GetSignatureForError() публичный Метод

public GetSignatureForError ( ) : string
Результат string
Пример #1
        // Processes "see" or "seealso" elements.
        // Checks cref attribute.
        private static void HandleXrefCommon(MemberCore mc,
                                             DeclSpace ds, XmlElement xref, Report Report)
            string cref = xref.GetAttribute("cref").Trim(wsChars);

            // when, XmlReader, "if (cref == null)"
            if (!xref.HasAttribute("cref"))
            if (cref.Length == 0)
                Report.Warning(1001, 1, mc.Location, "Identifier expected");
            // ... and continue until CS1584.

            string signature;        // "x:" are stripped
            string name;             // method invokation "(...)" are removed
            string parameters;       // method parameter list

            // When it found '?:' ('T:' 'M:' 'F:' 'P:' 'E:' etc.),
            // MS ignores not only its member kind, but also
            // the entire syntax correctness. Nor it also does
            // type fullname resolution i.e. "T:List(int)" is kept
            // as T:List(int), not
            // T:System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32>
            if (cref.Length > 2 && cref [1] == ':')
                signature = cref;

            // Also note that without "T:" any generic type
            // indication fails.

            int parens_pos = signature.IndexOf('(');
            int brace_pos  = parens_pos >= 0 ? -1 :

            if (parens_pos > 0 && signature [signature.Length - 1] == ')')
                name       = signature.Substring(0, parens_pos).Trim(wsChars);
                parameters = signature.Substring(parens_pos + 1, signature.Length - parens_pos - 2).Trim(wsChars);
            else if (brace_pos > 0 && signature [signature.Length - 1] == ']')
                name       = signature.Substring(0, brace_pos).Trim(wsChars);
                parameters = signature.Substring(brace_pos + 1, signature.Length - brace_pos - 2).Trim(wsChars);
                name       = signature;
                parameters = null;
            Normalize(mc, ref name, Report);

            string identifier = GetBodyIdentifierFromName(name);

            // Check if identifier is valid.
            // This check is not necessary to mark as error, but
            // csc specially reports CS1584 for wrong identifiers.
            string [] name_elems = identifier.Split('.');
            for (int i = 0; i < name_elems.Length; i++)
                string nameElem = GetBodyIdentifierFromName(name_elems [i]);
                if (i > 0)
                    Normalize(mc, ref nameElem, Report);
                if (!Tokenizer.IsValidIdentifier(nameElem) &&
                    nameElem.IndexOf("operator") < 0)
                    Report.Warning(1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute `{1}'",
                                   mc.GetSignatureForError(), cref);
                    xref.SetAttribute("cref", "!:" + signature);

            // check if parameters are valid
            AParametersCollection parameter_types;

            if (parameters == null)
                parameter_types = null;
            else if (parameters.Length == 0)
                parameter_types = ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters;
                string [] param_list = parameters.Split(',');
                var       plist      = new List <TypeSpec> ();
                for (int i = 0; i < param_list.Length; i++)
                    string param_type_name = param_list [i].Trim(wsChars);
                    Normalize(mc, ref param_type_name, Report);
                    TypeSpec param_type = FindDocumentedType(mc, param_type_name, ds, cref, Report);
                    if (param_type == null)
                        Report.Warning(1580, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid type for parameter `{0}' in XML comment cref attribute `{1}'",
                                       (i + 1).ToString(), cref);

                parameter_types = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved(plist.ToArray());

            TypeSpec type = FindDocumentedType(mc, name, ds, cref, Report);

            if (type != null
                // delegate must not be referenced with args
                && (!type.IsDelegate ||
                    parameter_types == null))
                string result = GetSignatureForDoc(type)
                                + (brace_pos < 0 ? String.Empty : signature.Substring(brace_pos));
                xref.SetAttribute("cref", "T:" + result);
                return;                 // a type

            int period = name.LastIndexOf('.');

            if (period > 0)
                string typeName    = name.Substring(0, period);
                string member_name = name.Substring(period + 1);
                string lookup_name = member_name == "this" ? MemberCache.IndexerNameAlias : member_name;
                Normalize(mc, ref lookup_name, Report);
                Normalize(mc, ref member_name, Report);
                type = FindDocumentedType(mc, typeName, ds, cref, Report);
                int warn_result;
                if (type != null)
                    var mi = FindDocumentedMember(mc, type, lookup_name, parameter_types, ds, out warn_result, cref, true, name, Report);
                    if (warn_result > 0)
                    if (mi != null)
                        // we cannot use 'type' directly
                        // to get its name, since mi
                        // could be from DeclaringType
                        // for nested types.
                        xref.SetAttribute("cref", GetMemberDocHead(mi) + GetSignatureForDoc(mi.DeclaringType) + "." + member_name + GetParametersFormatted(mi));
                        return;                         // a member of a type
                int warn_result;
                var mi = FindDocumentedMember(mc, ds.PartialContainer.Definition, name, parameter_types, ds, out warn_result, cref, true, name, Report);

                if (warn_result > 0)
                if (mi != null)
                    // we cannot use 'type' directly
                    // to get its name, since mi
                    // could be from DeclaringType
                    // for nested types.
                    xref.SetAttribute("cref", GetMemberDocHead(mi) + GetSignatureForDoc(mi.DeclaringType) + "." + name + GetParametersFormatted(mi));
                    return;                     // local member name

            // It still might be part of namespace name.
            Namespace ns = ds.NamespaceEntry.NS.GetNamespace(name, false);

            if (ns != null)
                xref.SetAttribute("cref", "N:" + ns.GetSignatureForError());
                return;                 // a namespace
            if (mc.Module.GlobalRootNamespace.IsNamespace(name))
                xref.SetAttribute("cref", "N:" + name);
                return;                 // a namespace

            Report.Warning(1574, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has cref attribute `{1}' that could not be resolved",
                           mc.GetSignatureForError(), cref);

            xref.SetAttribute("cref", "!:" + name);
Пример #2
 public string GetSignatureForError()
Пример #3
        public void Define()
            if (resolved)

            // FIXME: Because we call Define from bottom not top
            if (parent != null)

            namespace_using_table = empty_namespaces;
            resolved = true;

            if (clauses != null)
                var  list = new List <Namespace> (clauses.Count);
                bool post_process_using_aliases = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < clauses.Count; ++i)
                    var entry = clauses[i];

                    if (entry.Alias != null)
                        if (aliases == null)
                            aliases = new Dictionary <string, UsingAliasNamespace> ();

                        // Aliases are not available when resolving using section
                        // except extern aliases
                        if (entry is UsingExternAlias)
                            if (entry.ResolvedExpression != null)
                                aliases.Add(entry.Alias.Value, (UsingExternAlias)entry);

                            post_process_using_aliases = true;



                    Namespace using_ns = entry.ResolvedExpression as Namespace;
                    if (using_ns == null)

                    if (list.Contains(using_ns))
                        Compiler.Report.Warning(105, 3, entry.Location,
                                                "The using directive for `{0}' appeared previously in this namespace", using_ns.GetSignatureForError());

                namespace_using_table = list.ToArray();

                if (post_process_using_aliases)
                    for (int i = 0; i < clauses.Count; ++i)
                        var entry = clauses[i];
                        if (entry.Alias != null)
                            if (entry.ResolvedExpression != null)
                                aliases.Add(entry.Alias.Value, (UsingAliasNamespace)entry);
