Пример #1
        private QName InferMergedType(string value, QName typeName)
            // examine value against specified type and
            // if unacceptable, then return a relaxed type.

            SimpleType st = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(

            if (st == null)             // non-primitive type => see above.
                try {
                                           source as IXmlNamespaceResolver);
                } catch {
                    st       = st.BaseXmlSchemaType as XmlSchemaSimpleType;
                    typeName = st != null ? st.QualifiedName : QName.Empty;
            } while (typeName != QName.Empty);
Пример #2
        private static XmlSchemaSimpleType BuildSchemaType(string name, string baseName, bool xdt, bool baseXdt)
            string ns              = xdt ? "http://www.w3.org/2003/11/xpath-datatypes" : XmlSchema.Namespace;
            string ns2             = baseXdt ? "http://www.w3.org/2003/11/xpath-datatypes" : XmlSchema.Namespace;
            XmlSchemaSimpleType st = new XmlSchemaSimpleType();

            st.QNameInternal = new XmlQualifiedName(name, ns);
            if (baseName != null)
                st.BaseXmlSchemaTypeInternal = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(new XmlQualifiedName(baseName, ns2));
            st.DatatypeInternal = XmlSchemaDatatype.FromName(st.QualifiedName);
Пример #3
        private SimpleType MakeBaseTypeAsEmptiable(SimpleType st)
            switch (st.QualifiedName.Namespace)
            case XmlSchema.Namespace:
            case XdtNamespace:
                // If a primitive type
            SimpleTypeRst str = st.Content as SimpleTypeRst;

            if (str != null)
                ArrayList al = null;
                foreach (SchemaFacet f in str.Facets)
                    if (f is LengthFacet ||
                        f is MinLengthFacet)
                        if (al == null)
                            al = new ArrayList();
                foreach (SchemaFacet f in al)
                if (str.BaseType != null)
                    str.BaseType =
                    // It might have a reference to an
                    // external simple type, but there is
                    // no assurance that any of those
                    // external types allow an empty
                    // string. So just set base type as
                    // xs:string.
                    str.BaseTypeName = QNameString;
            }             // union/list can have empty string value.

Пример #4
        internal override int Validate(ValidationEventHandler h, XmlSchema schema)
            if (IsValidated(schema.ValidationId))

            // ListItemType
            XmlSchemaSimpleType type = itemType;

            if (type == null)
                type = schema.FindSchemaType(itemTypeName) as XmlSchemaSimpleType;
            if (type != null)
                errorCount           += type.Validate(h, schema);
                validatedListItemType = type;
            else if (itemTypeName == XmlSchemaComplexType.AnyTypeName)
                validatedListItemType = XmlSchemaSimpleType.AnySimpleType;
            else if (XmlSchemaUtil.IsBuiltInDatatypeName(itemTypeName))
                validatedListItemType = XmlSchemaDatatype.FromName(itemTypeName);
                if (validatedListItemType == null)
                    error(h, "Invalid schema type name was specified: " + itemTypeName);
            // otherwise, it might be missing sub components.
            else if (!schema.IsNamespaceAbsent(itemTypeName.Namespace))
                error(h, "Referenced base list item schema type " + itemTypeName + " was not found.");

#if NET_2_0
            XmlSchemaSimpleType st = validatedListItemType as XmlSchemaSimpleType;
            if (st == null && validatedListItemType != null)
                st = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(((XmlSchemaDatatype)validatedListItemType).TypeCode);
            validatedListItemSchemaType = st;

            ValidationId = schema.ValidationId;
Пример #5
        internal override int Validate(ValidationEventHandler h, XmlSchema schema)
            if (IsValidated(schema.ValidationId))

            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();

            // Validate MemberTypes
            if (MemberTypes != null)
                foreach (XmlQualifiedName memberTypeName in MemberTypes)
                    object        type   = null;
                    XmlSchemaType xstype = schema.FindSchemaType(memberTypeName) as XmlSchemaSimpleType;
                    if (xstype != null)
                        errorCount += xstype.Validate(h, schema);
                        type        = xstype;
                    else if (memberTypeName == XmlSchemaComplexType.AnyTypeName)
                        type = XmlSchemaSimpleType.AnySimpleType;
                    else if (memberTypeName.Namespace == XmlSchema.Namespace ||
                             memberTypeName.Namespace == XmlSchema.XdtNamespace)
                        type = XmlSchemaDatatype.FromName(memberTypeName);
                        if (type == null)
                            error(h, "Invalid schema type name was specified: " + memberTypeName);
                    // otherwise, it might be missing sub components.
                    else if (!schema.IsNamespaceAbsent(memberTypeName.Namespace))
                        error(h, "Referenced base schema type " + memberTypeName + " was not found in the corresponding schema.");

            if (BaseTypes != null)
                foreach (XmlSchemaSimpleType st in BaseTypes)
                    st.Validate(h, schema);
            this.validatedTypes = al.ToArray();

#if NET_2_0
            if (validatedTypes != null)
                validatedSchemaTypes = new XmlSchemaSimpleType [validatedTypes.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < validatedTypes.Length; i++)
                    object t = validatedTypes [i];
                    XmlSchemaSimpleType st = t as XmlSchemaSimpleType;
                    if (st == null && t != null)
                        st = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(((XmlSchemaDatatype)t).TypeCode);
                    validatedSchemaTypes [i] = st;

            ValidationId = schema.ValidationId;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Schema Component:
        ///			QName, SimpleType, Scope, Default|Fixed, annotation
        /// </summary>
        internal override int Validate(ValidationEventHandler h, XmlSchema schema)
            if (IsValidated(schema.ValidationId))

