public bool Run (AddFileDialogData data)
			using (var panel = new NSOpenPanel {
				CanChooseDirectories = false,
				CanChooseFiles = true,
			}) {
				MacSelectFileDialogHandler.SetCommonPanelProperties (data, panel);
				var popup = new NSPopUpButton (new CGRect (0, 0, 200, 28), false);
				var dropdownBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
					{ new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Override build action:")), true },
					{ new MDAlignment (popup, true) { MinWidth = 200 }  }
				var filterPopup = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.CreateFileFilterPopup (data, panel);
				if (filterPopup != null) {
					dropdownBox.Layout ();
					var box = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Vertical, 2, 2) {
					box.Layout ();
					panel.AccessoryView = box.View;
					if (box.View.Superview != null)
						box.Layout (box.View.Superview.Frame.Size);
				} else {
					dropdownBox.Layout ();
					panel.AccessoryView = dropdownBox.View;
				popup.AddItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("(Default)"));
				popup.Menu.AddItem (NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem);
				foreach (var b in data.BuildActions) {
					if (b == "--")
						popup.Menu.AddItem (NSMenuItem.SeparatorItem);
						popup.AddItem (b);
				if (panel.RunModal () == 0) {
					GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
					return false;
				data.SelectedFiles = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.GetSelectedFiles (panel);
				var idx = popup.IndexOfSelectedItem - 2;
				if (idx >= 0)
					data.OverrideAction = data.BuildActions[idx];
				GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
				return true;
		public bool Run (OpenFileDialogData data)
			NSSavePanel panel = null;
			try {
				bool directoryMode = data.Action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open
						&& data.Action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save;
				if (data.Action == Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save) {
					panel = new NSSavePanel ();
				} else {
					panel = new NSOpenPanel () {
						CanChooseDirectories = directoryMode,
						CanChooseFiles = !directoryMode,
				MacSelectFileDialogHandler.SetCommonPanelProperties (data, panel);
				SelectEncodingPopUpButton encodingSelector = null;
				NSPopUpButton viewerSelector = null;
				NSButton closeSolutionButton = null;
				var box = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Vertical, 2, 2);
				List<FileViewer> currentViewers = null;
				List<MDAlignment> labels = new List<MDAlignment> ();
				if (!directoryMode) {
					var filterPopup = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.CreateFileFilterPopup (data, panel);

					if (filterPopup != null) {
						var filterLabel = new MDAlignment (new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Show files:")), true);
						var filterBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
							{ filterLabel },
							{ new MDAlignment (filterPopup, true) { MinWidth = 200 } }
						labels.Add (filterLabel);
						box.Add (filterBox);

