Наследование: NativeImplementationBuilder
Пример #1
		internal unsafe static void RegisterMethod (MethodInfo minfo, ExportAttribute ea, Type type, IntPtr handle) {
			NativeMethodBuilder builder = new NativeMethodBuilder (minfo, type, ea);

			class_addMethod (minfo.IsStatic ? ((objc_class *) handle)->isa : handle, builder.Selector, builder.Delegate, builder.Signature);
			method_wrappers.Add (builder.Delegate);
			Console.WriteLine ("[METHOD] Registering {0}[0x{1:x}|{2}] on {3} -> ({4})", ea.Selector, (int) builder.Selector, builder.Signature, type, minfo);
Пример #2
		internal unsafe static IntPtr Register (Type type, string name) {
			IntPtr parent = IntPtr.Zero;
			IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero;
			objc_class *k;

			handle = objc_getClass (name);

			if (handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
				if (!type_map.ContainsKey (handle)) {
					type_map [handle] = type;
				return handle;

			Type parent_type = type.BaseType;
			string parent_name = null;
			while (Attribute.IsDefined (parent_type, typeof (ModelAttribute), false))
				parent_type = parent_type.BaseType;
			RegisterAttribute parent_attr = (RegisterAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (parent_type, typeof (RegisterAttribute), false);
			parent_name = parent_attr == null ? parent_type.FullName : parent_attr.Name ?? parent_type.FullName;
			parent = objc_getClass (parent_name);
			if (parent == IntPtr.Zero && parent_type.Assembly != NSObject.MonoMacAssembly) {
				// Its possible as we scan that we might be derived from a type that isn't reigstered yet.
				Class.Register (parent_type, parent_name);
				parent = objc_getClass (parent_name);
			if (parent == IntPtr.Zero) {
				// This spams mtouch, we need a way to differentiate from mtouch's (ab)use
				// Console.WriteLine ("CRITICAL WARNING: Falling back to NSObject for type {0} reported as {1}", type, parent_type);
				parent = objc_getClass ("NSObject");
			handle = objc_allocateClassPair (parent, name, IntPtr.Zero);
			k = (objc_class *) handle;

			class_addIvar (handle, "__monoObjectGCHandle", (IntPtr) Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (Int32)), (ushort) 4, "i");

			foreach (PropertyInfo prop in type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)) {
				ConnectAttribute cattr = (ConnectAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (prop, typeof (ConnectAttribute));
				if (cattr != null) {
					string ivar_name = cattr.Name ?? prop.Name;
					class_addIvar (handle, ivar_name, (IntPtr) Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (IntPtr)), (ushort) Math.Log (Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (IntPtr)), 2), "@");
			class_addMethod (handle, release_builder.Selector, release_builder.Delegate, release_builder.Signature);
			class_addMethod (handle, retain_builder.Selector, retain_builder.Delegate, retain_builder.Signature);

			foreach (MethodInfo minfo in type.GetMethods (BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) {
				ExportAttribute ea = (ExportAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (minfo.GetBaseDefinition (), typeof (ExportAttribute));
				if (ea == null || (minfo.IsVirtual && minfo.DeclaringType != type && minfo.DeclaringType.Assembly == NSObject.MonoMacAssembly))
				NativeMethodBuilder builder = new NativeMethodBuilder (minfo);
				class_addMethod (minfo.IsStatic ? k->isa : handle, builder.Selector, builder.Delegate, builder.Signature);
				method_wrappers.Add (builder.Delegate);
				Console.WriteLine ("[METHOD] Registering {0}[0x{1:x}|{2}] on {3} -> ({4})", ea.Selector, (int) builder.Selector, builder.Signature, type, minfo);
			ConstructorInfo default_ctor = type.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes);
			if (default_ctor != null) {
				NativeConstructorBuilder builder = new NativeConstructorBuilder (default_ctor);

				class_addMethod (handle, builder.Selector, builder.Delegate, builder.Signature);
				method_wrappers.Add (builder.Delegate);
				Console.WriteLine ("[CTOR] Registering {0}[0x{1:x}|{2}] on {3} -> ({4})", "init", (int) builder.Selector, builder.Signature, type, default_ctor);

			foreach (ConstructorInfo cinfo in type.GetConstructors (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) {
				ExportAttribute ea = (ExportAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (cinfo, typeof (ExportAttribute));
				if (ea == null)
				NativeConstructorBuilder builder = new NativeConstructorBuilder (cinfo);

				class_addMethod (handle, builder.Selector, builder.Delegate, builder.Signature);
				method_wrappers.Add (builder.Delegate);
				Console.WriteLine ("[CTOR] Registering {0}[0x{1:x}|{2}] on {3} -> ({4})", ea.Selector, (int) builder.Selector, builder.Signature, type, cinfo);

			objc_registerClassPair (handle);			

			type_map [handle] = type;

			return handle;