            // -- Attribute Declaration Schema Component --
            // {name}, {target namespace} -> QualifiedName. Already Compile()d.
            // {type definition} -> attributeType. From SchemaType or SchemaTypeName.
            // {scope} -> ParentIsSchema | isRedefineChild.
            // {value constraint} -> ValidatedFixedValue, ValidatedDefaultValue.
            // {annotation}
            // -- Attribute Use Schema Component --
            // {required}
            // {attribute declaration}
            // {value constraint}

            // First, fill type information for type reference
            if (SchemaType != null)
                SchemaType.Validate(h, schema);
                attributeType = SchemaType;
            else if (SchemaTypeName != null && SchemaTypeName != XmlQualifiedName.Empty)
                // If type is null, then it is missing sub components .
                XmlSchemaType type = schema.FindSchemaType(SchemaTypeName);
                if (type is XmlSchemaComplexType)
                    error(h, "An attribute can't have complexType Content");
                else if (type != null)                          // simple type
                    errorCount   += type.Validate(h, schema);
                    attributeType = type;
                else if (SchemaTypeName == XmlSchemaComplexType.AnyTypeName)
                    attributeType = XmlSchemaComplexType.AnyType;
                else if (XmlSchemaUtil.IsBuiltInDatatypeName(SchemaTypeName))
                    attributeType = XmlSchemaDatatype.FromName(SchemaTypeName);
                    if (attributeType == null)
                        error(h, "Invalid xml schema namespace datatype was specified.");
                // otherwise, it might be missing sub components.
                else if (!schema.IsNamespaceAbsent(SchemaTypeName.Namespace))
                    error(h, "Referenced schema type " + SchemaTypeName + " was not found in the corresponding schema.");

            // Then, fill type information for the type references for the referencing attributes
            if (RefName != null && RefName != XmlQualifiedName.Empty)
                referencedAttribute = schema.FindAttribute(RefName);
                // If el is null, then it is missing sub components .
                if (referencedAttribute != null)
                    errorCount += referencedAttribute.Validate(h, schema);
                // otherwise, it might be missing sub components.
                else if (!schema.IsNamespaceAbsent(RefName.Namespace))
                    error(h, "Referenced attribute " + RefName + " was not found in the corresponding schema.");

            if (attributeType == null)
                attributeType = XmlSchemaSimpleType.AnySimpleType;

            // Validate {value constraints}
            if (defaultValue != null || fixedValue != null)
                XmlSchemaDatatype datatype = attributeType as XmlSchemaDatatype;
                if (datatype == null)
                    datatype = ((XmlSchemaSimpleType)attributeType).Datatype;
                if (datatype.TokenizedType == XmlTokenizedType.QName)
                    error(h, "By the defection of the W3C XML Schema specification, it is impossible to supply QName default or fixed values.");
                    try {
                        if (defaultValue != null)
                            validatedDefaultValue = datatype.Normalize(defaultValue);
                            datatype.ParseValue(validatedDefaultValue, null, null);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        // FIXME: This is not a good way to handle exception.
                        error(h, "The Attribute's default value is invalid with its type definition.", ex);
                    try {
                        if (fixedValue != null)
                            validatedFixedValue      = datatype.Normalize(fixedValue);
                            validatedFixedTypedValue = datatype.ParseValue(validatedFixedValue, null, null);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        // FIXME: This is not a good way to handle exception.
                        error(h, "The Attribute's fixed value is invalid with its type definition.", ex);
            if (Use == XmlSchemaUse.None)
                validatedUse = XmlSchemaUse.Optional;
                validatedUse = Use;

#if NET_2_0
            if (attributeType != null)
                attributeSchemaType = attributeType as XmlSchemaSimpleType;
                if (attributeType == XmlSchemaSimpleType.AnySimpleType)
                    attributeSchemaType = XmlSchemaSimpleType.XsAnySimpleType;
                if (attributeSchemaType == null)
                    attributeSchemaType = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(SchemaTypeName);

            ValidationId = schema.ValidationId;
Пример #7
        private ComplexType ToComplexType(Element el)
            QName         name = el.SchemaTypeName;
            XmlSchemaType type = el.SchemaType;

            // 1. element type is complex.
            ComplexType ct = type as ComplexType;

            if (ct != null)

            // 2. reference to global complexType.
            XmlSchemaType globalType = schemas.GlobalTypes [name]
                                       as XmlSchemaType;

            ct = globalType as ComplexType;
            if (ct != null)

            ct                = new ComplexType();
            el.SchemaType     = ct;
            el.SchemaTypeName = QName.Empty;

            // 3. base type name is xs:anyType or no specification.
            // <xs:complexType />
            if (name == QNameAnyType)
            else if (type == null && name == QName.Empty)

            SimpleModel sc = new SimpleModel();

            ct.ContentModel = sc;

            // 4. type is simpleType
            //    -> extension of existing simple type.
            SimpleType st = type as SimpleType;

            if (st != null)
                SimpleRst scr = new SimpleRst();
                scr.BaseType = st;
                sc.Content   = scr;

            SimpleExt sce = new SimpleExt();

            sc.Content = sce;

            // 5. type name points to primitive type
            //    -> simple extension of a primitive type
            st = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(name);
            if (st != null)
                sce.BaseTypeName = name;

            // 6. type name points to global simpleType.
            st = globalType as SimpleType;
            if (st != null)
                sce.BaseTypeName = name;

            throw Error(el, "Unexpected schema component that contains simpleTypeName that could not be resolved.");