					if (data.ShowEncodingSelector) {
						encodingSelector = new SelectEncodingPopUpButton (data.Action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save);
						encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId = data.Encoding != null ? data.Encoding.CodePage : 0;
						var encodingLabel = new MDAlignment (new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Encoding:")), true);
						var encodingBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
							{ encodingLabel },
							{ new MDAlignment (encodingSelector, true) { MinWidth = 200 }  }
						labels.Add (encodingLabel);
						box.Add (encodingBox);
					if (data.ShowViewerSelector && panel is NSOpenPanel) {
						currentViewers = new List<FileViewer> ();
						viewerSelector = new NSPopUpButton () {
							Enabled = false,
						if (encodingSelector != null) {
							viewerSelector.Activated += delegate {
								var idx = viewerSelector.IndexOfSelectedItem;
								encodingSelector.Enabled = ! (idx == 0 && currentViewers [0] == null);
						var viewSelLabel = new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Open with:"));
						var viewSelBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
							{ viewSelLabel, true },
							{ new MDAlignment (viewerSelector, true) { MinWidth = 200 }  }
						if (IdeApp.Workspace.IsOpen) {
							closeSolutionButton = new NSButton () {
								Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Close current workspace"),
								Hidden = true,
								State = NSCellStateValue.On,
							closeSolutionButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch);
							closeSolutionButton.SizeToFit ();
							viewSelBox.Add (closeSolutionButton, true);
						box.Add (viewSelBox);
				if (labels.Count > 0) {
					float w = labels.Max (l => l.MinWidth);
					foreach (var l in labels) {
						l.MinWidth = w;
						l.XAlign = LayoutAlign.Begin;
				if (box.Count > 0) {
					box.Layout ();
					panel.AccessoryView = box.View;
				panel.SelectionDidChange += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
					var selection = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.GetSelectedFiles (panel);
					bool slnViewerSelected = false;
					if (viewerSelector != null) {
						FillViewers (currentViewers, viewerSelector, closeSolutionButton, selection);
						if (currentViewers.Count == 0 || currentViewers [0] != null) {
							if (closeSolutionButton != null)
								closeSolutionButton.Hidden = true;
							slnViewerSelected = false;
						} else {
							if (closeSolutionButton != null)
								closeSolutionButton.Hidden = false;
							slnViewerSelected = true;
						box.Layout ();
						//re-center the accessory view in its parent, Cocoa does this for us initially and after
						//resizing the window, but we need to do it again after altering its layout
						var superFrame = box.View.Superview.Frame;
						var frame = box.View.Frame;
						//not sure why it's ceiling, but this matches the Cocoa layout
						frame.X = (float)Math.Ceiling ((superFrame.Width - frame.Width) / 2);
						frame.Y = (float)Math.Ceiling ((superFrame.Height - frame.Height) / 2);
						box.View.Frame = frame;
					if (encodingSelector != null)
						encodingSelector.Enabled = !slnViewerSelected;

				var action = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.RunPanel (data, panel);
				if (!action) {
					GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
					return false;

				data.SelectedFiles = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.GetSelectedFiles (panel);
				if (encodingSelector != null)
					data.Encoding = encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId > 0 ? Encoding.GetEncoding (encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId) : null;
				if (viewerSelector != null ) {
					if (closeSolutionButton != null)
						data.CloseCurrentWorkspace = closeSolutionButton.State != NSCellStateValue.Off;
					data.SelectedViewer = currentViewers[viewerSelector.IndexOfSelectedItem];
				GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				LoggingService.LogError ("Error in Open File dialog", ex);
				MessageService.ShowException (ex);
			} finally {
				if (panel != null)
					panel.Dispose ();
			return true;
Пример #3
		public bool Run (AlertDialogData data)
			using (var alert = new NSAlert ()) {
				alert.Window.Title = data.Title ?? BrandingService.ApplicationName;

				if (data.Message.Icon == MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Information) {
					alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical;
				} else if (data.Message.Icon == MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Warning) {
					alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning;
				} else { //if (data.Message.Icon == MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Information) {
					alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Informational;
				//FIXME: use correct size so we don't get horrible scaling?
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (data.Message.Icon)) {
					var pix = ImageService.GetPixbuf (data.Message.Icon, Gtk.IconSize.Dialog);
					byte[] buf = pix.SaveToBuffer ("tiff");
					unsafe {
						fixed (byte* b = buf) {
							alert.Icon = new NSImage (NSData.FromBytes ((IntPtr)b, (uint)buf.Length));
				} else {
					//for some reason the NSAlert doesn't pick up the app icon by default
					alert.Icon = NSApplication.SharedApplication.ApplicationIconImage;
				alert.MessageText = data.Message.Text;
				alert.InformativeText = data.Message.SecondaryText ?? "";
				var buttons = data.Buttons.Reverse ().ToList ();
				for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count - 1; i++) {
					if (i == data.Message.DefaultButton) {
						var next = buttons[i];
						for (int j = buttons.Count - 1; j >= i; j--) {
							var tmp = buttons[j];
							buttons[j] = next;
							next = tmp;
				foreach (var button in buttons) {
					var label = button.Label;
					if (button.IsStockButton)
						label = Gtk.Stock.Lookup (label).Label;
					label = label.Replace ("_", "");

