public void EqualsTest2()
			QualifiedName name1 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			QualifiedName name2 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			Assert.AreEqual(name1, name2, "Should be the same.");
		public void NotEqualsTest2()
			QualifiedName name1 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			QualifiedName name2 = null; 
			Assert.IsFalse(name1 == name2, "Should not be the same.");
		public void EqualsTest3()
			QualifiedName name1 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			QualifiedName name2 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "ggg");
			Assert.IsTrue(name1 == name2, "Should be the same.");
		public void HashCodeTest()
			QualifiedName name1 = new QualifiedName("foo", "", "f");
			XmlQualifiedName xmlQualifiedName = new XmlQualifiedName("foo", "");

			Assert.AreEqual(name1.GetHashCode(), xmlQualifiedName.GetHashCode());
Пример #5
		public static XmlElementPath Resolve (IList<XObject> path, string defaultNamespace = null, string defaultPrefix = null)
			var elementPath = new XmlElementPath ();

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (defaultNamespace))
				elementPath.Namespaces.AddPrefix (defaultNamespace, defaultPrefix);

			foreach (var obj in path) {
				var el = obj as XElement;
				if (el == null)
				foreach (var att in el.Attributes) {
					if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (att.Value)) {
						if (att.Name.HasPrefix) {
							if (att.Name.Prefix == "xmlns")
								elementPath.Namespaces.AddPrefix (att.Value, att.Name.Name);
						} else if (att.Name.Name == "xmlns") {
							elementPath.Namespaces.AddPrefix (att.Value, "");
				string ns = elementPath.Namespaces.GetNamespace (el.Name.HasPrefix? el.Name.Prefix : "");
				var qn = new QualifiedName (el.Name.Name, ns, el.Name.Prefix ?? "");
				elementPath.Elements.Add (qn);
			return elementPath;
		public void Init()
			path = new XmlElementPath();
			firstQualifiedName = new QualifiedName("foo", "http://foo", "f");
			secondQualifiedName = new QualifiedName("bar", "http://bar", "b");
		public override void FixtureInit()
			// Note element path.
			noteElementPath = new XmlElementPath();
			QualifiedName noteQualifiedName = new QualifiedName("note", "");
			// Text element path.
			textElementPath = new XmlElementPath();
			textElementPath.Elements.Add(new QualifiedName("text", ""));
		public override void FixtureInit()
			// Get shipto attributes.
			shipToPath = new XmlElementPath();
			QualifiedName shipOrderName = new QualifiedName("shiporder", "");
			shipToPath.Elements.Add(new QualifiedName("shipto", ""));

			shipToAttributes = SchemaCompletionData.GetAttributeCompletionData(shipToPath);
			// Get shiporder attributes.
			shipOrderPath = new XmlElementPath();
			shipOrderAttributes = SchemaCompletionData.GetAttributeCompletionData(shipOrderPath);
		async Task Init ()
			if (shipOrderAttributes != null)
			// Get shipto attributes.
			shipToPath = new XmlElementPath();
			QualifiedName shipOrderName = new QualifiedName("shiporder", "");
			shipToPath.Elements.Add(new QualifiedName("shipto", ""));

			shipToAttributes = await SchemaCompletionData.GetAttributeCompletionData(shipToPath, CancellationToken.None);
			// Get shiporder attributes.
			shipOrderPath = new XmlElementPath();
			shipOrderAttributes = await SchemaCompletionData.GetAttributeCompletionData(shipOrderPath, CancellationToken.None);
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds an element in the schema.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Only looks at the elements that are defined in the 
		/// root of the schema so it will not find any elements
		/// that are defined inside any complex types.
		/// </remarks>
		public XmlSchemaElement FindElement (QualifiedName name)

