Наследование: Portable.ViewModels.Front.IncrementalGallery, ISupportIncrementalLoading
        private void LoadGallery(string sectionString, string sortString)
            Section          = sectionString;
            IsSectionVisible = true;
            Section section = ToSection(sectionString);
            Sort    sort    = ToSort(sortString);

            Images = new IncrementalGallery(MOST_VIRAL, section, sort);
 private void LoadTopicGallery(Topic topic, string sortString)
     Title = topic.Name;
     if (topic.Name == MOST_VIRAL)
         LoadGallery(Section, sortString);
         IsSectionVisible = false;
         Images           = new IncrementalGallery(topic.Name, ToSort(sortString), topic.Id);
        private void InitDesignTime()
            Title            = MOST_VIRAL;
            Section          = POPULAR;
            isSectionVisible = true;
            Images           = new IncrementalGallery(Title, ToSection(POPULAR), Sort.Viral);
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Paper Wizard", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/kJYBDHJh.gif", AccountUrl = "AvengeMeKreigerBots", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/kJYBDHJ.mp4", Ups = 73474, CommentCount = 345
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Upvote baby duck for good luck", Animated = false, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/j1jujAp.jpg", AccountUrl = "Snickletits", Mp4 = "", Ups = 879, CommentCount = 49
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Slow Cooker Parmesan Honey Pork Roast", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/AhoWKkYh.gif", AccountUrl = "drocks27", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/AhoWKkY.mp4", Ups = 6419, CommentCount = 561
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "my dad's work for over 20 years", Animated = false, Link = "http://imgur.com/a/izwDI", AccountUrl = "fluffybluemarshmallow", Mp4 = "", Ups = 4856, CommentCount = 194
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Playing with blocks", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/QotYGysh.gif", AccountUrl = "Mikepants", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/QotYGys.mp4"
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Opening the cookie jar", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/wutL0vLh.gif", AccountUrl = "grizzzzzly", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/wutL0vL.mp4"
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Five Years Ago This Lady Rescued, Raised And Released This Wolf Pack.  They Are So Excited To See Her!", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/umzkvy1.gif", AccountUrl = "LindaDee", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/umzkvy1.mp4"
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "The new Firefox logo", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/pIfdoIW.gif", AccountUrl = "BOHdiCALis1de", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/pIfdoIW.mp4"
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Witty Political Title that will (hopefully) not be responded to with \"Witty Political Comment\"", Animated = false, Link = "http://imgur.com/a/a2eOY", AccountUrl = "Ayziak", Mp4 = ""
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "When the teacher uses your work as an example.", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/UT7oVCG.gif", AccountUrl = "mubi92", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/UT7oVCG.mp4"
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Humanity is doomed", Animated = false, Link = "http://imgur.com/a/YfheQ", AccountUrl = "hotbreadzeke", Mp4 = ""
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "He comes from a land down under...", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/vP8LnSw.gif", AccountUrl = "Upvotefairywholikesgifs", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/vP8LnSw.mp4"
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Whaaat?", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/3c3OQJPh.gif", AccountUrl = "netrex", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/3c3OQJP.mp4"
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "Nap time is...OVER!", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/mnVpdzjh.gif", AccountUrl = "drbatookhan", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/mnVpdzj.mp4"
            Images.Add(new GalleryItem(new Image {
                Title = "MRW I arrive at a stranger's house party, notice them bickering over what movie to watch, throw on my favorite Jim Carrey flick, and they suddenly demand to know who I am...", Animated = true, Link = "http://i.imgur.com/j57jAzI.gif", AccountUrl = "ForeveraKritik", Mp4 = "http://i.imgur.com/j57jAzI.mp4"

            Topics = new ObservableCollection <Topic>();
            Topics.Add(new Topic {
                Name = MOST_VIRAL, Description = "today's most popular posts"
            Topics.Add(new Topic {
                Name = "User Submitted", Description = "brand new posts shared in real time"
            Topics.Add(new Topic {
                Name = "Random", Description = "a mix from the imgur archives"
            Topics.Add(new Topic {
                Name = "Staff Picks", Description = "great posts picked by imgur staff"
            Topics.Add(new Topic {
                Name = "Funny", Description = "if it makes you laugh, you'll find it here"