					//this message seems to be a standard Mac message since alert handles it specially
					if (button == AlertButton.CloseWithoutSave)
						label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Don't Save");

					alert.AddButton (label);
				NSButton[] optionButtons = null;
				if (data.Options.Count > 0) {
					var box = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Vertical, 2, 2);
					optionButtons = new NSButton[data.Options.Count];
					for (int i = data.Options.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
						var option = data.Options[i];
						var button = new NSButton () {
							Title = option.Text,
							Tag = i,
							State = option.Value? NSCellStateValue.On : NSCellStateValue.Off,
						button.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch);
						optionButtons[i] = button;
						box.Add (new MDAlignment (button, true) { XAlign = LayoutAlign.Begin });
					box.Layout ();
					alert.AccessoryView = box.View;
				NSButton applyToAllCheck = null;
				if (data.Message.AllowApplyToAll) {
					alert.ShowsSuppressionButton = true;
					applyToAllCheck = alert.SuppressionButton;
					applyToAllCheck.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Apply to all");
				// Hack up a slightly wider than normal alert dialog. I don't know how to do this in a nicer way
				// as the min size constraints are apparently ignored.
				var frame = ((NSPanel) alert.Window).Frame;
				((NSPanel) alert.Window).SetFrame (new RectangleF (frame.X, frame.Y, Math.Max (frame.Width, 600), frame.Height), true);
				alert.Layout ();
				bool completed = false;
				if (data.Message.CancellationToken.CanBeCanceled) {
					data.Message.CancellationToken.Register (delegate {
						alert.InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
							if (!completed) {
								NSApplication.SharedApplication.AbortModal ();
				if (!data.Message.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) {
					int result = alert.RunModal () - (int)NSAlertButtonReturn.First;
					completed = true;
					if (result >= 0 && result < buttons.Count) {
						data.ResultButton = buttons [result];
					} else {
						data.ResultButton = null;
				if (data.ResultButton == null || data.Message.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) {
					data.SetResultToCancelled ();
				if (optionButtons != null) {
					foreach (var button in optionButtons) {
						var option = data.Options[button.Tag];
						data.Message.SetOptionValue (option.Id, button.State != 0);
				if (applyToAllCheck != null && applyToAllCheck.State != 0)
					data.ApplyToAll = true;
				GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
			return true;
		public bool Run (OpenFileDialogData data)
			NSSavePanel panel = null;
			try {
				if (data.Action == FileChooserAction.Save) {
					panel = new NSSavePanel ();
				} else {
					panel = new NSOpenPanel {
						CanChooseDirectories = (data.Action & FileChooserAction.FolderFlags) != 0,
						CanChooseFiles = (data.Action & FileChooserAction.FileFlags) != 0,

				MacSelectFileDialogHandler.SetCommonPanelProperties (data, panel);
				SelectEncodingPopUpButton encodingSelector = null;
				NSPopUpButton viewerSelector = null;
				NSButton closeSolutionButton = null;
				var box = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Vertical, 2, 2);
				List<FileViewer> currentViewers = null;
				var labels = new List<MDAlignment> ();
				if ((data.Action & FileChooserAction.FileFlags) != 0) {
					var filterPopup = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.CreateFileFilterPopup (data, panel);

					if (filterPopup != null) {
						var filterLabel = new MDAlignment (new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Show files:")), true);
						var filterBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
							{ filterLabel },
							{ new MDAlignment (filterPopup, true) { MinWidth = 200 } }
						labels.Add (filterLabel);
						box.Add (filterBox);

					if (data.ShowEncodingSelector) {
						encodingSelector = new SelectEncodingPopUpButton (data.Action != FileChooserAction.Save);
						encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId = data.Encoding != null ? data.Encoding.CodePage : 0;
						var encodingLabel = new MDAlignment (new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Encoding:")), true);
						var encodingBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
							{ encodingLabel },
							{ new MDAlignment (encodingSelector, true) { MinWidth = 200 }  }
						labels.Add (encodingLabel);
						box.Add (encodingBox);
					if (data.ShowViewerSelector && panel is NSOpenPanel) {
						currentViewers = new List<FileViewer> ();
						viewerSelector = new NSPopUpButton {
							Enabled = false,