			foreach (XmlSchemaElement element in schema.Elements.Values) {
				if (name.Equals (element.QualifiedName)) {
					return element;
			MonoDevelop.Core.LoggingService.LogDebug ("XmlSchemaDataObject did not find element '{0}' in the schema", name.Name);
			return null;
		XmlSchemaElement FindElement (XmlSchemaGroupRef groupRef, QualifiedName name)
			var group = FindGroup (groupRef.RefName.Name);
			if (group == null)
				return null;
			var sequence = group.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
			if (sequence != null)
				return FindElement (sequence.Items, name);
			var choice = group.Particle as XmlSchemaChoice;
			if (choice != null)
				return FindElement (choice.Items, name);
			return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the element in the collection of schema objects.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindElement (XmlSchemaObjectCollection items, QualifiedName name)
			XmlSchemaElement matchedElement = null;
			foreach (XmlSchemaObject schemaObject in items) {
				var element = schemaObject as XmlSchemaElement;
				var sequence = schemaObject as XmlSchemaSequence;
				var choice = schemaObject as XmlSchemaChoice;
				var groupRef = schemaObject as XmlSchemaGroupRef;
				if (element != null) {
					if (element.Name != null) {
						if (name.Name == element.Name) {
							return element;
					} else if (element.RefName != null) {
						if (name.Name == element.RefName.Name) {
							matchedElement = FindElement (element.RefName);
						} else {
							var abstractElement = FindElement (element.RefName);
							if (abstractElement != null && abstractElement.IsAbstract) {
								matchedElement = FindSubstitutionGroupElement (abstractElement.QualifiedName, name);
				} else if (sequence != null) {
					matchedElement = FindElement (sequence.Items, name);
				} else if (choice != null) {
					matchedElement = FindElement (choice.Items, name);
				} else if (groupRef != null) {
					matchedElement = FindElement (groupRef, name);
				if (matchedElement != null)
					return matchedElement;
			return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the named child element contained in the restriction element.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindChildElement (XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction restriction, QualifiedName name)
			var sequence = restriction.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
			if (sequence != null)
				return FindElement (sequence.Items, name);
			var groupRef = restriction.Particle as XmlSchemaGroupRef;
			if (groupRef != null)
				return FindElement (groupRef, name);

			return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the named child element contained in the extension element.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindChildElement (XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension extension, QualifiedName name)
			var complexType = FindNamedType (schema, extension.BaseTypeName);
			if (complexType == null)
				return null;
			var matchedElement = FindChildElement (complexType, name);
			if (matchedElement != null)
				return matchedElement;
			var sequence = extension.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
			if (sequence != null)
				return FindElement (sequence.Items, name);
			var choice = extension.Particle as XmlSchemaChoice;
			if (choice != null)
				return FindElement (choice.Items, name);
			var groupRef = extension.Particle as XmlSchemaGroupRef;
			if (groupRef != null)
				return FindElement (groupRef, name);
			return null;
		XmlSchemaElement FindChildElement (XmlSchemaComplexType complexType, QualifiedName name)
			var sequence = complexType.Particle as XmlSchemaSequence;
			if (sequence != null)
				return FindElement (sequence.Items, name);
			var choice = complexType.Particle as XmlSchemaChoice;
			if (choice != null)
				return FindElement (choice.Items, name);
			var complexContent = complexType.ContentModel as XmlSchemaComplexContent;
			if (complexContent != null) {
				var extension = complexContent.Content as XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension;
				if (extension != null)
					return FindChildElement (extension, name);
				var restriction = complexContent.Content as XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction;
				if (restriction != null)
					return FindChildElement (restriction, name);
			var groupRef = complexType.Particle as XmlSchemaGroupRef;
			if (groupRef != null)
				return FindElement(groupRef, name);
			var all = complexType.Particle as XmlSchemaAll;
			if (all != null)
				return FindElement(all.Items, name);
			return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds an element that matches the specified <paramref name="name"/>
		/// from the children of the given <paramref name="element"/>.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindChildElement (XmlSchemaElement element, QualifiedName name)
			var complexType = GetElementAsComplexType (element);
			if (complexType != null)
				return FindChildElement (complexType, name);
			return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the complex type with the specified name.
		/// </summary>
		public XmlSchemaComplexType FindComplexType (QualifiedName name)
			EnsureLoaded ();

			var qualifiedName = new XmlQualifiedName (name.Name, name.Namespace);
			return FindNamedType (schema, qualifiedName);
		/// <summary>
		/// Looks for the substitution group element of the specified name.
		/// </summary>
		XmlSchemaElement FindSubstitutionGroupElement (XmlQualifiedName group, QualifiedName name)
			foreach (XmlSchemaElement element in schema.Elements.Values)
				if (element.SubstitutionGroup == group && element.Name != null && element.Name == name.Name)
					return element;
			return null;
		public void Init()
			path = new XmlElementPath();
			qualifiedName = new QualifiedName("foo", "http://foo");