void InstallEntry (ProgressMonitor monitor, DeployContext ctx, SolutionFolderItem entry, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			foreach (DeployFile df in DeployService.GetDeployFiles (ctx, new SolutionFolderItem[] { entry }, configuration)) {
				string targetPath = df.ResolvedTargetFile;
				if (targetPath == null) {
					monitor.ReportWarning ("Could not copy file '" + df.RelativeTargetPath + "': Unknown target directory.");
				CopyFile (monitor, df.SourcePath, df.ResolvedTargetFile, df.FileAttributes);
			SolutionFolder c = entry as SolutionFolder;
			if (c != null) {
				monitor.BeginTask ("Installing solution '" + c.Name + "'", c.Items.Count);
				foreach (SolutionFolderItem ce in c.Items) {
					InstallEntry (monitor, ctx, ce, configuration);
					monitor.Step (1);
				monitor.EndTask ();
		public object ReadFile (FilePath fileName, bool hasParentSolution, ProgressMonitor monitor)
			FilePath basePath = fileName.ParentDirectory;
			MonoMakefile mkfile = new MonoMakefile (fileName);
			string aname = mkfile.GetVariable ("LIBRARY");
			if (aname == null)
				aname = mkfile.GetVariable ("PROGRAM");

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (aname)) {
				monitor.BeginTask ("Loading '" + fileName + "'", 0);
				var project = Services.ProjectService.CreateProject ("C#");
				project.FileName = fileName;

				var ext = new MonoMakefileProjectExtension ();
				project.AttachExtension (ext);
				ext.Read (mkfile);

				monitor.EndTask ();
				return project;

			string subdirs;
			StringBuilder subdirsBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
			subdirsBuilder.Append (mkfile.GetVariable ("common_dirs"));
			if (subdirsBuilder.Length != 0) {
				subdirsBuilder.Append ("\t");
				subdirsBuilder.Append (mkfile.GetVariable ("net_2_0_dirs"));
			if (subdirsBuilder.Length == 0)
				subdirsBuilder.Append (mkfile.GetVariable ("SUBDIRS"));

			subdirs = subdirsBuilder.ToString ();
			if (subdirs != null && (subdirs = subdirs.Trim (' ', '\t')) != "") {
				object retObject;
				SolutionFolder folder;
				if (!hasParentSolution) {
					Solution sol = new Solution ();
					sol.AttachExtension (new MonoMakefileSolutionExtension ());
					sol.FileName = fileName;
					folder = sol.RootFolder;
					retObject = sol;

					foreach (string conf in MonoMakefile.MonoConfigurations) {
						SolutionConfiguration sc = new SolutionConfiguration (conf);
						sol.Configurations.Add (sc);
				} else {
					folder = new SolutionFolder ();
					folder.Name = Path.GetFileName (Path.GetDirectoryName (fileName));
					retObject = folder;

				subdirs = subdirs.Replace ('\t', ' ');
				string[] dirs = subdirs.Split (' ');

				monitor.BeginTask ("Loading '" + fileName + "'", dirs.Length);
				HashSet<string> added = new HashSet<string> ();
				foreach (string dir in dirs) {
					if (!added.Add (dir))
					monitor.Step (1);
					if (dir == null)
					string tdir = dir.Trim ();
					if (tdir == "")
					string mfile = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (basePath, tdir), "Makefile");
					if (File.Exists (mfile) && CanRead (mfile, typeof(SolutionItem))) {
						SolutionFolderItem it = (SolutionFolderItem) ReadFile (mfile, true, monitor);
						folder.Items.Add (it);
				monitor.EndTask ();
				return retObject;
			return null;
		public Makefile Deploy (AutotoolsContext ctx, SolutionFolderItem entry, ProgressMonitor monitor)
			generateAutotools = ctx.MakefileType == MakefileType.AutotoolsMakefile;
			monitor.BeginTask ( GettextCatalog.GetString (
						"Creating {0} for Solution {1}",
						generateAutotools ? "Makefile.am" : "Makefile", entry.Name), 1 );

			Makefile solutionMakefile = new Makefile ();
			StringBuilder solutionTop = new StringBuilder ();

				SolutionFolder solutionFolder = (SolutionFolder) entry;
				string targetDirectory = solutionFolder.BaseDirectory;

				StringBuilder subdirs = new StringBuilder();
				subdirs.Append ("#Warning: This is an automatically generated file, do not edit!\n");

				if (!generateAutotools) {
					solutionTop.AppendFormat ("top_srcdir={0}\n", FileService.AbsoluteToRelativePath (
							entry.BaseDirectory, ctx.TargetSolution.BaseDirectory));
					solutionTop.Append ("include $(top_srcdir)/config.make\n");
					solutionTop.Append ("include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.include\n");
					solutionTop.Append ("include $(top_srcdir)/rules.make\n\n");
					solutionTop.Append ("#include $(top_srcdir)/custom-hooks.make\n\n");

				ArrayList children = new ArrayList ();
				foreach ( SolutionConfiguration config in solutionFolder.ParentSolution.Configurations )
					if ( !ctx.IsSupportedConfiguration ( config.Id ) ) continue;
					if (generateAutotools)
						subdirs.AppendFormat ( "if {0}\n", "ENABLE_" + ctx.EscapeAndUpperConfigName (config.Id));
						subdirs.AppendFormat ( "ifeq ($(CONFIG),{0})\n", ctx.EscapeAndUpperConfigName (config.Id));

					subdirs.Append (" SUBDIRS = ");
					foreach (SolutionFolderItem ce in CalculateSubDirOrder (ctx, solutionFolder, config))
						string baseDirectory;
						if (!(ce is SolutionItem) && !(ce is SolutionFolder))
						// Ignore projects which can't be deployed
						IMakefileHandler handler = AutotoolsContext.GetMakefileHandler (ce, ctx.MakefileType);
						if (handler == null)
						baseDirectory = ce.BaseDirectory;
						if (solutionFolder.BaseDirectory == baseDirectory) {
							subdirs.Append (" . ");
						} else {
							if (!baseDirectory.StartsWith (solutionFolder.BaseDirectory) )
								throw new Exception ( GettextCatalog.GetString (
									"Child projects must be in sub-directories of their parent") );
							// add the subdirectory to the list
							string path = FileService.AbsoluteToRelativePath (targetDirectory, baseDirectory);
							if (path.StartsWith ("." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) )
								path = path.Substring (2);
							AutotoolsContext.CheckSpaces (path);
							subdirs.Append (" ");
							subdirs.Append ( AutotoolsContext.EscapeStringForAutomake (path) );

						if (!children.Contains (ce))
							children.Add ( ce );
					subdirs.Append ( "\nendif\n" );
				solutionTop.Append ( subdirs.ToString () );

				string includedProject = null;

				// deploy recursively
				foreach (SolutionFolderItem ce in children)
					IMakefileHandler handler = AutotoolsContext.GetMakefileHandler ( ce, ctx.MakefileType );
					Makefile makefile;
					string outpath;
					if ( handler != null && handler.CanDeploy ( ce, ctx.MakefileType ) )
						ctx.RegisterBuiltProject (ce);
						makefile = handler.Deploy ( ctx, ce, monitor );

						if (targetDirectory == ce.BaseDirectory)
							if (includedProject != null)
								throw new Exception ( GettextCatalog.GetString (
									"More than 1 project in the same directory as the top-level solution is not supported."));

							// project is in the solution directory
							string projectMakefileName = ce.Name + ".make";
							includedProject = String.Format ("include {0}", projectMakefileName);
							outpath = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, projectMakefileName);
							ctx.AddGeneratedFile (outpath);

							if (!generateAutotools)
								solutionMakefile.SetVariable ("EXTRA_DIST", projectMakefileName);
						} else {
							makefile.AppendToVariable ("EXTRA_DIST", generateAutotools ? String.Empty : "Makefile");
							outpath = Path.Combine (ce.BaseDirectory, "Makefile");
							if (generateAutotools) {
								ctx.AddAutoconfFile (outpath);
								outpath = outpath + ".am";
							} else {
								makefile.Append ("install: install-local\nuninstall: uninstall-local\nclean: clean-local\n");
								if (ce is SolutionFolder)
									//non TargetCombine
									makefile.Append ("dist-local: dist-local-recursive\n");
									makefile.Append ("include $(top_srcdir)/rules.make\n");
							ctx.AddGeneratedFile (outpath);

						StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (outpath);
						makefile.Write ( writer );
						writer.Close ();
					else {
						monitor.Log .WriteLine("Project '{0}' skipped.", ce.Name); 

				if (includedProject != null) {
					solutionTop.Append (GettextCatalog.GetString ("\n# Include project specific makefile\n"));
					solutionTop.Append (includedProject);

				if (generateAutotools) {
					solutionMakefile.Append (solutionTop.ToString ());
				} else {
					TemplateEngine templateEngine = new TemplateEngine ();
					templateEngine.Variables ["MAKEFILE_SOLUTION_TOP"] = solutionTop.ToString ();

					Stream stream = ctx.GetTemplateStream ("Makefile.solution.template");
					StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (stream);
					StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();

					templateEngine.Process (reader, sw);
					reader.Close ();

					solutionMakefile.Append (sw.ToString ());

					if (solutionFolder.IsRoot) {
						// Emit dist and distcheck targets only for TargetCombine
						reader = new StreamReader (Path.Combine (ctx.TemplateDir, "make-dist.targets"));
						solutionMakefile.Append (reader.ReadToEnd ());
						reader.Close ();

				monitor.Step (1);
				monitor.EndTask ();
			return solutionMakefile;
Пример #4
		public static Task WaitForRunningTools (ProgressMonitor monitor)
			TaskInfo[] operations;
			lock (runningTasks) {
				operations = runningTasks.Values.ToArray ();

			if (operations.Length == 0)
				return Task.FromResult (true);

			monitor.BeginTask ("Waiting for custom tools...", operations.Length);

			List<Task> tasks = new List<Task> ();

			foreach (var t in operations) {
				tasks.Add (t.Task.ContinueWith (ta => {
					if (!monitor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
						monitor.Step (1);

			var cancelTask = new TaskCompletionSource<bool> ();
			var allDone = Task.WhenAll (tasks);

			var cancelReg = monitor.CancellationToken.Register (() => {
				cancelTask.SetResult (true);

			return Task.WhenAny (allDone, cancelTask.Task).ContinueWith (t => {
				monitor.EndTask (); 
				cancelReg.Dispose ();
Пример #5
		bool CommonPreMergeRebase (GitUpdateOptions options, ProgressMonitor monitor, out int stashIndex)
			stashIndex = -1;
			monitor.Step (1);

			if ((options & GitUpdateOptions.SaveLocalChanges) != GitUpdateOptions.SaveLocalChanges) {
				const VersionStatus unclean = VersionStatus.Modified | VersionStatus.ScheduledAdd | VersionStatus.ScheduledDelete;
				bool modified = false;
				if (GetDirectoryVersionInfo (RootPath, false, true).Any (v => (v.Status & unclean) != VersionStatus.Unversioned))
					modified = true;

				if (modified) {
					if (MessageService.GenericAlert (
						    GettextCatalog.GetString ("You have uncommitted changes"),
						    GettextCatalog.GetString ("What do you want to do?"),
						    new AlertButton ("Stash")) == AlertButton.Cancel)
						return false;

					options |= GitUpdateOptions.SaveLocalChanges;
			if ((options & GitUpdateOptions.SaveLocalChanges) == GitUpdateOptions.SaveLocalChanges) {
				monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Saving local changes"));
				Stash stash;
				if (!TryCreateStash (monitor, GetStashName ("_tmp_"), out stash))
					return false;

				if (stash != null)
					stashIndex = 0;
				monitor.Step (1);
			return true;
Пример #6
		protected override void OnUpdate (FilePath[] localPaths, bool recurse, ProgressMonitor monitor)
			// TODO: Make it work differently for submodules.
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Updating"), 5);

			if (RootRepository.Head.IsTracking) {
				Fetch (monitor, RootRepository.Head.Remote.Name);

				GitUpdateOptions options = GitService.StashUnstashWhenUpdating ? GitUpdateOptions.NormalUpdate : GitUpdateOptions.UpdateSubmodules;
				if (GitService.UseRebaseOptionWhenPulling)
					Rebase (RootRepository.Head.TrackedBranch.FriendlyName, options, monitor);
					Merge (RootRepository.Head.TrackedBranch.FriendlyName, options, monitor);

				monitor.Step (1);

			monitor.EndTask ();
Пример #7
		static bool OnTransferProgress (TransferProgress tp, ProgressMonitor monitor, ref int progress)
			if (progress == 0 && tp.ReceivedObjects == 0) {
				monitor.BeginTask ("Receiving and indexing objects", 2 * tp.TotalObjects);
				throttleWatch.Restart ();

			int currentProgress = tp.ReceivedObjects + tp.IndexedObjects;
			int steps = currentProgress - progress;
			if (throttleWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > progressThrottle) {
				monitor.Step (steps);
				throttleWatch.Restart ();
			progress = currentProgress;

			if (tp.IndexedObjects >= tp.TotalObjects) {
				monitor.EndTask ();
				throttleWatch.Stop ();

			return !monitor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested;
Пример #8
		void NotifyFileChanges (ProgressMonitor monitor, TreeChanges statusList)
			// Files added to source branch not present to target branch.
			var removed = statusList.Where (c => c.Status == ChangeKind.Added).Select (c => GetRepository (c.Path).FromGitPath (c.Path)).ToList ();
			var modified = statusList.Where (c => c.Status != ChangeKind.Added).Select (c => GetRepository (c.Path).FromGitPath (c.Path)).ToList ();

			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Updating solution"), removed.Count + modified.Count);

			FileService.NotifyFilesChanged (modified, true);
			monitor.Step (modified.Count);

			FileService.NotifyFilesRemoved (removed);
			monitor.Step (removed.Count);

			monitor.EndTask ();
Пример #9
		async Task AddXwtFromGithubAsync (Solution solution, string newProjectName, bool createSubmodule, ProgressMonitor monitor)
			try {
				var gitUrl = "https://github.com/" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty (Parameters ["XwtGithubRepository"]) ? Parameters ["XwtGithubRepository"] : "mono/xwt") + ".git";
				var gitBranch = Parameters ["XwtGithubBranch"];
				if (gitBranch == String.Empty)
					gitBranch = "master";
				var gitRepo = VersionControlService.GetRepository (solution) as GitRepository;
				var xwt_proj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Xwt") as DotNetProject;

				if (xwt_proj != null && xwt_proj.ItemId.ToUpper () != "{92494904-35FA-4DC9-BDE9-3A3E87AC49D3}") {
					xwt_proj = null;
					foreach (var item in solution.GetAllProjectsWithFlavor<DotNetProjectExtension>()) {
						if (item.ItemId.ToUpper () == "{92494904-35FA-4DC9-BDE9-3A3E87AC49D3}") {
							xwt_proj = item as DotNetProject;

				var xwt_path = xwt_proj == null ? solution.BaseDirectory.Combine ("Xwt") : xwt_proj.BaseDirectory.ParentDirectory;

				monitor.BeginTask ("Configuring Xwt References...", 3);

				if (xwt_proj == null && !Directory.Exists (xwt_path)) {
					monitor.BeginTask ("Cloning Xwt into " + xwt_path + "...", 1);
					if (createSubmodule && gitRepo != null) {
						monitor.BeginTask ("Initializing Xwt submodule in " + xwt_path + "...", 1);

						var repo = new FileRepository (gitRepo.RootPath.Combine (".git"));
						var git = new Git (repo);

						try {
							using (var gm = new GitMonitor (monitor)) {
								var add_submodule = git.SubmoduleAdd ();
								add_submodule.SetPath ("Xwt");
								add_submodule.SetURI (gitUrl);
								add_submodule.SetProgressMonitor (gm);
								add_submodule.Call ();

