public virtual void Process (LinkContext context) { AssemblyDefinition assembly; if (!context.TryGetLinkedAssembly ("mscorlib", out assembly)) return; // skip this if we're not linking mscorlib, e.g. --linkskip=mscorlib if (context.Annotations.GetAction (assembly) != AssemblyAction.Link) return; var resources = assembly.MainModule.Resources; for (int i = 0; i < resources.Count; i++) { var resource = resources [i] as EmbeddedResource; if (resource == null) continue; switch (resource.Name) { case "collation.core.bin": case "collation.tailoring.bin": continue; default: if (!resource.Name.Contains ("cjk")) continue; if (IncludeCJK ()) continue; resources.RemoveAt (i--); break; } } }
static LinkContext GetDefaultContext(Pipeline pipeline) { LinkContext context = new LinkContext (pipeline); context.CoreAction = AssemblyAction.Skip; context.OutputDirectory = "output"; return context; }
public void Process (LinkContext context) { annotations = context.Annotations; ProcessCorlib (context); ProcessSystemCore (context); }
public void Process (LinkContext context) { AssemblyDefinition assembly; if (!context.TryGetLinkedAssembly ("mscorlib", out assembly)) return; var resources = assembly.MainModule.Resources; for (int i = 0; i < resources.Count; i++) { var resource = resources [i] as EmbeddedResource; if (resource == null) continue; switch (resource.Name) { case "collation.core.bin": case "collation.tailoring.bin": continue; default: if (!resource.Name.Contains ("cjk")) continue; if (IncludeCJK ()) continue; resources.RemoveAt (i--); break; } } }
public override void Process(LinkContext context) { PInvokeModules = (context as MonoMacLinkContext).PInvokeModules; base.Process (context); if (Exceptions.Count > 0) throw new AggregateException (Exceptions); }
public void Process(LinkContext context) { this.context = context; PreserveDictionaryConstructor (); PreserveQueryableEnumerable (); PreserveResourceSet (); }
public override void Initialize(LinkContext context) { base.Initialize (context); // is some user code depending (or not) on reflection to get method's parameters names ? // note: member references will still exists (even if not marked) until the assembly is saved // so we need this to be pre-computed at the marking stage ReflectedParameterNames = Annotations.GetCustomAnnotations ("ParameterInfo").Count > 0; }
void ProcessSystemCore (LinkContext context) { AssemblyDefinition syscore; if (!context.TryGetLinkedAssembly ("System.Core", out syscore)) return; // AddPreserveInfo (syscore, "Aes", "AesCryptoServiceProvider"); TryAddPreserveInfo (syscore, "Aes", "AesManaged"); }
public override void Process(LinkContext context) { ProductAssembly = (Profile.Current as BaseProfile).ProductAssembly; base.Process (context); PreserveDictionaryConstructor (); PreserveQueryableEnumerable (); if (context.GetParameter ("debug-build") == "True") PreserveDebugFeatures (); }
public void Process (LinkContext context) { AssemblyDefinition monomac; if (!context.TryGetLinkedAssembly ("MonoMac", out monomac)) return; foreach (TypeDefinition type in monomac.MainModule.Types) { if (!type.IsNSObject ()) continue; ProcessNSObject (type); } }
public override void Process(LinkContext context) { Context = context; base.Process (context); // the resources are not part of the mobile profile (just the "classic" mono BCL) if (Profile.Current is MobileProfile) return; Process ("System", ProcessSystem); Process ("System.Drawing", ProcessSystemDrawing); }
public static void Process(LinkerOptions options, out LinkContext context) { var pipeline = CreatePipeline (options); pipeline.PrependStep (new ResolveFromAssemblyStep (options.MainAssembly)); if (options.RetainAssemblies != null) foreach (var assembly in options.RetainAssemblies) pipeline.PrependStep (new ResolveFromAssemblyStep (assembly)); context = CreateLinkContext (options, pipeline); context.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (options.OutputDirectory); Run (pipeline, context); }
public virtual void Process(LinkContext context) { Context = context; Corlib = context.GetAssembly ("mscorlib"); if (I18n.HasFlag (I18nAssemblies.MidEast)) { PreserveCalendar ("UmAlQuraCalendar"); PreserveCalendar ("HijriCalendar"); } if (I18n.HasFlag (I18nAssemblies.Other)) PreserveCalendar ("ThaiBuddhistCalendar"); PreserveResourceSet (); }
static LinkContext CreateLinkContext(LinkerOptions options, Pipeline pipeline) { var context = new LinkContext (pipeline, options.Resolver); if (options.DumpDependencies) { var prepareDependenciesDump = context.Annotations.GetType ().GetMethod ("PrepareDependenciesDump", new Type[] {}); if (prepareDependenciesDump != null) prepareDependenciesDump.Invoke (context.Annotations, null); } context.LogInternalExceptions = Xamarin.Android.Tasks.MonoAndroidHelper.LogInternalExceptions; context.CoreAction = AssemblyAction.Link; context.LinkSymbols = true; context.SymbolReaderProvider = new MdbReaderProvider (); context.SymbolWriterProvider = new MdbWriterProvider (); context.OutputDirectory = options.OutputDirectory; return context; }
public override void Process(LinkContext context) { DebugBuild = context.GetParameter ("debug-build") == "True"; base.Process (context); if (list.Count > 0) throw new AggregateException (list); if (!serialization_required) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine ("{0} serialization constructors were removed because no SerializationInfo is created", pending_serialization_constructors.Count); #endif pending_serialization_constructors.Clear (); } }
public void Process(LinkContext context) { var profile = (Profile.Current as BaseProfile); AssemblyDefinition assembly; if (!context.TryGetLinkedAssembly (profile.ProductAssembly, out assembly)) return; // skip this if we're not linking monotouch, e.g. --linkskip=monotouch if (context.Annotations.GetAction (assembly) != AssemblyAction.Link) return; foreach (TypeDefinition type in assembly.MainModule.Types) { ProcessType (type); } }
