Пример #1
        static void WriteDataItem(SlnSection pset, DataItem item)
            HashSet <DataItem>         removedItems = new HashSet <DataItem> ();
            Dictionary <DataNode, int> ids          = new Dictionary <DataNode, int> ();

            // First of all read the existing data item, since we want to keep data that has not been modified
            // The ids collection is filled with a map of items and their ids
            var currentItem = ReadDataItem(pset, ids);

            // UpdateFromItem will add new data to the item, it will remove the data that has been removed, and
            // will ignore unknown data that has not been set or removed
            currentItem.UpdateFromItem(item, removedItems);

            // List of IDs that are not used anymore and can be reused when writing the item
            var unusedIds = new Queue <int> (removedItems.Select(it => ids[it]).OrderBy(i => i));

            // Calculate the next free id, to be used when adding new items
            var usedIds = ids.Where(p => !removedItems.Contains(p.Key)).Select(p => p.Value).ToArray();
            int nextId  = usedIds.Length > 0 ? usedIds.Max() + 1 : 0;

            var newSet = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > ();

            foreach (DataNode val in currentItem.ItemData)
                WriteDataNode(newSet, "", val, ids, unusedIds, ref nextId);

Пример #2
 void WriteNestedProjects(SolutionFolder folder, SolutionFolder root, SlnSection sec)
     foreach (SolutionFolderItem ce in folder.Items)
         sec.Properties.SetValue(ce.ItemId, folder.ItemId);
Пример #3
        internal void Read(TextReader reader, string line, ref int curLineNum)
            Line = curLineNum;

            int n = 0;

            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n, '(');
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n, '"');
            int n2 = n + 1;

            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n2, '"');
            TypeGuid = line.Substring(n + 1, n2 - n - 1);

            n = n2 + 1;
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n, ')');
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n, '=');

            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n, '"');
            n2 = n + 1;
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n2, '"');
            Name = line.Substring(n + 1, n2 - n - 1);

            n = n2 + 1;
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n, ',');
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n, '"');
            n2 = n + 1;
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n2, '"');
            FilePath = line.Substring(n + 1, n2 - n - 1);

            n = n2 + 1;
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n, ',');
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n, '"');
            n2 = n + 1;
            FindNext(curLineNum, line, ref n2, '"');
            Id = line.Substring(n + 1, n2 - n - 1);

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = line.Trim();
                if (line == "EndProject")
                if (line.StartsWith("ProjectSection", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    if (sections == null)
                        sections = new SlnSectionCollection();
                    var sec = new SlnSection();
                    sec.Read(reader, line, ref curLineNum);

            throw new InvalidSolutionFormatException(curLineNum, "Project section not closed");
Пример #4
        public static void ReadObjectProperties(this SlnSection pset, object ob)
            DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer(solutionDataContext);

            ser.SerializationContext.BaseFile = pset.ParentFile.FileName;
            var data = ReadDataItem(pset);

            ser.Deserialize(ob, data);
Пример #5
        void LoadMonoDevelopConfigurationProperties(string configName, SlnSection sec, Solution sln, ProgressMonitor monitor)
            SolutionConfiguration config = sln.Configurations [configName];

            if (config == null)
            sln.ReadConfigurationData(monitor, sec.Properties, config);
Пример #6
        public static void WriteObjectProperties(this SlnSection pset, object ob)
            DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer(solutionDataContext);

            ser.SerializationContext.BaseFile             = pset.ParentFile.FileName;
            ser.SerializationContext.IncludeDeletedValues = true;
            var data = ser.Serialize(ob, ob.GetType()) as DataItem;

            if (data != null)
                WriteDataItem(pset, data);
Пример #7
        static DataItem ReadDataItem(SlnSection pset, Dictionary <DataNode, int> ids)
            DataItem it = new DataItem();

            var lines = pset.GetContent().ToArray();

            int lineNum  = 0;
            int lastLine = lines.Length - 1;

            while (lineNum <= lastLine)
                if (!ReadDataNode(it, lines, lastLine, "", ids, ref lineNum))
Пример #8
        void LoadNestedProjects(SlnSection sec, IDictionary <string, SolutionFolderItem> entries, ProgressMonitor monitor)
            if (sec == null || sec.SectionType != SlnSectionType.PreProcess)

            foreach (var kvp in sec.Properties)
                // Guids should be upper case for VS compatibility
                var pair = new KeyValuePair <string, string> (kvp.Key.ToUpper(), kvp.Value.ToUpper());

                SolutionFolderItem folderItem;
                SolutionFolderItem item;

                if (!entries.TryGetValue(pair.Value, out folderItem))
                    //Container not found
                    LoggingService.LogWarning(GettextCatalog.GetString("Project with guid '{0}' not found.", pair.Value));

                SolutionFolder folder = folderItem as SolutionFolder;
                if (folder == null)
                    LoggingService.LogWarning(GettextCatalog.GetString("Item with guid '{0}' is not a folder.", pair.Value));

                if (!entries.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out item))
                    //Containee not found
                    LoggingService.LogWarning(GettextCatalog.GetString("Project with guid '{0}' not found.", pair.Key));

Пример #9
        public void Read(TextReader reader)
            string line;
            int    curLineNum  = 0;
            bool   globalFound = false;
            bool   productRead = false;

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                line = line.Trim();
                if (line.StartsWith("Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    int i = line.LastIndexOf(' ');
                    if (i == -1)
                        throw new InvalidSolutionFormatException(curLineNum);
                    FormatVersion    = line.Substring(i + 1);
                    prefixBlankLines = curLineNum - 1;
                if (line.StartsWith("# ", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    if (!productRead)
                        productRead        = true;
                        ProductDescription = line.Substring(2);
                else if (line.StartsWith("Project", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    SlnProject p = new SlnProject();
                    p.Read(reader, line, ref curLineNum);
                else if (line == "Global")
                    if (globalFound)
                        throw new InvalidSolutionFormatException(curLineNum, "Global section specified more than once");
                    globalFound = true;
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        line = line.Trim();
                        if (line == "EndGlobal")
                        else if (line.StartsWith("GlobalSection", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            var sec = new SlnSection();
                            sec.Read(reader, line, ref curLineNum);
                        else                           // Ignore text that's out of place
                    if (line == null)
                        throw new InvalidSolutionFormatException(curLineNum, "Global section not closed");
                else if (line.IndexOf('=') != -1)
                    metadata.ReadLine(line, curLineNum);
            if (FormatVersion == null)
                throw new InvalidSolutionFormatException(curLineNum, "File header is missing");
Пример #10
 internal SlnPropertySetCollection(SlnSection parentSection)
     this.parentSection = parentSection;
Пример #11
 static DataItem ReadDataItem(SlnSection pset)
     return(ReadDataItem(pset, null));