						if (encodingSelector != null || IdeApp.Workspace.IsOpen) {
							viewerSelector.Activated += delegate {
								var idx = viewerSelector.IndexOfSelectedItem;
								bool workbenchViewerSelected = idx == 0 && currentViewers [0] == null;
								if (encodingSelector != null)
									encodingSelector.Enabled = !workbenchViewerSelected;
								if (closeSolutionButton != null) {
									if (closeSolutionButton.Hidden == workbenchViewerSelected) {
										closeSolutionButton.Hidden = !workbenchViewerSelected;
										CenterAccessoryView (box);
						var viewSelLabel = new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Open with:"));
						var viewSelBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
							{ viewSelLabel, true },
							{ new MDAlignment (viewerSelector, true) { MinWidth = 200 }  }
						if (IdeApp.Workspace.IsOpen) {
							closeSolutionButton = new NSButton {
								Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Close current workspace"),
								Hidden = true,
								State = NSCellStateValue.On,
							closeSolutionButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch);
							closeSolutionButton.SizeToFit ();
							viewSelBox.Add (closeSolutionButton, true);
						box.Add (viewSelBox);
				if (labels.Count > 0) {
					float w = labels.Max (l => l.MinWidth);
					foreach (var l in labels) {
						l.MinWidth = w;
						l.XAlign = LayoutAlign.Begin;
				if (box.Count > 0) {
					box.Layout ();
					panel.AccessoryView = box.View;
				panel.SelectionDidChange += delegate {
					var selection = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.GetSelectedFiles (panel);
					bool slnViewerSelected = false;
					if (viewerSelector != null) {
						slnViewerSelected = FillViewers (currentViewers, viewerSelector, closeSolutionButton, selection);
						if (closeSolutionButton != null)
							closeSolutionButton.Hidden = !slnViewerSelected;
						CenterAccessoryView (box);
					if (encodingSelector != null)
						encodingSelector.Enabled = !slnViewerSelected;

				if (panel.RunModal () == 0) {
					GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
					return false;

				data.SelectedFiles = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.GetSelectedFiles (panel);
				if (encodingSelector != null)
					data.Encoding = encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId > 0 ? Encoding.GetEncoding (encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId) : null;
				if (viewerSelector != null ) {
					if (closeSolutionButton != null)
						data.CloseCurrentWorkspace = closeSolutionButton.State != NSCellStateValue.Off;
					data.SelectedViewer = viewerSelector.IndexOfSelectedItem >= 0 ?
						currentViewers[(int)viewerSelector.IndexOfSelectedItem] : null;
				GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				LoggingService.LogInternalError ("Error in Open File dialog", ex);
			} finally {
				if (panel != null)
					panel.Dispose ();
			return true;
		static void CenterAccessoryView (MDBox box)
			box.Layout ();

			//re-center the accessory view in its parent, Cocoa does this for us initially and after
			//resizing the window, but we need to do it again after altering its layout
			var superView = box.View.Superview;
			if (superView == null)
			var superFrame = superView.Frame;
			var frame = box.View.Frame;
			//not sure why it's ceiling, but this matches the Cocoa layout
			frame.X = (float)Math.Ceiling ((superFrame.Width - frame.Width) / 2);
			frame.Y = (float)Math.Ceiling ((superFrame.Height - frame.Height) / 2);
			box.View.Frame = frame;
		public bool Run (AlertDialogData data)
			using (var alert = new NSAlert ()) {
				alert.Window.Title = data.Title ?? BrandingService.ApplicationName;
				IdeTheme.ApplyTheme (alert.Window);

				bool stockIcon;
				if (data.Message.Icon == MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Error || data.Message.Icon == Gtk.Stock.DialogError) {
					alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical;
					stockIcon = true;
				} else if (data.Message.Icon == MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Warning || data.Message.Icon == Gtk.Stock.DialogWarning) {
					alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical;
					stockIcon = true;
				} else {
					alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Informational;
					stockIcon = data.Message.Icon == MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Information;