								var submodule = new GitRepository (VersionControlService.GetVersionControlSystems ().First (id => id.Name == "Git"),
												   gitRepo.RootPath.Combine ("Xwt"), gitUrl);

								var submoduleRemote = submodule.GetCurrentRemote ();
								submodule.Fetch (monitor, submoduleRemote);
								if (submodule.GetCurrentBranch () != gitBranch) {
									submodule.CreateBranch (gitBranch, submoduleRemote + "/" + gitBranch, "refs/remotes/" + submoduleRemote + "/" + gitBranch);
									submodule.SwitchToBranch (monitor, gitBranch);
						} catch {
							Directory.Delete (xwt_path, true);

						monitor.EndTask ();
					} else {

						var repo = new GitRepository ();
						repo.Url = gitUrl;
						repo.Checkout (xwt_path, true, monitor);
						var remote = repo.GetCurrentRemote ();
						repo.Fetch (monitor, remote);
						if (repo.GetCurrentBranch () != gitBranch) {
							repo.CreateBranch (gitBranch, remote + "/" + gitBranch, "refs/remotes/" + remote + "/" + gitBranch);
							repo.SwitchToBranch (monitor, gitBranch);
					monitor.EndTask ();

				SolutionFolder xwt_folder;
				if (xwt_proj != null)
					xwt_folder = xwt_proj.ParentFolder;
				else {
					xwt_folder = new SolutionFolder ();
					xwt_folder.Name = "Xwt";
				solution.RootFolder.Items.Add (xwt_folder);
				monitor.Step (1);

				monitor.BeginTask ("Adding Xwt Projects to Solution...", 7);

				if (xwt_proj == null && File.Exists (xwt_path.Combine ("Xwt", "Xwt.csproj"))) {
					xwt_proj = await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.AddSolutionItem (
						xwt_path.Combine ("Xwt", "Xwt.csproj")
					) as DotNetProject;
				if (xwt_proj == null)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("Xwt project not found");

				monitor.Step (1);

				var xwt_gtk_proj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Xwt.Gtk") ??
					await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.AddSolutionItem (
						xwt_path.Combine ("Xwt.Gtk", "Xwt.Gtk.csproj")
					) as DotNetProject;

				monitor.Step (1);

				var xwt_gtk_win_proj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Xwt.Gtk.Windows") ??
					await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.AddSolutionItem (
						xwt_path.Combine ("Xwt.Gtk.Windows", "Xwt.Gtk.Windows.csproj")
					) as DotNetProject;

				monitor.Step (1);

				var xwt_gtk_mac_proj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Xwt.Gtk.Mac") ??
					await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.AddSolutionItem (
						xwt_path.Combine ("Xwt.Gtk.Mac", "Xwt.Gtk.Mac.csproj")
					) as DotNetProject;

				monitor.Step (1);

				var xwt_gtk3_proj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Xwt.Gtk3") ??
					await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.AddSolutionItem (
						xwt_path.Combine ("Xwt.Gtk", "Xwt.Gtk3.csproj")
					) as DotNetProject;

				monitor.Step (1);

				var xwt_wpf_proj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Xwt.WPF") ??
					await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.AddSolutionItem (
						xwt_path.Combine ("Xwt.WPF", "Xwt.WPF.csproj")
					) as DotNetProject;

				monitor.Step (1);

				var xwt_mac_proj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Xwt.Mac") ??
					await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.AddSolutionItem (
						xwt_path.Combine ("Xwt.Mac", "Xwt.Mac.csproj")
					) as DotNetProject;

				monitor.Step (1);

				var xwt_xammac_proj = solution.FindProjectByName ("Xwt.XamMac") ??
					await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.AddSolutionItem (
						xwt_path.Combine ("Xwt.XamMac", "Xwt.XamMac.csproj")
					) as DotNetProject;

				monitor.EndTask ();
				monitor.Step (1);
				monitor.BeginTask ("Adding Xwt References...", solution.Items.Count);

				foreach (var item in solution.Items) {
					var project = item as DotNetProject;
					if (project != null) {
						if (project.Name == newProjectName ||
						    project.Name.StartsWith (newProjectName + ".", StringComparison.Ordinal))
							project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_proj));
						if (project.Name == newProjectName + ".Desktop") {
							if (Platform.IsWindows) {
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_wpf_proj));
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk_proj));
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk_win_proj));
							} else if (Platform.IsLinux) {
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk_proj));
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk3_proj));
							} else if (Platform.IsMac) {
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_xammac_proj));
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk_proj));
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk_mac_proj));

						if (project.Name == newProjectName + ".Gtk2") {
							project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk_proj));
							if (Platform.IsWindows) {
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk_win_proj));
							} else if (Platform.IsMac) {
								project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk_mac_proj));

						if (project.Name == newProjectName + ".Wpf") {
							project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_wpf_proj));

						if (project.Name == newProjectName + ".Gtk3") {
							project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_gtk3_proj));

						if (project.Name == newProjectName + ".Mac") {
							project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_mac_proj));

						if (project.Name == newProjectName + ".XamMac") {
							project.References.Add (ProjectReference.CreateProjectReference (xwt_xammac_proj));
					monitor.Step (1);

				monitor.EndTask ();
				monitor.EndTask ();
				monitor.ReportSuccess ("Xwt Repository initialized successfully");

				await IdeApp.Workspace.SaveAsync (monitor);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Adding Xwt reference failed: ");
				monitor.ReportError (msg, e);
				MessageService.ShowError (msg, e);
			} finally {
				monitor.Dispose ();
		void RunActionsWithProgressMonitor (ProgressMonitor monitor, IList<IPackageAction> packageActions)
			foreach (IPackageAction action in packageActions) {
				action.Execute (monitor.CancellationToken);
				instrumentationService.InstrumentPackageAction (action);
				monitor.Step (1);
Пример #11
		public override BuildResult Compile (
		    Project project,
		    ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		    ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		    CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		    ProgressMonitor monitor)
			if (!appsChecked) {
				appsChecked = true;
				compilerFound = CheckApp (compilerCommand);
				linkerFound = CheckApp (linkerCommand);
			if (!compilerFound) {
				BuildResult cres = new BuildResult ();
				cres.AddError ("Compiler not found: " + compilerCommand);
				return cres;
			if (!linkerFound) {
				BuildResult cres = new BuildResult ();
				cres.AddError ("Linker not found: " + linkerCommand);
				return cres;
			CompilerResults cr = new CompilerResults (new TempFileCollection ());
			bool success = true;
			string compilerArgs = GetCompilerFlags (project, configuration) + " " + GeneratePkgCompilerArgs (packages);
			string outputName = Path.Combine (configuration.OutputDirectory,
			// Precompile header files and place them in prec/<config_name>/
			if (configuration.PrecompileHeaders) {
				string precDir = Path.Combine (configuration.IntermediateOutputDirectory, "prec");
				string precConfigDir = Path.Combine (precDir, configuration.Id);
				if (!Directory.Exists (precDir))
					Directory.CreateDirectory (precDir);
				if (!Directory.Exists (precConfigDir))
					Directory.CreateDirectory (precConfigDir);
				if (!PrecompileHeaders (projectFiles, configuration, compilerArgs, monitor, cr))
					success = false;
			} else {
				//old headers could interfere with the build
				CleanPrecompiledHeaders (configuration);
			//compile source to object files
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Compiling source to object files"), 1);
			foreach (ProjectFile f in projectFiles) {
				if (!success) break;
				if (f.Subtype == Subtype.Directory || f.BuildAction != BuildAction.Compile || CProject.IsHeaderFile (f.FilePath))
				if (configuration.UseCcache || NeedsCompiling (f, configuration))
					success = DoCompilation (f, configuration, compilerArgs, monitor, cr, configuration.UseCcache);
			if (success)
				monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();

			if (success) {
				switch (configuration.CompileTarget)
				case CBinding.CompileTarget.Bin:
					MakeBin (project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);
				case CBinding.CompileTarget.StaticLibrary:
					MakeStaticLibrary (project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);
				case CBinding.CompileTarget.SharedLibrary:
					MakeSharedLibrary (project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);
			return new BuildResult (cr, "");
Пример #12
		private void MakeSharedLibrary(Project project,
		                               ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		                               CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		                               ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		                               CompilerResults cr,
		                               ProgressMonitor monitor, string outputName)
			if (!NeedsUpdate (projectFiles, configuration, outputName)) return;
			string objectFiles = string.Join (" ", ObjectFiles (projectFiles, configuration, true));
			string pkgargs = GeneratePkgLinkerArgs (packages);
			StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder ();
			if (configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments != null && configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments.Length > 0) {
				string extraLinkerArgs = ExpandBacktickedParameters(configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments.Replace ('\n', ' '));
				args.Append (extraLinkerArgs + " ");
			if (configuration.LibPaths != null)
				foreach (string libpath in configuration.LibPaths)
					args.Append ("-L\"" + StringParserService.Parse (libpath, GetStringTags (project)) + "\" ");
			if (configuration.Libs != null) {
				foreach (string lib in configuration.Libs) {
					string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(lib);
					string library = Path.GetFileName(lib);

