DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame(MDB.StackFrame frame)
            string method = frame.Method.Name;

            if (frame.Method.DeclaringType != null)
                method = frame.Method.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method;
            var location = new DC.SourceLocation(method, SoftDebuggerSession.NormalizePath(frame.FileName), frame.LineNumber);
            var lang     = frame.Method != null? "Managed" : "Native";

            return(new DC.StackFrame(frame.ILOffset, frame.Method.FullName, location, lang, session.IsExternalCode(frame), true));
Пример #2
        DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame(MDB.StackFrame frame, int frameIndex)
            MDB.MethodMirror method       = frame.Method;
            MDB.TypeMirror   type         = method.DeclaringType;
            string           fileName     = frame.FileName;
            string           typeFullName = null;
            string           typeFQN      = null;
            string           methodName;

            if (fileName != null)
                fileName = SoftDebuggerSession.NormalizePath(fileName);

            if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 12) && method.IsGenericMethod)
                StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(method.Name);


                if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 15))
                    bool first = true;

                    foreach (var argumentType in method.GetGenericArguments())
                        if (!first)
                            name.Append(", ");

                        first = false;


                methodName = name.ToString();
                methodName = method.Name;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName))
                methodName = "[Function Without Name]";

            // Compiler generated anonymous/lambda methods
            bool special_method = false;

            if (methodName [0] == '<' && methodName.Contains(">m__"))
                int nidx = methodName.IndexOf(">m__", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 2;
                methodName     = "AnonymousMethod" + methodName.Substring(nidx, method.Name.Length - nidx);
                special_method = true;

            if (type != null)
                string typeDisplayName = session.Adaptor.GetDisplayTypeName(type.FullName);

                if (SoftDebuggerAdaptor.IsGeneratedType(type))
                    // The user-friendly method name is embedded in the generated type name
                    var mn = SoftDebuggerAdaptor.GetNameFromGeneratedType(type);

                    // Strip off the generated type name
                    int dot   = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf('.');
                    var tname = typeDisplayName.Substring(0, dot);

                    // Keep any type arguments
                    int targs = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf('<');
                    if (targs > dot + 1)
                        mn += typeDisplayName.Substring(targs, typeDisplayName.Length - targs);

                    typeDisplayName = tname;

                    if (special_method)
                        typeDisplayName += "." + mn;
                        methodName = mn;

                methodName = typeDisplayName + "." + methodName;

                typeFQN      = type.Module.FullyQualifiedName;
                typeFullName = type.FullName;
            bool external = false;
            bool hidden   = false;

            if (session.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 21))
                var ctx        = GetEvaluationContext(frameIndex, session.EvaluationOptions);
                var hiddenAttr = session.Adaptor.GetType(ctx, "System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute") as MDB.TypeMirror;
                hidden = method.GetCustomAttributes(hiddenAttr, true).Any();
            if (hidden)
                external = true;
                external = session.IsExternalCode(frame);
                if (!external && session.Options.ProjectAssembliesOnly && session.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 21))
                    var ctx             = GetEvaluationContext(frameIndex, session.EvaluationOptions);
                    var nonUserCodeAttr = session.Adaptor.GetType(ctx, "System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute") as MDB.TypeMirror;
                    external = method.GetCustomAttributes(nonUserCodeAttr, true).Any();

            var location = new DC.SourceLocation(methodName, fileName, frame.LineNumber, frame.ColumnNumber, frame.Location.EndLineNumber, frame.Location.EndColumnNumber, frame.Location.SourceFileHash);

            string addressSpace = string.Empty;
            bool   hasDebugInfo = false;
            string language;

            if (frame.Method != null)
                if (frame.IsNativeTransition)
                    language = "Transition";
                    addressSpace = method.FullName;
                    language     = "Managed";
                    hasDebugInfo = true;
                language = "Native";

            return(new SoftDebuggerStackFrame(frame, addressSpace, location, language, external, hasDebugInfo, hidden, typeFQN, typeFullName));
Пример #3
        DC.StackFrame CreateStackFrame(MDB.StackFrame frame)
            MDB.MethodMirror method       = frame.Method;
            MDB.TypeMirror   type         = method.DeclaringType;
            string           fileName     = frame.FileName;
            string           typeFullName = null;
            string           typeFQN      = null;
            string           methodName;

            if (fileName != null)
                fileName = SoftDebuggerSession.NormalizePath(fileName);

            if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 12) && method.IsGenericMethod)
                StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(method.Name);


                if (method.VirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 15))
                    bool first = true;

                    foreach (var argumentType in method.GetGenericArguments())
                        if (!first)
                            name.Append(", ");

                        first = false;


                methodName = name.ToString();
                methodName = method.Name;

            // Compiler generated anonymous/lambda methods
            bool special_method = false;

            if (methodName [0] == '<' && methodName.Contains(">m__"))
                int nidx = methodName.IndexOf(">m__") + 2;
                methodName     = "AnonymousMethod" + methodName.Substring(nidx, method.Name.Length - nidx);
                special_method = true;

            if (type != null)
                string typeDisplayName = session.Adaptor.GetDisplayTypeName(type.FullName);

                if (SoftDebuggerAdaptor.IsGeneratedType(type))
                    // The user-friendly method name is embedded in the generated type name
                    var mn = SoftDebuggerAdaptor.GetNameFromGeneratedType(type);

                    // Strip off the generated type name
                    int dot   = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf('.');
                    var tname = typeDisplayName.Substring(0, dot);

                    // Keep any type arguments
                    int targs = typeDisplayName.LastIndexOf('<');
                    if (targs > dot + 1)
                        mn += typeDisplayName.Substring(targs, typeDisplayName.Length - targs);

                    typeDisplayName = tname;

                    if (special_method)
                        typeDisplayName += "." + mn;
                        methodName = mn;

                methodName = typeDisplayName + "." + methodName;

                typeFQN      = type.Module.FullyQualifiedName;
                typeFullName = type.FullName;

            var location = new DC.SourceLocation(methodName, fileName, frame.LineNumber);
            var external = session.IsExternalCode(frame);

            return(new SoftDebuggerStackFrame(frame, method.FullName, location, "Managed", external, true, typeFQN, typeFullName));