void ProcessCorlib (LinkContext context) { AssemblyDefinition corlib; if (!context.TryGetLinkedAssembly ("mscorlib", out corlib)) return; AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "DES", "DESCryptoServiceProvider"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "DSA", "DSACryptoServiceProvider"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "RandomNumberGenerator", "RNGCryptoServiceProvider"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "SHA1", "SHA1CryptoServiceProvider"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "SHA1", "SHA1Managed"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "MD5", "MD5CryptoServiceProvider"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "RC2", "RC2CryptoServiceProvider"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "TripleDES", "TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "Rijndael", "RijndaelManaged"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "RIPEMD160", "RIPEMD160Managed"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "SHA256", "SHA256Managed"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "SHA384", "SHA384Managed"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "SHA512", "SHA512Managed"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMAC", "HMACMD5"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMAC", "HMACRIPEMD160"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMAC", "HMACSHA1"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMAC", "HMACSHA256"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMAC", "HMACSHA384"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMAC", "HMACSHA512"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMACMD5", "MD5CryptoServiceProvider"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMACRIPEMD160", "RIPEMD160Managed"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMACSHA1", "SHA1CryptoServiceProvider"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMACSHA1", "SHA1Managed"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMACSHA256", "SHA256Managed"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMACSHA384", "SHA384Managed"); AddPreserveInfo (corlib, "HMACSHA512", "SHA512Managed"); TryAddPreserveInfo (corlib, "Aes", "AesManaged"); var corlibAes = GetCryptoType (corlib, "Aes"); Preserve (corlibAes, GetCryptoType (corlib, "AesManaged")); AssemblyDefinition syscore; if (context.TryGetLinkedAssembly ("System.Core", out syscore)) Preserve (corlibAes, GetCryptoType (syscore, "AesCryptoServiceProvider")); }
public override void Process(LinkContext context) { base.Process (context); // deal with [TypeForwardedTo] pseudo-attributes foreach (AssemblyDefinition assembly in _context.GetAssemblies ()) { if (!assembly.MainModule.HasExportedTypes) continue; foreach (var exported in assembly.MainModule.ExportedTypes) { if (!exported.IsForwarder) continue; var type = exported.Resolve (); if (!Annotations.IsMarked (type)) continue; Annotations.Mark (exported); } } }
public override void Initialize(LinkContext context) { base.Initialize (context); // we cannot override ProcessAssembly as some decisions needs to be done before applyting the [Preserve] // synonyms foreach (var assembly in context.GetAssemblies ()) { if (!assembly.HasCustomAttributes) continue; foreach (var attribute in assembly.CustomAttributes) { if (!attribute.Constructor.DeclaringType.Is (Namespaces.Foundation, "PreserveAttribute")) continue; if (!attribute.HasConstructorArguments) continue; var tr = (attribute.ConstructorArguments [0].Value as TypeReference); if (tr == null) continue; // we do not call `this.ProcessType` since // (a) we're potentially processing a different assembly and `is_active` represent the current one // (b) it will try to fetch the [Preserve] attribute on the type (and it's not there) as `base` would var type = tr.Resolve (); Annotations.Mark (type); if (attribute.HasFields) { foreach (var named_argument in attribute.Fields) { if (named_argument.Name == "AllMembers" && (bool)named_argument.Argument.Value) Annotations.SetPreserve (type, TypePreserve.All); } } // if the type is a custom attribute then it means we want to preserve what's decorated // with this attribute (not just the attribute alone) if (type.Inherits ("System", "Attribute")) { if (preserve_synonyms == null) preserve_synonyms = new HashSet<TypeDefinition> (); preserve_synonyms.Add (type); } } } }
public override void Process(LinkContext context) { ProductAssembly = (Profile.Current as BaseProfile).ProductAssembly; base.Process (context); // adjust IL inside generated Dispose methods (overriding NSObject) // to remove references to fields that were not marked TypeDefinition nsobject = GetType (ProductAssembly, Namespaces.Foundation + ".NSObject"); if (nsobject != null) { foreach (MethodDefinition d in nsobject.Methods) { if (d.Name == "Dispose" && d.HasParameters) { ProcessDispose (d, d); break; } } } dispose_methods.Clear (); }
public virtual AnnotationStore CreateAnnotationStore(LinkContext context) => new AnnotationStore(context);
public override void Initialize(LinkContext context) { base.Initialize (context); debug_build = context.GetParameter ("debug-build") == "True"; }
public static void Process(LinkerOptions options, out LinkContext context, out List<string> assemblies) { switch (options.TargetFramework.Identifier) { case "Xamarin.Mac": Profile.Current = new MacMobileProfile (options.Architecture == "x86_64" ? 64 : 32); break; default: Profile.Current = new MonoMacProfile (); break; } Namespaces.Initialize (); var pipeline = CreatePipeline (options); pipeline.PrependStep (new ResolveFromAssemblyStep (options.MainAssembly)); context = CreateLinkContext (options, pipeline); context.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory (options.OutputDirectory); try { pipeline.Process (context); } catch (AssemblyResolutionException fnfe) { throw new MonoMacException (2002, true, fnfe, fnfe.Message); } catch (AggregateException) { throw; } catch (MonoMacException) { throw; } catch (ResolutionException re) { TypeReference tr = (re.Member as TypeReference); IMetadataScope scope = tr == null ? re.Member.DeclaringType.Scope : tr.Scope; throw new MonoMacException (2002, true, re, "Failed to resolve \"{0}\" reference from \"{1}\"", re.Member, scope); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MonoMacException (2001, true, e, "Could not link assemblies. Reason: {0}", e.Message); } assemblies = ListAssemblies (context); }
public override void Process (LinkContext context) { _context = context; XApiReader reader = new XApiReader (_document, this); reader.Process (context); }
// Perform setup of the LinkContext and parse the arguments. // Return values: // 0 => successfully set up context with all arguments // 1 => argument processing stopped early without errors // -1 => error setting up context protected int SetupContext(ILogger customLogger = null) { Pipeline p = GetStandardPipeline(); context = GetDefaultContext(p); if (customLogger != null) { context.Logger = customLogger; } #if !FEATURE_ILLINK I18nAssemblies assemblies = I18nAssemblies.All; #endif var custom_steps = new List <string> (); var excluded_features = new HashSet <string> (StringComparer.Ordinal); var set_optimizations = new List <(CodeOptimizations, string, bool)> (); bool dumpDependencies = false; string dependenciesFileName = null; bool ignoreDescriptors = false; bool removeCAS = true; bool new_mvid_used = false; bool deterministic_used = false; bool resolver = false; while (arguments.Count > 0) { string token = arguments.Dequeue(); if (token.Length < 2) { ErrorUnrecognizedOption(token); return(-1); } // // Handling of --value like options // if (token [0] == '-' && token [1] == '-') { switch (token) { case "--skip-unresolved": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.IgnoreUnresolved = context.Resolver.IgnoreUnresolved = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--verbose": context.LogMessages = true; continue; case "--dependencies-file": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => dependenciesFileName = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--dump-dependencies": dumpDependencies = true; continue; case "--reduced-tracing": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.EnableReducedTracing = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--used-attrs-only": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.KeepUsedAttributeTypesOnly = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--strip-security": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => removeCAS = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--strip-resources": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.StripResources = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--substitutions": if (arguments.Count < 1) { ErrorMissingArgument(token); return(-1); } if (!GetStringParam(token, l => context.AddSubstitutionFile(l))) { return(-1); } continue; case "--exclude-feature": if (arguments.Count < 1) { ErrorMissingArgument(token); return(-1); } if (!GetStringParam(token, l => { foreach (var feature in l.Split(',')) { if (!excluded_features.Contains(feature)) { excluded_features.Add(feature); } } })) { return(-1); } continue; case "--explicit-reflection": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.AddReflectionAnnotations = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--custom-step": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => custom_steps.Add(l))) { return(-1); } continue; case "--keep-facades": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.KeepTypeForwarderOnlyAssemblies = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--keep-dep-attributes": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.KeepDependencyAttributes = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--ignore-descriptors": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => ignoreDescriptors = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--disable-opt": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => { if (!GetOptimizationName(l, out var opt)) { return; } string assemblyName = GetNextStringValue(); set_optimizations.Add((opt, assemblyName, false)); })) { return(-1); } continue; case "--enable-opt": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => { if (!GetOptimizationName(l, out var opt)) { return; } string assemblyName = GetNextStringValue(); set_optimizations.Add((opt, assemblyName, true)); })) { return(-1); } continue; case "--new-mvid": // // This is not same as --deterministic which calculates MVID // from stable assembly content. This option creates a new random // mvid or uses mvid of the source assembly. // if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => { if (!l) { p.RemoveStep(typeof(RegenerateGuidStep)); } })) { return(-1); } new_mvid_used = true; continue; case "--deterministic": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.DeterministicOutput = l)) { return(-1); } deterministic_used = true; continue; case "--output-assemblylist": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => context.AssemblyListFile = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--output-pinvokes": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => context.PInvokesListFile = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "--version": Version(); return(1); case "--about": About(); return(1); } } if (token [0] == '-' || token [1] == '/') { switch (token.Substring(1)) { case "d": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => { DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(l); context.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory(info.FullName); })) { return(-1); } continue; case "o": case "out": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => context.OutputDirectory = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "c": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => context.CoreAction = ParseAssemblyAction(l))) { return(-1); } continue; case "u": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => context.UserAction = ParseAssemblyAction(l))) { return(-1); } continue; case "p": if (arguments.Count < 2) { ErrorMissingArgument(token); return(-1); } AssemblyAction action = ParseAssemblyAction(arguments.Dequeue()); context.Actions [arguments.Dequeue()] = action; continue; case "t": context.KeepTypeForwarderOnlyAssemblies = true; continue; case "x": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => { foreach (string file in GetFiles(l)) { AddResolveFromXmlStep(p, file); } })) { return(-1); } resolver = true; continue; case "r": case "a": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => { var rootVisibility = (token [1] == 'r') ? ResolveFromAssemblyStep.RootVisibility.PublicAndFamily : ResolveFromAssemblyStep.RootVisibility.Any; foreach (string file in GetFiles(l)) { p.PrependStep(new ResolveFromAssemblyStep(file, rootVisibility)); } })) { return(-1); } resolver = true; continue; #if !FEATURE_ILLINK case "i": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => { foreach (string file in GetFiles(l)) { p.PrependStep(new ResolveFromXApiStep(new XPathDocument(file))); } })) { return(-1); } resolver = true; continue; case "l": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => assemblies = ParseI18n(l))) { return(-1); } continue; #endif case "m": if (arguments.Count < 2) { ErrorMissingArgument(token); return(-1); } context.SetParameter(arguments.Dequeue(), arguments.Dequeue()); continue; case "b": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.LinkSymbols = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "g": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.DeterministicOutput = !l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "z": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => ignoreDescriptors = !l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "v": if (!GetBoolParam(token, l => context.KeepMembersForDebugger = l)) { return(-1); } continue; case "?": case "help": Usage(); return(1); case "reference": if (!GetStringParam(token, l => context.Resolver.AddReferenceAssembly(l))) { return(-1); } continue; } } ErrorUnrecognizedOption(token); return(-1); } if (!resolver) { Console.WriteLine($"No files to link were specified. Use one of '{resolvers}' options"); return(-1); } if (new_mvid_used && deterministic_used) { Console.WriteLine($"Options '--new-mvid' and '--deterministic' cannot be used at the same time"); return(-1); } if (dumpDependencies) { AddXmlDependencyRecorder(context, dependenciesFileName); } if (set_optimizations.Count > 0) { foreach (var(opt, assemblyName, enable) in set_optimizations) { if (enable) { context.Optimizations.Enable(opt, assemblyName); } else { context.Optimizations.Disable(opt, assemblyName); } } } // // Modify the default pipeline // if (ignoreDescriptors) { p.RemoveStep(typeof(BlacklistStep)); } if (context.DeterministicOutput) { p.RemoveStep(typeof(RegenerateGuidStep)); } if (context.AddReflectionAnnotations) { p.AddStepAfter(typeof(MarkStep), new ReflectionBlockedStep()); } #if !FEATURE_ILLINK p.AddStepAfter(typeof(LoadReferencesStep), new LoadI18nAssemblies(assemblies)); if (assemblies != I18nAssemblies.None) { p.AddStepAfter(typeof(PreserveDependencyLookupStep), new PreserveCalendarsStep(assemblies)); } #endif if (_needAddBypassNGenStep) { p.AddStepAfter(typeof(SweepStep), new AddBypassNGenStep()); } p.AddStepBefore(typeof(MarkStep), new BodySubstituterStep()); if (removeCAS) { p.AddStepBefore(typeof(MarkStep), new RemoveSecurityStep()); } if (excluded_features.Count > 0) { p.AddStepBefore(typeof(MarkStep), new RemoveFeaturesStep() { FeatureCOM = excluded_features.Contains("com"), FeatureETW = excluded_features.Contains("etw"), FeatureSRE = excluded_features.Contains("sre"), FeatureGlobalization = excluded_features.Contains("globalization") }); var excluded = new string [excluded_features.Count]; excluded_features.CopyTo(excluded); context.ExcludedFeatures = excluded; } p.AddStepBefore(typeof(MarkStep), new RemoveUnreachableBlocksStep()); p.AddStepBefore(typeof(OutputStep), new ClearInitLocalsStep()); p.AddStepBefore(typeof(OutputStep), new SealerStep()); // // Pipeline setup with all steps enabled // // LoadReferencesStep // BlacklistStep [optional] // PreserveDependencyLookupStep // TypeMapStep // BodySubstituterStep [optional] // RemoveSecurityStep [optional] // RemoveFeaturesStep [optional] // RemoveUnreachableBlocksStep [optional] // MarkStep // ReflectionBlockedStep [optional] // SweepStep // AddBypassNGenStep [optional] // CodeRewriterStep // CleanStep // RegenerateGuidStep [optional] // ClearInitLocalsStep // OutputStep // foreach (string custom_step in custom_steps) { if (!AddCustomStep(p, custom_step)) { return(-1); } } return(0); }
protected virtual void ProcessStep(LinkContext context, IStep step) { step.Process(context); }
public static IEnumerable <FieldDefinition> GetFieldsOnTypeHierarchy(this TypeDefinition thisType, LinkContext context, Func <FieldDefinition, bool>?filter, BindingFlags?bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Default) { TypeDefinition?type = thisType; bool onBaseType = false; while (type != null) { foreach (var field in type.Fields) { // Ignore private fields on a base type - those are completely ignored by reflection // (anything private on the base type is not visible via the derived type) if (onBaseType && field.IsPrivate) { continue; } // Note that compiler generated fields backing some properties and events will get through here. // This is intentional as reflection treats these as fields as well. if (filter != null && !filter(field)) { continue; } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) == BindingFlags.Static && !field.IsStatic) { continue; } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) == BindingFlags.Instance && field.IsStatic) { continue; } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) == BindingFlags.Public && !field.IsPublic) { continue; } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) == BindingFlags.NonPublic && field.IsPublic) { continue; } yield return(field); } if ((bindingFlags & BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) == BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) { yield break; } type = context.TryResolve(type.BaseType); onBaseType = true; } }
public static IEnumerable <IMetadataTokenProvider> GetDynamicallyAccessedMembers(this TypeDefinition typeDefinition, LinkContext context, DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes memberTypes, bool declaredOnly = false) { if (memberTypes == DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None) { yield break; } if (memberTypes == DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All) { var members = new List <IMetadataTokenProvider> (); typeDefinition.GetAllOnType(context, declaredOnly, members); foreach (var m in members) { yield return(m); } yield break; } var declaredOnlyFlags = declaredOnly ? BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly : BindingFlags.Default; if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicConstructors)) { foreach (var c in typeDefinition.GetConstructorsOnType(filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { yield return(c); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)) { foreach (var c in typeDefinition.GetConstructorsOnType(filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.Public)) { yield return(c); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor)) { foreach (var c in typeDefinition.GetConstructorsOnType(filter: m => m.IsPublic && m.Parameters.Count == 0)) { yield return(c); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicMethods)) { foreach (var m in typeDefinition.GetMethodsOnTypeHierarchy(context, filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.NonPublic | declaredOnlyFlags)) { yield return(m); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods)) { foreach (var m in typeDefinition.GetMethodsOnTypeHierarchy(context, filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.Public | declaredOnlyFlags)) { yield return(m); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicFields)) { foreach (var f in typeDefinition.GetFieldsOnTypeHierarchy(context, filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.NonPublic | declaredOnlyFlags)) { yield return(f); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields)) { foreach (var f in typeDefinition.GetFieldsOnTypeHierarchy(context, filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.Public | declaredOnlyFlags)) { yield return(f); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicNestedTypes)) { foreach (var nested in typeDefinition.GetNestedTypesOnType(filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { yield return(nested); var members = new List <IMetadataTokenProvider> (); nested.GetAllOnType(context, declaredOnly: false, members); foreach (var m in members) { yield return(m); } } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicNestedTypes)) { foreach (var nested in typeDefinition.GetNestedTypesOnType(filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.Public)) { yield return(nested); var members = new List <IMetadataTokenProvider> (); nested.GetAllOnType(context, declaredOnly: false, members); foreach (var m in members) { yield return(m); } } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties)) { foreach (var p in typeDefinition.GetPropertiesOnTypeHierarchy(context, filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.NonPublic | declaredOnlyFlags)) { yield return(p); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties)) { foreach (var p in typeDefinition.GetPropertiesOnTypeHierarchy(context, filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.Public | declaredOnlyFlags)) { yield return(p); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicEvents)) { foreach (var e in typeDefinition.GetEventsOnTypeHierarchy(context, filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.NonPublic | declaredOnlyFlags)) { yield return(e); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicEvents)) { foreach (var e in typeDefinition.GetEventsOnTypeHierarchy(context, filter: null, bindingFlags: BindingFlags.Public | declaredOnlyFlags)) { yield return(e); } } if (memberTypes.HasFlag(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypesOverlay.Interfaces)) { foreach (var i in typeDefinition.GetAllInterfaceImplementations(context, declaredOnly)) { yield return(i); } } }