					// Is this a 'standard' (as in, uses an orthodox naming convention) library..?
					string link_lib = String.Empty;
					if(IsStandardLibrary(configuration, directory, library, ref link_lib))
						args.Append ("-l\"" + link_lib + "\" ");
					// If not, reference the library by it's full pathname.
						args.Append ("\"" + lib + "\" ");
			string linker_args = string.Format ("-shared -o \"{0}\" {1} {2} {3}",
			    outputName, objectFiles, pkgargs, args.ToString ());
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Generating shared object \"{0}\" from object files", Path.GetFileName (outputName)), 1);
			string errorOutput;
			int exitCode = ExecuteCommand (linkerCommand , linker_args, Path.GetDirectoryName (outputName), monitor, out errorOutput);
			if (exitCode == 0)
				monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();
			ParseCompilerOutput (errorOutput, cr);
			ParseLinkerOutput (errorOutput, cr);
			CheckReturnCode (exitCode, cr);
Пример #13
		private void MakeStaticLibrary (Project project,
		                                ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		                                CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		                                ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		                                CompilerResults cr,
		                                ProgressMonitor monitor, string outputName)
			if (!NeedsUpdate (projectFiles, configuration, outputName)) return;
			string objectFiles = string.Join (" ", ObjectFiles (projectFiles, configuration, true));
			string args = string.Format ("rcs \"{0}\" {1}", outputName, objectFiles);
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Generating static library {0} from object files", Path.GetFileName (outputName)), 1);
			string errorOutput;
			int exitCode = ExecuteCommand ("ar", args, Path.GetDirectoryName (outputName), monitor, out errorOutput);
			if (exitCode == 0)
				monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();
			ParseCompilerOutput (errorOutput, cr);
			ParseLinkerOutput (errorOutput, cr);
			CheckReturnCode (exitCode, cr);
Пример #14
		private bool PrecompileHeaders (ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		                                CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		                                string args,
		                                ProgressMonitor monitor,
		                                CompilerResults cr)
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Precompiling headers"), 1);
			bool success = true;
			foreach (ProjectFile file in projectFiles) {
				if (file.Subtype == Subtype.Code && CProject.IsHeaderFile (file.Name)) {
					string precomp = Path.Combine (configuration.IntermediateOutputDirectory, "prec");
					precomp = Path.Combine (precomp, configuration.Id);
					precomp = Path.Combine (precomp, Path.GetFileName (file.Name) + ".ghc");
					if (file.BuildAction == BuildAction.Compile) {
						if (!File.Exists (precomp) || configuration.UseCcache || File.GetLastWriteTime (file.Name) > File.GetLastWriteTime (precomp)) {
							if (DoPrecompileHeader (file, precomp, args, monitor, cr) == false) {
								success = false;
					} else {
						//remove old files or they'll interfere with the build
						if (File.Exists (precomp))
							File.Delete (precomp);
			if (success)
				monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();
			return success;
Пример #15
		public static void Initialize (ProgressMonitor monitor)
			// Already done in IdeSetup, but called again since unit tests don't use IdeSetup.
			DispatchService.Initialize ();

			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Creating Workbench");
			workbench = new Workbench ();
			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Creating Root Workspace");
			workspace = new RootWorkspace ();
			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Creating Services");
			projectOperations = new ProjectOperations ();
			helpOperations = new HelpOperations ();
			commandService = new CommandManager ();
			ideServices = new IdeServices ();
			CustomToolService.Init ();
			commandService.CommandTargetScanStarted += CommandServiceCommandTargetScanStarted;
			commandService.CommandTargetScanFinished += CommandServiceCommandTargetScanFinished;
			commandService.KeyBindingFailed += KeyBindingFailed;

			KeyBindingService.LoadBindingsFromExtensionPath ("/MonoDevelop/Ide/KeyBindingSchemes");
			KeyBindingService.LoadCurrentBindings ("MD2");

			commandService.CommandError += delegate (object sender, CommandErrorArgs args) {
				LoggingService.LogInternalError (args.ErrorMessage, args.Exception);
			FileService.ErrorHandler = FileServiceErrorHandler;
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString("Loading Workbench"), 5);
			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Loading Commands");
			commandService.LoadCommands ("/MonoDevelop/Ide/Commands");
			monitor.Step (1);

			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Initializing Workbench");
			workbench.Initialize (monitor);
			monitor.Step (1);
			MonoDevelop.Ide.WelcomePage.WelcomePageService.Initialize ();
			MonoDevelop.Ide.WelcomePage.WelcomePageService.ShowWelcomePage ();

			monitor.Step (1);

			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Restoring Workbench State");
			workbench.Show ("SharpDevelop.Workbench.WorkbenchMemento");
			monitor.Step (1);
			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Flushing GUI events");
			DispatchService.RunPendingEvents ();
			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Flushed GUI events");
			MessageService.RootWindow = workbench.RootWindow;
			commandService.EnableIdleUpdate = true;

			// Perser service initialization
			TypeSystemService.TrackFileChanges = true;

			if (Customizer != null)
				Customizer.OnIdeInitialized ();
			// Startup commands
			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Running Startup Commands");
			AddinManager.AddExtensionNodeHandler ("/MonoDevelop/Ide/StartupHandlers", OnExtensionChanged);
			monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();

			// Set initial run flags
			Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Upgrading Settings");

			if (PropertyService.Get("MonoDevelop.Core.FirstRun", false)) {
				isInitialRun = true;
				PropertyService.Set ("MonoDevelop.Core.FirstRun", false);
				PropertyService.Set ("MonoDevelop.Core.LastRunVersion", BuildInfo.Version);
				PropertyService.Set ("MonoDevelop.Core.LastRunRevision", CurrentRevision);
				PropertyService.SaveProperties ();

			string lastVersion = PropertyService.Get ("MonoDevelop.Core.LastRunVersion", "1.9.1");
			int lastRevision = PropertyService.Get ("MonoDevelop.Core.LastRunRevision", 0);
			if (lastRevision != CurrentRevision && !isInitialRun) {
				isInitialRunAfterUpgrade = true;
				if (lastRevision == 0) {
					switch (lastVersion) {
						case "1.0": lastRevision = 1; break;
						case "2.0": lastRevision = 2; break;
						case "2.2": lastRevision = 3; break;
						case "2.2.1": lastRevision = 4; break;
				upgradedFromRevision = lastRevision;
				PropertyService.Set ("MonoDevelop.Core.LastRunVersion", BuildInfo.Version);
				PropertyService.Set ("MonoDevelop.Core.LastRunRevision", CurrentRevision);
				PropertyService.SaveProperties ();
			// The ide is now initialized

			isInitialized = true;
			if (isInitialRun) {
				try {
					OnInitialRun ();
				} catch (Exception e) {
					LoggingService.LogError ("Error found while initializing the IDE", e);

			if (isInitialRunAfterUpgrade) {
				try {
					OnUpgraded (upgradedFromRevision);
				} catch (Exception e) {
					LoggingService.LogError ("Error found while initializing the IDE", e);
			if (initializedEvent != null) {
				initializedEvent (null, EventArgs.Empty);
				initializedEvent = null;
			//FIXME: we should really make this on-demand. consumers can display a "loading help cache" message like VS
			MonoDevelop.Projects.HelpService.AsyncInitialize ();
			UpdateInstrumentationIcon ();
			IdeApp.Preferences.EnableInstrumentation.Changed += delegate {
				UpdateInstrumentationIcon ();
			AutoTestService.Start (commandService, Preferences.EnableAutomatedTesting);
			AutoTestService.NotifyEvent ("MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeStart");