				if (!stockIcon && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (data.Message.Icon)) {
					var img = ImageService.GetIcon (data.Message.Icon, Gtk.IconSize.Dialog);
					// HACK: VK The icon is not rendered in dark style correctly
					//       Use light variant and reder it here
					//       as long as NSAppearance.NameVibrantDark is broken
					if (IdeTheme.UserInterfaceTheme == Theme.Dark)
						alert.Icon = img.WithStyles ("-dark").ToBitmap (GtkWorkarounds.GetScaleFactor ()).ToNSImage ();
						alert.Icon = img.ToNSImage ();
				} else {
					//for some reason the NSAlert doesn't pick up the app icon by default
					alert.Icon = NSApplication.SharedApplication.ApplicationIconImage;

				alert.MessageText = data.Message.Text;
				alert.InformativeText = data.Message.SecondaryText ?? "";
				var buttons = data.Buttons.Reverse ().ToList ();
				for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count - 1; i++) {
					if (i == data.Message.DefaultButton) {
						var next = buttons[i];
						for (int j = buttons.Count - 1; j >= i; j--) {
							var tmp = buttons[j];
							buttons[j] = next;
							next = tmp;
				var wrappers = new List<AlertButtonWrapper> (buttons.Count);
				foreach (var button in buttons) {
					var label = button.Label;
					if (button.IsStockButton)
						label = Gtk.Stock.Lookup (label).Label;
					label = label.Replace ("_", "");

					//this message seems to be a standard Mac message since alert handles it specially
					if (button == AlertButton.CloseWithoutSave)
						label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Don't Save");

					var nsbutton = alert.AddButton (label);
					var wrapperButton = new AlertButtonWrapper (nsbutton, data.Message, button, alert);
					wrappers.Add (wrapperButton);
					nsbutton.Target = wrapperButton;
					nsbutton.Action = new ObjCRuntime.Selector ("buttonActivatedAction");
				NSButton[] optionButtons = null;
				if (data.Options.Count > 0) {
					var box = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Vertical, 2, 2);
					optionButtons = new NSButton[data.Options.Count];
					for (int i = data.Options.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
						var option = data.Options[i];
						var button = new NSButton {
							Title = option.Text,
							Tag = i,
							State = option.Value? NSCellStateValue.On : NSCellStateValue.Off,
						button.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch);
						optionButtons[i] = button;
						box.Add (new MDAlignment (button, true) { XAlign = LayoutAlign.Begin });
					box.Layout ();
					alert.AccessoryView = box.View;
				NSButton applyToAllCheck = null;
				if (data.Message.AllowApplyToAll) {
					alert.ShowsSuppressionButton = true;
					applyToAllCheck = alert.SuppressionButton;
					applyToAllCheck.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Apply to all");
				// Hack up a slightly wider than normal alert dialog. I don't know how to do this in a nicer way
				// as the min size constraints are apparently ignored.
				var frame = alert.Window.Frame;
				alert.Window.SetFrame (new CGRect (frame.X, frame.Y, NMath.Max (frame.Width, 600), frame.Height), true);
				alert.Layout ();
				bool completed = false;
				if (data.Message.CancellationToken.CanBeCanceled) {
					data.Message.CancellationToken.Register (delegate {
						alert.InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
							if (!completed) {
								NSApplication.SharedApplication.AbortModal ();
				if (!data.Message.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) {

					var result = (int)alert.RunModal () - (long)(int)NSAlertButtonReturn.First;
					completed = true;
					if (result >= 0 && result < buttons.Count) {
						data.ResultButton = buttons [(int)result];
					} else {
						data.ResultButton = null;
				if (data.ResultButton == null || data.Message.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) {
					data.SetResultToCancelled ();
				if (optionButtons != null) {
					foreach (var button in optionButtons) {
						var option = data.Options[(int)button.Tag];
						data.Message.SetOptionValue (option.Id, button.State != 0);
				if (applyToAllCheck != null && applyToAllCheck.State != 0)
					data.ApplyToAll = true;

				GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
			return true;
		public bool Run (AlertDialogData data)
			using (var alert = new NSAlert ()) {
				if (data.Message.Icon == MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Information) {
					alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Critical;
				} else if (data.Message.Icon == MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Warning) {
					alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Warning;
				} else if (data.Message.Icon == MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Information) {
					alert.AlertStyle = NSAlertStyle.Informational;
				//FIXME: use correct size so we don't get horrible scaling?
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (data.Message.Icon)) {
					var pix = ImageService.GetPixbuf (data.Message.Icon, Gtk.IconSize.Dialog);
					byte[] buf = pix.SaveToBuffer ("tiff");
					unsafe {
						fixed (byte* b = buf) {
							alert.Icon = new NSImage (NSData.FromBytes ((IntPtr)b, (uint)buf.Length));
				alert.MessageText = data.Message.Text;
				alert.InformativeText = data.Message.SecondaryText ?? "";
				var buttons = data.Buttons.Reverse ().ToList ();
				for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count - 1; i++) {
					if (i == data.Message.DefaultButton) {
						var next = buttons[i];
						for (int j = buttons.Count - 1; j >= i; j--) {
							var tmp = buttons[j];
							buttons[j] = next;
							next = tmp;
				foreach (var button in buttons) {
					var label = button.Label;
					if (button.IsStockButton)
						label = Gtk.Stock.Lookup (label).Label;
					label = label.Replace ("_", "");
					//this message seems to be a standard Mac message since alert handles it specially
					if (button == AlertButton.CloseWithoutSave)
						label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Don't Save");
					alert.AddButton (label);
				NSButton[] optionButtons = null;
				if (data.Options.Count > 0) {
					var box = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Vertical, 2, 2);
					optionButtons = new NSButton[data.Options.Count];
					for (int i = data.Options.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
						var option = data.Options[i];
						var button = new NSButton () {
							Title = option.Text,
							Tag = i,
							State = option.Value? NSCellStateValue.On : NSCellStateValue.Off,
						button.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch);
						optionButtons[i] = button;
						box.Add (new MDAlignment (button, true) { XAlign = LayoutAlign.Begin });
					box.Layout ();
					alert.AccessoryView = box.View;
				NSButton applyToAllCheck = null;
				if (data.Message.AllowApplyToAll) {
					alert.ShowsSuppressionButton = true;
					applyToAllCheck = alert.SuppressionButton;
					applyToAllCheck.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Apply to all");
				alert.Layout ();
				int result = alert.RunModal () - (int)NSAlertButtonReturn.First;
				data.ResultButton = buttons [result];
				if (optionButtons != null) {
					foreach (var button in optionButtons) {
						var option = data.Options[button.Tag];
						data.Message.SetOptionValue (option.Id, button.State != 0);
				if (applyToAllCheck != null && applyToAllCheck.State != 0)
					data.ApplyToAll = true;
				GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
			return true;
		public SelectEncodingPanel () : base ()	
			var size = new CGSize (600, 400);
			const float padding = 12;
			this.SetContentSize (size);
			var view = new NSView (new CGRect (0, 0, size.Width, size.Height));
			var okButton = new NSButton {
				Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("OK"),
				Bordered = true,
				BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.Rounded,
			okButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.MomentaryPushIn);
			okButton.Activated += delegate {
				Dismiss (1);
			this.DefaultButtonCell = okButton.Cell;
			var cancelButton = new NSButton {
				Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Cancel"),
				Bordered = true,
				BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.Rounded,
			cancelButton.Activated += delegate {
				Dismiss (0);
			var buttonBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, padding, 0) {
				new MDAlignment (cancelButton, true) { MinWidth = 96, MinHeight = 32 },
				new MDAlignment (okButton, true) { MinWidth = 96, MinHeight = 32 },
			buttonBox.Layout ();
			var buttonView = buttonBox.View;
			var buttonRect = buttonView.Frame;
			buttonRect.Y = 12;
			buttonRect.X = size.Width - buttonRect.Width - padding;
			buttonView.Frame = buttonRect;
			view.AddSubview (buttonView);
			var buttonAreaTop = buttonRect.Height + padding * 2;

