Пример #1
        private static string ShowKeyboardInput(
            MGXna_Framework.PlayerIndex player,
            string title,
            string description,
            string defaultText,
            bool usePasswordMode)
            // If SwapChainBackgroundPanel is null then we are running the non-XAML template
            if (Game.Instance.graphicsDeviceManager.SwapChainBackgroundPanel == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("This method works only when using the XAML template.");

            Task <string> result = null;
            _dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                var inputDialog = new InputDialog();
                result          = inputDialog.ShowAsync(title, description, defaultText, usePasswordMode);


            throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #2
        public static void ShowMarketplace(MGXna_Framework.PlayerIndex player)
            // Call the Microsoft implementation of ShowMarketplace using an alias.
            _dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                var uri = new Uri(@"ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=" + Package.Current.Id.FamilyName);
                Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri).AsTask <bool>().Wait();
Пример #3
        public static IAsyncResult BeginShowKeyboardInput(
            MGXna_Framework.PlayerIndex player,
            string title,
            string description,
            string defaultText,
            AsyncCallback callback,
            Object state)
            // Call the Microsoft implementation of BeginShowKeyboardInput using an alias.
            return(MsXna_Guide.BeginShowKeyboardInput((MsXna_PlayerIndex)player, title, description, defaultText, callback, state));
            return(BeginShowKeyboardInput(player, title, description, defaultText, callback, state, false));
Пример #4
        public static IAsyncResult BeginShowMessageBox(
            MGXna_Framework.PlayerIndex player,
            string title,
            string text,
            IEnumerable <string> buttons,
            int focusButton,
            MessageBoxIcon icon,
            AsyncCallback callback,
            Object state
            // Call the Microsoft implementation of BeginShowMessageBox using an alias.
                       title, text,
                       buttons, focusButton,
                       callback, state));
            // TODO: GuideAlreadyVisibleException
            if (IsVisible)
                throw new Exception("The function cannot be completed at this time: the Guide UI is already active. Wait until Guide.IsVisible is false before issuing this call.");

            if (player != PlayerIndex.One)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("player", "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.");
            if (title == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("title", "This string cannot be null or empty, and must be less than 256 characters long.");
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("text", "This string cannot be null or empty, and must be less than 256 characters long.");
            if (buttons == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buttons", "Value can not be null.");

            ShowMessageBoxDelegate smb = ShowMessageBox;

            return(smb.BeginInvoke(title, text, buttons, focusButton, icon, callback, smb));
Пример #5
        public static IAsyncResult BeginShowKeyboardInput(
            MGXna_Framework.PlayerIndex player,
            string title,
            string description,
            string defaultText,
            AsyncCallback callback,
            Object state,
            bool usePasswordMode)
            // Call the Microsoft implementation of BeginShowKeyboardInput using an alias.
            return(MsXna_Guide.BeginShowKeyboardInput((MsXna_PlayerIndex)player, title, description, defaultText, callback, state, usePasswordMode));
            ShowKeyboardInputDelegate ski = ShowKeyboardInput;

            return(ski.BeginInvoke(player, title, description, defaultText, usePasswordMode, callback, ski));
Пример #6
        public static IAsyncResult BeginShowMessageBox(
            MGXna_Framework.PlayerIndex player,
            string title,
            string text,
            IEnumerable <string> buttons,
            int focusButton,
            MessageBoxIcon icon,
            AsyncCallback callback,
            Object state
            // Call the Microsoft implementation of BeginShowMessageBox using an alias.
                       title, text,
                       buttons, focusButton,
                       callback, state));
            // TODO: GuideAlreadyVisibleException
            if (IsVisible)
                throw new Exception("The function cannot be completed at this time: the Guide UI is already active. Wait until Guide.IsVisible is false before issuing this call.");

            if (player != PlayerIndex.One)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("player", "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.");
            if (title == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("title", "This string cannot be null or empty, and must be less than 256 characters long.");
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("text", "This string cannot be null or empty, and must be less than 256 characters long.");
            if (buttons == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buttons", "Value can not be null.");

            ShowMessageBoxDelegate smb = ShowMessageBox;

            return(smb.BeginInvoke(title, text, buttons, focusButton, icon, callback, smb));
            var tcs  = new TaskCompletionSource <int?>(state);
            var task = Task.Run <int?>(() => ShowMessageBox(title, text, buttons, focusButton, icon));
            task.ContinueWith(t =>
                // Copy the task result into the returned task.
                if (t.IsFaulted)
                else if (t.IsCanceled)

                // Invoke the user callback if necessary.
                if (callback != null)