			Gtk.LinkButton.SetUriHook ((button, uri) => Xwt.Desktop.OpenUrl (uri));
		internal ComponentIndex GetComponentIndex (ProgressMonitor monitor)
			// Returns an index of all components that can be added to the toolbox.
			ComponentIndex index = ComponentIndex.Load ();
			// Get the list of assemblies that need to be updated
			HashSet<string> files = new HashSet<string> ();
			List<ComponentIndexFile> toupdate = new List<ComponentIndexFile> ();
			List<ComponentIndexFile> todelete = new List<ComponentIndexFile> ();
			foreach (ComponentIndexFile ia in index.Files) {
				files.Add (ia.FileName);
				if (!File.Exists (ia.FileName))
					todelete.Add (ia);
				if (ia.NeedsUpdate)
					toupdate.Add (ia);
				if (monitor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
					return index;
			// Look for new assemblies
			foreach (TargetRuntime runtime in Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.GetTargetRuntimes ()) {
				foreach (SystemAssembly asm in runtime.AssemblyContext.GetAssemblies ()) {
					if (files.Add (asm.Location)) {
						ComponentIndexFile c = new ComponentIndexFile (asm.Location);
						index.Files.Add (c);
						toupdate.Add (c);
					if (monitor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
						return index;
			foreach (ComponentIndexFile ia in todelete) {
				index.Files.Remove (ia);
			if (toupdate.Count > 0) {
				monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Looking for components..."), toupdate.Count);
				LoaderContext ctx = new LoaderContext ();
				try {
					foreach (ComponentIndexFile ia in toupdate) {
						ia.Update (ctx);
						monitor.Step (1);
						if (monitor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
							return index;
				} finally {
					ctx.Dispose ();
					monitor.EndTask ();
			if (toupdate.Count > 0 || todelete.Count > 0)
				index.Save ();
			return index;
Пример #17
		public bool SwitchToBranch (ProgressMonitor monitor, string branch)
			Signature sig = GetSignature ();
			Stash stash;
			int stashIndex = -1;
			if (sig == null)
				return false;

			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Switching to branch {0}", branch), GitService.StashUnstashWhenSwitchingBranches ? 4 : 2);

			// Get a list of files that are different in the target branch
			var statusList = GitUtil.GetChangedFiles (RootRepository, branch);

			if (GitService.StashUnstashWhenSwitchingBranches) {
				// Remove the stash for this branch, if exists
				string currentBranch = GetCurrentBranch ();
				stashIndex = GetStashForBranch (RootRepository.Stashes, currentBranch);
				if (stashIndex != -1)
					RootRepository.Stashes.Remove (stashIndex);

				if (!TryCreateStash (monitor, GetStashName (currentBranch), out stash))
					return false;
				monitor.Step (1);

			try {
				int progress = 0;
				RootRepository.Checkout (branch, new CheckoutOptions {
					OnCheckoutProgress = (path, completedSteps, totalSteps) => OnCheckoutProgress (completedSteps, totalSteps, monitor, ref progress),
					OnCheckoutNotify = RefreshFile,
					CheckoutNotifyFlags = refreshFlags,
			} finally {
				// Restore the branch stash
				if (GitService.StashUnstashWhenSwitchingBranches) {
					stashIndex = GetStashForBranch (RootRepository.Stashes, branch);
					if (stashIndex != -1)
						PopStash (monitor, stashIndex);
					monitor.Step (1);
			// Notify file changes
			NotifyFileChanges (monitor, statusList);

			BranchSelectionChanged?.Invoke (this, EventArgs.Empty);

			monitor.EndTask ();
			return true;
Пример #18
		public IEnumerable<SearchResult> FindAll (Scope scope, ProgressMonitor monitor, string pattern, string replacePattern, FilterOptions filter)
			if (filter.RegexSearch) {
				RegexOptions regexOptions = RegexOptions.Compiled;
				if (!filter.CaseSensitive)
					regexOptions |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
				regex = new Regex (pattern, regexOptions);
			IsRunning = true;
			FoundMatchesCount = SearchedFilesCount = 0;
			monitor.BeginTask (scope.GetDescription (filter, pattern, replacePattern), 150);
			try {
				int totalWork = scope.GetTotalWork (filter);
				int step = Math.Max (1, totalWork / 50);

				var contents = new List<Tuple<FileProvider, string, List<SearchResult>>>();
				foreach (var provider in scope.GetFiles (monitor, filter)) {
					try {
						contents.Add(Tuple.Create (provider, provider.ReadString (), new List<SearchResult> ()));
						if (searchedFilesCount % step == 0)
							monitor.Step (2); 
					} catch (FileNotFoundException) {
						MessageService.ShowError (string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("File {0} not found.")), provider.FileName);

				var results = new List<SearchResult>();
				if (filter.RegexSearch && replacePattern != null) {
					foreach (var content in contents) {
						results.AddRange (RegexSearch (monitor, content.Item1, content.Item2, replacePattern, filter));
				} else {
					Parallel.ForEach (contents, content => { 
						if (monitor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
						try {
							Interlocked.Increment (ref searchedFilesCount);
							content.Item3.AddRange(FindAll (monitor, content.Item1, content.Item2, pattern, replacePattern, filter));
							lock (results) {
								results.AddRange (content.Item3);
							FoundMatchesCount += content.Item3.Count;
							if (searchedFilesCount % step == 0)
								monitor.Step (1); 
						} catch (Exception e) {
							LoggingService.LogError("Exception during search.", e);

					if (replacePattern != null) {
						foreach (var content in contents) {
							if (content.Item3.Count == 0)
							try {
								content.Item1.BeginReplace (content.Item2);
								Replace (content.Item1, content.Item3, replacePattern);
								content.Item1.EndReplace ();
							} catch (Exception e) {
								LoggingService.LogError("Exception during replace.", e);