			var label = CreateLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Available encodings:"));
			var labelSize = label.Frame.Size;
			var labelBottom = size.Height - 12 - labelSize.Height;
			label.Frame = new CGRect (12, labelBottom, labelSize.Width, labelSize.Height);
			view.AddSubview (label);
			var moveButtonWidth = 32;
			var tableHeight = labelBottom - buttonAreaTop - padding;
			var tableWidth = size.Width / 2 - padding * 3 - moveButtonWidth + padding / 2;
			allTable = new NSTableView (new CGRect (padding, buttonAreaTop, tableWidth, tableHeight));
			allTable.HeaderView = null;
			var allScroll = new NSScrollView (allTable.Frame) {
				BorderType = NSBorderType.BezelBorder,
				AutohidesScrollers = true,
				HasVerticalScroller = true,
				DocumentView = allTable,
			view.AddSubview (allScroll);
			nfloat center = (size.Width + padding) / 2;
			var selectedLabel = CreateLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Encodings shown in menu:"));
			var selectedLabelSize = selectedLabel.Frame.Size;
			selectedLabel.Frame = new CGRect (center, labelBottom, selectedLabelSize.Width, selectedLabelSize.Height);
			view.AddSubview (selectedLabel);
			selectedTable = new NSTableView (new CGRect (center, buttonAreaTop, tableWidth, tableHeight));
			selectedTable.HeaderView = null;
			var selectedScroll = new NSScrollView (selectedTable.Frame) {
				BorderType = NSBorderType.BezelBorder,
				AutohidesScrollers = true,
				HasVerticalScroller = true,
				DocumentView = selectedTable,
			view.AddSubview (selectedScroll);
			var buttonLevel = tableHeight / 2 + buttonAreaTop;
			var goRightImage = NSImage.ImageNamed ("NSGoRightTemplate");
			addButton = new NSButton (
				new CGRect (tableWidth + padding * 2, buttonLevel + padding / 2,
					moveButtonWidth, moveButtonWidth)) {
				//Title = "\u2192",
				BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.SmallSquare,
				Image = goRightImage
			addButton.Activated += Add;
			view.AddSubview (addButton);
			removeButton = new NSButton (
				new CGRect (tableWidth + padding * 2, buttonLevel - padding / 2 - moveButtonWidth,
					moveButtonWidth, moveButtonWidth)) {
				//Title = "\u2190",
				BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.SmallSquare,
				Image = NSImage.ImageNamed ("NSGoLeftTemplate"),
			removeButton.Activated += Remove;
			view.AddSubview (removeButton);
			upButton = new NSButton (
				new CGRect (center + tableWidth + padding, buttonLevel + padding / 2,
					moveButtonWidth, moveButtonWidth)) {
				//Title = "\u2191",
				BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.SmallSquare,
				Image = MakeRotatedCopy (goRightImage, 90),
			upButton.Activated += MoveUp;
			view.AddSubview (upButton);
			downButton = new NSButton (
				new CGRect (center + tableWidth + padding, buttonLevel - padding / 2 - moveButtonWidth,
					moveButtonWidth, moveButtonWidth)) {
				//Title = "\u2193",
				BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.SmallSquare,
				Image = MakeRotatedCopy (goRightImage, -90),
			downButton.Activated += MoveDown;
			view.AddSubview (downButton);
			var allColumn = new NSTableColumn {
				DataCell = new NSTextFieldCell { Wraps = true },
				Width = tableWidth
			allTable.AddColumn (allColumn);
			allTable.DataSource = allSource = new EncodingSource (TextEncoding.SupportedEncodings);
			allTable.Delegate = new EncodingAllDelegate (this);
			var selectedColumn = new NSTableColumn {
				DataCell = new NSTextFieldCell { Wraps = true },
				Width = tableWidth
			selectedTable.AddColumn (selectedColumn);
			selectedTable.DataSource = selectedSource = new EncodingSource (TextEncoding.ConversionEncodings);
			selectedTable.Delegate = new EncodingSelectedDelegate (this);
			UpdateButtons ();
			this.ContentView = view;
		public bool Run (OpenFileDialogData data)
			NSSavePanel panel = null;
			try {
				bool directoryMode = data.Action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open
					&& data.Action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save;
				if (data.Action == Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save) {
					panel = new NSSavePanel ();
				} else {
					panel = new NSOpenPanel () {
						CanChooseDirectories = directoryMode,
						CanChooseFiles = !directoryMode,
				MacSelectFileDialogHandler.SetCommonPanelProperties (data, panel);