public static IEnumerable <MethodDefinition> GetMethodsOnTypeHierarchy(this TypeDefinition thisType, LinkContext context, Func <MethodDefinition, bool>?filter, BindingFlags?bindingFlags = null) { TypeDefinition?type = thisType; bool onBaseType = false; while (type != null) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { // Ignore constructors as those are not considered methods from a reflection's point of view if (method.IsConstructor) { continue; } // Ignore private methods on a base type - those are completely ignored by reflection // (anything private on the base type is not visible via the derived type) if (onBaseType && method.IsPrivate) { continue; } // Note that special methods like property getter/setter, event adder/remover will still get through and will be marked. // This is intentional as reflection treats these as methods as well. if (filter != null && !filter(method)) { continue; } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) == BindingFlags.Static && !method.IsStatic) { continue; } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) == BindingFlags.Instance && method.IsStatic) { continue; } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) == BindingFlags.Public && !method.IsPublic) { continue; } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) == BindingFlags.NonPublic && method.IsPublic) { continue; } yield return(method); } if ((bindingFlags & BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) == BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) { yield break; } type = context.TryResolve(type.BaseType); onBaseType = true; } }
public TypeHierarchyCache(LinkContext context) { this.context = context; }
public UnconditionalSuppressMessageAttributeState(LinkContext context) { _context = context; _suppressions = new Dictionary <ICustomAttributeProvider, Dictionary <int, SuppressMessageInfo> > (); InitializedAssemblies = new HashSet <AssemblyDefinition> (); }
public virtual Tracer CreateTracer(LinkContext context) => new Tracer(context);
public virtual MarkingHelpers CreateMarkingHelpers(LinkContext context) => new MarkingHelpers(context);
public AnnotationStore(LinkContext context) => this.context = context;
/// <summary> /// Create a warning message. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Context with the relevant warning suppression info.</param> /// <param name="text">Humanly readable message describing the warning</param> /// <param name="code">Unique warning ID. Please see /// for the list of warnings and possibly add a new one</param> /// /// <param name="origin">Type or member where the warning is coming from</param> /// <param name="subcategory">Optionally, further categorize this warning</param> /// <returns>New MessageContainer of 'Warning' category</returns> internal static MessageContainer CreateWarningMessage(LinkContext context, string text, int code, IMemberDefinition origin, string subcategory = MessageSubCategory.None) { MessageOrigin _origin = new MessageOrigin(origin); return(CreateWarningMessage(context, text, code, _origin, subcategory)); }
public static IEnumerable <EventDefinition> GetEventsOnTypeHierarchy(this TypeDefinition thisType, LinkContext context, Func <EventDefinition, bool>?filter, BindingFlags?bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Default) { TypeDefinition?type = thisType; bool onBaseType = false; while (type != null) { foreach (var @event in type.Events) { // Ignore private properties on a base type - those are completely ignored by reflection // (anything private on the base type is not visible via the derived type) // Note that properties themselves are not actually private, their accessors are if (onBaseType && (@event.AddMethod == null || @event.AddMethod.IsPrivate) && (@event.RemoveMethod == null || @event.RemoveMethod.IsPrivate)) { continue; } if (filter != null && !filter(@event)) { continue; } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) == BindingFlags.Static) { if ((@event.AddMethod != null) && [email protected]) { continue; } if ((@event.RemoveMethod != null) && [email protected]) { continue; } } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static)) == BindingFlags.Instance) { if ((@event.AddMethod != null) && @event.AddMethod.IsStatic) { continue; } if ((@event.RemoveMethod != null) && @event.RemoveMethod.IsStatic) { continue; } } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) == BindingFlags.Public) { if ((@event.AddMethod == null || [email protected]) && (@event.RemoveMethod == null || [email protected])) { continue; } } if ((bindingFlags & (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) == BindingFlags.NonPublic) { if ((@event.AddMethod != null) && @event.AddMethod.IsPublic) { continue; } if ((@event.RemoveMethod != null) && @event.RemoveMethod.IsPublic) { continue; } } yield return(@event); } if ((bindingFlags & BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) == BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly) { yield break; } type = context.TryResolve(type.BaseType); onBaseType = true; } }
public void Process (LinkContext context) { while (_steps.Count > 0) { IStep step = (IStep) _steps [0]; step.Process (context); _steps.Remove (step); } }
public static IEnumerable <InterfaceImplementation> GetAllInterfaceImplementations(this TypeDefinition thisType, LinkContext context, bool declaredOnly) { TypeDefinition?type = thisType; while (type != null) { foreach (var i in type.Interfaces) { yield return(i); TypeDefinition?interfaceType = context.TryResolve(i.InterfaceType); if (interfaceType != null) { // declaredOnly here doesn't matter since interfaces don't have base types foreach (var innerInterface in interfaceType.GetAllInterfaceImplementations(context, declaredOnly: true)) { yield return(innerInterface); } } } if (declaredOnly) { yield break; } type = context.TryResolve(type.BaseType); } }
public void Process (LinkContext context) { _context = context; ProcessAssemblies (_document.CreateNavigator ()); }
public static void GetAllOnType(this TypeDefinition type, LinkContext context, bool declaredOnly, List <IMetadataTokenProvider> members) => GetAllOnType(type, context, declaredOnly, members, new HashSet <TypeDefinition> ());
public MarkingHelpers(LinkContext context) { _context = context; }
public SerializationMarker(LinkContext context) { _context = context; }