				return results;
			} finally {
				monitor.EndTask ();
				IsRunning = false;
Пример #19
		protected override void OnMoveDirectory (FilePath localSrcPath, FilePath localDestPath, bool force, ProgressMonitor monitor)
			VersionInfo[] versionedFiles = GetDirectoryVersionInfo (localSrcPath, false, true);
			base.OnMoveDirectory (localSrcPath, localDestPath, force, monitor);
			monitor.BeginTask ("Moving files", versionedFiles.Length);
			foreach (VersionInfo vif in versionedFiles) {
				if (vif.IsDirectory)
				FilePath newDestPath = vif.LocalPath.ToRelative (localSrcPath).ToAbsolute (localDestPath);
				Add (newDestPath, false, monitor);
				monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();
		internal void InternalCopyFiles (ProgressMonitor monitor, IFileReplacePolicy replacePolicy, FileCopyConfiguration copyConfig, DeployFileCollection deployFiles, DeployContext context, string realPrefix)
			string targetDirectory = ((LocalFileCopyConfiguration) copyConfig).TargetDirectory;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (copyConfig.FriendlyLocation) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (targetDirectory))
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot deploy to unconfigured location.");
			List<DeployFileConf> files = new List<DeployFileConf> ();
			long totalFileSize = 0;
			//pre-scan: ask all copy/replace questions first so user doesn't have to wait, and get 
			foreach (DeployFile df in deployFiles) {
				if (!context.IncludeFile (df))
				DeployFileConf dfc = new DeployFileConf ();
				files.Add (dfc);
				dfc.SourceFile = df.SourcePath;
				dfc.FileSize = FileSize (dfc.SourceFile);
				totalFileSize += dfc.FileSize;
				string relativeTarget = context.GetResolvedPath (df.TargetDirectoryID, df.RelativeTargetPath);
				if (relativeTarget == null)
					throw new InvalidOperationException (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not resolve target directory ID \"{0}\"", df.TargetDirectoryID));
				dfc.TargetFile = Path.Combine (targetDirectory, relativeTarget);
				//this is a bit hacky; it's an internal hook to the BaseFuseFileCopyHandler implementation a level up the inheritance heirarchy
				//Essentailly we are aliasing the path so that  BaseFuseFileCopyHandler can use LocalFileCopyHandler to do the local copying 
				//after the temp FUSE directory is mounted
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (realPrefix)) {
					dfc.InternalTargetFile = Path.Combine (realPrefix, context.GetResolvedPath (df.TargetDirectoryID, df.RelativeTargetPath));
				} else {
					dfc.InternalTargetFile = dfc.TargetFile;
				if (FileExists (dfc.InternalTargetFile)) {
					dfc.SourceModified = File.GetLastWriteTime (dfc.SourceFile);
					dfc.TargetModified = GetTargetModificationTime (dfc.InternalTargetFile);
					dfc.ReplaceMode = replacePolicy.GetReplaceAction (dfc.SourceFile, dfc.SourceModified, dfc.TargetFile, dfc.TargetModified);
					if (dfc.ReplaceMode == FileReplaceMode.Abort) {
						monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Deployment aborted: target file {0} already exists.", dfc.TargetFile));
						throw new OperationCanceledException ();
			//PROBLEM: monitor takes ints, file sizes are longs
			//HOWEVER: longs are excessively long for a progress bar
			//SOLUTION: assume total task has a length of 1000 (longer than this is probably unnecessary for a progress bar),
			//  and set up a callback system for translating the actual long number of bytes into a portion of this
			const int progressBarLength = 1000;
			long stepSize = totalFileSize / progressBarLength;
			long carry = 0; 
			monitor.BeginTask (copyConfig.FriendlyLocation, progressBarLength);
			CopyReportCallback copyCallback = delegate (long bytes) {
				if (monitor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
					return false;
				int steps = (int) (bytes / stepSize);
				carry += bytes % stepSize;
				if (carry > stepSize) {
					steps += 1;
					carry -= stepSize;
				if (steps > 0)
					monitor.Step (steps);
				return true;
			//now the actual copy
			foreach (DeployFileConf file in files) {
				//abort the copy if cancelling
				if (monitor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
				EnsureDirectoryExists (Path.GetDirectoryName (file.InternalTargetFile));
				if (file.ReplaceMode != FileReplaceMode.NotSet) {
					switch (file.ReplaceMode) {
					case FileReplaceMode.Skip:
						monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Skipped {0}: file exists.", file.TargetFile));
						copyCallback (file.FileSize);
						continue; //next file
					case FileReplaceMode.Replace:
						monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Replaced {0}.", file.TargetFile));
					case FileReplaceMode.ReplaceOlder:
						if (file.SourceModified > file.TargetModified) {
							monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Replacing {0}: existing file is older.", file.TargetFile));
						} else {
							if (file.SourceModified == file.TargetModified)
								monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Skipped {0}: existing file is the same age.", file.TargetFile));
								monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Skipped {0}: existing file is newer.", file.TargetFile));
							copyCallback (file.FileSize);
							continue; //next file
				else {
					monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Deployed file {0}.", file.TargetFile));
				CopyFile (file.SourceFile, file.InternalTargetFile, copyCallback);
			monitor.EndTask ();
Пример #21
		static void OnCheckoutProgress (int completedSteps, int totalSteps, ProgressMonitor monitor, ref int progress)
			if (progress == 0 && completedSteps == 0) {
				monitor.BeginTask ("Checking out files", totalSteps);
				throttleWatch.Restart ();

			int steps = completedSteps - progress;
			if (throttleWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > progressThrottle) {
				monitor.Step (steps);
				throttleWatch.Restart ();
			progress = completedSteps;

			if (completedSteps >= totalSteps) {
				monitor.EndTask ();
				throttleWatch.Stop ();
		//FIXME: Check whether autogen.sh is required or not
		protected async override Task<BuildResult> OnBuild (ProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration, OperationContext operationContext)
			if (data == null || !data.SupportsIntegration || String.IsNullOrEmpty (data.BuildTargetName))
				return await base.OnBuild (monitor, configuration, operationContext);

			//FIXME: Gen autofoo ? autoreconf?

			string output = String.Empty;
			int exitCode = 0;
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Building {0}", Project.Name), 1);
				string baseDir = Project.BaseDirectory;
				string args = string.Format ("-j {0} {1}", data.ParallelProcesses, data.BuildTargetName);
				using (var swOutput = new StringWriter ()) {
					using (var chainedOutput = new LogTextWriter ()) {
						chainedOutput.ChainWriter (monitor.Log);
						chainedOutput.ChainWriter (swOutput);

						using (ProcessWrapper process = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess ("make",
							null)) {

							await process.Task;

							chainedOutput.UnchainWriter (monitor.Log);
							chainedOutput.UnchainWriter (swOutput);

							exitCode = process.ExitCode;
							output = swOutput.ToString ();
							monitor.Step ( 1 );
			catch ( Exception e )
				monitor.ReportError ( GettextCatalog.GetString ("Project could not be built: "), e );
				return null;
				monitor.EndTask ();

			TempFileCollection tf = new TempFileCollection ();
			Regex regexError = data.GetErrorRegex (false);
			Regex regexWarning = data.GetWarningRegex (false);

			BuildResult cr = ParseOutput (tf, output, Project.BaseDirectory, regexError, regexWarning);
			if (exitCode != 0 && cr.FailedBuildCount == 0)
				cr.AddError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Build failed. See Build Output panel."));

			return cr;
Пример #23
		public void Fetch (ProgressMonitor monitor, string remote)
			monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Fetching from '{0}'", remote));
			int progress = 0;
			RetryUntilSuccess (monitor, credType => RootRepository.Fetch (remote, new FetchOptions {
				CredentialsProvider = (url, userFromUrl, types) => GitCredentials.TryGet (url, userFromUrl, types, credType),
				OnTransferProgress = tp => OnTransferProgress (tp, monitor, ref progress),
			monitor.Step (1);
		protected async override Task<BuildResult> OnClean (ProgressMonitor monitor, ConfigurationSelector configuration, OperationContext operationContext)
			if (data == null || !data.SupportsIntegration || String.IsNullOrEmpty (data.CleanTargetName)) {
				return await base.OnClean (monitor, configuration, operationContext); 

			monitor.BeginTask ( GettextCatalog.GetString( "Cleaning project"), 1);
				string baseDir = Project.BaseDirectory;
				ProcessWrapper process = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess ( "make", 
						null );

				await process.Task;

				if ( process.ExitCode > 0 )
					throw new Exception ( GettextCatalog.GetString ("An unspecified error occurred while running '{0}'", "make " + data.CleanTargetName) );

				monitor.Step ( 1 );
			catch ( Exception e )
				monitor.ReportError ( GettextCatalog.GetString ("Project could not be cleaned: "), e );
				var res = new BuildResult ();
				res.AddError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Project could not be cleaned: ") + e.Message);
				return res;
				monitor.EndTask ();
			monitor.ReportSuccess ( GettextCatalog.GetString ( "Project successfully cleaned"));
			return BuildResult.CreateSuccess ();
Пример #25
		void CommonPostMergeRebase(int stashIndex, GitUpdateOptions options, ProgressMonitor monitor, Commit oldHead)
			if ((options & GitUpdateOptions.SaveLocalChanges) == GitUpdateOptions.SaveLocalChanges) {
				monitor.Step (1);

