} // Puts the passed data into statics for this class, then calls other initialisation functions (InitialiseComponents, in this case.)

        private void ButtonBackToYears_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var formYearDisplay = new FormYearDisplay(locations, location);

            formYearDisplay.Location      = this.Location;
            formYearDisplay.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
        } // Creates a copy of the previous form (year display) and sets it to the same location as this form, with the same information as this form has.
        } // Creates a copy of the previous form (file select) and sets it to the same location as this form.

        private void buttonOpenLocation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int location        = dataGridViewLocations.CurrentCellAddress.Y;
            var formYearDisplay = new FormYearDisplay(locations, location);

            formYearDisplay.Location      = this.Location;
            formYearDisplay.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
        } // Creates a new YearDusplay form, passes it the index of the currently selected location with the main data structure, then sets it to the current position of the form.