void CreateDefaultLayout()
            contextCodons = (WorkbenchContextCodon[])(AddInTreeSingleton.AddInTree.GetTreeNode("/SharpDevelop/Workbench/Contexts").BuildChildItems(this)).ToArray(typeof(WorkbenchContextCodon));
            PadContentCollection collection;

            // Set the pads specific of each context
            foreach (WorkbenchContextCodon codon in contextCodons)
                collection = new PadContentCollection ();
                WorkbenchContext ctx = WorkbenchContext.GetContext (codon.ID);
                padCollections [ctx] = collection;

                foreach (ContextPadCodon padCodon in codon.Pads) {
                    IPadContent pad = workbench.PadContentCollection [padCodon.ID];
                    if (pad != null)
                        collection.Add (pad);

            //Runtime.LoggingService.Info(" Default Layout created.");
            dockLayout = new DockLayout (dock);
            if (System.IO.File.Exists (configFile)) {
                dockLayout.LoadFromFile (configFile);
            } else {
                dockLayout.LoadFromFile ("../data/options/DefaultEditingLayout.xml");

            SwitchContext (workbench.Context);
        void SwitchContext(WorkbenchContext ctxt)
            PadContentCollection old = activePadCollection;

            // switch pad collections
            if (padCollections [ctxt] != null)
                activePadCollection = (PadContentCollection) padCollections [ctxt];
                // this is so, for unkwown contexts, we get the full set of pads
                activePadCollection = workbench.PadContentCollection;

            workbenchContext = ctxt;

            // get the list of layouts
            string ctxtPrefix = ctxt.Id + ".";
            string[] list = dockLayout.GetLayouts (false);

            layouts.Clear ();
            foreach (string name in list) {
                if (name.StartsWith (ctxtPrefix)) {
                    layouts.Add (name.Substring (ctxtPrefix.Length));

            // get the default layout for the new context from the property service
            CurrentLayout = Runtime.Properties.GetProperty
                ("MonoDevelop.Gui.SdiWorkbenchLayout." + ctxt.ToString (), "Default");

            // make sure invalid pads for the new context are not visible
            foreach (IPadContent content in old)
                if (!activePadCollection.Contains (content))
                    DockItem item = dock.GetItemByName (content.Id);
                    if (item != null)
                        item.HideItem ();
        public void Detach()
            workbench.ContextChanged -= contextChangedHandler;

            //Runtime.LoggingService.Info("Call to SdiWorkSpaceLayout.Detach");
            dockLayout.SaveLayout (currentLayout);
            dockLayout.SaveToFile (configFile);
            activePadCollection = null;
        public void Attach(IWorkbench wb)
            DefaultWorkbench workbench = (DefaultWorkbench) wb;

            this.workbench = workbench;
            wbWindow = (Window) workbench;

            Gtk.VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 0);
            rootWidget = vbox;

            vbox.PackStart (workbench.TopMenu, false, false, 0);

            toolbarFrame = new CommandFrame (Runtime.Gui.CommandService.CommandManager);
            vbox.PackStart (toolbarFrame, true, true, 0);

            if (workbench.ToolBars != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < workbench.ToolBars.Length; i++) {
                    toolbarFrame.AddBar ((DockToolbar)workbench.ToolBars[i]);

            // Create the docking widget and add it to the window.
            dock = new Dock ();
            DockBar dockBar = new DockBar (dock);
            Gtk.HBox dockBox = new HBox (false, 5);
            dockBox.PackStart (dockBar, false, true, 0);
            dockBox.PackStart (dock, true, true, 0);
            toolbarFrame.AddContent (dockBox);

            // Create the notebook for the various documents.
            tabControl = new DragNotebook ();
            tabControl.Scrollable = true;
            tabControl.SwitchPage += new SwitchPageHandler (ActiveMdiChanged);
            tabControl.TabsReordered += new TabsReorderedHandler (OnTabsReordered);
            DockItem item = new DockItem ("Documents", "Documents",
                              DockItemBehavior.Locked | DockItemBehavior.NoGrip);
            item.PreferredWidth = -2;
            item.PreferredHeight = -2;
            item.Add (tabControl);
            item.Show ();
            dock.AddItem (item, DockPlacement.Center);

            workbench.Add (vbox);

            vbox.PackEnd (Runtime.Gui.StatusBar.Control, false, true, 0);
            workbench.ShowAll ();

            foreach (IViewContent content in workbench.ViewContentCollection)
                ShowView (content);

            // by default, the active pad collection is the full set
            // will be overriden in CreateDefaultLayout() below
            activePadCollection = workbench.PadContentCollection;

            // create DockItems for all the pads
            foreach (IPadContent content in workbench.PadContentCollection)
                AddPad (content, content.DefaultPlacement);

            wbWindow.Show ();

            workbench.ContextChanged += contextChangedHandler;
 /// <summary>
 ///     <para>
 ///       Initializes a new instance of <see cref='.PadContentCollection'/> based on another <see cref='.PadContentCollection'/>.
 ///    </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='value'>
 ///       A <see cref='.PadContentCollection'/> from which the contents are copied
 /// </param>
 public PadContentCollection(PadContentCollection value)
 public IPadContentEnumerator(PadContentCollection mappings)
     this.temp = ((IEnumerable)(mappings));
     this.baseEnumerator = temp.GetEnumerator();
 /// <summary>
 ///     <para>
 ///       Adds the contents of another <see cref='.PadContentCollection'/> to the end of the collection.
 ///    </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='value'>
 ///    A <see cref='.PadContentCollection'/> containing the objects to add to the collection.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///   <para>None.</para>
 /// </returns>
 /// <seealso cref='.PadContentCollection.Add'/>
 public void AddRange(PadContentCollection value)
     for (int i = 0; (i < value.Count); i = (i + 1)) {