				// Restore local changes
				if (stashIndex != -1) {
					monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Restoring local changes"));
					ApplyStash (monitor, stashIndex);
					// FIXME: No StashApplyStatus.Conflicts here.
					if (RootRepository.Index.Conflicts.Any () && !ConflictResolver (monitor, oldHead, string.Empty))
						PopStash (monitor, stashIndex);
						RootRepository.Stashes.Remove (stashIndex);

					monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();
		protected async override Task OnExecute (ProgressMonitor monitor, ExecutionContext context, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			if (data == null || !data.SupportsIntegration || String.IsNullOrEmpty (data.ExecuteTargetName)) {
				await base.OnExecute (monitor, context, configuration);

			OperationConsole console = context.ConsoleFactory.CreateConsole ();
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Executing {0}", Project.Name), 1);
				ProcessWrapper process = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess ("make",

				await process.Task;

				monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("The application exited with code: {0}", process.ExitCode));
				monitor.Step (1);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Project could not be executed: "), e);
			} finally {
				monitor.EndTask ();
				console.Dispose ();
		internal void LoadSolution (Solution sol, SlnFile sln, ProgressMonitor monitor, SolutionLoadContext ctx)
			var version = sln.FormatVersion;

			//Parse the .sln file
			var folder = sol.RootFolder;
			sol.Version = "0.1"; //FIXME:

			monitor.BeginTask("Loading projects ..", sln.Projects.Count + 1);
			Dictionary<string, SolutionFolderItem> items = new Dictionary<string, SolutionFolderItem> ();
			List<string> sortedList = new List<string> ();

			List<Task> loadTasks = new List<Task> ();

			foreach (SlnProject sec in sln.Projects) {
				try {
					// Valid guid?
					new Guid (sec.TypeGuid);
				} catch (FormatException) {
					monitor.Step (1);
					//Use default guid as projectGuid
					LoggingService.LogDebug (GettextCatalog.GetString (
						"Invalid Project type guid '{0}' on line #{1}. Ignoring.",

				string projTypeGuid = sec.TypeGuid.ToUpper ();
				string projectName = sec.Name;
				string projectPath = sec.FilePath;
				string projectGuid = sec.Id;

				lock (items)
					sortedList.Add (projectGuid);

				if (projTypeGuid == MSBuildProjectService.FolderTypeGuid) {
					//Solution folder
					SolutionFolder sfolder = new SolutionFolder ();
					sfolder.Name = projectName;
					sfolder.ItemId = projectGuid;

					DeserializeSolutionItem (monitor, sol, sfolder, sec);
					foreach (string f in ReadFolderFiles (sec))
						sfolder.Files.Add (MSBuildProjectService.FromMSBuildPath (Path.GetDirectoryName (sol.FileName), f));

					lock (items)
						items.Add (projectGuid, sfolder);

					monitor.Step (1);

				if (projectPath.StartsWith("http://")) {
					monitor.ReportWarning (GettextCatalog.GetString (
						"{0}({1}): Projects with non-local source (http://...) not supported. '{2}'.",
						sol.FileName, sec.Line, projectPath));
					monitor.Step (1);

				string path = MSBuildProjectService.FromMSBuildPath (Path.GetDirectoryName (sol.FileName), projectPath);
				if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (path)) {
					monitor.ReportWarning (GettextCatalog.GetString (
						"Invalid project path found in {0} : {1}", sol.FileName, projectPath));
					LoggingService.LogWarning (GettextCatalog.GetString (
						"Invalid project path found in {0} : {1}", sol.FileName, projectPath));
					monitor.Step (1);

				projectPath = Path.GetFullPath (path);
				SolutionItem item = null;
				Task<SolutionItem> loadTask;
				DateTime ti = DateTime.Now;

				if (sol.IsSolutionItemEnabled (projectPath)) {
					loadTask = Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (monitor, projectPath, format, projTypeGuid, projectGuid, ctx);
				} else {
					loadTask = Task.FromResult<SolutionItem> (new UnloadedSolutionItem () {
						FileName = projectPath

				var ft = loadTask.ContinueWith (ta => {
					try {
						item = ta.Result;
						if (item == null)
							throw new UnknownSolutionItemTypeException (projTypeGuid);
					} catch (Exception cex) {
						var e = UnwrapException (cex).First ();

						string unsupportedMessage = e.Message;

						if (e is UserException) {
							var ex = (UserException) e;
							LoggingService.LogError ("{0}: {1}", ex.Message, ex.Details);
							monitor.ReportError (string.Format ("{0}{1}{1}{2}", ex.Message, Environment.NewLine, ex.Details), null);
						} else {
							LoggingService.LogError (string.Format ("Error while trying to load the project {0}", projectPath), e);
							monitor.ReportWarning (GettextCatalog.GetString (
								"Error while trying to load the project '{0}': {1}", projectPath, e.Message));

						SolutionItem uitem;
						uitem = new UnknownSolutionItem () {
							FileName = projectPath,
							LoadError = unsupportedMessage,
						item = uitem;
						item.ItemId = projectGuid;
						item.TypeGuid = projTypeGuid;

					item.UnresolvedProjectDependencies = ReadSolutionItemDependencies (sec);

					// Deserialize the object
					DeserializeSolutionItem (monitor, sol, item, sec);

					lock (items) {
						if (!items.ContainsKey (projectGuid)) {
							items.Add (projectGuid, item);
						} else {
							monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Invalid solution file. There are two projects with the same GUID. The project {0} will be ignored.", projectPath), null);
					monitor.Step (1);
				loadTasks.Add (ft);

			Task.WaitAll (loadTasks.ToArray ());

			sol.LoadedProjects = new HashSet<string> (items.Keys);

			var nested = sln.Sections.GetSection ("NestedProjects");
			if (nested != null)
				LoadNestedProjects (nested, items, monitor);

			// Resolve project dependencies
			foreach (var it in items.Values.OfType<SolutionItem> ()) {
				if (it.UnresolvedProjectDependencies != null) {
					foreach (var id in it.UnresolvedProjectDependencies.ToArray ()) {
						SolutionFolderItem dep;
						if (items.TryGetValue (id, out dep) && dep is SolutionItem) {
							it.UnresolvedProjectDependencies.Remove (id);
							it.ItemDependencies.Add ((SolutionItem)dep);
					if (it.UnresolvedProjectDependencies.Count == 0)
						it.UnresolvedProjectDependencies = null;

			//Add top level folders and projects to the main folder
			foreach (string id in sortedList) {
				SolutionFolderItem ce;
				if (items.TryGetValue (id, out ce) && ce.ParentFolder == null)
					folder.Items.Add (ce);

			//FIXME: This can be just SolutionConfiguration also!
			LoadSolutionConfigurations (sln.SolutionConfigurationsSection, sol, monitor);

			LoadProjectConfigurationMappings (sln.ProjectConfigurationsSection, sol, items, monitor);

			foreach (var e in sln.Sections) {
				string name = e.Id;
				if (name.StartsWith ("MonoDevelopProperties.")) {
					int i = name.IndexOf ('.');
					LoadMonoDevelopConfigurationProperties (name.Substring (i+1), e, sol, monitor);

			monitor.EndTask ();
		protected override void OnReadProject (ProgressMonitor monitor, MonoDevelop.Projects.MSBuild.MSBuildProject msproject)
			base.OnReadProject (monitor, msproject);
			var ext = msproject.GetMonoDevelopProjectExtension ("MonoDevelop.Autotools.MakefileInfo");
			if (ext == null)

			data = MakefileData.Read (ext);
			if (data == null)

