public override void ModifyTags (SolutionFolderItem policyParent, Project project, string language, string identifier, string fileName, ref Dictionary<string,string> tags)
			base.ModifyTags (policyParent, project, language, identifier, fileName, ref tags);
			if (fileName == null)
			tags ["AspNetMaster"] = "";
			tags ["AspNetMasterContent"] = "";
			var aspProj = project.GetService<AspNetAppProjectFlavor> ();
			if (aspProj == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("MasterContentFileDescriptionTemplate is only valid for ASP.NET projects");
			ProjectFile masterPage = null;
			var dialog = new MonoDevelop.Ide.Projects.ProjectFileSelectorDialog (project, null, "*.master");
			try {
				dialog.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Select a Master Page...");
				int response = MonoDevelop.Ide.MessageService.RunCustomDialog (dialog);
				if (response == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok)
					masterPage = dialog.SelectedFile;
			} finally {
				dialog.Destroy ();
				dialog.Dispose ();
			if (masterPage == null)
			tags ["AspNetMaster"] = aspProj.LocalToVirtualPath (masterPage);
			try {
				var pd = TypeSystemService.ParseFile (project, masterPage.FilePath).Result
						as WebFormsParsedDocument;
				if (pd == null)
				var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();
				foreach (string id in pd.XDocument.GetAllPlaceholderIds ()) {
					sb.Append ("<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID=\"");
					sb.Append (id);
					sb.Append ("\" ID=\"");
					sb.Append (id);
					sb.Append ("Content\" runat=\"server\">\n</asp:Content>\n");
				tags["AspNetMasterContent"] = sb.ToString ();
			catch (Exception ex) {
				//no big loss if we just insert blank space
				//it's just a template for the user to start editing
				LoggingService.LogWarning ("Error generating AspNetMasterContent for template", ex);
		public static GtkDesignInfo FromProject (Project project)
			var ext = project.GetService<GtkProjectServiceExtension> ();
			if (ext != null)
				return ext.DesignInfo;
			return new GtkDesignInfo ();
		public static void DisableProject (Project project)
			if (HasDesignedObjects (project))

			GtkDesignInfo info = FromProject (project);
			StringCollection saveFiles = new StringCollection ();
			saveFiles.AddRange (new string[] {info.ObjectsFile, info.SteticFile});
			info.CleanGtkFolder (saveFiles);
			project.Files.Remove (info.ObjectsFile);
			project.Files.Remove (info.SteticFile);

			var ext = project.GetService<GtkProjectServiceExtension> ();
			if (ext != null)
				ext.DesignInfo = null;
			info.Dispose ();

			ProjectNodeBuilder.OnSupportChanged (project);