static DynamicDependency?GetDynamicDependency(LinkContext context, CustomAttribute ca) { var args = ca.ConstructorArguments; if (args.Count < 1 || args.Count > 3) { return(null); } // First argument is string or DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes string?memberSignature = args[0].Value as string; if (args.Count == 1) { return(memberSignature == null ? null : new DynamicDependency(memberSignature)); } DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes?memberTypes = null; if (memberSignature == null) { var argType = args[0].Type; if (!argType.IsTypeOf <DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes> ()) { return(null); } try { memberTypes = (DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes)args[0].Value; } catch (InvalidCastException) { } if (memberTypes == null) { return(null); } } // Second argument is Type for ctors with two args, string for ctors with three args if (args.Count == 2) { if (!(args[1].Value is TypeReference type)) { return(null); } return(memberSignature == null ? new DynamicDependency(memberTypes !.Value, type) : new DynamicDependency(memberSignature, type)); } Debug.Assert(args.Count == 3); if (!(args[1].Value is string typeName)) { return(null); } // Third argument is assembly name if (!(args[2].Value is string assemblyName)) { return(null); } var dynamicDependency = memberSignature == null ? new DynamicDependency(memberTypes !.Value, typeName, assemblyName) : new DynamicDependency(memberSignature, typeName, assemblyName); dynamicDependency.OriginalAttribute = ca; return(dynamicDependency); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var mydir = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).Directory; var monoroot = mydir.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent; var inputdir = Path.Combine(monoroot.FullName,"builds/monodistribution/lib/mono/unity"); var outputdir = Path.Combine(monoroot.FullName, "tmp/unity_linkered"); if (Directory.Exists(outputdir)) Directory.Delete(outputdir, true); Directory.CreateDirectory(outputdir); var assemblies = new List<string>(); var nonassemblies = new List<string>(); var files = new List<string>(); foreach(var file in Directory.GetFiles(inputdir)) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(file); var filename = Path.GetFileName(file); files.Add(filename); if (ext == ".dll" || ext==".exe") assemblies.Add(filename); else nonassemblies.Add(filename); } Console.WriteLine("InputDir: "+inputdir); Console.WriteLine("OutputDir: "+outputdir); Pipeline p = new Pipeline(); foreach(var file in assemblies) { var fullfile = Path.Combine(inputdir,file); IStep s = null; var action = GetAssemblyAction(file); if (action==AssemblyAction.Link) s = new MarkPublicApiExceptStep(fullfile); else if (action == AssemblyAction.Copy) s = new ResolveFromAssemblyStep(fullfile); if (s!=null) p.AppendStep(s); } p.AppendStep(new LoadReferencesStep()); p.AppendStep(new BlacklistStep()); p.AppendStep(new TypeMapStep()); p.AppendStep(new MarkAllFieldsOfSerializableTypes()); p.AppendStep(new MarkStep()); p.AppendStep(new SweepStep()); p.AppendStep(new CleanStep()); p.AppendStep(new RegenerateGuidStep()); p.AppendStep(new OutputStep()); p.AppendStep(new OutputMarkBacktraceReportStep()); p.AppendStep(new FailIfWeMissTypesThatWeShippedInAPreviousVersionStep()); LinkContext context = new LinkContext(p); context.CoreAction = AssemblyAction.Link; context.OutputDirectory = outputdir; context.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory(inputdir); p.Process(context); foreach(var file in files.Where(f => GetAssemblyAction(f)==AssemblyAction.Copy)) { var _from = Path.Combine(inputdir,file); var _to = Path.Combine(outputdir,file); File.Copy(_from,_to,true); } WriteDiffReport(inputdir,assemblies, outputdir); }
static List<string> ListAssemblies(LinkContext context) { var list = new List<string> (); foreach (var assembly in context.GetAssemblies ()) { if (context.Annotations.GetAction (assembly) == AssemblyAction.Delete) continue; list.Add (GetFullyQualifiedName (assembly)); } return list; }
public UnconditionalSuppressMessageAttributeState(LinkContext context) { _context = context; _localSuppressions = new Dictionary <ICustomAttributeProvider, Dictionary <int, SuppressMessageInfo> > (); }
public void Process (LinkContext context) { CustomizePipeline (context.Pipeline); ProcessAssemblies (context.GetAssemblies ()); }
public static TypeReference GetParameterType(this MethodReference method, int parameterIndex, LinkContext context) { if (method.DeclaringType is GenericInstanceType genericInstance) { return(TypeReferenceExtensions.InflateGenericType(genericInstance, method.Parameters[parameterIndex].ParameterType, context)); } return(method.Parameters[parameterIndex].ParameterType); }
public static IEnumerable <MethodReference> GetMethods(this TypeReference type, LinkContext context) { TypeDefinition typeDef = context.Resolve(type); if (typeDef?.HasMethods != true) { yield break; } if (type is GenericInstanceType genericInstanceType) { foreach (var methodDef in typeDef.Methods) { yield return(MakeMethodReferenceForGenericInstanceType(genericInstanceType, methodDef)); } } else { foreach (var method in typeDef.Methods) { yield return(method); } } }
public static IEnumerable <AssemblyDefinition> GetAssemblies(this LinkContext context) { return(LinkerConfiguration.GetInstance(context).Assemblies); }
static void Run(Pipeline pipeline, LinkContext context) { pipeline.Process (context); }
void Run() { Pipeline p = GetStandardPipeline(); using (LinkContext context = GetDefaultContext(p)) { I18nAssemblies assemblies = I18nAssemblies.All; var custom_steps = new List <string> (); bool resolver = false; while (HaveMoreTokens()) { string token = GetParam(); if (token.Length < 2) { Usage("Option is too short"); } if (!(token [0] == '-' || token [1] == '/')) { Usage("Expecting an option, got instead: " + token); } if (token [0] == '-' && token [1] == '-') { if (token.Length < 3) { Usage("Option is too short"); } if (token == "--skip-unresolved") { context.IgnoreUnresolved = bool.Parse(GetParam()); continue; } if (token == "--dump-dependencies") { var prepareDependenciesDump = context.Annotations.GetType().GetMethod("PrepareDependenciesDump", new Type [] { }); if (prepareDependenciesDump != null) { prepareDependenciesDump.Invoke(context.Annotations, null); } continue; } switch (token [2]) { case 'v': Version(); break; case 'a': About(); break; default: Usage(null); break; } } switch (token [1]) { case 'd': { DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(GetParam()); context.