap.Packages)
                string ret;
                mxap.RunProcess("pkg-config", "--libs " + pkg, out ret);
                if (ret != null)
                    string [] libs = ret.Trim(new Char [] { ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t' }).Replace("-r:", "").Split(new Char [] { ' ', '\t' });

            mxap.ReferenceAssemblies.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(mxap.WorkingDir, "*.dll"));
            mxap.XamlFiles.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(mxap.WorkingDir, "*.xaml"));
            mxap.ExternalPartManifests.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(mxap.WorkingDir, "*.extmap.xml"));

            if (mxap.CSSources == null)
                mxap.CSharpFiles.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(mxap.WorkingDir, "*.cs"));

            if (mxap.IncludeMdb)
                mxap.MdbFiles.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(mxap.WorkingDir, "*.mdb"));

            if (mxap.XamlFiles.Count == 0 || mxap.CSharpFiles.Count == 0)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No XAML files or C# files found");

            // Make sure we didn't add the Application assembly into the referenced assemblies
            DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(mxap.WorkingDir);

            if (mxap.ReferenceAssemblies.Contains(Path.Combine(mxap.WorkingDir, info.Name + ".dll")))
                mxap.ReferenceAssemblies.Remove(Path.Combine(mxap.WorkingDir, info.Name + ".dll"));

            if (!mxap.Run())

            if (mxap.Verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("Using Output directory " + mxap.OutputDir);

            if (!Directory.Exists(mxap.OutputDir))
                Console.WriteLine("warning: output directory doesn't exist, defaulting to source directory " + mxap.Cd + " ...");
                mxap.OutputDir = mxap.Cd;

            if (!mxap.InPlace || mxap.Cd != mxap.OutputDir)
                string app = mxap.ApplicationName;
                File.Copy(Path.Combine(mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".dll"), Path.Combine(mxap.OutputDir, app + ".dll"), true);
                File.Copy(Path.Combine(mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".dll.mdb"), Path.Combine(mxap.OutputDir, app + ".dll.mdb"), true);
                File.Copy(Path.Combine(mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".g.resources"), Path.Combine(mxap.OutputDir, app + ".g.resources"), true);
                File.Copy(Path.Combine(mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".html"), Path.Combine(mxap.OutputDir, app + ".html"), true);
                File.Copy(Path.Combine(mxap.WorkingDir, app + ".xap"), Path.Combine(mxap.OutputDir, app + ".xap"), true);
                File.Copy(Path.Combine(mxap.WorkingDir, "AppManifest.xaml"), Path.Combine(mxap.OutputDir, "AppManifest.xaml"), true);
                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(mxap.WorkingDir, "*.g.cs"))
                    File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(mxap.OutputDir, Path.GetFileName(file)), true);

                if (!mxap.InPlace)
                    Directory.Delete(mxap.TmpDir, true);