			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Updating project from Makefile"), 1);
			try { 
				data.OwnerProject = Project;
				if (data.SupportsIntegration)
					data.UpdateProject (monitor, false);
				monitor.Step (1);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"\tError loading Makefile for project {0}", Project.Name), e);
			} finally {
				monitor.EndTask ();
		internal static void TransferFilesInternal (ProgressMonitor monitor, Project sourceProject, FilePath sourcePath, Project targetProject,
		                           FilePath targetPath, bool removeFromSource, bool copyOnlyProjectFiles)
			// When transfering directories, targetPath is the directory where the source
			// directory will be transfered, including the destination directory or file name.
			// For example, if sourcePath is /a1/a2/a3 and targetPath is /b1/b2, the
			// new folder or file will be /b1/b2
			if (targetProject == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("targetProject");

			if (!targetPath.IsChildPathOf (targetProject.BaseDirectory))
				throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid project folder: " + targetPath);

			if (sourceProject != null && !sourcePath.IsChildPathOf (sourceProject.BaseDirectory))
				throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid project folder: " + sourcePath);
			if (copyOnlyProjectFiles && sourceProject == null)
				throw new ArgumentException ("A source project must be specified if copyOnlyProjectFiles is True");
			bool sourceIsFolder = Directory.Exists (sourcePath);

			bool movingFolder = removeFromSource && sourceIsFolder && (
				!copyOnlyProjectFiles ||
				ContainsOnlyProjectFiles (sourcePath, sourceProject));

			// We need to remove all files + directories from the source project
			// but when dealing with the VCS addins we need to process only the
			// files so we do not create a 'file' in the VCS which corresponds
			// to a directory in the project and blow things up.
			List<ProjectFile> filesToRemove = null;
			List<ProjectFile> filesToMove = null;
			try {
				//get the real ProjectFiles
				if (sourceProject != null) {
					if (sourceIsFolder) {
						var virtualPath = sourcePath.ToRelative (sourceProject.BaseDirectory);
						// Grab all the child nodes of the folder we just dragged/dropped
						filesToRemove = sourceProject.Files.GetFilesInVirtualPath (virtualPath).ToList ();
						// Add the folder itself so we can remove it from the source project if its a Move operation
						var folder = sourceProject.Files.FirstOrDefault (f => f.ProjectVirtualPath == virtualPath);
						if (folder != null)
							filesToRemove.Add (folder);
					} else {
						filesToRemove = new List<ProjectFile> ();
						var pf = sourceProject.Files.GetFileWithVirtualPath (sourceProject.GetRelativeChildPath (sourcePath));
						if (pf != null)
							filesToRemove.Add (pf);
				//get all the non-project files and create fake ProjectFiles
				if (!copyOnlyProjectFiles || sourceProject == null) {
					var col = new List<ProjectFile> ();
					GetAllFilesRecursive (sourcePath, col);
					if (sourceProject != null) {
						var names = new HashSet<string> (filesToRemove.Select (f => sourceProject.BaseDirectory.Combine (f.ProjectVirtualPath).ToString ()));
						foreach (var f in col)
							if (names.Add (f.Name))
							    filesToRemove.Add (f);
					} else {
						filesToRemove = col;
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not get any file from '{0}'.", sourcePath), ex);
			// Strip out all the directories to leave us with just the files.
			filesToMove = filesToRemove.Where (f => f.Subtype != Subtype.Directory).ToList ();
			// If copying a single file, bring any grouped children along
			ProjectFile sourceParent = null;
			if (filesToMove.Count == 1 && sourceProject != null) {
				var pf = filesToMove[0];
				if (pf != null && pf.HasChildren) {
					foreach (ProjectFile child in pf.DependentChildren) {
						filesToRemove.Add (child);
						filesToMove.Add (child);
				sourceParent = pf;
			// Ensure that the destination folder is created, even if no files
			// are copied
			try {
				if (sourceIsFolder && !Directory.Exists (targetPath) && !movingFolder)
					FileService.CreateDirectory (targetPath);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not create directory '{0}'.", targetPath), ex);

			// Transfer files
			// If moving a folder, do it all at once
			if (movingFolder) {
				try {
					FileService.MoveDirectory (sourcePath, targetPath);
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Directory '{0}' could not be moved.", sourcePath), ex);

			if (removeFromSource)
				monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Moving files..."), filesToMove.Count);
				monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Copying files..."), filesToMove.Count);
			ProjectFile targetParent = null;
			foreach (ProjectFile file in filesToMove) {
				bool fileIsLink = file.Project != null && file.IsLink;
				var sourceFile = fileIsLink
					? file.Project.BaseDirectory.Combine (file.ProjectVirtualPath)
					: file.FilePath;
				FilePath newFile;
				if (sourceIsFolder)
					newFile = targetPath.Combine (sourceFile.ToRelative (sourcePath));
				else if (sourceFile == sourcePath)
					newFile = targetPath;
				else if (sourceFile.ParentDirectory != targetPath.ParentDirectory)
					newFile = targetPath.ParentDirectory.Combine (sourceFile.ToRelative (sourcePath.ParentDirectory));
					newFile = GetTargetCopyName (sourceFile, false);
				if (!movingFolder && !fileIsLink) {
					try {
						FilePath fileDir = newFile.ParentDirectory;
						if (!Directory.Exists (fileDir) && !file.IsLink)
							FileService.CreateDirectory (fileDir);
						if (removeFromSource) {
							// File.Move() does not have an overwrite argument and will fail if the destFile path exists, however, the user
							// has already chosen to overwrite the destination file.
							if (File.Exists (newFile))
								File.Delete (newFile);

							FileService.MoveFile (sourceFile, newFile);
						} else
							FileService.CopyFile (sourceFile, newFile);
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						if (removeFromSource)
							monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("File '{0}' could not be moved.", sourceFile), ex);
							monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("File '{0}' could not be copied.", sourceFile), ex);
						monitor.Step (1);
				if (sourceProject != null) {
					if (fileIsLink) {
						var linkFile = (ProjectFile) file.Clone ();
						if (movingFolder) {
							var abs = linkFile.Link.ToAbsolute (sourceProject.BaseDirectory);
							var relSrc = abs.ToRelative (sourcePath);
							var absTarg = relSrc.ToAbsolute (targetPath);
							linkFile.Link = absTarg.ToRelative (targetProject.BaseDirectory);
						} else {
							linkFile.Link = newFile.ToRelative (targetProject.BaseDirectory);
						targetProject.Files.Add (linkFile);
					} else if (targetProject.Files.GetFile (newFile) == null) {
						ProjectFile projectFile = (ProjectFile) file.Clone ();
						projectFile.Name = newFile;
						targetProject.Files.Add (projectFile);
						if (targetParent == null) {
							if (file == sourceParent)
								targetParent = projectFile;
						} else if (sourceParent != null) {
							if (projectFile.DependsOn == sourceParent.Name)
								projectFile.DependsOn = targetParent.Name;
				monitor.Step (1);
			if (removeFromSource) {
				// Remove all files and directories under 'sourcePath'
				foreach (var v in filesToRemove)
					sourceProject.Files.Remove (v);

			// Moving or copying an empty folder. A new folder object has to be added to the project.
			if (sourceIsFolder && !targetProject.Files.GetFilesInVirtualPath (targetPath).Any ()) {
				var folderFile = new ProjectFile (targetPath) { Subtype = Subtype.Directory };
				targetProject.Files.Add (folderFile);
			var pfolder = sourcePath.ParentDirectory;
			// If this was the last item in the folder, make sure we keep
			// a reference to the folder, so it is not deleted from the tree.
			if (removeFromSource && sourceProject != null && pfolder.CanonicalPath != sourceProject.BaseDirectory.CanonicalPath && pfolder.IsChildPathOf (sourceProject.BaseDirectory)) {
				pfolder = pfolder.ToRelative (sourceProject.BaseDirectory);
				if (!sourceProject.Files.GetFilesInVirtualPath (pfolder).Any () && sourceProject.Files.GetFileWithVirtualPath (pfolder) == null) {
					var folderFile = new ProjectFile (sourceProject.BaseDirectory.Combine (pfolder));
					folderFile.Subtype = Subtype.Directory;
					sourceProject.Files.Add (folderFile);
			monitor.EndTask ();
		void RunActionsWithProgressMonitor (ProgressMonitor monitor, IList<IPackageAction> packageActions)
			foreach (IPackageAction action in packageActions) {
				action.Execute ();
				InstrumentPackageAction (action);
				monitor.Step (1);