				SelectEncodingPopUpButton encodingSelector = null;
				NSPopUpButton viewerSelector = null;
				NSButton closeSolutionButton = null;
				var box = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Vertical, 2, 2);
				List<FileViewer> currentViewers = null;
				List<MDAlignment> labels = new List<MDAlignment> ();
				if (!directoryMode) {
					var filterPopup = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.CreateFileFilterPopup (data, panel);
					var filterLabel = new MDAlignment (new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Show files:")), true);
					var filterBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
						{ filterLabel },
						{ new MDAlignment (filterPopup, true) { MinWidth = 200 } }
					labels.Add (filterLabel);
					box.Add (filterBox);
					if (data.ShowEncodingSelector) {
						encodingSelector = new SelectEncodingPopUpButton (data.Action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save);
						encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId = data.Encoding;
						var encodingLabel = new MDAlignment (new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Encoding:")), true);
						var encodingBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
							{ encodingLabel },
							{ new MDAlignment (encodingSelector, true) { MinWidth = 200 }  }
						labels.Add (encodingLabel);
						box.Add (encodingBox);
					if (data.ShowViewerSelector && panel is NSOpenPanel) {
						currentViewers = new List<FileViewer> ();
						viewerSelector = new NSPopUpButton () {
							Enabled = false,
						if (encodingSelector != null) {
							viewerSelector.Activated += delegate {
								var idx = viewerSelector.IndexOfSelectedItem;
								encodingSelector.Enabled = ! (idx == 0 && currentViewers[0] == null);
						var viewSelLabel = new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Open with:"));
						var viewSelBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) {
							{ viewSelLabel, true },
							{ new MDAlignment (viewerSelector, true) { MinWidth = 200 }  }
						if (IdeApp.Workspace.IsOpen) {
							closeSolutionButton = new NSButton () {
								Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Close current workspace"),
								Hidden = true,
								State = NSCellStateValue.On,
							closeSolutionButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch);
							closeSolutionButton.SizeToFit ();
							viewSelBox.Add (closeSolutionButton, true);
						box.Add (viewSelBox);
				if (labels.Count > 0) {
					float w = labels.Max (l => l.MinWidth);
					foreach (var l in labels) {
						l.MinWidth = w;
						l.XAlign = LayoutAlign.Begin;
				if (box.Count > 0) {
					box.Layout ();
					panel.AccessoryView = box.View;
				panel.SelectionDidChange += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
					var selection = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.GetSelectedFiles (panel);
					bool slnViewerSelected = false;
					if (viewerSelector != null) {
						FillViewers (currentViewers, viewerSelector, selection);
						if (currentViewers.Count == 0 || currentViewers[0] != null) {
							if (closeSolutionButton != null)
								closeSolutionButton.Hidden = true;
							slnViewerSelected = false;
						} else {
							if (closeSolutionButton != null)
								closeSolutionButton.Hidden = false;
							slnViewerSelected = true;
						box.Layout ();
					if (encodingSelector != null)
						encodingSelector.Enabled = !slnViewerSelected;
				try {
					var action = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.RunPanel (data, panel);
					if (!action) {
						GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
						return false;
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					System.Console.WriteLine (ex);
				data.SelectedFiles = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.GetSelectedFiles (panel);
				if (encodingSelector != null)
					data.Encoding = encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId;
				if (viewerSelector != null ) {
					if (closeSolutionButton != null)
						data.CloseCurrentWorkspace = closeSolutionButton.State != NSCellStateValue.Off;
					data.SelectedViewer = currentViewers[viewerSelector.IndexOfSelectedItem];
				GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow);
				return true;
			} finally {
				if (panel != null)
					panel.Dispose ();