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory(info.FullName); break; } case 'o': context.OutputDirectory = GetParam(); break; case 'c': context.CoreAction = ParseAssemblyAction(GetParam()); break; case 'u': context.UserAction = ParseAssemblyAction(GetParam()); break; case 'p': AssemblyAction action = ParseAssemblyAction(GetParam()); context.Actions [GetParam()] = action; break; case 's': custom_steps.Add(GetParam()); break; case 't': context.KeepTypeForwarderOnlyAssemblies = true; break; case 'x': foreach (string file in GetFiles(GetParam())) { p.PrependStep(new ResolveFromXmlStep(new XPathDocument(file))); } resolver = true; break; case 'r': case 'a': var rootVisibility = (token [1] == 'r') ? ResolveFromAssemblyStep.RootVisibility.PublicAndFamily : ResolveFromAssemblyStep.RootVisibility.Any; foreach (string file in GetFiles(GetParam())) { p.PrependStep(new ResolveFromAssemblyStep(file, rootVisibility)); } resolver = true; break; case 'i': foreach (string file in GetFiles(GetParam())) { p.PrependStep(new ResolveFromXApiStep(new XPathDocument(file))); } resolver = true; break; case 'l': assemblies = ParseI18n(GetParam()); break; case 'm': context.SetParameter(GetParam(), GetParam()); break; case 'b': context.LinkSymbols = bool.Parse(GetParam()); break; case 'g': if (!bool.Parse(GetParam())) { p.RemoveStep(typeof(RegenerateGuidStep)); } break; case 'z': if (!bool.Parse(GetParam())) { p.RemoveStep(typeof(BlacklistStep)); } break; case 'v': context.KeepMembersForDebuggerAttributes = bool.Parse(GetParam()); break; default: Usage("Unknown option: `" + token [1] + "'"); break; } } if (!resolver) { Usage("No resolver was created (use -x, -a or -i)"); } foreach (string custom_step in custom_steps) { AddCustomStep(p, custom_step); } p.AddStepAfter(typeof(LoadReferencesStep), new LoadI18nAssemblies(assemblies)); if (_needAddBypassNGenStep) { p.AddStepAfter(typeof(SweepStep), new AddBypassNGenStep()); } p.Process(context); } }
public Tracer(LinkContext context) => this.context = context;
public void Process(LinkContext context) { _context = context; ProcessAssemblies(_document.CreateNavigator()); }
/// <summary> /// Performs packing. /// </summary> public void Run() { // Steps // 1) Mono.Cecil: Determine assembly dependencies // 2) ILMerge: Merge exe into a single assembly // 3) Mono.Linker var includeMergeListRegex = new string[] { @"SharpDX\..*" }; // Step 1 : Mono.Cecil: Determine assembly dependencies var assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(MainAssembly); var corlib = (AssemblyNameReference)assembly.MainModule.TypeSystem.Corlib; bool isNet40 = corlib.Version.Major == 4; var paths = new List<string>(); var fromDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.MainModule.FullyQualifiedName); // Load SharpDX assemblies AddAssemblies(assembly, paths, fromDirectory, includeMergeListRegex); // Load assemblies to link foreach (var assemblyToLinkName in AssembliesToLink) { var assemblyToLink = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyToLinkName); paths.Add(assemblyToLink.MainModule.FullyQualifiedName); } // Step 2: ILMerge: Merge exe into a single assembly var merge = new ILMerge(); String[] files = paths.ToArray(); if (!Directory.Exists(OutputDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputDirectory); //Here we get the first file name (which was the .exe file) and use that // as the output String strOutputFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(files[0]); merge.OutputFile = OutputDirectory + "\\" + strOutputFile; merge.SetInputAssemblies(files); merge.DebugInfo = false; merge.CopyAttributes = true; merge.AllowMultipleAssemblyLevelAttributes = true; merge.XmlDocumentation = false; // Special case for v4 framework // See if (isNet40) { // Retrieve the install root path for the framework string installRoot = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\.NetFramework", false).GetValue("InstallRoot").ToString(); var directorties = Directory.GetDirectories(installRoot, "v4.*"); if (directorties.Length == 0) UsageError(string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot found any .Net 4.0 directory from [{0}] ", installRoot)); merge.SetTargetPlatform("v4", directorties[0]); } merge.Merge(); // Step 3: Mono.Linker if (!NoLinker) { var pipeline = GetStandardPipeline(); var context = new LinkContext(pipeline) {CoreAction = AssemblyAction.Skip, OutputDirectory = OutputDirectory}; context.OutputDirectory = OutputDirectory; var mainAssemblyDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(MainAssembly))); context.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory(mainAssemblyDirectory.FullName); // Load assembly merged previously by ILMerge var mergedAssemblyDefinition = context.Resolve(merge.OutputFile); // Create Mono.Linker default pipeline pipeline = GetStandardPipeline(); pipeline.PrependStep(new ResolveFromAssemblyStep(mergedAssemblyDefinition)); // Add custom step for ComObject constructors pipeline.AddStepBefore(typeof (SweepStep), new ComObjectStep()); pipeline.Process(context); } Console.WriteLine("Assembly successfully packed to [{0}]", merge.OutputFile); }
public void Run(ILogger customLogger = null) { Pipeline p = GetStandardPipeline(); using (LinkContext context = GetDefaultContext(p)) { if (customLogger != null) { context.Logger = customLogger; } I18nAssemblies assemblies = I18nAssemblies.All; var custom_steps = new List <string> (); var excluded_features = new HashSet <string> (StringComparer.Ordinal); var disabled_optimizations = new HashSet <string> (StringComparer.Ordinal); var enabled_optimizations = new HashSet <string> (StringComparer.Ordinal); bool dumpDependencies = false; bool ignoreDescriptors = false; bool removeCAS = true; bool resolver = false; while (HaveMoreTokens()) { string token = GetParam(); if (token.Length < 2) { Usage("Option is too short"); } if (!(token [0] == '-' || token [1] == '/')) { Usage("Expecting an option, got instead: " + token); } if (token [0] == '-' && token [1] == '-') { if (token.Length < 3) { Usage("Option is too short"); } switch (token) { case "--skip-unresolved": bool ignoreUnresolved = bool.Parse(GetParam()); context.IgnoreUnresolved = ignoreUnresolved; context.Resolver.IgnoreUnresolved = ignoreUnresolved; continue; case "--verbose": context.LogMessages = true; continue; case "--dependencies-file": context.Tracer.DependenciesFileName = GetParam(); continue; case "--dump-dependencies": dumpDependencies = true; continue; case "--reduced-tracing": context.EnableReducedTracing = bool.Parse(GetParam()); continue; case "--used-attrs-only": context.KeepUsedAttributeTypesOnly = bool.Parse(GetParam()); continue; case "--strip-security": removeCAS = bool.Parse(GetParam()); continue; case "--strip-resources": context.StripResources = bool.Parse(GetParam()); continue; case "--substitutions": context.AddSubstitutionFile(GetParam()); continue; case "--exclude-feature": var name = GetParam(); foreach (var feature in name.Split(',')) { if (!excluded_features.Contains(feature)) { excluded_features.Add(feature); } } continue; case "--explicit-reflection": context.AddReflectionAnnotations = true; continue; case "--custom-step": custom_steps.Add(GetParam()); continue; case "--keep-facades": context.KeepTypeForwarderOnlyAssemblies = bool.Parse(GetParam()); continue; case "--keep-dep-attributes": context.KeepDependencyAttributes = bool.Parse(GetParam()); continue; case "--ignore-descriptors": ignoreDescriptors = bool.Parse(GetParam()); continue; case "--disable-opt": var opt = GetParam().ToLower(); if (!disabled_optimizations.Contains(opt)) { disabled_optimizations.Add(opt); } continue; case "--enable-opt": opt = GetParam().ToLower(); if (!enabled_optimizations.Contains(opt)) { enabled_optimizations.Add(opt); } continue; case "--new-mvid": if (!bool.Parse(GetParam())) { p.RemoveStep(typeof(RegenerateGuidStep)); } continue; case "--deterministic": context.DeterministicOutput = true; p.RemoveStep(typeof(RegenerateGuidStep)); continue; case "--output-assemblylist": context.AssemblyListFile = GetParam(); continue; } switch (token [2]) { case 'v': Version(); break; case 'a': About(); break; default: Usage(null); break; } } // Ensure this does not conflict with '-r' below. if (token == "-reference") { context.Resolver.AddReferenceAssembly(GetParam()); continue; } switch (token [1]) { case 'd': DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(GetParam()); context.Resolver.AddSearchDirectory(info.FullName); break; case 'o': context.OutputDirectory = GetParam(); break; case 'c': context.CoreAction = ParseAssemblyAction(GetParam()); break; case 'u': context.UserAction = ParseAssemblyAction(GetParam()); break; case 'p': AssemblyAction action = ParseAssemblyAction(GetParam()); context.Actions [GetParam()] = action; break; case 't': context.KeepTypeForwarderOnlyAssemblies = true; break; case 'x': foreach (string file in GetFiles(GetParam())) { p.PrependStep(new ResolveFromXmlStep(new XPathDocument(file))); } resolver = true; break; case 'r': case 'a': var rootVisibility = (token [1] == 'r') ? ResolveFromAssemblyStep.RootVisibility.PublicAndFamily : ResolveFromAssemblyStep.RootVisibility.Any; foreach (string file in GetFiles(GetParam())) { p.PrependStep(new ResolveFromAssemblyStep(file, rootVisibility)); } resolver = true; break; case 'i': foreach (string file in GetFiles(GetParam())) { p.PrependStep(new ResolveFromXApiStep(new XPathDocument(file))); } resolver = true; break; case 'l': assemblies = ParseI18n(GetParam()); break; case 'm': context.SetParameter(GetParam(), GetParam()); break; case 'b': context.LinkSymbols = bool.Parse(GetParam()); break; case 'g': if (!bool.Parse(GetParam())) { p.RemoveStep(typeof(RegenerateGuidStep)); } break; case 'z': ignoreDescriptors = !bool.Parse(GetParam()); break; case 'v': context.KeepMembersForDebugger = bool.Parse(GetParam()); break; default: Usage("Unknown option: `" + token [1] + "'"); break; } } if (!resolver) { Usage("No resolver was created (use -x, -a or -i)"); } if (ignoreDescriptors) { p.RemoveStep(typeof(BlacklistStep)); } if (dumpDependencies) { context.Tracer.Start(); } foreach (string custom_step in custom_steps) { AddCustomStep(p, custom_step); } if (context.AddReflectionAnnotations) { p.AddStepAfter(typeof(MarkStep), new ReflectionBlockedStep()); } p.AddStepAfter(typeof(LoadReferencesStep), new LoadI18nAssemblies(assemblies)); if (_needAddBypassNGenStep) { p.AddStepAfter(typeof(SweepStep), new AddBypassNGenStep()); } if (assemblies != I18nAssemblies.None) { p.AddStepAfter(typeof(PreserveDependencyLookupStep), new PreserveCalendarsStep(assemblies)); } p.AddStepBefore(typeof(MarkStep), new BodySubstituterStep()); if (removeCAS) { p.AddStepBefore(typeof(MarkStep), new RemoveSecurityStep()); } if (excluded_features.Count > 0) { p.AddStepBefore(typeof(MarkStep), new RemoveFeaturesStep() { FeatureCOM = excluded_features.Contains("com"), FeatureETW = excluded_features.Contains("etw"), FeatureSRE = excluded_features.Contains("sre"), FeatureGlobalization = excluded_features.Contains("globalization") }); var excluded = new string [excluded_features.Count]; excluded_features.CopyTo(excluded); context.ExcludedFeatures = excluded; } p.AddStepBefore(typeof(MarkStep), new RemoveUnreachableBlocksStep()); if (disabled_optimizations.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in disabled_optimizations) { switch (item) { case "beforefieldinit": context.DisabledOptimizations |= CodeOptimizations.BeforeFieldInit; break; case "overrideremoval": context.DisabledOptimizations |= CodeOptimizations.OverrideRemoval; break; case "unreachablebodies": context.DisabledOptimizations |= CodeOptimizations.UnreachableBodies; break; case "unusedinterfaces": context.DisabledOptimizations |= CodeOptimizations.UnusedInterfaces; break; } } } if (enabled_optimizations.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in enabled_optimizations) { switch (item) { case "unreachablebodies": context.DisabledOptimizations &= ~CodeOptimizations.UnreachableBodies; break; case "clearinitlocals": context.DisabledOptimizations &= ~CodeOptimizations.ClearInitLocals; break; } } } if (context.IsOptimizationEnabled(CodeOptimizations.ClearInitLocals)) { p.AddStepBefore(typeof(OutputStep), new ClearInitLocalsStep()); } PreProcessPipeline(p); try { p.Process(context); } finally { if (dumpDependencies) { context.Tracer.Finish(); } } } }
public static void LogMessage(this LinkContext context, string messsage) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
static DescriptorMarker GetExternalResolveStep(LinkContext context, EmbeddedResource resource, AssemblyDefinition assembly) { return(new DescriptorMarker(context, resource.GetResourceStream(), resource, assembly, "resource " + resource.Name + " in " + assembly.FullName)); }
static void GetAllOnType(TypeDefinition type, LinkContext context, bool declaredOnly, List <IMetadataTokenProvider> members, HashSet <TypeDefinition> types) { if (!types.Add(type)) { return; } if (type.HasNestedTypes) { foreach (var nested in type.NestedTypes) { members.Add(nested); // Base types and interfaces of nested types are always included. GetAllOnType(nested, context, declaredOnly: false, members, types); } } if (!declaredOnly) { var baseType = context.TryResolve(type.BaseType); if (baseType != null) { GetAllOnType(baseType, context, declaredOnly: false, members, types); } } if (type.HasInterfaces) { if (declaredOnly) { foreach (var iface in type.GetAllInterfaceImplementations(context, declaredOnly: true)) { members.Add(iface); } } else { foreach (var iface in type.Interfaces) { members.Add(iface); var interfaceType = context.TryResolve(iface.InterfaceType); if (interfaceType == null) { continue; } GetAllOnType(interfaceType, context, declaredOnly: false, members, types); } } } if (type.HasFields) { foreach (var f in type.Fields) { members.Add(f); } } if (type.HasMethods) { foreach (var m in type.Methods) { members.Add(m); } } if (type.HasProperties) { foreach (var p in type.Properties) { members.Add(p); } } if (type.HasEvents) { foreach (var e in type.Events) { members.Add(e); } } }
protected virtual void AddXmlDependencyRecorder(LinkContext context, string fileName) { context.Tracer.AddRecorder(new XmlDependencyRecorder(context, fileName)); }